Snakes Destroy Everything in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS)

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so there's one unit and taps one unit and tabs that I do not understand can you guys guess what it is no it's not the archers and it's not the Clubman Oh though I don't understand how that arrow just went right through that dudes hair that would have that would have been weird like in an arrow fly through hair without cutting it or damaging you that's I don't I don't want to test that let's not test that but the one unit I don't understand is this one I just I don't get it I don't understand what it's about or really how to use it properly I don't understand I do like the big danger noodles in a puddle though that's a cool screenshot I love that it might be my new desktop oh yes it's amazing but yeah should we I'm thinking today we're gonna try to do snake archers versus every unit in the game like a 1v1 challenge like this guy but in like certain cases like Zeus like Zeus is just gonna zap in annihilate the snake out of the air that was actually pretty cool out but then he just zaps the snake Archer out of the air to dodge the lightning but can you dodge a snake but yeah I was thinking it'd be fun just to test it to see like what the what the snake archers can stack up against my team misses Oh snake jumping and biting him as the likes oh it smack him across the head what stake your snake snake I feel like I'm in Metal Gear Wow snake would you really you're the worst bodyguard in the history of bad bodyguards I really do feel like the snake should win this though it just distracts avoid tripped up that was good maybe that's what they used for is just a distraction like it as seriously as a club or better than a snake Archer I guess he is oh you're kidding me so I'll have to try to snakes oh they they kill her right away hot ding please he's trying to jump over but he can't but then you get to do it like the shield-bearer here like oh nice job snake nice oh wow he just clobbered him oh he's going in for the kill right now I can see that in his eyes his very wet so the snake can beat a dude but not a clever interesting here's a challenge we have a ranged unit Kin Kin mr. snake kill the dude without getting killed first oh yeah yeah so as does a lot of damage in projectile how about a stealth roller is this work oh he missed Hey it just whoa whoa would you don't throw the stones at the snake he did nothing wrong except jumping around your head I already tripped you oh oh nice work my little guy okay so I'm starting to enjoy these snakes a little bit more we got the bone mage what do you think about the bone mage Oh bondage whoa okay that's interesting get him yeah bone mage attack nope oh wow he tripped him he's on the ground be fun if it was like a constrictor whoa oh man I can't wait for the unit editor can you imagine putting a giant snake in a ballista like a super cobra into a ballista that'd be amazing what about the chieftain I have a feeling that chieftains gonna take a couple snakes to kill depends on us this first one hits a whole head shot yeah when he's down snake yeah it is likes so I can kill it it can kill a chieftain but I can't kill a oh never mind it can't kill a chieftain not one-on-one you better shoot against a karcher okay kill it chieftain but I can't kill a clubber I feel like I need to redo that clever should instantly die the snakes accepted misses why does it miss so much maybe because they're fast okay that is just bad luck for the snake Archer it can kill a chieftain but not a clever really interesting unit now I'm gonna say that the mammoth is going to not die from a single snake wow he just shakes it off a little manages to kill the archer what about say 25 oh it sounds really cool wind in slow motion that ain't gonna work though that is not gonna work not it didn't work how about 50 this it's like playing with silly string oh fifth foul he just shakes them off like a tapeworm get out of here I probably does have tapeworms bigger than those snakes oh no oh no are they gonna do it can they win ah there's a few of them shooting listen to the sounds there they go they might actually get this they might I feel I feel oh they did it yes so fifty I bet it could be less than fifty maybe both thirty but we're not gonna test that if you want to let me know exactly how many snake archers it takes drop a comment and let me know so now the farmers have to come and pay tribute to the snake Archer and we're starting with the halfling who's gonna be short and quick and he's a backflip what does he do it oh yeah so that that little dude he's gonna get messed up well maybe not maybe not no oh halflings wait point-blank snake shot that's that's definitely I don't know is that more painful for the red dude where the snake coming out of his belly like that or for the blue dude who took a snake to the face the farmers got the pitchfork for defense let's see if it works no it didn't it's an interesting one so I've heard that these guys are immune to all arrows does that mean they're immune to snakes too oh it looks like it nevermind they're not immune to snakes now what about potion sellers does a potion seller throw it at the snake oh maybe oh he died though he died now we're starting to get into the expensive units are they immune to snakes okay that was a hit that was a hit all they killed the snake harvester why you must kill my snake friend let's see can you make it can you make it to the man the myth and the legend mr. snake Archer yes you can how about three snakes that does equally painful Oh Oh attack Hey the snakes like stripping them they're just a good job of holding him up so they don't advance this fast ah we got two there's three I guess that's five snakes hit and red team loses again I'll be honest I wasn't expecting the harvester and have so many so much life it takes five I guess Oh what are you guys doing oh hey Network I guess it's six maybe if I put a sixth one in it'll be an insta-kill but pal nope not quite but these six will win which they did so exactly six snakes interesting how do you think a wheel barrel is gonna react to this I'm not sure woah really fastly Oh my driving skills are bad don't trip over the snake oh oh my poor snake like we couldn't even see that fight okay fire oh wow you need to start farther back quit cheating oh it still gets driven over we need a lot of snakes for this and a different map to or any of it equal footing here aha Oh see they lead a little bit don't think wow this is gonna be hard for our snakes especially since they have ranged attack and a melee attack this things can't keep up there's 25 will that do anything oh no just drive over them all oh these snakes old think it's stuck though if they get stuck the snakes can attack get them snakes don't come back here you guys are really bad at shooting at a moving target all they took them out there Molly you killed the wrong team that's the red one you killed but we got it with 25 here's the battle of the animals I guess we got crows versus snakes and I'm not sure i think i think easily that this year crow will win oh no these birds were super powerful but if that first snake hits it might work can that first snake actually hit though I don't know he's got a bad shot today okay there the first shot went ooh nope here's five and nice five did it I guess that's the Battle of the farms - so which ones took more the wheelbarrow the harvester and the Scarecrow I mean the bards gonna be stupid easy and my guess is the Squires gonna die right away oh maybe not squares got some hit points Giammetti doesn't know how to swing his sword properly but it still died well here's an interesting lineup snake Archer versus regular Archer oh oh oh man this might be hey hey that's a red victory I'll take what I can that's what happens wait no they're both dead I guess the bows still alive is that what happened and the priestly one will die easily yep now this guy's got a Chiti Chiti stick in front of them a big ugly shield well take five to begin with let's see if they can win maybe they're confusing him enough they're making him go up open is he just gonna walk off the edge he might I would it be cool if you had like a lemming or something you know that the old myth of lemmings like all of the lemmings in the pack will go up with all they did it 5-1 wow I wasn't expecting that that one's tall maybe that's why we had a Chiti one okay here's catapult that sounded painful and bone crushing we must split them up a little bit go snakes oh hey I bet two can even do it let's try two yes go two snakes I bet one could do it maybe not they know how to eat trees and wood he just bit the front oh I got it nice work now here is the king himself I've got ten lined up they should be able to do it maybe they're gonna do that lemming thing where they'll just confuse the king and make him fall off the edge Oh or the Kings just gonna fight and dance he's gonna dance it's got he's got ants in his pants he's gonna dance No keep dancing keep tangling him up oh there's one biting onto his side yes only got another one that would just hit him right in the pants oh oh no don't decapitate him he didn't do anything wrong no oh that looked painful but he's going down the snakes biting him come on King you cannot do it you can die die king no no oh no no they got him big ten killed him I'm surprised at that so the mammoth is gonna be the most dominant one here and the ballista oh maybe the Bliss they'll miss whoa all that would of it oh the Bliss is gonna miss snakes gonna do me I know I said again if I was hoping the snake would get stuck inside of that front or just turn yeah that works oh wow that worked you confuse them mr. snake snake Holly did it good job snake wait a minute why did I go to why did I go to the blister I should have been on this IRISA I guess we don't really need to see this IRISA do we we know that's what's gonna happen and I am genuinely interested on this I am genuinely interested oh he just killed a snake this isn't gonna be good nobody missed how did he miss all he didn't miss the second shield attack there we go two snakes will do the trick Oh one's dead already Oh what the hotplate up light oh he got a tack on oh I love the squeaky sound it's like a wiffle bat oh you just got rid of him like a dead egg Oh bad oh you missed you missed again sure mistake then hey yeah grab the spear oh you missed come back snake come and help your friends in trouble oh you tripped them that's amazing plus you're holding this pier still this is gonna be a battle all they did it never mind blue victory we'll try to again oh they did it easy that time wow we did the ballista so let's try the Minotaur I'm gonna start with ten here come the snags oh yes get him snakes I think the snake just ran into each other and he just jumped into the crowd wow did he jump in um this guy might be like a bigger problem than the king was cuz he can he's got like crash test dummies would you guys shoot please seriously for real this time would you shoot let's even care just bat him around always comes another one right in the face whoa he tripped though it's like slippery on ice time oh he's grabbing his snake now hey he's got a snake in his hand that's amazing there's still one floating around his legs I wish there's little hit point bars that you can see all that got him nice so it took most of ten but you know what I really really want to see yeah I really want to see like a ton of snakes versus him Gerardus Hey oh they're not gonna kill him right away are they that's awesome oh we tripped I get up mister Minotaur you got snakes to eat you that's really creepy isn't it it's like what what oh wow I love that picture the Minotaur there's no idea what's going on and this snakes are just eating them yeah those eyes are so sad Oh is he gonna live no we didn't live it was great now we've seen Zeus already kill him right I did that in the beginning I think maybe I didn't okay anyway there's just struck down Oh behind the back snake attack oh oh this is bad for our snake wielding friends oh he's down no can you get another snake shot please get another snake attack snake oh that was terrible we're gonna need a few more I tried spicing them out so they would miss a little better Oh mate Oh see chain reaction oh there's a red victory it only took 11 or so that one is like an intestinal worm right there so that's all of this class here I guess we go to the Vikings head butters interesting if the head butter jumps or dies right away I thought maybe the head butter could avoid problems ice Archer will be interesting too depends on who hits first whenever you can freeze a snake red victory good job the brawler has his deadly shield oh that wasn't it that was a hit good job snakes good at fighting cracks in the the shields now this one's gonna be very bad except Berserker can jump from like across the map oh and the snake missed that's even worse Oh peewee you missed though you missed again get steak snake no just oh that was terrible that was a good lunch though nice attack I really wanted to see what would happen if the snake hit to begin with but I don't know if that's gonna be possible look oh there was a good hit okay snake all any flew through the air what a cheater come on snake quick quick we're gonna have to do - oh wow - worked very very efficiently and I honestly think that the Valkyrie is gonna be like the biggest problem other than the mammoth I really think so oh wow the snake hit and she dumped down to get uh-oh this could be really I am you're flying upside down and backwards oh now you're going after the archer no that's mean come on snake attack ah well start with three oh wow well I guess that start will continue with three is that better way to say it I like oh she flies upside out and backwards that's weird and it dives into the text okay these snakes are just gonna get ripped apart here comes another dive attack Oh No so it took what 50 I guess if the snakes to connect on the first dive then it'll work missed it no here's six Oh most of those missed that's not gonna be good and she just killed all six so we running up to ten now I'm thinking if they connect in this first attack then they'll do well but they don't they all miss and then she flies in and kills my archers but she is battling mistakes this time Valkyrie what are you doing you're supposed to go up for the dangerous ones oh there they go ten I think the ural is gonna get all confused Oh Gerald why are you Oh Gerald did get confused I always feel like oh he killed it though he decapitated the snake he D snake the snake the danger noodle is no longer dangerous it's just noodle no longer it's snow it got D snowed I was gonna be painful can to do the job that was meant for one maybe Oh missed it missed it they're just doing like figure eights between its legs and I'm really hungry all of a sudden my stomach started growling I need a snack snack break time he's down he's surrounded by snakes I got three on him right now two of them two of my life still oh we got a clampdown yes we need bigger snakes in the game we definitely need like a constrictor like an anaconda oh wow he's got a sax between his legs he's trying to be a witch and fly on a broom it's not working though it's in favor oh he just did a hop jump diamond - he's walking on one leg this year or he's got a snake on his face oh no he's dead get destroyed run away you're supposed to run away just the snakes trying to protect his owner all he tripped right at the last second get a mistake get him snake you can do it no trip his friend hey there's another one why does he keep tripping so much that I mean I can see why if you try oh well try five this time here we go five nice nice that was some good hits right away if this y'all can get his act stuck between his legs again I think we'll win they definitely have him trapped in the same spot that's the Vikings weakness right here snakes we found it right he's biting them right in like both butt cheeks there have a snake on it help that one just died never mind go wow they got it five did the trick amazing and now for the final unit now the problem with this is not the sheer number of people like usually we're going against what the real problem is the armpit hair that's right these snakes are gonna be so disgusted by those nasty stinky armpits being stuck up in the air and holding a big heavy heavy boat for a long time that we're starting with five to begin with I hope they forgive that they throw in a snake and then throw the things at the snake now they might win the snakes might get this but we did five versus five set felt that was fair five people arrested five people and now they killed all the snakes oh yeah mistake get him there's one we got two snakes alive oh no they're paddling him to death they trip while the stage is tripped up good job I got a sneeze this is bad huh it was one of those fake sneezes that wanted to sneeze but then it just took a really long time oh we got three snakes and two like oarsmen Oh missed it and now my eyes are watering it's not because I'm crying for these Vikings because I sneezed sassette is this it the last of the Viking kind oh wow those are good flip these snakes are powerful go Danger doodle do your thing we need one more so I don't think that oarsmen knows what's going on and that's a victory so yeah we saw what happens with a bunch of snakes and how interesting that they can attack and I want to see you one more one more attack here and we will end the video yes days you have no idea what's even happening cuz there's so many anyway guys that'll wrap up today's video totally accurate battle simulator let me know if there's any specific unit you'd like me to check out doing something similar to this thank you for stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 595,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator game, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, TABS, tabs game, tabs gameplay, tabs sandbox, tabs new units, totally accurate battle simulator update, totally accurate battle simulator new update, totally accurate battle simulator funny moments, tabs steam, TABS Trailer, Landfall games, blitz tabs, tabs update, blitz totally accurate battle simulator, tabs mammoth, TABSS02, family friendly
Id: 8Z-c_2Vx5Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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