Smoked BBQ Chicken Legs

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today I'm gonna be making something that is just perfect for summer for picnics for family gatherings for dinner for snacks because we're gonna be smoking chicken legs with barbecue sauce [Music] so before we get our chicken legs out here I want to get a rub ready because we're gonna have a rub that's gonna go on them and they're gonna sit in the refrigerator for a few hours then they're gonna go on the smoker and after a while on the smoker with just that rub then we're gonna sauce them to finish them off so for our rub we're starting off with two teaspoons of granulated garlic next we're gonna add one teaspoon of paprika 1 teaspoon of kosher salt 1 teaspoon of cracked black pepper and half a teaspoon of cumin I'm gonna close this up give it a shake there we go let's get our chicken legs out here and get them ready what we're working with today are about a dozen or so just normal little chicken legs and what we're gonna do first to get these ready is we're gonna get the skin off because we're not gonna be going for any sort of crispy skin in the electric smoker today we're going for flavor on the meat so we're just gonna get in here and get the skin off of these now it's a little slippery obviously if you have a paper towel just grab a paper towel use that to pull the skin comes right off let's get our next one going here also pull off any little bits of fat that tend to be sticking there sometimes you'll be able to do it without the paper towel you have other any other little bits that are just stuck there take your kitchen scissors trim them off all right I'm gonna go ahead and finish getting the skin off of these and then we're gonna move on to getting the rub on them so we have our chicken legs in a bowl here and we're just gonna go ahead and start sprinkling our rub on them and as we do that we're just gonna move them around in here make sure everybody gets some that little hit of the scent you get from the cumin is gonna go great and we add our sweet barbecue sauce later a little piece of a bone right here if you see anything like that just go ahead and take it off a lot of times people say why don't use a shake or when you make a rub sometimes I do but honestly I just prefer doing it this way just personal preference a little piece of bone there why it's always good when you're getting something like these pre-cut you know packages of chicken legs to check for little pieces of bone that might have been left in the processing make sure everybody's getting some on every side here they're gonna get tossed around in here so the rub is gonna get mixed on but we want to give it a head start with a good coating and I'm just gonna sprinkle the rest on here move everybody around all right these are ready they're gonna go in the refrigerator now covered for about three or four hours then we're gonna get them out to the electric smoker and get these guys cooking all right the char-broil electric is running it 244 degrees our target temp today is somewhere in the 250 range anywhere between 225 and 275 I'll be happy and I'm burning Hickory today the wood box is about half full of chips and I have my ambient temperature probe on the top level great and I have a little piece of foil on the bottom shelf just to catch a little bit of the extra drips but it doesn't go edge to edge because we want that smoke to be able to move throughout the chamber so let's get this opened up get our chicken legs on [Music] place our legs in here at least six or seven per rack I'm just gonna use two racks today [Music] all right let's get this closed up get these smokin so these chicken legs are gonna go for 40 minutes at 250 degrees here to start we're not going to do anything to them I'm just gonna let them absorb that smoke after 40 minutes we'll do a quick temperature check and then we're gonna add some barbecue sauce to them and those are gonna go probably for another half-hour to 45 minutes until they're done but done will be when there are a hundred and sixty-five degrees internal so we'll be waiting for that temperature now I could throw an internal temperature probe in there but my experience with chicken legs is you tend to get some false readings just because of proximity of the bone so I'll use the instant-read thermometer to confirm temperature as we're close to being done so I'll see you back in about 40 minutes when it's time to sauce these so we've been going about 40 minutes the Tri barrel electrics right around 2:35 below that 250 that I was shooting for but like I said anywhere between 225 and 275 that works for me so it's time to get these chicken legs out of here get them sauced and we'll do a quick check of the temperature [Music] I've got some of that nice smoky color on so let's go ahead and get these out of here get him into a foil pan so we can sauce them [Music] those already have a great color on them and a really nice smell so I want to get to sort of a baseline temperature check here that one shown about 120 to 129 130 yes or like the 125 to 130 range it looks like perfect so now we're gonna go ahead and get these sauced what I'm using for sauce today is a barbecue sauce that I made the other day I did a video on it I'll put a link in the description and I'll put a link up in the corner of this video we're just gonna put a good amount on here that we can spread around on everybody this is a honey maple barbecue sauce just want to get in here get your hands dirty everybody coated you don't want it to be soupy on them but you want a good coating alright that looks good let's get him back on the smoker [Music] alright we're gonna get this closed up probably gonna go for another 30 to 40 minutes I'll check them after 30 and see how we're doing all right we've been going about 30 minutes just give it a temperature check let's take this guy looking about 136 years that's you know moving fairly slowly we're not going to to high temp here were 250 141 so we're in the you know upper 130 s low in 40s I think we're gonna go probably another 20 minutes before we check again but that should get us closer all right the smokers running about 250 ish right now and it's been another 20 minutes so we're gonna go ahead and give these a check I'm pretty sure they're gonna be close to done those are looking really good look at that color now we're gonna be saucing these some more before we actually taste them inside but let's see where we're at here that is 164 okay I'm gonna check one on the lower shelf here I think 164 is close enough I think there's enough carryover in these for one degree that is 166 all right we are good we're gonna get these inside let them sit for just a couple of minutes and we're gonna sauce them up and have a taste so here are a half dozen of our smoked barbecue chicken legs hopefully the colors coming through because it's really really beautiful you get that darkness first from the rub and the smoke and then that sauce that we put on at the end looks great but we're gonna put some more sauce on it right now and I am NOT gonna be shy with saucing these these are gonna get coated because this is some good barbecue sauce and I mean come on if you're already gonna be picking up a piece of food that's got its own built-in handle make it a little messy messy and tasty look at that make sure we get some on the front here of all of these on the top there's not a lot more I can do to these so it's time to taste alright so this is probably gonna be just a little bit messy but I don't care this food warrants getting a messy face and messy fingers eating it so let's dive in right now my face seriously a little go that is phenomenal that rub underneath the sauce like I said is a perfect complement to the sweetness that little tiny bit of cumin 1/2 a teaspoon in there over this entire thing really brings out for lack of a better term that sort of southwestern flavor this is exactly what I was hoping for in results juicy flavorful good smoke flavor from that Hickory and with chicken like this I really do like Hickory so if you find yourself with a bunch of chicken legs give them a good rub have some sauce ready if you have an electric smoker use that if not you can do it on the kettle the grill give them a little bit of smoke flavor sometime let them develop this color in this flavor we got the perfect food for dinner for picnics for snacks for anything I won't be able to stop with just one
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 66,594
Rating: 4.8996654 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, electric smoker, chicken drumsticks, bbq sauce
Id: eMkYBYbDqEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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