#177 Phoenix Rising - Straight Dirty Pour

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you know you guys welcome back I'm doing the I'm going to call it the Phoenix fall show the one I did before this it's over here sitting on some wax paper yeah this one I did with the leftover paints that were really thin if you saw that video the paints were really thin three parts flow trial to one part paint so really thin haven't got very good definition but I really loved the colors the turquoise and the orange together so I've made my paints they come I've got floral and global so I've got two pipes flat roll instead of 3 to 1 part paint and I'm using global that's warm yellow that's that one then warm red white turquoise this one's a little bit of a darker turquoise than the other one was and my navy so those are the colors I'm using now there's no silicone in these the consistency leaves a mound but if that's it's a build up a nice size build up then so that's the consistency so it's a fine line when it comes to this sort of pouring you want it thick enough so that you can see the definition of your feathering and things that you're making and if it's too thin it just gets muddy and you lose that definition but on the other hand you don't want it too thick either right here we go starting layering I'm putting the two blues together and then I'll put watch in the middle and I don't want to put this one next to the blue because it's going to make green this it's not gonna be too bad with the blue now I'm going to get a bit of a green tinge in here as well but it shouldn't be too bad all that one's a little bit thicker still it's okay right back to the Navy it's Sunday today I've done a few pause been shopping last-minute things to take away on my cruise I didn't have any dressy black pants it's gonna be cold where we're going so and I didn't want to wear jeans no to dinner so I went you've got some sort of more dressy black pants okay um is that enough let's do one more layer pop the paint let's do it probably gonna be way too much for this little car this is a 30 by 40 centimeter 12 by 16 inch card but let's just see what happens if we put lots on finished off the Navy keep a little bit for the corners cuz the Navy went in first the Navy went in last hopefully there'll be a dark ring on the outside of my paw and maybe I can actually stretch it over the corners this time because I've got plenty of paint my last few that I did if you saw them I I didn't use a lot of paint so I did actually stretch it quite a lot I was looking for cells to pop up because of the float roll so I stretched it quite a lot alright let's pinch it here and I'm just going to pour straight into the center now when I move my hand just up and down a little bit like this to make a kind of like a little finger feathering sort of a thing look nice on up on the last one I did so I'm going to do it again but the other one I moved up and down I'm just going to stay in the same spot here and just keep moving up and down up and down as opposed to going in circles let's see what that does of course every time I shake the cup the paint in there is getting mixed more and more so that may not be a good thing but we'll see I really like the way the orange against the Aqua looked so I'm hoping that will look nice this time as well give me a nice effect so I'm trying just to say in the same spot here up and down up and down and looks as if I've got plenty of paint sometimes when your circle isn't very big you have to stretch it a lot but my circle is covering a good amount so that's a good sign I think let's catch that last trick okay now will it scorch it pop any bubbles because I didn't pull pretty quickly now I don't know which side I like best this side looks brighter this side looks more money but it looks as if it's got a lot more interest down here but I think I'll legal take that off first maybe because the startup here loves look much prettier than that so that can go well some of it can go not all of it and you have to have this extra paint on here everyone says are such a waste to paint but you have to have that so that you can't get it off to be able to stretch all this gorgeousness out you know what I mean this sort of has to be done the same way I do flip cups everyone says aw what a waste of paint but you need to have a lot of paint when you're doing flip cups you have to be able to move the paint around the canvas go over the edge there because I can but lots of paint I can go over and then come back okay now we can start stretching this out and head for the corner there so I'm glad I've kept this this is really pretty hopefully I want to lose too much orange try and keep some of it I won't go right over the edge so that Navy can stay there I like that pop of the navy there against this bit of orange here and I'll try not to lose all this orange but the paint's rolling over itself so I may not get a say in what's kept up there and back keep that little blue tip just gonna bring that back a bit how pretty that love that love this bit here you see that difference that slightly thicker paint makes in the definition it's not as muddy you can see your ribbons more clearly even though I didn't pour in a ring you can see the the effects that it's left now I'm gonna just I really like this up here that's a bit too blue I'm gonna see if I can take some of that off and stretch this out here because I really like this doesn't have to all go but some of it does it's looking pretty isn't it that's enough don't lose all the turquoise down the bottom yep liking that although it does look like rims doesn't it look at that it's a ribcage and a stomach when I finished I did Oh like a little I don't know a little wriggle I guess it's turned into a stomach of something wonder if I tilt all that off what if I can do that too whether it will all be stretched out don't know I might be over stretched torch it now that I think about it [Music] I really like the orange against the blue here really pretty just not sure about that stack wonder how much I can get rid of it let's see let's see how much I can get rid of it's got to be a better way of tilting these so that you don't end up with that I'm just going to take as much off as I can turn it around this way and down we go again see what happens see how much I can actually get rid of something better already stomach has gone it would really be beautiful if I got rid of all of that turquoise wouldn't it might be bit too much though a bit too far it still looks like a ribcage to me I'm gonna keep going see what happens it's only paint I can do another one but I do really like this I just didn't like that take it down to just under that white there and leave a little bit of the blue yeah a bit more just like that I think how's that that was totally totally unexpected wasn't it actually like it now I just I always pull rib cages and spines it's bizarre it's just the way I'm pouring the painter gets out of the cup okay I'm happy with that yay I think it's saved it I really like it hope you guys like it and it's because I had enough paint on there that I could actually do that I had a heap I had a big full cup full get rid of that blue there that was annoying me okay that's better now I love it it's bringing the white back because I had a lot of paint sitting just there for just bringing the way they look back just to touch into the middle so don't want a lot of weight of the paint down there it'll be too thick okay last little torch kinda reminds me here of a beach you know how the sand ripples when the water goes over it it makes that sort of a ripple effect where the water comes into the beach that's what it reminds me of there how pretty I already liked it all right so let me get these dirty gloves often take you in for a close-up happy with that what a difference it is hey when I started would never address that it would have turned out like that with what I had to begin with so different really like it let's try and get you in frame I always struggle with this bit zooming in so you're all getting seasick aren't you from looking at this alright I think that will do close enough I like it might even say I love it that would be spectacular on a huge canvas wouldn't it love that love the Navy corners and I've got the opposite we got the Aqua down the other end and then we've got that yellowy orange through the center ok enough of my raving shall I show you the other one no I showed it to first I don't want to risk touching any plastic on this one okay that'll be it for now I will see if the next Paul bye for now
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 657,843
Rating: 4.9220223 out of 5
Keywords: #acrylicstraightpour #acrylicdirtypour
Id: WG1S_ZUvzG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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