Snl moments that give me thick mack daddy energy

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all right well despite trump's stonewalling it's still likely that robert mueller will testify before congress hey my little brother i wish i had another jason you're not that cool i hate my little brother i wish i had another you should go to school hello is anyone there anna kristoff olaf i'm gay is anyone there [Music] [Music] i'm gonna let you finish this next sip before i say this okay okay the democrats could make him testify if they start impeachment proceedings what jessica jones impeachment would be crazy okay that is the last resort of the loopy local left who hate this president and his thick mack daddy energy what are you talking about wait annie do you i mean color okay if you do it i don't tell her psychic vision must be yourself or something this doesn't sound anything like me at all i like going to museums and concerts and stuff no i see no concerts in 2020 only coloring monday coloring tuesday coloring everyday coloring [Music] excuse me sir can you please lower your jazz there are five miracles of home water birth asleep in this house it's almost 9 p.m i can teach in the ground can't i yes let's uh let's place our hands on the wheel okay remember how old are my kids ten and two oh oh my dear god teacher fell more all right so i'm just gonna ask this now so by ignoring the subpoenas and i'm going to hold your arm for this part by ignoring the subpoenas trump might actually give democrats more reason to impeach [Applause] what are apples lacking flavor they make up for in on the ground lisa kudrow well there's a t-rex and must must move faster must move faster oh no oh no must move faster dame maggie smith sorry what exactly am i to do with this oh no the turtles have now picked up sandwiches i get it the turtles are bullying the sandwiches like the birds bullied the turtles it's a cycle and now the turtles have learned to fly without the help of the birds as have the sandwiches all right you you laugh it up laugh away like this is some episode of friend do you mean friends i don't know movies i love you you're my king little friendship kiss there look look it's kylie jenner can i get a selfie can i get a selfie look look it's chris hemsworth can i get a selfie can i get a selfie look look it's a scientist that is my nipple and i think you know that i think i know you like it chemistry test with sofia vergara and daisy ridley hurry the ship's leaving yes we need to go to space is it for the little minions what i love minions the little yellow guy they are so funny you can understand nothing they say and be sure to take home some of our penis gourds that's right they came out extra penis this year hello little kitties a rat attack tag if you haven't put it together i'm the cat in the hat cat what are you doing here linda we found some animals and now they're in prison this is pearl pearl is white as a ghost because she is one she died in the 1940s but she's sticking around because she has unfinished business if she appears in your mirror it's over [Music] kate are you okay [Applause] i'm obviously not oh no look they set fire to the gas station how so sir i cannot explain it no no no no you just said that a bird set fire to a gas station so you need to explain that to me maybe the bird took a cigarette from someone and then like flapped it into the gas box i do not know you know what no [Laughter] mom are you sure you don't want to play with us it's fun um the category is things in the sky okay uh birds oh well it has to be without you i wasn't told that just tell us how excited you are for the next and probably final season of the jersey shore you know i've i've never seen the show so i i just don't watch a lot of reality televisions now i was gonna wait for your mother to die before i did this oh my god gina will you do me the honor of marrying us [Music] yes by the power vested in me by the stove vermont unitarian church you may now kiss the friends oh no one of the birds found a glass cutter no please it's got a knife please do something that birds weren't raised right ma'am you are hysterical there is no way this is all happening because of a bunch of no good [Music] i have to call you back there's another small one oh and it's my favorite okay well oh hey barkeep i want to die tonight elsa oh no i heard you calling this enchanted forest is so disoriented it sure is i don't know whether we're heading north south gay or west did you say gay no i'm not anything you have a fulfilling heterosexual marriage at the age of 18 and i've just spent two home movies playing with snow both are equal and good and then in frozen three i can just freeze my eggs and of course there's a drawing scene may i troll you yes may i draw you yes and may i draw you drawing her yes and while we're gathering opinions on what works would you say that my shin beard is working it's working in terms of keeping me a lesbian
Channel: Katie
Views: 487,431
Rating: 4.9033694 out of 5
Id: JqQOBl_pQko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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