Crispy Skin Smoked Chicken Wings | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chud's barbecue my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made these beautiful smoky crispy saucy delicious smoked chicken wings coming up chicken wings definitely one of my favorite things to cook they're cheap readily available and because of the skin to meat to fat ratio you can get a really crispy skin while maintaining some nice tender juicy meat they're also great with any flavor profile whether it's sweet spicy savory you can't lose but most importantly you can cook them on whatever you have whether it's in the oven in a deep fryer on the grill but with all that said today i'm going to show you how i like to make wings on the offset smoker and it is going to be delicious how are you doing save that for later this is a chicken if you've never taken a wing off of a chicken before it's super easy to do i don't really need to show you this but i happen to have a chicken handy so it might as well simply enough you just want to grab it right by the wing here and right in this joint spine side up go right on in and slice it off not much to it and the beauty of taking wings off a chicken yourself is that if you wanted to you could kind of go a little into the breast and get yourself a big old chicken wing have a little extra meat on there if you're doing fried chicken that's a good tip that way your wing is a little more evenly sized with the rest of your fried chicken pieces but that being said that's how you take a chicken wing off from here you could cook them whole i like to do that a lot it works really well on the smoker it's all about presentation and cook time and that kind of stuff but to break them apart you simply want to find this joint go right through there same on this side right through there then you've got your chicken drum your chicken flat and your wing tip some people like to eat the wing tips i usually don't they're great for making stock if you save these up keep them in your freezer they're all collagen and skin and fat which is perfect for flavoring a stock making it nice and gelatinous and thick but as i mentioned chicken wings are readily available and whenever i buy them i always get the full wings just like we just had and that's for a few different reasons first and foremost you're going to save some money by breaking them down yourself because if you're not breaking them down you're gonna be paying some other guy to do it also i kind of like doing it it's pretty fun good practice and like i said you get all those wing tips which are great for making stock which i highly recommend you all start doing because having homemade stock around comes in handy more often than you'd think another good reason to get the full wings and break them down yourself is because the quality is going to be a lot better i bought a package of pre-cut wings the other day and half of the bones were broken because when they're breaking these down in the factories they're typically moving pretty quick and they might miss or they might get overhandled or something you're going to have a lot of split bones which is going to leak out marrow and stuff into your oil give you some off flavors off colors that kind of thing but again there's nothing to it just find the joint use a nice sharp chef's knife something that's got a little bit of heft to it nothing too delicate because you're going through some cartilage and if you've never done this before and you're having a hard time finding the joint you can always just go through and split the skin down and then snap it to expose the joint you can see it right there and then just follow right through damn on the wingtip here just kind of break it until you see exactly what you're doing and go right through but once you get the hang of it you can just kind of eyeball it and get through a whole bag of wings pretty quickly and then we have a big beautiful pile of wings time to fire up the smoker in my boat there is a snake nice and toasty if you have the foresight to plan ahead i highly recommend utilizing a dry brine for chicken wings salting your chicken wings skin side up on a rack and letting sit uncovered in the fridge overnight will not only help season the wings all the way through but will also help dry out the skin which is really what we're after for getting crispy skin on the smoker these are some wings i seasoned last night and the skin is nice and dry on there and should help crisp up very nicely that being said i rarely plan that far ahead so today we're going to throw these dry brine wings on as well as just these ones that i just chopped up for these rings that have already been salted overnight i'm just going to go in with a little bit of black pepper and just toss them around make sure they're covered in every side and it's at this point too you could go in with any rub or any other seasonings you like but today i'm going to keep it pretty simple for the rest of these rings i'm just going to go in with a bit of salt you don't have to be too precise with this because most of the sauces that you're going to toss your wings in afterwards are going to be pretty flavorful and salty but this is just a good head start go in there make sure they're nice and salty as well as some black pepper and now onto the pit they go as for temperature on this pit we are rocking a solid 300 may even pump that up a little bit to 325 gonna put these nice and close but not too close if they're gonna burn but we're trying to cook these really hot and fast and i always try to put them skin side up which is kind of hard to do because they're covered in skin but for a flat here we're going to do inside up as opposed to the bone side as i like to refer to them and that's just so the top gets nice and crispy these are the dry brine wings going up front and again this is a great time to use your favorite barbecue rub chud rub would be great i use that often any flavor profile you want like i said if you've got a sweet rub that can be pretty tasty the sugars will caramelize on the wings but i'm going for some crispy wings that we can then toss and sauce later so keeping the seasoning pretty simple this is also a great way to test out your smoker if you have a new pit or you're unfamiliar with how your hot spots work or how evenly the smoker cooks just fill it up with chicken wings and you'll easily be able to see which ones are getting crispy first and it's a good way to get to know your smoker without you know cooking a bunch of biscuits or something because these are going to be tasty no matter how you cook them one final step i like to do when cooking chicken wings is wait till this stage to go through with some garlic powder this way we're going to have a nice even coating right on top it's going to cook into the chicken fat that starts rendering out and get really nice and golden it's gonna roast really well and it's just gonna help with the presentation go through at this point too and just do a little more black pepper just a nice finishing coat for flavor and presentation a lot of times too i'll throw in some paprika or something into the bowl give these a nice reddish tint very nice all right now we are going to let these go for the next little bit from here on out we're going to let these rock at around 325 maybe up oh maybe upwards of 300 degrees and we're going for doors wide open damper wide open really clean convective heat basically the same principle of how an air fryer works a lot of people will smoke them really low or really smoky and that's how you get those dark rubbery wings that are no bueno so i'm going to throw another log on and we'll come back in about 30 45 minutes definitely a good time to pick through your wood pile to make sure you have some really nice seasoned logs nothing too dense or round that's gonna smolder and put out a bunch of thick smoke and just like the thanksgiving turkey or the smoked chicken we did a few months back we're not really going with any fancy flavors or rubs or anything like that we're just trying to focus on the basics burning a really clean fire and aiming for that wonderful crispy skin nice and toasty because we're cooking so close to the exchange in there i pulled my fire pretty far back that way those flames are reaching all the way in without anything getting too burnt how's it going buddy every time nice box how you liking this new tread box design oh well you know i don't have the guns i used to if you want to have a little bit of lighter of a door you just split her up like that hell yeah stop throwing our shoulders out when we're cooking pigs and pork steaks and whatnot nice and clean bud yeah unlike me i'd say 35 minutes into this wing cook and these little bad boys are looking delicious nice and crispy golden brown already all that pepper is cooking down sticking to there nicely you can hear them sizzling but now to add some extra flavor we're gonna go in with some hot melted butter ooh yes please and because we're cooking at the same temperature that you'd be frying these wings yet they cook up pretty quick again it's only been about 35 40 minutes at this point and these are definitely fully cooked we're just trying to add some nice flavor make sure they're nice and juicy and this is some butter that i brought up to a boil so all the water cooked out of it and the hot oil mixed with the heat from the smoker is really going to help get that skin nice and crispy all the milk salts will kind of cook on and we'll end up with some super flavorful wings should also be a good time to go in with some brown butter if that's your style never get sick of brushing butter on top of chicken wings so we're just gonna let this butter kind of cook on let these wings crisp up a little bit more then they'll be ready to pull off oh you can't beat that look at that beautiful smoky wing outlet now that our wings are moments away from being done it's time to talk about sauce today i'm going to go with a few of my favorites starting with the og the classic the frank's red hot buffalo gotta love it big fan of buffalo wings secondly i'm gonna go with some barbecue sauce i do love a good barbecue wing especially when it comes off the smoker going through my collection i found some of this from the last wing video the old heat week leroy and louis beet barbecue sauce highly recommend giving this a try we actually were just talking about tuesday whether or not we should bring this back and put it on the website so let me know in the comments below if you guys want this to make a resurgence just a nice spicy barbecue sauce and then over here i'm going to make a little bit of a maple sriracha honey works really well too but i'm going to go in with some maple syrup and some sriracha and you can make this to your own taste depending on what sweet to heat balance you prefer i'm also gonna go in with a little dash of soy sauce just for some extra umami and then a little bit of rice vinegar add some extra acidity and a little bit more flavor gonna whisk that up give it a taste and adjust it until we like it something about that sweet heat can't go wrong after about an hour on the smoker these bad boys are done time to take them off the pit and for those who keep a score at home these are right around 200 degrees dark meat like chicken thighs and chicken wings can handle being cooked to higher temps without drying out or being tough or anything like that but it gets that really nice golden skin on there and as you can see they're not burnt or anything like that the underside is looking nice and golden smells so good but yeah that's what you're looking for in a good smoked chicken wing nothing rubbery nothing too dry so off they come and while they're still piping hot let's toss them in our sauce you know the drill from here folks oh so saucy at this point if you wanted to you could throw these back on the smoker and let that sauce kind of glaze on a bit but i kind of like a nice wet wing all right y'all i think it's time to dive into these i'm going to start off with one of these maple sriracha ones put a little bit of sesame seeds on there for a cute little garnish beautiful nice and sweet nice and smoky good amount of heat to them delicious then we got the beautiful buffalo wing the classic the buffalo sauce so tangy so rich gotta love it the beautiful lorraine lewis barbecue sauce spicy version great for wings i dusted these with a little bit of barbecue rub too from wright's barbecue shout out jordan got a nice amount of sweetness to it which should play nicely with the barbecue sauce [Music] oh i forgot how spicy that sauce is nice and sweet very peppery very barbecuey that's good and then i kept a couple of dry guys too just to admire the butteriness and the crispy skin that is achievable on an offset smoker can't go wrong with that so good just by itself very good maple and smoked wings goes so well together oh i forgot about goliath over here biggest chicken wing in the world gotta bust out a little blue cheese for these buffalo wings wanna learn how to make that you can head over to the palo fried chicken wing episode from a few months back make my own blue cheese dressing and show you how i like to make fried chicken wings but sometimes a good smoky chicken wing hits the spot too what's the most wings y'all have ever eaten in one setting let me know in the comments i think my record's probably around like 30. no all right y'all that is it that is how i like to make smoked chicken wings i highly recommend giving this technique a try no matter what kind of cooker you have as long as you're using high indirect clean heat you can get some really crispy skin juicy chicken wings and the real beauty about throwing them on an offset like this is you can cook a big batch for a crowd a lot quicker than going bats for batch in a fryer or on a small grill or something like that but if you enjoyed this video please hit that subscribe button it helps me out so much let me know in the comments below what you want to see me cook next if you cook these for yourself be sure to tag me on instagram chud's bbq i love to see what y'all are cooking head over to for all pit inquiries wait lists and all that good stuff and until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 315,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbecue, Backyard BBQ, BBQ Pit, Spicy, Buffalo Wings
Id: 1WEc7sDkzWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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