The Smosh Cast Addresses Controversial Past

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they were all slightly annoyed due to Anthony and Ian's takeover on the main Channel I mean it was definitely a big change right we were celebrating and we were just like oh my God this is great news and I think there was definitely an undertone of like well one3 of was go [Music] right since coming back into a smos I know a bunch of you have some assumptions about smos and the smos cast and this is just the first round of Smash cast there's going to be more to come y'all agur Dragon says chance is the type of person to talk through a movie arasha is the type to ask questions about what's going on that will be answered in moments Courtney is the type to get severely invested yeah is this true I think I mean I think that's a little bit accurate for you ask questions during the movie okay it's a discussion it should be it's an open Forum obviously within the scope of like if it's like a couple friends just watching movies I feel like i' would definitely be like now who's that no that drives me crazy AR didn't he do that why would he but it's like you have all the same information I have we're watching the same movie Rasha but we could predict we could we could challenge each other and how fun if he does what I think he was going to do so fun movie night at my place okay you know what and I will be sick that night okay but you say what do you you they said you talk I do talk I react I react loudly okay Ah that's fun yeah cuz it's like you went to the movie theater with people for a reason or you're watching a movie with people for a reason actually I do it by myself too just do yourself I 100% do it I'm like don't [ __ ] you knew what you were getting into and he told you the first time oh my God yeah I mean I'm definitely the type to undivided attention I'm locked in to the point where if I'm watching movies with friends if you're saying something to me I likely didn't hear it I'm curious how on they have to feel in videos and how they cope when dealing with personal issues that come up between them for me I feel like it's I try to be a little honest with how I'm showing up for the day and it's usually with being present about whatever we're doing so if I like the game that we're playing you will see that like I think I'm if I'm having fun like you will see that I am getting excited and I think that's with any shoot like obviously with acting with performing it is what I enjoy it's what we enjoy but if it's not something that I have my full heart in or something that I'm just like oh this feels awkward or difficult or challenging in any way I think it's a little obvious to see that on screen for me I think you'll be like what's going on I think me too but then it's not I will never show that I'm having like a personal conflict with someone on camera oh yeah oh no absolutely not no I'll hide that [ __ ] deep yeah you'll never know you'll never know cuz then it can be dissected in so many different ways and it's like you don't know the and it's funny too cuz fans will try to like create some crazy narratives like where the hell did you get that who tells you that you are so far off the Mark I mean and they they are able to point out like small looks and glances that we give each other in positive ways of like oh I love the way that like gash just glanced really quickly at Courtney so then it's obviously like we're also accepting other end of like wait did anybody see that eye roll like was that towards me and it's like no that wasn't that but we kind of take again the balance both of those tossed up in the comments I also think it's harder sometimes to detect when we are having our off days in general cuz like I can I feel like you always come with like you feel like you both come with such a professional like good energy like you guys are always ready to go um and I love that about both of you all of the smash cast are friends outside of work I'd say right now like I feel like that's true um it's obviously a job first but uh I consider each of you my friends cuz I feel like I have great rapports with everybody like I can go to Aras if I'm having just like a shitty harmonal day or like I go to you when I'm feeling a little icky sometimes I think the important thing is is like you know a friend is it can be tossed around a lot as a term um but I would say friend is somebody that you know somebody that you're checking in with somebody that you're you know uh keeping good uh acquaintances with I think I compartmentalize my friendships not that I'm not friends with them outside of work but I have other friends outside of work that I'm trying to also split my time between and so it's not that I'm not friends with the smashcast outside of work I am but I'm also doing I have other people to see and other people to care to and nurture to totally it's it's like work friends it is work friends and it's work we are in a weird place where our work is so based off of friendship I assumed that they all originally wanted to be traditional actors and didn't Envision themselves as YouTube Stars I still view myself as a traditional actor I'm still acting and doing comedy and I'm trained fully and have all the skill sets and utensils utensils utensils utensils night [ __ ] uh but it's so funny cuz I think I get that a lot where like on videos it'll be comments and it'll be like oh wow you really did that dance or like oh wow you can sing or you really acted I'm like yeah [ __ ] I would hope so I would hope so I trained for years totally the comments and and also just like I think friends as well like people who just know that I move to LA and am doing acting like a lot of people have been like oh so you're in the YouTube world now it's like no no no also like this is just another branch of it or what I always say too is that it's it's amazing for exposure it's just like putting ourselves out there and it's it's odce in practice totally like even just like getting like miked all the time like getting like your frame on camera completely like all of that I think is just a leg up for us it's just that extra experience and in a lot of ways too like somehow like our YouTube uh Channel our videos they end up getting a lot more viewership a lot more audience and and people cling to us I think as personalities because we are people rather than like the actors that you'll see on screen who might quickly appear that's so true yeah yeah I started as a Viner and I never had a manager like an agent or anything I never did I never pursued the acting career um but when I started at smos and people started calling me a YouTuber I thought it was super weird and I didn't understand I always loved YouTube and like I kind of always wanted to be a YouTuber but didn't understand that that's what I was doing when I first got brought on because I was kind of just brought on as an actor and eventually started doing some personality content on smos second Channel but uh but yeah I don't know I I I don't I don't think I fit in that that assumption at all aasha and chance are tired of being considered new and all of the old smos videos being brought brought up or referenced can be confusing or overwhelming I love being new right I've got nothing no problems with it yeah I'm just hearing young I I hear youthful I hear free spirited fres ripe ew no I like ripe I like ripe we're ripe yeah I'd agree I think I also like it it's it's uh it's highlighting us I think in a different way the only time I have a problem with is when everyone's like how could you not know well [ __ ] there's thousands of hours of content that there is no possible way I could ever catch up on and still live my life I'd say it's harder than the Marvel Universe to like try and even way hard it's like this one segment from this one video that was eight years ago and then the [ __ ] just like ran and ran and ran and we have no idea where it went in this era new is good to our audiences cuz like way back when if someone new came up people did not like it like it took years it took years for like the smos squad to stop getting like who are these people uh like these are like where is the in and anthemy like it took years to finally get like people to actually accept and be excited about content with just us in it why do you think that was you know I think that was an ERA where people didn't like change and they were just used to two dudes all the time like just these two guys who are best friends like they're best friends like who are these new people they're not our best friends right so right you get so used to like seeing your favorite people and then it's like I don't want to take over more time with them so it makes sense but definitely new is usually scary but I would say we've been welcomed yeah definitely they were all slightly annoyed by their cut back of filming content due to Anthony and Ian's takeover on the main Channel I mean it was definitely a big change right definitely it was a big change annoy is not the right word yeah I think I mean when we like found out definitely it was like we were celebrating and we were just like oh my God this great news and I think there was definitely an undertone of like well one3 of the CH was good right right like what's going to change for cast and I remember definitely being like you know celebrating the bigger picture because it's a beautiful story and being like that's awesome but also being like hold on before I fully just be like Yay this is amazing I need to also know more about what this is going to entail and you know I would say up in at this present moment uh definitely annoyed is not the right word having seen what's happening with the sketches and them just being able to open those doors to the rest of the cast and that kind of being at a very gradual process I think was honestly kind of smart just like reunion shows are doing their thing I think it's like Nostalgia first and just like fully injecting that into people and I and I think that that's what they were going for and then it was like slowly bringing in these cast members who aren't new per se but maybe new to the audiences that they brought back and like you said new can be difficult so I think they kind of had that in mind and now are like slowly introducing giving bigger parts to cast members um and and I think that is uh smarter for sure yeah I remember we were celebrating and they're like yeah so now the sketchu is going to be just Ian and Anthony I was like oh okay yeah duh should have thought about that but um and like we were having a lot of fun on the main channel for sure like we were trying we were having a lot of fun a lot of ideas of different stuff we definitely had some awkward stages where we were trying things we were throwing stuff at the wall and a lot of stuff kind of wasn't sticking yeah or like we'd have a small audience of people who were obsessed with something and some stuff that was kind of hitting like and you know it's like oh yeah all those are gone but it's not like they're gone forever and like that's something that they told me at least early on and like like you said there already kind of bringing cast in and I have a feeling it's going to be more and more like the cast's going to be part of the main Channel definitely I've always wondered if when defi took over and Anthony left if any of the smash cast felt a loss of identity regarding the channel being more aimed towards kids and putting on a PG presence and PG characters yeah so defi was an interesting time because it was like 30 suits trying to control what was happening and and I think like they must have read some article that said little teens are where the money's at and so like I would say even before Anthony left they were trying really hard to mark it to super super young viewers and they probably went even harder in it when Anthony left because they're like well Anthony left maybe we got to like try and bring in some new audiences and so like yeah I remember like there were attempts at marketing that felt like so juvenile to the point where like they're like yeah this summer guys who cares take off your shoes play in the in the hose and it was just so confusing because they wanted all these young viewers to come watch smos but then if you look at smos that content's not for kids it's for kids and that like South Park's for kids and that I secretly snuck my parents little tiny TV into my room at night to watch those shows that were clearly inappropriate for me right um and like back then we didn't have any type of creative input like at all I like it I I think on smos pit which was technically smos second channel for a while uh that was the only place where we ever about to like pitch like ideas we got to like write sketches and stuff for main Channel but in terms of like big picture decisions absolutely not in our control so like that kind of sense of identity kind of was just a cloud floating over us like a lot I would say chance is secretly straight oh chance oh no they you know what but I think I'm not all the way gay oh yeah it's Spectrum it is a spectrum so where are you at girl I don't know so what's your percentage enough that I'm going to say girl I don't know that it's a percentage thing I think it's a person thing and that's so annoying to say but it's true yeah it is Case by case I would date a woman again W I didn't know that mag oh my God that's mag I'm learning so much wow Courtney is gay homosexual gay Courtney is k i ALS submitted this one that's so funny I am queer and I it's funny cuz like I do get comment sometimes people like are like wondering what my sexuality is because they probably just haven't seen like anything about me coming out but I am pan by whatever and then like Demi with men uh but women I'm instantly attracted to cuz D they just got be they just be walking around they really be walking around like that I knew was straight I've always assumed that the smos cast had to fight for attention as kids and that continued into their personalities through adulthood ow um I will be the I will be the first to say that that is true I I said this on uh Smashmouth but like I was a really bad kid like I was constantly I thought you guys knew this I feel like I told you this is so interesting yeah I mean I was like I was definitely like better in high school but in like Elementary School and Middle School like I was constantly like taken to the principal's office um yeah yeah I really thought you guys knew this I don't know if you really dived into this well I never did anything like like awful or like rude never anything like that but I was very distracting I was constantly uh buying for attention like I was like oh joke time oh this is my time to shine or like oh I have to point this out I got to make this bit I got to do so you're a Class Clown a little bit of Class Clown wow and obviously teachers are like shut up and literally go away um so I I did that all throughout growing up um and once I fully was like I'm going to be a performer I was like I think childhood me would definitely need some of that too yeah as as number five of seven kids it was definitely difficult to get the attention that one would normally want and um as soon as I figured out like a camera it's like oh I can have unlimited attention if I film myself uh and did all kinds of silly stuff but yeah that compet competition for attention competition food all kinds of I definitely was competing for attention I definitely was competing for attention but where was I competing I was S I was really good student okay but I was also different than everyone that was going to school with me so I already had the attention on me okay and so I think I had to learn ways to channel that attention so that it wasn't uh malignant intent or like that it wasn't negative attention so I think that's why I tried to figure out how to be funny because if you're getting them laughing with you they're not laughing at you Beluga Bean says I assume that in early smos days Courtney was pushed to play more of an objectified feminine role it's an accurate assumption I would say um and I feel seen by that but like smos has had so many different eras and I'd say that in the beginning when I first started and it was purely as an actress it was like the roles were very simple like my names in the scripts were hot girl or like I definitely played a bikini girl at one point or another and I think I was so new to the space that you don't I didn't really like understand that what was like going on and then I think it got to the point where in other videos when you're just doing like normal tasks and then suddenly like that task is on the thumbnail with like really sexual text of like what God they would they would get so wacky with it where like I thought I was playing an innocent game with people and they would call it wet and wild with Courtney and Olivia oh wait um yeah yeah I think it was just like that's what YouTube want wanted and that's what definitely the people working at defi were looking for at the time and like it started to affect my workday where like uh people would just treat me like that in passing and so it just it it did get to a weird point I think the worst that it got and when I like finally put my foot down cuz this this kind of stuff would happen all the time where I'm literally like laughing and it like during a card game video and they decided to go back close up on my face and replay my laughing and then put like a very graphic sexual act happening to me from a coworker like fan edits would do this like no this was our team our like that was the thumbnail for the video no it was in the edit so like when you're watching it like that it was like part of it was like a little Cuttin bit and like and so I really freaked out so like I I did call the producer and like that was my first time like blowing up and I I was really upset cuz I was like why are we censoring cuss words and and doing all this things and having bikini girls like where is the consistency in censorship and are we are we making videos for little teens cuz cuz the these sexual acts you're saying are very graphic and not okay and not like a conventional thing and like I put my foot down and I said from that point on if you ever want to make a sexual joke about me on camera or in a video ever again I need to approve it a lot of that stuff would just happen and I like didn't I I mean I wouldn't like talk about it that much or like didn't understand couldn't put into words like what was happening to me and certainly Ian and Anthony didn't know about a lot of that stuff that went on like I and Anthony didn't know that the women of the cast were being kind of pressured into wearing outfits that they weren't comfortable wearing for a video because of whatever reason because it's like Ian and Anthony weren't around or like again I didn't understand what was happening to me and I didn't talk to them about that kind of stuff it's just kind of like was what was happening to women especially when this this whole team was used to just like dudes like making comedy together and having women regularly around and having a say was super new and forign for a while but the place that we're in now I feel like so empowered and I feel like like we don't even touch that kind of content anymore like there was a point after that era especially when we went back to mythical where like it was like they were terrified to do anything sexual and I was like come on let me be like a little sexy like come on you want you need a hot girl for this scene clearly you're trying to allude to a hot girl at a convention Booth like I I want to do that like people it's so weird how wanting to be in control of a woman being sexualized rather than letting a woman have the control or the agency to like I want to be sexy like when when doing bikini girl for the funeral people were in the comments being like upset about like wow is this all you have to offer or like like why are you doing this and it's like because I can and because I want to just because I chose to do it doesn't make it any less meaningful than when two guys write it into a sketch totally like did you not also see that bikini girl's also director like that's a choice yeah I love arasha and chance but I know that being a new cast member can Garner some negative comments how has that experience been for them and how have they dealt with it I'm curious about this too but I have my I guess I want to comment you that question and be like what was your guys's first initial reactions to like the social media climate of smos very passionate and very um uh involved and active um it's not like a community that I've seen before um and honestly everyone was like very much on board from the get-go they're like who is that who is that what is that I was I was going to say the same thing yeah like personally I think I was overwhelmed with just feeling again welcomed is the best word like I felt so loved and that was definitely new for me you know and I was like just in terms of like uh again exposure and just kind of seeing like comments and like new posts and like fan edits and stuff like that like all of that is certainly um what felt new the negativity it it was also I think something that uh you know you learn to settle in at first it was like very jarring and it was almost like something that felt like I needed to uh be aware of I I feel like I sought out all of my negativity I was just like as there were a 100 positive comments but the one negative one about your hair right and then you're like oh shoot like what what is it with my hair like what is this person upset about and you just obsess over that and it took me a long time to just be like actually I don't think that anybody truly cares and the way that I am looking at it nobody else is um and that's something that I had to to get through with um in terms of hate overall sweet mother says I assume that chance never experien his self-doubt he seems so confident and sure of who he is sweet mother thank a sweet mother um I honestly I really don't self-doubt a lot I really don't there's no space for it and it's not useful most of the time I'm super critical but not Dy and not a lot of regret did something happen sorry you don't have to answer this but did something happen that made you make that conscious effort or were you always this way or I think there's no inciting incident that I can recall off the top of my head but um I think I've always been this way I love that probably my Capricorn moon moves I love that and it comes across like you seem sure of yourself I don't think it comes across like cocky or or like overcompensating either like it's just you're you're you're a force that is moving forward I love it I assume chance still doesn't know who Anthony is who now I know who Anthony is we've been in a bunch of videos together and we had a couple parties and yeah things like that he just feels like another cast member now right now he's new now he's new it's so funny him going through the Gambit of games and shows and he's like how does this work I'm like oh you don't know how this works that's camera a that was me it has been fun and he's not even through all the show formats yet yeah that's right he still got a couple more oh yeah I can't wait I can't wait to play secret Sith with him it always feels like arasha is both thinking so much and not at all at the same time during videos like there is a surface of head empty no think that covers up the 567 inter her a monologues yeah damn wow um wow um thank you thank you dilemma mommy um definitely not empty I would say I I am somebody that overthinks like crazy um I I would also say not self-doubt um but more just like I'm taking in a lot at at once and I am constantly like I sometimes feel like the person who is watching everybody on a screen and able to see everything that's going on and draw those own observations the truth of it is that at smos there are different personalities and there are a lot of people I think that are very uh very like front and center like you're out there and you're speaking like more like there is there are people at smos who would never get this assumption people would people would definitely not say this about a lot of people um and I think it's because of the differing personalities some people are I'm going to be loud I'm going to be uh you know engaging I'm going to be energetic and my vibe is not that when that is already in the room if somebody else is the loud one if somebody else is the class clown I'm not competing right um and I think that is something something that not a lot of people know about me I really tend to shut down a little bit if somebody else in front of me is a little too overwhelming I am like okay you go and I sit back um so sometimes I think in in smos videos if people are taking more of the center stage I I do tend to just sit back for a second and just let the chill parts of my personality um Vibe with the video but then new tossup of different cast members and maybe other people are wanting to take the back seat and then I am like awesome I get to be in the front now and and do my thing so definitely have a lot of thoughts in my head not empty-minded at all um but certainly not because I'm upset or uh distant just because of the Personalities in the room I assume Courtney may want to direct SL produce content outside of smos one day oo I like that that's fun I talked a little bit about this on our podcast but my hope this year of 2024 is to direct a music video cuz I love music so much and directing music videos feels like a perfect platter of everything I love about creating because music is so amazing and filming is so amazing and just like being able to make this gorgeous story and like what does music makes you feel things and and like movies and and just visuals can make you feel things it's just like this like crockpot of like feelings and Vibes that I like that is so you that is so you I think that's what I wish I could be like I the reason I struggle getting dressed in the morning cuz I wish wish I could just be a Crockpot of emotions and feelings that just makes you feel good and a little bit horny oh T Courtney does a lot more behind the scenes stuff than people probably would think true yeah that's true yeah I mean people know I direct but like I just be around um what's fun about a lot of the the smos uh funeral stuff that we put out for for for our funeral show was like a lot of those edits that we put on socials I edited I was an editor first so like there is a lot of things I loved doing you were an editor first the first thing I ever did was edit when I was like 11 and I was editing and I would only film stuff oh no no no no no that's that's Spencer and Tommy though and so like I I loved doing all the things behind the camera and so I've always had an interest for it and then when when the when Anthony came back and Main Channel wasn't a thing anymore I didn't direct main Channel videos I helped do with like a lot of Reddit stories and like other videos um cuz it's just fun and you guys are so fun to work Courtney falls in love easily oh that's so true it actually is true um not like romantically like that takes time but I fall in love with like people and like just like their personality and their existence super easily um and I've had to control that and dial it back cuz like I used to think everybody wanted to be friends and that's not true like I'm not for everyone and so like now I try and take my time and it's like there's no time wasting cuz we're all still getting to like spend time around each other but but yeah I I I have to be careful because of it for sure chance is shy in public but outgoing at parties I'm so quiet in public I'm so stone-faced in public and I'm like get to the place do the thing that you need to do to complete the transaction but then at parties yeah I'm you're so talented at parties I'm very talented at par true cuz you're like okay who should It Go FLIR with okay let's go and you just go and I'm like I can't do that oh he's doing it he's doing it it's it's it's practice it's practice it's skilled and it's well done arasha had strict parents growing up so that's why she lies really well now yeah my parents uh were definitely not like you know uh super loose I guess with the rules um but I did not lie because of that I think that is where the disconnect that's where the disconnect is in that assumption my entire family immigrated from India when I was like one and my brother was like three so as I and my brother were being raised like my parents were also being raised like it was obviously their first time while we started off being a little bit more traditional and culturally strict it has definitely loosened up over the years Courtney resents having such a large following because because of the as Tommy says freaks of Reddit yeah I used to be a little bit vocal about um the Reddit remember I mentioned I wish I hadn't found out about Reddit cuz like someone we used to work at back at defi was like did you know that you have a a Reddit page where they keep updated on everything you're doing and I was like what that's so cool I didn't know that and then I went to it and it was like Courtney Miller slow-mo jiggle with shirt extra enhanced to see nipple like Curry and I was like 22 and I was like I was not ready for that um I think one day I might like to go off grid and like live that private private life but for now I I I love it I think I was meant for this life as well chance has a superiority complex W that is so not sorry not going to speak for you but incorrect no I I like it I like that I give off the vi I like that I give off The Vibes no I don't like it um I used to think that people who were quieter than me thought they were cooler than me and I think I've tried to adopt that not in that I'm cooler than you just being quiet and just being calm and collected because there's a power and there's a Stillness that uh intimidates people and that's very Co um from DND D my character is like very like he's like high elf and he's just like he's quiet he's reserved not superior but just like down to facts doesn't [ __ ] arasha only wants a famous partner that is definitely not true I I uh I mean that just that just feels it just feels so odd to say it because I I would never be like Oh I'm famous and I need Fame around like it's very hard to even say that right now it doesn't feel like uh Fame is something that is even achieved for me at this point so it's very hard to be like that's all I want for me I'm not looking out for for clout chance reads Jimmy Neutron Fanfictions what the correct no I'm just kidding correct I'm just kidding but I I don't read Jimmy Neutron Fanfictions I don't read any Fanfictions but I will say that my for you page on Instagram like my C her P let me speak let me speak let her speak let her speak it's a lot of like fan art type of things or like combination type of things no no no no so like what if Pokemon were suits of armor and then it's like a scrolling thing it's like Pikachu is a suit of armor Bulbasaur is a suit of armor and you can't help but scroll oh my gosh I'm going to look at all of them I'm going to send them people like which one are you picking which one do you like in the comments oh yeah 100% chance is a lightweight false false sorry I didn't mean to yell yes you did you did I just take pride I have trained my liver well and so it deserves a little praise because it can go okay it can go and it can mix that must be expensive for you though King ah you are so incredibly correct but not if you're not buying your own [Music] drinks there you go there you goes what is it about being a smos cast member that brings you the most joy I love that honestly just being having a place to be silly stupid and safe oh that's it silly that says a lot yep I'd say that my favorite thing about this job and it's like been my rock of this whole thing is like comedy is like it's the Cure it truly feels like we're creating magic sometimes like for example we see each other we want to make each other laugh and like it's just it feels like we're all just like around a campfire and like this Beacon is just comedy and feeling good inside and like I take it so seriously this this job because two out of three times when I meet people at a meet and greet like they say I I you got me through a tough time or like you helped me forget about all this stuff that's going on and like I love that that's my fuel and I want to be that for people because it's like sometimes there's nowhere to go the first thing that came to mind for me was uh my favorite video that we've done so far which was the eat it or ye it Indian food going back and and collecting the reception from it like was just such an emotional thing for me like I just got so many responses from people just being like relating to to the stuff that I was saying something that felt so so like specific to my experience talking about you know my experiences with like the ingredients or these dishes and and my mom and stuff like that it felt like oh I'm sharing with all of these people who don't know that but then it was sharing with all these people who do know that and people who are like dude like my mom did the same thing or like oh my God like I hated this ingredient or my brother and I would do this and and so maybe the word is is the relatability and that is when I feel the most grateful that's just like the representation of of who I am on screen when it is valued and rewarded and then I see it reflected back to me from a fan is so precious and just so like it it it just kind of grounds you you know cuz then it's not a wide array of people that you are just speaking nothingness into it's people who are actually holding on to your words and then taking the time out to search for you and then being like hey guess what like me too and that is so special
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 617,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Id: 1HqYk9pg1hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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