Smoked Chicken Legs on Big Green Egg with Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right today we're talking chicken legs I've got a new rack that I want to be checking out today that's going to be actually hanging the chicken legs so they're suspended on the grill it makes you from having to turn them up where they're going to cook really even I've never used one of these so this is a first for me too but I wanted to shoot a video show you how it works kind of tell you what I think about it I found this at just a local butcher shop I'm sure you can find them at any barbecue store or supply store Sporting Goods that sells barbecue stuff it wasn't very expensive they're like 1011 bucks let's get started so the first thing that we're going to do to these chicken legs is just get a good basic coat of salt and pepper and garlic alone I'm using my 80 rub but you can use you can make the mixture up yourself if you'd like but I want to get some on all sides and some salt on it get some pepper on a few other herbs in there then we're going to come back with our barbecue rub we're just going on all sides make sure you get the ends then we're just going to hang them in this vertical rack and they're kind of close together so that so it holds the bones and it'll suspend it right there even as it cooks so I'm doing the same thing to the rest of these legs first get a good dose of that salt pepper and garlic all purpose on it great flavors for chicken that's what everybody's familiar with then we're layering that barbecue rub on it because we want we want some of those barbecue flavors but it also adds a little bit of sweetness because that rub the rub we have has a little bit of sugar in it as well to balance out some of the salt some of the peppers that's in it so now come back and let's hit them with the rub anytime you're working with chicken you want to be real careful about the food safety handling you want to wash everything don't prep it on boards that you're going to be cutting food on later you want to make sure you wash your hands and everything that chicken is touched so now we just got to get these legs hanging this racks designed to hold about 12 legs the pack that I'm cooking at just 10 in it so that's all we're going with here today let the skin on didn't do anything special to just seasoning we're going to go outside get our grill fired up kind of space them out even I'll put one on that end no one back on this end so we've got them kind of even here so this is what they look like hanging on this chicken right now if you don't have one of these racks it's okay just to cook these straight on the grate but I'm really just testing this out I want to see how they cook verticals if they stay juicy see what that moisture contents like at the end and it's going to let smoke get all around them while they're hanging they're cooking got to go outside get the big green egg fired up will show you putting them on in just a second stick around it's going to be good eats alright we're out here at my big green egg then we're going to cook today about 275 to 300 degrees on the egg so I've got it set up with my deflector shield and I'm just going to Center this rack of chicken legs right up in the middle of it doesn't matter what kind of grill you're cooking on you just want to hold that temps at 275 to 300 we're going to close the lid on the egg got just a little bit of smoke grilling here some pecan woods I put a couple small chunks right on the lump charcoal to create a nice little smoky environment get the lid closed and we're just going to watch these legs about 30 minutes see how they're doing it's going to probably take about an hour hour-and-a-half form total we're going to show you a little glaze we're going to mix up with some barbecue sauce and we're going to dip these legs in it finish them off hang them back on the rack so stick around show you how these chicken legs cook hanging vertical okay it's been about 30 minutes I'm just going to take a peek at these chicken legs and see how we're looking some one ride-along I was trying to get some really good color on them dripping a little you see where it's hit the pan down there that's what I want to see I know they got longer to get ooh so we're at least another 30 minutes and we'll think about probing them we're wanting to take these to at least 175 degrees internal which is safe for dark meat chicken so get the lid closed keep letting them smoke all right our chicken legs are outside smoking on the grill and it's almost time to start glazing them so I want to show you what I'm going to use today and I've just got a bottle of barbecue sauce this happens to be my barbecue sauce but use whatever kind of sauce you like but you want to get it thinned down a little bit and what I'm using is just about 2 ounces of pineapple juice this is a 6 ounce can so I'll just pour in about 1/3 of it in there and then just give it mixed mixed around I'm going to pop it in the microwave just for a few minutes because I'm going to put it on cold I want it to you know the sauce to be warm so it's nice and running you want to dip these chicken legs in it I love the maturity of it's going to run off but it's going to leave a nice blaze on them and we're going to hang them back on the rack and let them finish where that glaze tightens up a little bit so you have some awesome flavor of those legs so we get the sauce heated up we're going to meet you outside of the grill show you how we're going to finish these chicken legs all right so I want to check the temperature on a couple of these legs they've been on for about an hour 10 minutes I just want to see we're like right at 168 I know these smaller ones are going to be little hotter yeah 172 it's time to go ahead and glaze on the right where I will they get great color skins starting to really draw back on some of them so that's I want to stop them and I want to just get some glaze on them and set that glaze i heated up this sauce mixture we made I'm just going to take them right off the rack dunk them in that sauce hang them right back up I really like the way this chicken racks working because if you're doing legs minutes low-maintenance I'm not going to get two of these racks on here easy on this grill doesn't take up much space and I could have cooked 24 legs on to rags so you can't beat that Plus the skin looks awesome you see why some of the guys out there we want to you know use a leg rack like this in competition cooking I've seen people do it now I understand why this quick glaze right here at the grill let's go a little sauce upon that bone-in hang it right back in its spot beautiful color we only need you know 10 minutes left at 300 degrees and these dudes are going to be ready to come on let's get the lid closed let these legs glaze just about 10 minutes they're going to be ready to eat man alright it's been about 10 minutes of glazing so I know these chicken legs are done so we're going to take a look at them and I know it's time to get them inside minute the way the glaze is just kind of melted and caramelized on I guess a beautiful color that's what we want to see we're talking chicken legs and I can't wait to try these beautiful let's take them inside a little hangout and just carry the racking all in go do this I suggest wearing a pair of gloves liners and some gloves keep that rack from burning your hands I know it's hot but all right we're back inside I've got the chicken legs out and a little rest for about 10 minutes my first problem in and they're so hot just like anything then you got to let it sit there and rest a few minutes I didn't lose too much juice or anything you can see so it's all should be nice and moist and juicy on the inside now I feel confident I can grab one and go ahead and take a bite so without further ado that's what I'm going to do I want to get one off this backside here then I got it all over me on the note that's sticking juicy smoking hey that ain't how to barbecue right I don't want to know how to barbecue wrong hanging out there back up there now that's what I call chicken off the rack right there let's talk about what we did today we took just a regular pack of chicken legs from the grocery store seasoning with that ap seasoning salt pepper and garlic on all sides then we layered on some more barbecue rub all on the outside we didn't bribe them into any of that we just hung them on the racks and took them out to the ceramic grill I cooked them on the Big Green Egg it ran between 275 and right under 300 the whole time total cook time was on about an hour and 15 minutes plus I glazed them for an additional ten so it's really quick had a couple pieces of pecan wood on the fire to give it some smoke really put some nice flavor in the chicken leg when they were done when I was seeing temps you know 170 172 I wanted to get them in a glaze and that's what finished them off here when that glaze I just took some barbecue sauce about 18 ounce bottle and then two ounces of pineapple juice mixed it up heating it up in the microwave so it was nice and warm it would run when I dip the legs in it let them go to the additional ten minutes and then brought them in and rest of them for about 10 minutes and that's it simple as it can be these are some awesome chicken legs you can't get the rack you can do this just straight on the grate going to work the same of those times and temps but hey check these racks out if you see one at your local sporting goods store I think the brand on it was Bayou classics I'm not really positive on that alais when I first bought it but he should be able to find them on Amazon or somewhere just look for a chicken leg right thanks for checking out the video today how to barbecue right subscribe to our channel we're going to be putting out more videos all year long you can also find us on Facebook and Twitter we'll see you next time how it going
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 378,603
Rating: 4.9342513 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, chicken leg grill rack, chicken leg rack for grill, chicken drumstick holder, smoked chicken drumsticks, recipe for smoked chicken, smoking chicken legs, smoked chicken legs, smoked chicken dumsticks, smoked chicken recipe, grilling chicken legs, bbq chicken legs, Big Green Egg
Id: vCg3RYcdd18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2015
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