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hello and welcome to this month's Tokyo treat unboxing and snack inspired illustrations where I'm going to doodle away with my bright and awesome pasta pins and just take inspiration from these snacks it's gonna be wild if you don't know what Tokyo treat is it's a monthly subscription box for Japanese snacks check the link in the description if you want your own box it's delicious and thank you so much to Tokyo treat for sending me this box okay let's try some snacks and get creative so the first snack I see is this talki and oh my gosh it is double white chocolate and lemon flavor which I had to read myself because I can't find the Pocky on the list weird the limit of this Pocky really takes back the sweetness of the white chocolate so it's really nice so after looking at the list of snacks I realized that yeah the Pocky was not supposed to be here it was supposed to be the Kinoko banana flavored snacks Kinoko are basically Pocky they're just in cute little mushroom shapes instead but honestly I'm very thankful I did not get those snacks because I don't like fake banana flavor and these lemon Pocky were they were really good so the inspiration for this pasta pen doodle is the fact that I was supposed to get the Conoco snacks but I didn't at first I was going to have this little mushroom guy holding a Pocky but I just thought that was just a little too obvious and kind of out of place instead of forcing the Pocky into this illustration I thought I would just simply take inspiration from the fact that these little guys snuck their way out of this box and instead I got Pocky so I have this cute little mushroom guy running away like see you later if you've been watching my pasta pin doodle videos for a while you know that I try to avoid my black liner because I'm always afraid that it's going to sort of dull out these bright pasca doodles but honestly I really like the effect the black pin gave because the vibrant colors are still there they're still popping and then the black outline just kind of makes it look like a cartoon and I love it and I might use black too much that said I love this little mushroom guy our next illustration will be based off of these cheese rice puffs they are very light and slightly cheesy a light snack I'll be honest inspiration was running a little low at the beginning of this Tokyo treat box that said I do like the way this turned out it's simple and cute but you will see a common theme later on I usually just kind of take the treat and then put some eyeballs on it so basically for the snack I was really inspired by the fact that it was cheese flavored a lot of these snacks are supposed to be based off of fruit flavors but we have a couple of cheese or chocolate things in the mix so I thought I would just draw from the fact that it's cheese because there are a lot of fruits later on I do a lot of fruit drawings I needed to make sure that I did something that wasn't fruit so because these snacks are just all sorts of different shapes and sizes I really wanted to draw different kinds of cheese so that's it I actually just drew a variety of cheeses with my pasta pins playing around with those bright colors and just giving them faces and overall just keeping it very simple bold and colorful [Music] our next inspiration will be umaibo but this time it's cinnamon apple pie flavored YUM this is definitely my favorite in my bow so far the cinnamon the Apple just yes I was feeling very inspired by the snack because like I said this is the best umaibo we have had so far cinnamon apple pie oh my gosh it was so good so I wanted to create a character based off of the snack someone who was wearing an outfit inspired by the apple pie and I was immediately inspired by the fact that pies are sort of dress shaped I think they have frills they have fillings basically I'm in love with this character and I hope you are too so the base of her dress is that pie shape and the front sort of chest area is supposed to look like an apple but I realize now that it sort of just looks like a heart but that's fine I made her socks great to represent a sort of tinfoil e pan for the pie I thought that was a cute little detail and of course we have a little heart tie in her hair it just kind of ties the whole red together and she's holding some spices because it's cinnamon overall this is one of my top favorite illustrations out of this box she's just so cute [Music] ooh next up we have chocolate mint caramel corn and the packaging is so cute just opening this package I could smell ice cream and they even taste like it the light green color and chocolate chips are very cute on these snacks too so obviously I really wanted to do something that was ice cream themed because the snack is ice cream I don't know why I immediately went to making animals out of the tops of these ice creams but I'm pretty pleased with their results because it's cute so I'm not going to argue something I did struggle with this a lot was wanting to add an outline I just love the line less effects you can get with these pasta pins but I really do think that it just works best with more simple illustrations this was not one of them and I do think I probably should have added lines I'm still struggling with that but overall I am really pleased with how these dogs and cat came out they are just so cute and it's a lot of fun at creating animals and other things out of food because cuz it's cute I don't know I don't know why I said because it's adorable also let's not even talk about how many times I have said cute or adorable in this one video alone helped me which one would you eat the dog the pug or the cat [Music] our next snack is banana man Martian hello all right the concept and the look of the snack is adorable but unless you like that fake banana flavor and wouldn't recommend ignoring the mascot on that packaging so this illustration is pretty basic I'll admit though I really like the way it turned out because it goes along with my whole not adding line work to a really simple illustration this one is very simple but I really like the way I drew the chocolate in the banana and something about these simple bold colors and shapes just make things so appealing to me appealing get it bananas appealing it's a good pun it's a joke anyways so I basically just drew a chocolate filled banana nothing special but I just wanted to play around with chocolate coming out of that banana and just showing a sort of dissection of this banana having a cut through the middle of it and showing the two pieces and what's inside I really love illustrations where you have these dissections with different pieces it's something I want to do and play around with more in the future but for now we have a banana with chocolate and it seems very happy to be cut in half and spilling its chocolate innards maybe it's his fetish out of it next we have this honey apple hard candy it's a honey apple hard candy and it's pretty good for whatever reason my inspiration on this one came from the fact that apples could be turned into a lot of different things apples are very similar to potato chips where they just have so many varieties you can turn them into so many things and they're always so dang delicious so what I ended up drawing for this guy was an apple at the bottom of the page looking up terrified at all of these different things that people have done to it or its friends thinking oh cool my friends have been pulverized into juice my friends have been dried into chips my friends have been turned into hard little candies what is my fate I guess I'm going to die wouldn't that be interesting though instead of us just dying we actually turn into something that other people use it's pretty gruesome when you think about it sorry to end on that note oh I just realized that I had penciled in eyebrows on this guy and I completely forgot to put the eyebrows on him so he has no eyebrows now which is fine his eyes are still very expressive I like this packaging so we're gonna go with this chip star lemon chips interesting salty and lemon chips are something I never knew I needed these are pretty good so for this snack I definitely took inspiration from their prix angle shape where people can make a duck face by putting the two chips together like Esau saw Casey do so I took inspiration for a duck from that and I also took inspiration from the fact that they are lemon flavored chips which holy cow if you ever have access to lemon flavored chips I would highly recommend I really love lemon and citrus but I had no idea that it would go so well with a salty chip in Pocky but it really does it it's so good you guys so for this illustration I took this duck and I did another slice up of it so it is turning into slices of duck and then lemon and then it turns into a lemon it's just a very simple concept that I had a lot of fun with and I brought back the purple lines because I don't want to completely ditch my colored lines though this really makes you want to buy a variety of smaller nib pasta pins so that I can line with other colors other than black because the thick purple one is a little thick and I really want to line with other colors than just black but man they're just so thick [Music] okay these melons are very tempting so let's go ahead and grab them we have melon bread cookies party pack one is original crunchy flavor and the other is cream filled which tastes way much more like melon I'm a fan of the regular crunchy flavor so I was really excited going into this design because I think those cookies are freaking adorable they taste really good and they're just so tiny and cute compared to the big melon bread you normally see I also really like the colors yellow and green I thought it would be fun but honestly you guys this is probably one of the most disappointing doodles I did I just couldn't get anything to look right but here we have a melon bread being cute and silly and just kind of posing with a melon sitting on top of it and they're just kind of like tada and honestly that's about it I really don't know why I couldn't get anything out that I wanted but as you can see like I mentioned earlier I'm just kind of putting eyeballs on the objects and if you haven't noticed Converse are also a very common theme for me I just love how simple and cute those shoes are I can't help it our next inspiration will be this fruit granola black thunder a fruity granola bar covered in chocolate yes please so the may inspiration for this doodle was the fact that fruit was being covered in chocolate so I thought it would be fun to have a character being doused in chocolate I guess and I did want to keep it a sort of fruit themed because it was a fruit granola so I made a banana themed dog because that made sense I mean nothing in this doodle really makes sense but I had a lot of fun with the bright yellow and the orange of the dog and covering it in chocolate because why the heck not drawing those gloopy drippy blobs was a lot of fun and having this dog just so into it I have no idea what's going on do I ever know what's going on in my illustrations probably not in the end of this dog ended up looking a lot like scooby-doo for me so that's a little sad one thing I will say is that it was a lot of fun making its legs look very stupid I mean just look at the anatomy of those legs and try to figure it out it's just so stupid and I love doing things like that with my art overall a good pup [Music] next up is this little guy fruit donut gummy a fruity sour gummy donut that tastes like soap yet is kind of good so looking at the package they were very enthusiastic about some kid holding a tray with a doughnut and fruit which at first when I thought about it I was like you a fruit Dona that doesn't make any sense but honestly it's just a pastry and you can put fruit on pie and cake and sometimes you have doughnuts filled with fruity jelly so I don't know why I thought that was kind of weird either way the illustration is based off of the fact that it's a fruit doughnut so I drew a doughnut with eyeballs because as you know the theme of this video seems to be putting eyeballs on objects and also shoes yep it's wearing shoes we ticked off all the marks so I just put a bunch of fruit on the top of this doughnut ain't focused on it being a more pastel drawing I have three sets of pasta pins and one of them is a pastel pack so I thought it would be really fun to make a pastel drawing it's cute I like it it's very colorful and soft and delicious our drink of this package is coca-cola clear which apparently has a lemony flavor to it I'm not sure what to think about this flavor it's just kind of a subtle citrusy soda flavor very subtle like there's barely any flavor there but at zero calories so maybe that's why so at the beginning of this video when I said Oh things are gonna get wild we're just gonna doodle away with my pasta pins I later thought yeah Casey huh yeah you're so cool things are gonna get wild no they're not because you just draw pretty cute basic things and then I got to this illustration where my main inspiration was the fact that it was clear so I wanted to create a character that was see-through I wanted to start with a circle in the background and then play around of the fact that you can see that circle through the character and then I thought what if this character was just this weird blob thing what if this character had fruit inside of it basically this character is borderline Nightmare fuel if I change the face just a little bit from it being kind of goofy and cute to even slightly disturbing it would probably give me nightmares because just the weird shape of its legs and it not having feet or hands the fact that that pink kinda looks like muscle overall this character design really freaks me out but the little fruits are cute so I guess it has that going for it [Music] our next inspiration tucked away in here Oh Disney it's tsumtsum chocolate bar it looks like a log which is really cute but it's just a wafer chocolate snack so like I said it looks like a log of chocolate which is where I got my main inspiration from and honestly this might be my favorite drawing yet I don't do a lot of background illustrations with my pasta pins because I just find it so hard to get detail with these fat nibs and I just don't think I have quite enough experience with the pasta pins yet though I think I'm getting there because I wanted to push myself with the background for at least one of these and that first mushroom guy didn't really count so I played around with someone sitting on a log and I also really wanted to play around with warm colors because I have a tendency I think to use more cool colors when it comes to pasta pins and I also wanted to play around with a different colored sky because I'm always making my skies blue so we have a warm sunset we've got yellow grass for the fall which it is now and I also wanted to play around with the angle because I'm always drawing things from straight on and although this isn't an extreme angle or anything it's a slight angle from sort of below and from the side and there's a little bit of perspective there which is unusual for me but I'm very glad that I did try something new and I really really like this illustration plus her white dress really pops off of those colors overall love it [Music] this is she me corn share pack chocolate flavor I am definitely a thane of these chocolaty corn snacks but i won't be sharing nope so as you can see i could not stay away from designing characters based off of these snacks this is yet another character design I just really love designing characters based off of snacks so I was feeling a lot of sort of 70s vibes from this snack and also its packaging it has a brown a yellow and it had green on the package but I ended up using purple because I'm such a sucker for purple and the purple really complimented the yellow so because I was getting a sort of 70s vibe I gave them these wide legged pants and a very bright colorful shirt that is open and exposing their chest hair I do however think my favorite part of this whole illustration is the little star snack that I drew the brown with the purple and then a darker purple and the black dots it just looks so good I think I don't know why it kind of has this slight 3d effect also as you can see this is another illustration where I struggled with not adding the line art but I think in the end it really just brought it together adding the line art it needed it [Music] and last but not least we have our DIY melon jelly drink DIY adorable if you like melon and jelly this is the drink for you but it's not for me so I hate to end this video on such a sad note but this is the worst illustration of the batch again it's another one of those illustrations where I really wanted to create something cute because of those melons I think something holding me back with the melon illustrations is the fact that I didn't have really good colors for melon I only have two greens a lime green and the regular green and melon is sort of not those colors I needed a yellowy green and I just I didn't have it so I copped out and I drew one of my original characters Dennis drinking that melon drink and Dennis is normally a black Panda but I wanted to play around with how colorful the pasta pins are and so I went ahead and made him purple and I try to do lineless again I didn't think it worked so I added lines hoping that it would save the illustration but I still I hate it and that's that thank you all so much for watching my 14 snack inspired illustrations with my pasta pins I hope you enjoyed it again if you want your own Tokyo treat box click the link in the description to help this channel out and thank you to Tokyo treat for sending me a box alright thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video and now a huge thank you to all of my wonderful patrons including Michael Young Zac abstract Megan Chris side Davey tomato cool guy Josh hey Lucy Mackenzie Maureen a pie drizzle cindy j TJ dutch star Lexi s Meredith H Hattie Laird stuff by Dell Zoe Stardust one Ida dough and aunt Merle Scott if you want a shout out at the end of my videos sketches coloring pages early access and more check out my patron by clicking the link in the description thank you all so much for the support bye [Music]
Channel: Kasey Golden
Views: 774,755
Rating: 4.9581442 out of 5
Keywords: tokyo treat, japanese snacks, character design, art, food, candy, posca pen, paint pen, junk food, chips, lets try, unboxing, illustration, traditional art, youtube artist, snack, challenge, sock kasey, eating, kaseythegolden, kasey golden
Id: 5tcfdnxNIpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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