Smosh On - Dressing like Shane

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I'm down it could be our thing that could be our thing okay wait what if we just don't tell every we just did just now okay no we can everybody in this room is in on it but the rest of the cast totally pranked well I guess we could start and and if the rest of the cast doesn't go along with it they don't listen to this podcast and we're going to know then yes okay so new uni uniform just white T-shirt blue jeans I'm kind of rocking that right now but like plain white yeah I'm not rocking that at all it's what I rock every day I will say I am oh yeah you're rocking that too I have the huge Advantage here yeah because this is my standard outfit so it is a little unfair for everyone else I feel like people be like is aanda okay like oh yeah went down and we're all going to look like Farmers wardrobe wardrobe is hard I would say wardrobe on smos is hard like also it's very hard to not repeat outfits and you do run out of clothes you run out of clothes it's really hard and also it might be freezing out there or hot in here or cold in here or hot out there no this set what which which is it I think it's this set gets freezing cold and the the smos pit set for trying not to laugh gets super hot hot so I throughout the entire year you can't dress for the seasons you have to dress for this specific stage corre and that specific stage see I'm always cold everywhere um so but I don't think that my warmer clothes are my most fashionable clothes like I'm all for layers but some times if I need to wear a tank top like I will tough it out I'll be like I want to wear this today like I'm just going to put this on in between videos like I'll go put a blanket on but I will tough it out that's crazy yeah yeah beauty is pain those are like models when they take photos and it's like snowing out and they're just like oh gosh I don't know if I could really do that I could never do that but to answer your question more than wardrobe what I actually just think about is my hair at smos like I just kind of like uh I I like space it out in my head like I'm like okay if I wash my hair on M Monday I'm supposed to be at smos on Tuesday so I'm going to be frizzy so I'll I'll do that whole we had that New Year's episode of uh Reddit stories where we're like right before we start filming we're like we have these fun hats and your face you were just like oh cool yeah after I washed my hair
Channel: lost_daughter
Views: 1,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acting, comedy, funny, podacast, smosh, smoshcast, smoshmouth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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