shourtney are really married (best moments from we're married: smosh mouth ep 44)

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[Music] hello yeah uh you guys have been waiting for this one um for a little bit Yeah so look the yeah we're married we're married we're married who what we're recording this like Thursday and it's now it's Monday that you're watching and it's being released on we will have been married for a month yeah how cool is that a game shouldn't be stressful to me like I hate when it gets too scary like Shane has seen me where I'm like oh oh God oh my God just like oh yeah no I'll be reading I'll be reading in the other room and I just hear I just hear no no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no no no and I'm just sitting there just like I like meanwhile when I play video games I'm just like locked in dude your eyes are like I'm just they're just like I can I oh God I can relate Courtney knows I'm like my favorite time to to game is early in the morning what oh yeah dude if I wake up at I'll wake up at like 6:00 a.m. and I'm like hell yeah dude it's time to game and like it's low volume and I'm just chilling like playing playing Zelda I'm like that's that's the best wow I got a cup of coffee just no there was the Hades soundtrack I've never played Hades but it was stuck in my head for months totally agree but yeah you're a freak yeah you're a little you're a little freak oh you're pulling your tarot and drinking your coffee and while you're playing games and murdering people I'm asleep and you didn't get to share the other news about you what oh yeah what uh the the thing that some people have clocked is that I I here's the real tell all I also I I also have two cats like our cats are also Jane's a cat dad and I have them I for a minute yeah bones is Nemesis bones is my Nemesis okay so bones is your Nemesis yeah um bones is a boy boy and then you have another cat birdie is my soulmate birdie Birdie's in love with Courtney she's very sweet to me too but Bones Bones is like we're best buds but he's also like a huge jerk to me yeah birdie was she's like We're best we're literally best buds but we also hate each other no he's like he's a menace like bones he's the sweetest most social cuddly like aggressively like you will hold me now cat oh my god um but he's also a troublemaker like he's a disrespectful little guy he is super disrespectful but we love him and then yeah birdie she's very loving but she's really skittish like no guests never really see her yeah but like it took her a long time but she's she loves you now she's she loves you she goes up to him she she's very vocal now like she's it took her a long time CU We rescued them when they were eight months and now they're you rescued them together they weren't like you guys had them on your own own and then brought no bones met bones I just called you bones uh Shane Shane and I went together I they were my cats that I was adopting but like you were with me when we met them you helped me picked them and you named bones and I named Birdie so they're ours they're like ours okay so I'm trying to let's start at we got married um we had we got we did a small you guys little elopement yeah at the same place that you got married Amanda yes yeah it was it was a really nice day we kept it super small and Brennan who you know he he does camera stuff here a little bit he took our pictures m and nailed it and they're gorgeous so casually just casually taking photos best photo I've ever seen in my life yeah it's crazy cuz one of those photos on the hard launch post the were like standing and there's like window Arch things and people pointed out that we made a a heart shape and I did not realize that brenon I meant to ask you did you know that you were making a heart when you took that photo see that say no we none of us realized that it was a heart it's just the Universe telling us that we're perfect you guys are just under love that was an accident and there's a lot of things that were like kind of a Miss like you almost didn't get your suit I completely forgot or bouquet that I tried to make the night before you made a whole bouquet and and uh what's the thing and atiner AER and what's funny is so I forgot a pin for his Boer I was like damn it and my best friend Bri from like my childhood she was going to be coming I was like can you bring a pin when you come and she's like yeah no problem then we show up to the courthouse and I'm like hugging her hello and she's like I have the pin right here and I was like oh I don't have the bouquet or Boer oh well but then but then in the courthouse are a bunch of like fake flowers at every desk and our our friend just grabbed one of them and was just like here's your bouquet and then we took one of the flowers out of that and made little boot and then what's funny though is that fans some fans were like oh it's not real cuz you can tell those are fake flowers meanwhile like there's a funny story to it like that's kind of wait I actually didn't know about that yeah yeah yeah it's and it just kind of worked out perfectly um and then speaking of your suit yeah so my suit I knew about that yeah that everyone here knew how much I was stressing about that [ __ ] so a lot of people wanted to know where your suit was from I had this image in my head for so long of like this like brown suit um and uh and so I I go and I get measured for it months ago like months before and they're like okay it'll be ready probably like end of February early March then they called me later like a month later and they're like it'll probably be ready like mid-march okay I need it I need it March 28th cuz that's when I I need it by then to because I we're going to Santa Barbara and then uh they they get it and they try to ship it to me and then FedEx just kind of like they sort of lost it I don't I don't know what really happened but literally the day before less than 24 hours before we're getting married I get called and they're like hey we we have your suit the TA the Taylor was like the Taylor's like we have your suit and I was like great but they're far away they're like hours hours drive away that's why I was like yeah ship it so I drive hours to go get this suit I get drive hours the opposite I opposite way I drive back and then we then we go to Santa Barbara that day so I was like in the car for like 5 hours um I remember you being like I'm not going to get it I'm not going to get it we were like you're going to get it really bummed and we even went and got another suit a backup a backup black suit which and now I'm like great I'll wear that for who MD it um but uh I'm so glad I got that brown suit because um I don't know it just felt like it fit and with all our photos and such a VI and you had that black tie that you chose we kind of chose last minute yeah it all worked out it all it all worked out cuz I had a different dress that I was planning on wearing that was like more of an off-white because I knew your shirt with your suit originally was going to be like an ivory off-white I'm going to wear this this white dress which I ended up wearing and then because you had your backup suit that came with a white shirt you ended up being able to wear that white shirt and like some people don't care about that stuff like I like color coordinating but it ended up looking all so good well it mattered to us cuz that was all we were bringing to it yeah know like like it wasn't like that was all we had we didn't set up a wedding so it was like we're going to this courthouse and what we have is what we're wearing and and I think it really was perfect yeah we knew we knew at a certain point that we were going to eventually like announce after we were married we made that decision a long time yeah like a long time ago we're like yeah well we'll probably like announce with like wedding photos yeah literally yeah you know I was just going to say there were plenty of times where it was like we posted stuff and it was like very clear yeah like we were both in London like yeah it it was it was definitely funny and it was moments like that where it's like all right we're not going to keep this secret and like like we throughout our entire relationship we weren't going to deny ourselves the experience of being in a relationship I'm wearing it but I'm not like a ring person so it's it's definitely an adjustment for me it's an adjustment I sometimes put it on my necklace yeah but it's not something like I would expect we started nine years ago I mean like we literally had our call back audition at the same time we both sat in front of Ian and Anthony and Joe article came out well they didn't they didn't contact me so I'm a little upset okay I tried I tried Courtney tried they they reached out um and I was like no freaking way this is so funny and so yeah like they emailed they're like hey we'd like to get comment do you care to reply with comment or something and I and so so you were kind of like drafting up like say and then I was like oh my God can you include Amanda in this re yeah I literally you guys I was like um like they were like can you comment on this like are you guys is this real and I was like yeah I wrote the little blur but I was like also uh we got married at the same place Amanda got married to and she's a huge fan if you want to include that in there or I'm on YouTube watching people make terrariums inside jars I do actually awesome it's it's the best those are my YouTubers that's what I'm watching they're like I I've had this ecosystem in this this mason jar for a whole year I don't plan on making couples content with you it's going to be about me but if you're around or if anything changes it might he might just be like he he's just got a little shrimp got a little shrimp he's like this one's going to clean the tank and he one little shrimp here this is his house so she might be an extra in her Vlogs yeah I'm the main character Shane just an NPC that's right honey I'm so sorry that felt very cringe but it's great we're going to leave that in we'll tell that story maybe another time more of it like running out of time here you guys are cat you guys are cat parents but we are cat parents yeah dude thank you Courtney for being here and uh thanks for uh marrying me oh yeah that was kind of chill of you that's really cute yeah we have a special guest thanks for marrying Shane thank God thank God uh anyways um anytime okay cool uh the thing I I do enjoy and I think this is totally fine is people going back and trying to find Easter eggs in smos content [Music]
Channel: Department of Weird Sounds
Views: 73,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shayne topp, courtney miller, shayne, courtney, shourtney, shartney, smosh
Id: 1If4JVamJmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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