Jamie Foxx Tells Amazing Stories About Kanye, Chris Brown, Madonna, Drake, Oprah and Diddy

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this is sway sway sway sway in the morning in the morning in the morning sh wake your [ __ ] ass cred wait hold on turn that mic down for a second all right yeah Jamie what's up man you up baby how you doing got the you we talk about that what talk about yo I'll be hearing y'all man this you listening to this you a citizen the s in the morning d what you talking about man I don't know you're a Legend baby you're a legend a come on man no no no no but think about it though how many years though and you started when you was 12 good point cuz you you look me me me me and uh uh uh uh me and Funk Flex was talking about getting older we was like yeah got to get that get that colored up you know what I'm saying got to stay young you get all this DED up yeah look good too man look good he look good my calorie game is mean yeah yeah is that what he be saying we came on the radio in 1991 when we was on the beat in La no no no not the beat we came in San Francisco and then we went to the beat in La came how crazy is that that's ridiculous 91 I remember that I remember I had on some Z cavari at that time damn what is D jeans yeah it's crazy remember J I had the eightball leather jacket damn car canai the cross colors cross colors yeah car canine made me feel like I was graduated from car canai you feel more sophisticated you made little money uh and I remember seeing Jamie first time I saw you live you were in Sacramento s you were in Sacramento and I had no idea that you was uh musically inclined so I went to see you tell jokes yeah I'm like damn this [ __ ] can sing and that was always tough though too though cuz coming like from and Living Color and [ __ ] like that it was like nobody believed that nobody could like [ __ ] I can't I I keep laughing at this dud right and I remember trying to get my music off I remember at that time I'm doing this character wo on the living K hey for right I have his favorite character hey for real and I'm doing the show but we I'm not known yet I just started so like maybe two shows in I'm doing a character but Teddy Riley and guy come to the show and I'm like snap I I grab my cassette tape right cuz I've been working on my demo you got to turn the wheel yeah so but I'm dressed as Wanda wow and Teddy Riley leaving so I'm like running down the hall yo Ted this [ __ ] turn around and see titties and size 21 pumps and [ __ ] it's like what the [ __ ] and I said yo yo Ted yo man I want you to check my music out I do music he goes impossible he said impossible [ __ ] said impossible at that time you know I mean come on it was huge he said nah [ __ ] impossible I was like oh snap I'll never be able to and then it wasn't until years later like years later your boy our boy yeah I'm throwing a party I do these parties called on my balcony you you know you been there where everybody comes to come comes to the party mostly musically inclined and I wanted to be in music so I put a a studio in my house so I would invite all music people and throw a bash for them snoo puff everybody call on my balcony but I'm trying to get 16 bars let them go in you know what I'm saying secret Network I'm saying I'm I'm yo yo Snoop just lay down something for me so I can get on it or whatever like that and then one day throwing his party and all of a sudden this dude walk in with a backpack jaw a little swollen mhm Kanye Kanye and that's yeah yeah and Bri and Bri brought him to the crib and I said who's that they said what Kanye what do you do he said he produces with Jay-Z and he about to be the next thing I said well whatever he is he got to perform here at the house cuz everybody has to perform so Kanye did some was was AC cappella I was like this [ __ ] is incredible right yeah and then he said uh uh I have a song uh I want you to get on I like [ __ ] what I got the studio in the back word so we go on the back and he said a song go she say she wants some Mar and gay some Luther van I said I got it I got it she say she wants some M he said what you doing I said you don't know nothing about R&B I got to put the R&B [ __ ] on and this when we learned this when we learned about Kanye he said uh don't do that but I'm jie fox said yeah but don't do that he said just do the song like like this so I did a song and in my mind I'm like this [ __ ] is whack he's not gonna make it right and then I left I did a I did I left I did a bad movie it came back and when I came back from that I said yeah remember that song you was fronting on it's number one in the country and so that's how that's how I actually got into the music job and that's how you got that acclamation right and that because at that time it was long enough for people who knew me back at the at the In Living Color day had gotten older and the Young Folks saw me and they was like oh that's the dude with Kanye West you know so that's how I jumped into the music wow even stories man let me tell give another story I you know how I used this is how I was tracking music so hard remember when puff was like super huge in music like puff would walk into a club and girls would literally tell they man listen I'm gonna puff is here I'm g go ahead and go I'm g go ahead and go he's here and he was just leave with everybody like and all the girl and when puff would show up at the club we couldn't even get in the club if we was in LA cuz he just take over everything right so I started carrying a camera to get into the parties uhhuh so I had ser and it wasn't like the little you know the little you no it was the big [ __ ] cannon with the light and [ __ ] and the [ __ ] and I said I popped out of the uh sedan I was riding sedan following Puff's like party I popped out just about to go into the club I said puff can I can I document he's like what I said can I document you we got to get this you f right this [ __ ] is crazy yeah Playboy yeah but come on go Playboy I'm come on y recreate that I just my battery went down and so I'm filming all this [ __ ] right and I remember being I got puffed at a I got puffed at this party in Philly and he said he spent a million and a half dollars on the party I said you sp what [ __ ] you spent a million and half dollar on the party yeah play boy you said and it was fly it was incredible and I told him I'll throw you a party in La for $400 that'll rival this party and he was like you out of your [ __ ] I said I'm telling you I said because I thought Party in La so anyway he comes to LA and this how this how the the on my balcony [ __ ] started he comes to LA on a Saturday he says make it happen like 8: in the morning get in my phones we get 200 people in my small house that's the dopest people in La uh when he gets there I said look at the layup he oh that's the girl from this and that's the girl I said yeah yeah we all work out here so it was incredible right M I said but look at the spread I got Kentucky Fried Chicken over there I just put it I just put it in the plates right there I got Cola I said I just got Coca-Cola and it was cool $400 Max at that party was amazing because puff was the man and and this was out the and [ __ ] from La was really hating like [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] but [ __ ] Dam oh [ __ ] do theer you got to isolate the shoulder that's right [ __ ] I'm telling you so so the party is the party is crazy yeah puff is there Missy Elliott Missy got a room Puff got the room it's crazy guy standing next to the wall with a green jumpsuit like a jump jacket on whatever nobody knew who he was who was it oh gosh who was it Jay-Z nobody knew who he was this is before Jay-Z po that's right so the party is blazing we sing in karaoke it's crazy I go to my garage I go to my garage there a little dude and a tall dude the little dude say yo be it's like this all the time like girls and [ __ ] like this it's crazy it's just nuts I said yeah man it's crazy who are you oh we the Neptunes wow I said what's your name said my name is for real I said yeah man I heard of Y man y' [ __ ] is going to be hot it was that type of party so we've been doing these parties that was like 2,000 and that's how that's how I started getting into the to the Music Joint and then throwing before 2000 though was it that was before 2000 no it was it you don't think so when was that song out when was that song out that song was out hard night life Volume 2 was when he popped so it's like that same time oh okay all right that the same time okay because what was that song out we ain't going nowhere 9999 so just it was just before Jay-Z bubbled on the cusp he was on because you got think La you know we get it slow we knew I'm thinking hipop we knew J you knew you know La we still playing boys and men and the top song is boys you know we don't you know La yo the party so I started doing parties like that and then finally it escalated I got a bigger house yay and and one party I did for for for for Drake 2,500 people counted into the party what 2500 2500 people counting at your house at the house do you have security at your house of course okay yeah but it was like and it was like at 3 in the afternoon like 50 girls showed up in in a van and said we here for the part said well you know Drake don't get till 11 this when he F his first album she said we'll wait and then by the time he got there I remember Drake getting out the car closed too big cuz you know just got the new clothes he had like the the letus jacket he was just like he was you know he was young skinny and it him and his boy and I had a drive-in movie poster a movie poster picture of his artwork at the house like like literally 15 20 feet tall he's like oh I said man we want to toast you want to we want to make sure you understand that you're going to receive a lot of hate so before you get all that we we let you get so he Coes in the back 2,500 people it was crazy he goes on the on the balcony I do an interview and I say yo Drake just do something for us like you know say something to the people he said ah oh man uhh I don't know I said I said just saying so he leans over the back and says I'm more than just an option he refuse man the whole place went up in smoke we parted till like 6:00 in the morning 4:00 I had a guy come and play his music unplugged on the piano so everybody sort of wrapped over and we do this thing called new music hour and you'll be hearing about this more too new we call it new artist hour we're at my house for an hour all the new artists who's trying to get on can perform no one's allowed to boo no one's allowed to like you know talk [ __ ] and everybody does that thing the last time we did it Chris Brown who was having a situation where he couldn't go out he was like too crazy so he always comes to the crib I said you can come here turn your camera phones off so I think it was him tiger all these other cats M crib and the last time we did it he plays his new album and so people started performing right this one dude said yo Fox I I don't sing but I got something for Chris and he played the song called we going run we going to run some red lights and it was dope and Chris ended up cutting it so that's the type like en all the time yeah that's the environment oh that's amazing man you got to come you got to come yeah got come crazy I went to cuz you used to we used to live around the corner from each other in Tarzana yeah yeah oh man Dam yeah and I'm glad it was no camera phone man the the house in Tarzan I just walked around the corner and said let me let me sneak in I can get in come on and I went in there and um man I ain't never seen like that yeah yeah it it was it was it was classic yeah it the thing about it the environment was it was so many people there big names that were so relaxed they were just themselves and it was like yo I wish I could see more dudes be able to relax like like like the one party we had a Christmas party we always do a Christmas party every year on December 23rd we always do our annual Christmas party and we do that for people who can't get back to their homes like in LA we we started like maybe 20 years AG go like a't no man we can't get back to the crib so we th the Christmas party so the one Christmas party it was I think it was like 2005 it was the the the the lay of the room Sal M hyek over here Eddie Murphy over here Snoop and game and everybody in between just having a and I remember oh man I remember this Suge showed up it was crazy and this was when the sh it was the real sh it wasn't like now how you see sh you be like oh in a wheelchair right you know what I'm saying it was like the real sh showed up and I was like Snap that's too much me because how the [ __ ] do I tell he can't come into the [ __ ] party I'm not kidding you and and my and the guy the guys that I do have in security they they real guys right you know say yo Fox uh shs I said I said [ __ ] I lost 30 PBS I said can't we can't we can't right now because it would be it would be crazy I don't want s m Hayek to catch a bottle or something in the head or something right so I remember saying I remember having to go tell people at the party just watching that cuz my man outside down there by that Chevron yeah okay you know the Chev it was that's that's a vantage point it's like you know that's a CO to you can't get past you got to go past the Chun so I remember telling game sh's outside he's like one fear no fear though uhhuh he was like all right all right bet you know okay and then I told and I see Snoop dancing with like four girls right and so I said Snoop [ __ ] I don't want to alarm you but uh sh's outside and he does this you ain't going to let him in is you uh no cool and and you know so it was like that so it was so it was incredible moments but danger at the same time which is great you know that Jamie it's true Jamie got a new album called Hollywood oh that's right that's coming out May 18th right you talked about how you first met Chris Brown called CH me Brown ising up the you put out two other songs that just they okay it's one of them was yeah okay it wasn't the best repres okay we want to move forward right I you know what it's like this you got to stay real with yourself like you know sometimes you say hey I say yeah y'all can try that cuz see I'm an executioner I don't I don't get in the way of the music I let my I let the music people handle it you know what I'm saying it's like because I remember like talking to Brion like I'm like I remember Bri Brion always finds the right records he found Slow Jams he found gold digger he found the gold digger moment was amazing but the gold digger moment was amazing because Brion calls me like 3: in the morning get your ass up [ __ ] get up get up you want to be in the music business get your ass up get your ass up get your ass up he say everything three times so he said Kanye working on this track and uh it's crazy get down so I get up 4 in the morning drive down there and I walk in the studio and you hear they working on I ain't saying she a go I'm like oh [ __ ] I'm like this and he's like [ __ ] what are you doing I said nigga's hot you ain't on the track yet uhuh so he just go over and press stop everybody was like what happened here that [ __ ] is whack it's Brion this his whack this his whack it's whack unless you put my man on it my man gotta get on going in there Fox going in the booth I'm like what the [ __ ] so I go in the booth and he's and Brion takes over the session and and I say okay we run it back run back run back and then all of a sudden she take and that's what it was wow and sent uhhuh oh she's go [ __ ] that dig on me that's how it happen damn you know jny Fox is here I want to open up the phone lines and that was right was that after you won the Oscar right after the Oscar littleit right yeah yeah so the heat the heat was the heat was on the ray thing and then I think I think that was one of his most brilliant songs that that yay did you know what saying even to this day when you sing that everywhere they go crazy for that but uh yeah but I I don't ever get in the way the music so like cuz I tried one time cuz I thought I had a song that was hot uhuh and we had an argument and I and I think I was in the in the in a studio with Timberland I said man you know Brion Hayden man this this is real artist to artist no [ __ ] you know wrecking people I want you to hear this song cuz I think this is you know Jamie Fox's best and I'm talking in third person and I played it for Timber and he stopped at 15 seconds that [ __ ] is old you saying if you want to you do if you want to [ __ ] you gonna be in Pachanga you going to be the casinos that's what you you going to be a panga I said you don't think it had the the essence and I give [ __ ] about no people going listen to that [ __ ] you young people let me show you something you play me some I was like oh [ __ ] yeah so I know how to step back and just let them do the music but when it is whack I say it's whack you know it's no I'm not I'm not pressed to to try to fake it you know it was it was whack but I think with this one with Chris Brown and everything I think this is the essence of what the real album is about and and I think you'll see now it'll progress from that you know uh you know and get better you changed me Jamie Fox Sway in the Morning in the morning you changed me Jamie Fox sound good we we talking about we're talking about we talking about Chris Brown Young Chris Brown I meet him he's years old throwing another party in Miami Eddie Murphy Colin phoh everybody's in the building we're having a great time OJ came to that party what OJ simpon OJ Simpson walked in the [ __ ] party and it was crazy cuz that was when it was still like sort of like fresh and people like oh it was that [ __ ] was dancing oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] you know cuz you you see him on TV you say oh this [ __ ] really right here especially white people they was like oh oh my God what kind of party is this and all of the comedians rushed to the to the DJ booth to try to get the joke off so I grabbed him like oh [ __ ] we got OJ in the house it's a killer party now right so everybody's like oh snaps talk about jokes right that [ __ ] snuck up in the DJ booth though and said yo I heard them jokes I said oh man yo what's up Lord let me see your hands right uh but I saw Young Chris Brown in the audience dancing and uh I said who is that in the dudes and just dancing they was just doing the new whatever that [ __ ] was whatever that [ __ ] [ __ ] was so I called going to call him out so I go down you know get out of VIP and I say yo what's up I try to like challenge as a dance he just did a flip I said okay yeah so game over right old but uh I've known this dude since he 15 we were talking off the air about how how talented he is and what he had to go through I've talked to him whenever it's good and indifferent yeah uh he comes to the crib sometimes people don't get a chance to see the Chris Brown I see comes to the crib dances with my sister who has down synd for hours just a different person and uh so it made sense on this record cuz when we were doing Jimmy Kimmel he walks in with his daughter and I said there you go I said now now look at you now you get it right and he was like this and his daughter was like this like just like and I hope he don't mind me me telling that story but you just see something over him that I said now now you now you get to press the reset button and really do something in incredible because the way he was holding his daughter I said man now that's everybody don't need to see it cuz you don't need to promote it but I'm tell you right now that's a whole different thing so on that track it's not about you know his daughter or anything like that on this track but it just it just interesting that that the dynamic is you know you changed me y you you you have always put your daughter yeah up front too you've done that too you know like bring her to the award shows and all of that you got to because you know like in our business man and I don't know who all got kids or whatever like that but sometimes our business will take us away from our kids so when I was doing this movie with Oliver Stone he said don't do that take your kids with you that's when my daughter was really young cuz I was I said Okay cool so I started taking my daughters with me everywhere I go so they can experience especially my little one my my six-year-old she just everywhere like when she went to the Grammys she was like she was at a safari she was just trying to get pictures with everybody she got pictures with Jay she got pictures with Katy Perry Madonna was incredible she loved Madonna she was like oh I love her dad I said really I love I said well let's go meet Madonna she said your performance was the best performance you know what Madonna said good taste that's to your daughter yeah that was a classic MCD Mna answer right but yeah I always bring my kids with me man and and just let them experience it um I was saying this way before you got here to me you telling everybody else's story but I find it curious that it sounds like your music didn't translate during the Jamie Fox show like and I loved it I kept thinking when is he GNA put out an album not all how come sorry how come it didn't translate you think in the show cuz I I was too I was too funny you know what I'm saying so sometimes when you got that Persona of being funny it's hard to get out of that so people are listening but they ain't really understanding what it is but then when you actually like like Brian was like this he said look bro you don't have to joke it out all the time he says let me go find you real records that other artists would perform like like like that's what's going to give you real credibility because you have to sort of overstep you know so when you found so when he found like blaming On the Alcohol he says you got to do this record exactly like this record and don't do it like you know you would do it and so when you have the the the hit record that's when it's now people take you seriously and then it takes time it takes you time to get away from that because a lot of people haven't like when I'm I'm out here with these like younger folks like they don't know none of none of this you know and and that's that's interesting too getting older in the business and people not like and just getting old is a trip cuz I'll be in the club you know what I'm saying spending records or whatever like and and talking to some girls like you know that I said how old are you 21 and my friend is 22 and she's 23 oh my God she's so old she's 26 and I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] so I when I tell tell them how old I am you would have thought I told him I had cancer said how old are you I said 47 oh my God how long have you had that I like can't you let's get some pink ribbons he's going to die I'm moving away from so no but it's true so but but it's true so it's like you know the music now can be can be embraced because a lot of people didn't a lot of people that are getting the music now didn't see those show so which Talent Discovery came first finding out you a funny or finding out you could sing I think find not you're funny comes earli because you're dealing with like you know social things like you know maybe it's a bully on the street you know you got to joke that out I don't want to have to throw hands with this big [ __ ] so I got to get that off get the jokes but I think I think the funny just comes you're blessed with funny you've seen people you've seen Eddie Murphy youve seen Kevin har you've seen Chris T you just blessed with that part so when I was in the third grade my um my teacher would let me like have Fridays to tell jokes you know to the kids and at that time Johnny Carson was the show so I would take jokes from the Johnny Carson show and tell them to the kids cuz they you know my grandmother would let me watch Johnny Carson and stuff so you know watching like uh Steve Allen and and uh David brener and d and and the young David Letterman doing the guest spot on on Johnny watching a young Richard prior so that's how the jokes started formulated but it wasn't until like jokes was cool you know like but women with LA you get girls with jokes is say but when you sing it's completely different like like I would tell people I said you know when I when I when I when I'm telling jokes I'm Eric Bishop but when I sing I'm Denzel it's like women just you know it's completely different yeah different reaction so when I got in Lon Richie was hot at the time so I grew my curl out you know what I'm saying oh I remember that yeah yeah so I was you know I was singing all the lon Richie song I got in like the eighth grade so that's that's when that started Oscar Grammy two different Awards two different fields which was one more gratifying for you I I think the Oscar for what that did for all of all of us like the Ray Charles thing it was just amazing moment and like we experienced that moment like nobody else because I didn't think it was going to happen so at the time I was partying so much and getting into a lot of trouble before the Oscars was coming up and I got a call from somebody named Oprah Winfrey hi Jamie Fox it's Oprah Winfrey and I ended up having to go meet with her and say Jamie you got a real opportunity to win this but you got to slow down because I it was I didn't know it was a campaign yeah you know what I'm saying so I she ended up taking me to a party and at the party it was at Quincy Jones's house and Quincy comes out hey man [ __ ] man you're doing a great job man at Ray Charles man you killed that son of a [ __ ] man it's amazing man man yeah come on in man I see the records on the wall 54 million man Michael Jackson man it was amazing man you got a chance man to make history man man just let not [ __ ] it up man come on man [ __ ] so he introduces me to all of these older black actors and actresses from like the 60s and 70s they were there like some of them looked like they had just got that suit for that night no but you know what I mean like they haven't been around and what and they would just I was like oh I remember you I remember and they were like we counting on you and then Oprah says okay Jamie you want to meet the person that's uh here to actually like night you he's right over there and it was Sydney porier wow wow and so they walked me over the city party and he says I saw you one time you were at a party do you remember that and I was like man yes he and I said what should I do he says I give you one thing I give you responsibility and I said what does that mean he said you you're respons responsible for your art you're responsible for your movies and all that just do the right thing so when we won that it was a completely different you know feeling like everybody like you know we I didn't even go to the Vanity Fair party yeah like I I went to like my boy threw a party so all of the homies and everybody that could get so we we went there when I walked in it was you know [ __ ] smoking weed we partying whatever they took the trophy out my hand people was taking pictures with it and [ __ ] but uh uh that was like the biggest like moment Grammy is gr more gratifying on the music tip because I've always wanted to do music so when you talk about a Grammy that to me that's that's personally like all I've ever wanted to do but you know both of them have their uh their UPS um Mo'Nique won her Oscar and since it's hey hey baby let me tell you something okay okay sisters Hey sisters both you comedians come you know and yes she she she's had you know she's had turbulence yeah cuz I'm not going to do it I'mma tell you right now [ __ ] that [ __ ] okay they not going to make me do this [ __ ] Hollywood Dance I'm telling you right now I'm not going to no uh uh it winning the Oscar is a trip yeah because when you win the Oscar it throws you too far up I don't keep the Oscar in my house yeah I let somebody else hold it because sometimes when people wear osers they start speaking like English accents and [ __ ] how you feel well you you after the osar was more so I don't want to have that what what Mo'Nique went through was something that you can't explain it's like it's so big and that moment is so big and there's no one there to tell you like it's tomorrow and so whatever move you make because if you think about Hollywood everybody in their mama goes to try to win the Oscar I didn't know that yeah but when I said one day I was all I was a singer I really wasn't into this this Oscar thing my public says you can't do that cuz there's people like Martin Scorsese that have never won wow yeah so Mo Monique and just like me not re maybe not recognizing what it really is yeah and so when you say the turbulence afterwards it's no difference than anybody who's ever won best supporting actor and you could check the check the history it's always a dark time after that because where do you get that performance monetarily I mean it's like you know that's a performance that's that's critically a claim but it's not really a monetary thing so it's not really the type of movie that everybody's going to see in the masses and then there is a dance that you have to do yeah you know and I had to do it and and it was a couple of times where I blew up like yo you but I had people around me say yo you got it it's another day coming so Mo'Nique is talented that's the one thing though Monique is a very talented person very talented uh actress she killed that role she's a very talented comedian so one thing about real talented people they will always work it's just that now we live in a society where everything is blown up so large you just got to sort of how to know how to like make my step or not say anything yeah you know what I'm saying so I I don't know like you know you know what her deal is but I just know that anything that she does I'm going to go see I'm going go support it no matter what she got the new movie Blackbird coming on Friday Justin Walker future star uh Jamie man thank you for coming man I'll come back man we got time to hang out and then we we do a little longer hey don't forget um the new album Hollywood is out May 18th yep and uh you changed me it's a big record for you once again I can't wait to see you live in concert U thanks for coming through bro thanks man follow me on my uh pimp uh Instagram uh Instagram pagram uh Instagram uh I am Jamie Fox and I'll be like doing like little Snippets and letting you know when the album is coming you'll be seeing folks like yourself on there thanks man what's up Jamie fo It's s in the morning only on sh 45
Views: 3,311,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sway, sways universe, sway in the morning, heather b, dj wonder, tracy g, interview, news, music, film, hip-hop, rap, shade45, siriusxm, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc, Jamie Foxx (Celebrity), Mo'Nique Imes-Jackson (Celebrity), Monique, Lee Daniels, 5 fingers of death, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle
Id: -UAXs1c9Who
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2015
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