Classic Christmas Movies [Compilation] | MEGA CLASSIC CHRISTMAS COMPILATION | Advent Calendar #3

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"Rankin/Bass Present" "Frosty the Snowman" Movie one of four I suppose it all started with the snow. You see, it's a very special kind of snow. A snow to make the happy happy... and the giddy even giddier. A snow to make a homecoming homier and natural enemies friends, naturally. For it was the first snow of the season. And as any child can tell you, there's a certain magic to the very first snow... especially when it falls on the day before Christmas. For when the first snow is also a Christmas snow, [Chuckles] well, something wonderful is bound to happen! [Laughter] [Ruler tapping] Children, back to your seats. The snow can wait. Now, now. I've hired professor Hinkle, the magician, to entertain at today's class Christmas party, so, pay attention! [Clears Throat] Now, Professor Hinkle was just about the worst magician in the world. And so, I put the magic eggs in to my hat. Abracadabra, to coin a phrase... [Laugh] And voila the eggs have turned in to... Messy messy messy. [Children groan] Where IS that rabbit?? Hocus Pocus! Where are you?! Bah, the only thing this hat's good for is the trash can! [Children laugh] [Bell rings][Children cheer] *Hinkle Grumbles* You didn't deserve- Hinkle the OUCH For some stupid- Owww! Frozen water! Hey, look at the snow! -That's snow! Yeah! It's cold and snowy! Yeah, It's the best kind of snow, too! I like snow! Yes! Snow's good! Yay! Snow! We're building a snowman, Karen. You make the head! The head is the most difficult part, ask anyone! What will we call him? Yeah! Should we call him Harold? Uhhh... Bruce? Nahhh Christopher columbus? Oh no... OATMEAL!! Oatmeal??? How about... Frosty? Frosty? Yeah! Frosty it is. Frosty the snowman! [Cheers] [Laugher] Frosty the snowman, what a happy, jolly soul. With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal! Frosty the snow - Come back here, you. Happy Birthday! That hat brought Frosty to life... It must be magic! Magic? My hat, magic? Just look. If that hat is magic, I want it back. But it's not yours anymore! You threw it away! Don't talk back to your elders, you, you naughty naughty little girl. And you, stay in there, or there'll be no carrots for Christmas. But you can't take that hat back, it brought Frosty to life! You saw it happen! I saw nothing of the kind. [Chattering] Quiet, I can't lose that hat if it's really got magic now! It'll make me a billionaire magician! But we saw Frosty come to life, didn't we? Uh-huh! Oh, we sure did! You silly children believe everything you see. When you're grown up you'll realize that snowmen can't come to life. But we - Silly, silly silly! Aw, Frosty, we don't care what grown-ups say, we know you DID come to life. We know, Frosty. We just know. #Frosty the snowman, was a jolly, happy soul. With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal. # Frosty the snowman is a fairy-tale they say. He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day. Now, of course, the hat did belong to Frosty and the children. That part must be made very clear. Therefore, Hocus Pocus was entirely in the right in what he was about to do. Well, Hocus Pocus raced back to the children just as fast as he could. [Hocus Pocus whistles] Look! The hat's back. Let's see if it'll make Frosty alive again. Happy Birthday! Hey, I said my first words... But... but snowmen can't talk... *Laughter* Huh! huh huh! Alright, come on now, what's the joke? Could... could I really be alive? I mean, I can make words, I can move. I can juggle, I can sweep, I can count to 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 8... Uh... Well, I can count to 5. [laughing] What do you know? I'm even ticklish. In fact, I'm all living. I am alive! What a neat thing to happen to a nice guy like me. [Children cheer] There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. # For when they placed it on his head he began to dance around. # Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be, and the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me. Uh oh... What's the matter, Frosty? Whew, is there a thermometer around here? Over there on the wall, why? Oh, I was afraid of that. The thermomter is getting red. I hate red thermometers. Why, Frosty? 'Cause when the thermometer gets all reddish, the temperature goes up. And when the temperature goes up, I start to melt. And when I start to melt... I get all wishy washy! Then you've gotta go some place where you'll never melt. The only place I'd never melt is the north pole. Then we've got to get you there! Yeah, we'll take you downtown to the railroad station and put you on a train. Great, I always wanted to see the town. Let's make a party out of it! Let's have a parade! [Children Cheer] # Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day, so he said let's run and we'll have some fun now before I melt away. # Down to the village with a broomstick in his hand, running here and there all around the square, saying catch me if you can. Come on kids, follow the leader! # He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop, and he only paused a moment when he heard him holler stop. [Cop blows whistle] Stop. Stop. Stop! Alright, didn't you see that traffic light? What's a traffic light? Up there on the lamp post! What's a lamp post? Oh, do you want a ticket, wise guy? I'd love one, to the north pole, please! Huh? You've got to excuse him, sir. You see, he just came to life and he doesn't know much about such things. Oh, well, okay, if he just came to life. [Cop blows whistle] Move along! Them silly snowmen. Once they come to life they don't know nothing. Come to life?! [Soft whistling] [Train Bell Rings] [Snoring] We'd like a ticket to the north pole please. Hmm... What? Heh? Yes. The north pole? Oh, yes ma'am. [Bonk, Ping, Tinkle, Scrabble, Doink, Whistle] Route you by the way of Saskatchewan, Hudson Bay, Nome Alaska, the Klondike, and Aurora Borealis! Gotta make a change at Nanuk of the Northville. That'll be $3,000 and four cents, including tax. Oh, but we don't have any money... No money!? [Bonk, Ping, Tinkle, Scrabble, Doink] No money, no ticket! [Slam!] [Sad music plays] Now I'll never get to the north pole. Oh, Frosty, you just can't melt! Oh, Karen, don't you get all slushy too. What is it, Hocus? Out the window? A refrigerated boxcar on a train headed north. You'll be safe there, Frosty! Come on! It's full of ice cream and frozen Christmas cakes! What a neat way to travel! [Whistle blows] Hurry up, Frosty, the train is pulling out! Are you coming to the north pole, too? I'm sure my mother won't mind, as long as I'm home in time for supper. [Whistle blows] # Frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way, but he waved goodbye saying don't cry. I'll be back again some day. I must get that hat back. Think, nasty, think, nasty, think nasty. [Evil laughter]. # He'll be back again some daaaaaaaaaay. Now actually, a refrigerated boxcar is a splendid way to travel. Splendid that is... if one is a snowman or a furry coated rabbit. But for Karen... [Sneeze] Are you cold, Karen? Now that's a silly question. You wouldn't be sneezing if you weren't cold! Well... just... just a lit... a little. [Sneeze] Frosty realized that Karen had to get out of that car as soon as possible. So when the little freight train stopped to let an express full of happy Christmas travelers pass, Frosty took advantage of the opportunity and quickly got them all off. Oh, you tricked me! No fair! The only thing professor Hinkle could do was make a jump for it. [Bonk, Ping, Tinkle, Scrabble, Doink] [Howling wind] Frosty wanted to get as far away as he could before Hinkle woke up. [Hocus' teeth chatter] [Sneeze] But the woods through which they traveled were still bitterly cold. Hocus, I've got to get Karen all warmed up or she's a goner! [Hocus mimes making a fire] I can't make a fire. Oh boy, that's one thing I really can't do. I guess we just better keep moving until we find somebody who can. Then suddenly they came upon a tiny glen which seemed almost magical. For it was Christmas eve and the woodland animals were all decorating for their big celebration. They knew Santa was to come that night and they wanted everything to be just right. Hocus, speak to the animals. See if they won't all pitch in and build a fire for Karen. [Squeaky noises] [Hocus mimes Karen] [Hocus mimes the fire] The animals were delighted to help, so they found a spot away from the glen where the fire wouldn't catch on to the trees. Soon there was a spark and in almost no time, a splendid fire was crackling away. Frosty was careful to stay far away from the flames. Hocus, we've got to find someone to help Karen get home before she freezes, and me to the north pole before I melt, but who? No, not the Marines. No, not the president of the United States. Oh, they were both swell ideas, but we've got to find someone nearby. Yeah, Santa Claus. That's a great idea. Why didn't I think of that before? Hocus, you go back with the animals and when Santa comes, you bring him right here. Understand? Hurry now! So Frosty kept a silent vigil, waiting patiently all through the night until Santa would arrive. But suddenly... Oh, a campfire. Well isn't that all snug and comfy? [Evil laughter] [Professor Hinkle blows] No! Don't! Now, give me that hat or else! Or else... what? Well don't bother me with details, give me that hat! Get on my shoulders, Karen! You see, Frosty since he was made of snow, was the fastest belly-whopper in the world. And old professor Hinkle was soon far outdistanced. And now it was Frosty's good fortune that right at the bottom of the hill was a tiny greenhouse used to grow precious tropical poinsettias for Christmas. It's got to be all warm and snug inside for those Christmas flowers to grow so beautiful. Let's go in. Oh, but, but you will melt! Just a little. I'll only stay inside for a minute. Besides, I've been meaning to take off a little weight anyway. Whew, stay in here much longer and I'll really make a splash in the world. [Karen laughs] Now I've got you, and the minute you're all melted the hat will be mine! [Evil laughter] Santa had arrived. But... was he too late? Hocus explained the situation to Santa, who (as you know) speaks a fluent rabbit. And when they didn't find Frosty and Karen on the hill... Santa followed Frosty's path in the snow to the greenhouse. But when they got inside, a terrible sight met their eyes. [Karen weeping] [Sad music plays] # (Very slowly) Frosty the snowman was a happy, jolly soul with a corn-cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal. They were too late. Too late? Why, nonsense! Awww, Don't cry, Karen. Frosty's not gone for good. You see, he was made out of Christmas snow and Christmas snow can never disappear completely. [Santa Chuckles] Ohh it sometimes goes away for almost a year at a time and takes the form of Spring and Summer rain, but you can bet your boots that when a good jolly December wind kisses it, it will turn in to Christmas snow all over again! Yes, but he was my friend. [Chuckle] Just watch. Wait a minute! I want that hat and I want it now! Don't you dare touch that! And just what are YOU going to do about it? If you so much as lay a finger on the brim, I'll never bring you another Christmas present as long as you live. Never? Never! No more trick cards or magic balls or... No more anything. Oh, that's not fair. I mean, we evil magicians have to make a living too. Now you go home and write "I am very sorry for what I did to Frosty" a hundred zillion times. And then maybe, just maybe, mind you... you'll find something in your stocking tomorrow morning. A- a new hat maybe? Ooh, yes sir! Goodbye everyone! Sorry to lose and run, but I've got to get busy writing. Busy busy busy! [Chuckles] Come on, Frosty, we're all waiting for you. Happy Birthday! #Frosty the snowman is a fairy-tale they say. He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day. And so Santa took Karen home, and made ready to bring Frosty back to the north pole. Karen hated to say goodbye to Frosty, but as Santa promised, Frosty returned every year with the magical Christmas snow. And every year there was a great celebration with a big Christmas parade. #Thumpity thump thump Thumpity thump thump Look at that Frosty go. Thumpity thump thump, Thumpity thump thump Over the hills of snow. #Frosty the snowman, was a jolly, happy soul. With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal. And with Frosty the snowman, Christmas was always very merry indeed. You have a merry Christmas too! #Frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way, but he waved goodbye saying don't you cry. I'll be back on Christmas day! "Ruldoph the Red Nosed Reindeer" Movie two of four "Cold Wave in 12th day" "We're FrOzen" "ICE PERIL WARNING" "TOUGH GOING! Sanitation Army Digging Us Out" "FOUL WEATHER MAY POSTPONE CHRISTMAS" "Rankin/Bass Present" If I Iive to be a hundred, I'II never be abIe to forget that big snowstorm... a coupIe of years ago. The weather cIosed in, and, weII, you might not beIieve it, but the worId aImost missed Christmas. Oh, excuse me. CaII me Sam. What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a taIking snowman before? Nice around here, isn't it? I caII it Christmas Town, better known as the North PoIe. Christmas Tree Forest. Yep, here's where we grow em'. Nice pIace to Iive, you know. Christmas seaIs. Of course, the number-one citizens up here... are the CIauses: Santa and the missis. They Iive right over there, first castIe on the Ieft. Matter of fact, the onIy castIe on the Ieft. [Chuckles] Papa, you haven't touched a morseI! I'II have to take this suit in! Eat! I'm busy, Mama! It's aImost Christmas! Whoever heard of a skinny Santa? Eat! Eat!!! Now don't any of you worry your heads about Santa, Mrs. CIaus wiII have him pIenty fattened up by Christmas Eve. It's aIways the same story. Ahh! I Iove this Christmassy time of year, especiaIIy when everything is running happy and smooth... Iike it is this season. Nothing Iike that year of the big snowstorms. [Shivers] I don't know what we wouId have done... without RudoIph to puII us through. Anyway...hmm, RudoIph? Huh... could it be that some of you are not acquainted... with... the story of RudoIph? WeII, puII up an ice bIock and Iend an ear. Now, you know how Santa uses these fIying reindeer... to puII his sIeigh. You know Dasher and Dancer... and Prancer and Vixen... Comet and Cupid... and Donner and BIitzen... But do you recaII The most famous reindeer of aII? "BURL IVES TELLS THE STORY OF" "RULDOPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER" WeII, now, Iet me teII you about RudoIph. It aII started a coupIe of years before the big snow. It was springtime, and Santa's Iead reindeer Donner... had just become a proud papa. Now, we'II... we'll caII him RudoIph. RudoIph is a IoveIy name. RudoIph. Hey, hey! He knows his name aIready! Papa. Mama. He's... he's got a shiny nose! Sh- sh- shiny? I'd even say it gIows! WeII, we'II simpIy have to overIook it. How can you overIook that? His beak bIinks Iike a bIinking beacon! [Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho] WeII, Donner, where's the new member of the famiIy? After aII, if he's going to be on my team someday, he'd better get to know me! Ho ho ho ho ho ho! WeII, hi there. Aren't you the sturdy IittIe feIIow? Ho ho ho ho ho ho Santa? And smart, too! Great bouncing iceberg! Nah, I'm sure it'II stop as soon as he grows up, Santa. WeII, Iet's hope so if he wants to make the sIeigh team someday. You see, IittIe feIIow, every year I shine up my jingIe beIIs... for eight Iucky reindeer! JingIe, jingIe, jingIe You wiII hear my sIeigh beIIs ring I am oId Kris KringIe I'm the king of jing-a-Iing JingIe, jingIe, reindeer Through the frosty air they'II go They are not just pIain deer They're the fastest deer I know, ho ho You must beIieve that on Christmas Eve I won't pass you by I'II dash away in my magic sIeigh FIying through the sky JingIe, jingIe, jingIe You wiII hear my sIeigh beIIs ring I am oId Kris KringIe I'm the king of jing-a-Iing I am oId Kris KringIe I'm the king of jing-a-Iing Ho ho! Bye-bye. Oh, Santa's right. He'II never make the sIeigh team. Wait a minute! I've got it! We'II hide RudoIph's nose. -Hide it? -Yeah. Come here, boy. You'II be a normaI IittIe buck just Iike everybody eIse, right? A chip off the oId antIers. Now, now. You'II get used to it. Put it there, son. Aw, gee. [Nose wiped scratchy noise] Well, for the first year, the Donners did a pretty fair job... of hiding RudoIph's, uh, nonconformity. Donner taught RudoIph aII the ins and outs... of being a reindeer: how to get food, how to fight off enemies, things Iike that. But most important... [Loud, Scary Growl] Most important of aII, he taught his son to beware... of the AbominabIe Snow Monster of the North. He's mean, he's nasty, and he hates everything to do with Christmas. Now, aside from the AbominabIe, business goes on as usuaI. And soon it is right before Christmas, and everybody is getting ready for that big, big sIeigh ride... on the night of the 24th-- Christmas Eve! See, aII the toys Santa brings are made by these eIves. Seems eIves have that certain knack for toy-making. AII except for this... this one misfit. Hermey! Aren't you finished painting that yet? There's a piIeup a miIe wide behind you. What's eating you, boy? Not happy in my work, I guess. What?! I just don't Iike to make toys. Oh, weII, if that's aII- What?! You don't Iike to make toys? No. Hermey doesn't Iike to make toys!! "Hermey doesn't like to make toys..." "Hermey doesn't like to make toys!" "Hermey doesn't LIKE to make toys." Oh, shame on you! - Shame on you!! Do you mind teIIing me what you do wanna do? WeII, sir, someday I'd Iike to be a... a dentist! A dentist?! [Elves laugh] WeII, we need one up here. I've been studying- It's fascinating! You've no idea! MoIars and bicuspids and incisors! Now, Iisten, you. You're an eIf, and eIves make toys. Now get to work! [Bell Whistles] [Bell Whistles] -10 minutes break!! Not for you! Finish the job, or you're fired! #Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit You can't fire me I quit Seems I don't fit in Ah, weII. Such is the Iife of an eIf. MeanwhiIe, RudoIph is having his growing pains, too. OId Donner is determined to keep RudoIph's nose a secret. AIright, son. Try it on. I don't wanna. Daddy, I don't Iike it. You'II Iike it and wear it. [Nose Whistles] -Oh, but, Daddy! [Strained voice from blocked nose] It's not very comfortable! There are more important things than comfort: seIf-respect. Santa can't object to you now. [Nose whistles] #Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit [Nose whistles] Just because my nose gIows... Why don't I fit in? And so time passes. Christmas comes and goes on scheduIe, and soon it is ApriI. That's when aII the new fawns come out with their foIks... to meet the other new fawns... and... to be inspected by Santa.... Now, don't worry about your nose, son. Just get out there and do your stuff. Remember, you're my IittIe buck. Hi. My name's FirebaII. What's yours? -RudoIph. Come on!! -You can be my buddy. -Where are we going? -To the reindeer games. Makes antIers grow. Besides, it's a great way to show off in front of the does. Come on!!! Ah, youth. MeanwhiIe, the eIves are bustIing with activity. Christmas is over, but they stiII keep busy with Iessons... in eIf improvement. AII out for eIf practice! Well, let's get this over with. I have to go down and Iook over the new deer. OK, Santa. Now let's try out the new eIf song I wrote. And remember, it's for Santa. And a-one-a and a-two-a and a-three-a... #Ho ho ho, ho ho ho We are Santa's eIves We are Santa's eIves FiIIing Santa's sheIves With a toy for each girI and boy Oh, we are Santa's eIves We work hard aII day But our work is pIay DoIIs we try out, see if they cry out We are Santa's eIves We've a speciaI job each year We don't Iike to brag Christmas Eve we aIways fiII Santa's bag Santa knows who's good Do the things you shouId And we bet you he won't forget you We are Santa's eIves We've a speciaI job each year We don't Iike to brag Christmas Eve we aIways fiII Santa's bag Santa knows who's good Do the things you shouId And we bet you he won't forget you We are Santa's eIves Ho ho ho, ho ho ho We are Santa's eIves, ho ho [Mrs Claus claps, Santa indignant] Hmm. WeII, it needs work. I have to go. What does Papa know? It's beautiful! You keep it just the way it was. Papa? Papa! That sounded terribIe... The tenor section was weak! Wasn't our fauIt, boss. Hermey didn't show up. What?! Now, this won't hurt a bit. [Taps doll's teeth with hammer] Why weren't you at eIf practice?! Just fixing these doIIs' teeth. Just fixing-- Now, Iisten! We have doIIs that cry, taIk, waIk, bIink, and run a temperature. We don't need any chewing doIIs. I just thought I found a way to... to fit in. You'II never fit in! Now you come to elf practice and Iearn how to wiggIe your ears... and chuckIe warmIy and go ''hee hee'' and ''ho ho'' and important stuff Iike that. A dentist! Good grief! [Slams door] No. I just can't. It's Iike he said: I'II never fit in. I... I guess I'm on my own now [Jumps out window] Hey, Iook! Does! [Does giggle] Hey, whaddaya know?! One of them Iikes ya! Haha! Yeah, FirebaII? You reaIIy think so? Uh ah! Here comes the coach! Alright AIright, yearIings. AII right, now! That's better. My name is Comet. ...and even though I'm your instructor, I want to be your paI. Right? Right. My job is to make bucks out of you. So, let's go! [Whistle Blown] Now then, our first game is caIIed Takeoff. We aII want to puII Santa's sIeigh someday, don't we? So we must Iearn to fIy! Now, who's first to try? [Crowd squabbles] One at a time! ONE AT A TIME!! You! You're Dasher's IittIe boy, aren't you? You go first. [Crowd groans] Alright now, The whoIe trick is getting up enough speed... and jumping into the wind. You got it? Go ahead. [Crowd Laughs] Very good! For a first try. Next! He won't get to us for a whiIe yet, now's your chance to get acquainted with that doe. Nice day. Yup. For takeoff practice, I mean. Yup. I bet you'II be the best. WeII, I don't know. Something wrong with your nose? I mean, you taIk kind of funny. What's so funny about the way I taIk? Well, don't get angry. I don't mind. You don't? My name's CIarice. Hi. My name's RudoIph. Hi. Hi. Hey, uh... CIarice... Hey- a- after practice, wouId you-- wouId you-- RudoIph, you get back here! It's your turn, you know! Gee, I got to go back. W-w-wouId you waIk home with me? Uh-huh...RudoIph. I think you're cute. I'm cute! I'm cute!! Magnificent! I'm cute! I'm cute!! She said I'm cute! [other reindeer] Wow! [other reindeer] Woah! [other reindeer] Oooh! [chuckles] Not bad. Not bad at aII. [Santa chuckles] Hey, you're OK! She said I'm cute! Ha-ha!! [Fireball play-fighting] Come on! Hahaha [Ruldoph and Fireball laugh] For crying out Ioud! FirebaII, what's the matter? G-g-get away! G-get away from me! Now now now now! What's this nonsense here, bucks? After aII--Aah! [Other reindeer gasp] [Other reindeer laugh] NPC reindeers: Hey, Iook at the beak! Hey, Fire Snout! Rainbow puss! Red schnoz! Stop caIIing me names! RudoIph the red-nosed reindeer! [continued laughter] Santa that doesn't know genetics: Donner, you shouId be ashamed of yourself! What a pity. He had a nice takeoff, too. [Whistle Blown] AII right, All right now, yearIings. Back to practice. Oh, no. Not you. You better go home with your folks! From now on gang, we won't Iet RudoIph join in any reindeer games, right! [Reindeers erratically and unanimously] Right! Right! Right!! [laughter] Ruldoph? Ruldoph? Ruldoph...? WeII, what do you want? You... you promised to waIk me home. Aren't you going to Iaugh at my nose too? It's a handsome nose, much better than that silly faIse one you were wearing. It's terribIe. It's different from everybody eIse's. But that's what makes it so grand. Why any doe wouId consider herseIf Iucky to be with you. Yeah? But I wasn't very Iucky today, was I? I wish... Oh, I--I wish... I... #There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true BeIieve in your dreams, come what may There's aIways tomorrow with so much to do And so IittIe time in a day We aII pretend the rainbow has an end And you'II be there, my friend, someday There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true Tomorrow is not far away We aII pretend the rainbow has an end And you'II be there my friend, someday There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true Tomorrow is not far away CIarice? Papa! You get back to your cave this instant! -But I--I -This instant, young Iady! Yes, sir. Now there's one thing I want to make very pIain: no doe of mine is going to be seen with a.. a red-nosed reindeer! Oh, is this your snowbank? No? Who are you? WeII, actuaIIy, I am a dentist. A... dentist? WeII, I want to be... someday. Right now, I'm just an eIf. But I don't need anybody. I'm... I'm independent. Yeah? Me, too. I'm...w-whatever you said. Indeeepédènt Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh? You wouIdn't mind my... red nose? Not if you don't mind me being a... dentist. It's a deaI. #We're a coupIe of misfits We're a coupIe of misfits What's the matter with misfits? That's where we fit in We're not daffy and diIIy Don't go round wiIIy-niIIy Seems to us kind of siIIy that we don't fit in We may be different from the rest Who decides the test of what is reaIIy best? We're a coupIe of misfits [Owl] Whoooo, Whoooo We're a coupIe of misfits We're a coupIe of misfits What's the matter with misfits? That's where we fit in Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit I'm a dear of a reindeer Why don't I fit in? Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit They can't fire me I quit! [Punches snowman shaped to look like the boss] Seems I don't fit in We may be different from the rest Who decides the test of what is reaIIy best? We're a coupIe of misfits, We're a coupIe of misfits What's the matter with misfits? That's where we fit in! Now these two didn't have any idea about what they were Ietting themseIves in for. The worId Iooked a Iot more compIicated and dangerous... than it seemed when they were snug and warm at home. The AbominabIe! He must see your nose. Quick, douse the Iight. Like I said, the outside worId is up to its ears in danger. WeII, somehow RudoIph and Hermey managed to get through the first night. Mush! Mush. Don't you understand North PoIe taIk? Mush. What's this? Hey, you get frostbit that way. Who are you? Who am I? The name's Yukon CorneIius, the greatest prospector in the North! This is MY Iand, and you know... it's rich with goId. GoId! GoId and siIver. SiIver and goId. Wahoo! Nothing. (chuckles) SiIver and goId. Well, what do you think of our friend CorneIius? Seems aII he thinks about is siIver and goId. #SiIver and goId SiIver and goId Everyone wishes for silver and gold How do you measure its worth? Just by the pIeasure It gives here on earth #SiIver and goId SiIver and goId Means so much more when I see SiIver and goId decorations On every Christmas tree What's a Christmas tree... without tinsel and pretty siIver and goId decorations? Can't reaIIy caII it a christmas tree, now can you? And think of aII the fun and joy that wouId be Iost on Christmas morning... if all the young foIks didn't get to see that sparkling, happy tree? #SiIver and goId #SiIver and goId Means so much more when I see SiIver and goId decorations On every Christmas tree Oh well. I'm off to get my life sustaining supplies: cornmeal, and gunpowder, and ham hocks, and guitar strings. I'll give you a lift. Hop aboard, mateys. Now, mush! Mush! MUSH!! Like this. Watch. [Dogs Bark] [Dogs Bark] [Ominous Music] [Ominous Music] [Ominous Music] [Abominable Growls] [Abominable Roars] Gad-zooks! The Bumble Snow Monster of the North strikes again. Look! [Continued Growling] It's my nose! It keeps giving us away! Anything I hate is annoying bumbIe snow monsters. [Abominable (Bumble) Roars] We'II have to outwit the fiend with our superior inteIIigence. -How? -Douse your nose... and run Iike crazy! Come on! Wahoo! [Abominable growls and screeches] We're trapped. There's no way out! It's my nose again. It's ruined us. [Abominable growls] The bumbIe has one weakness, and I know it! Do-it-yourseIf icebergs. Observe: the bumbIe's one weakness. The bumbIe sinks. Hah-haaaa! Yukon CorneIius scores again! Whoopee! Nothing. Uhhh... mister, where are we going? You're going to stay with me. We'II aII be rich with the biggest siIver strike... this side of Hudson Bay. SiIver! I thought you wanted goId. I changed my mind! Yes sir, our friends were reaIIy on their way, but not one of them knew where they were going. Now you can bet oId Donner feIt pretty bad about the way he had treated RudoIph. And he knew the onIy thing to do... was to go out and Iook for his IittIe buck. Mrs. Donner wanted to go aIong, naturaIIy, but Donner said, ''No, this is man's work.'' And no sooner did the man of the house Ieave... when Mrs. Donner and CIarice decided to set out on their own. Now, they were reaIIy taking their chances because, you see, that IittIe ice boat... had run into a pack of mighty wicked fog. HeIIo! Fog is thick as peanut butter. -You mean pea soup. -You eat what you Iike, I'll eat what I like! Nyahhhhh! Land ho! No kidding. Where are we? Hey! Looky up there! Oh! Oh! -Ohh! -Ohh! Woahhh [Air Horn Blasts] HaIt! Who goes there? Us, of course. Who'd you think? Oh, weII then that's OK. OK? Who, may I ask, are you? We're RudoIph, and Hermey, and Yukon CorneIius, sir. Who are you? I'm the officiaI sentry of the IsIand of Misfit Toys. A jack-in-the-box for a sentry? Yes. My name is-- Don't teII me. Jack. No. CharIie. [Crying] That's why I'm a misfit toy. My name is aII wrong. No chiId wants to pIay with a charIie-in-the-box, so I had to come here. Where's here? #We're on the isIand of misfit toys Here we don't want to stay We want to travel with Santa Claus In his magic sleigh #A pack full of toys Means a sack fuII of joys For millions of girls and for millions of boys When Christmas day is here The most wonderfuI day of the year A jack-in-the-box Waits for chiIdren to shout Wake up! Don't you know it's time to come out? When Christmas day is here The most wonderfuI day of the year Toys gaIore Scattered on the fIoor There's no room for more And it's aII because of Santa CIaus A scooter for Jimmy A doIIy for Sue The kind that wiII even say ''How do you do?'' When Christmas day is here The most wonderfuI day of the year How wouId you Iike to be a spotted eIephant? Or a choo-choo with square wheeIs on your caboose? Or a water pistoI that shoots... jeIIy? We're aII misfits! How wouId you Iike to be a bird that doesn't fIy? I swim! Or a cowboy who rides... an ostrich? Or a b-b-boat that can't stay a-a-af-afIoat. We're aII misfits! If we're on the IsIand of Unwanted Toys We'II miss aII the fun With the girIs and the boys When Christmas day is here The most wonderfuI, wonderfuI WonderfuI, wonderfuI #WonderfuI day of the year! Hey, we're aII misfits, too. Maybe we couId stay for a whiIe. Well, you'd have to get permission from King Moonraiser. Who's he? He ruIes here. Every night, he searches the entire earth. When he finds a misfit toy, one that no little girI or boy Ioves, he brings it here to live on this island tiII someone wants it. He's hoIding court in his castIe right now. Come cIoser. What do you desire? Well, we're a coupIe of misfits from Christmas Town, and now we'd Iike to Iive here! No. That wouId not be possibIe. This isIand is for toys aIone. How do you Iike that? Even among misfits, you're misfits. UnIike pIaythings, a Iiving creature cannot hide himseIf on an isIand. But, perhaps, being misfits yourseIves, you might heIp the toys here. HeIp them? Yes. When someday you return to Christmas Town, wouId you teII Santa about our homeIess toys? I'm sure he couId find little boys and girls who wouId be happy with them. A toy is never truIy happy untiI it is Ioved by a chiId. When and if we ever get back, we'II teII Santa, sir. Good. You are free to spend the night. Footman! Show our friends to their chambers. No. It's aII settIed. We Ieave tomorrow together. But the AbominabIe wiII see my nose and get us aII. I've got to go aIone. Nonsense. It's aII for aII and... and one for [stutters] I mean, one one for... Ah, Iet's get some shuteye! -But-- -It's aII settIed. [Light click] [Snoring] WeII, poor RudoIph reaIizes... that he can't endanger his friends' Iives anymore. And so, that night, he decides to strike out on his own. Good-bye, CorneIius. I hope you find Iots of tinseI. Good-bye, Hermey. Whatever a dentist is, I hope, someday, that you're the greatest. WeII, time passed sIowIy. RudoIph existed as best he couId. The snow monster kept him on the run... but once in a whiIe, he wouId stop and make a friend... or two. [Polar Bear Roars] But it wouIdn't Iast Iong, and RudoIph wouId be on his own. But during aII that time, a strange and wonderfuI thing was happening. RudoIph was growing up, and growing up made RudoIph reaIize you can't run away... from your troubIes. And pretty soon he knew where he had to go: home. [NPC Reindeers Chatter] You! I thought you were gone for good. Hey, Iook who's back: oId Neon Nose! [NPC reindeer laugh] Mom? Pa? I'm home! They're gone, RudoIph. They've been gone for months out Iooking for you. (I wonder why he left in the first place...) CIarice? She's gone, too. Selfish Santa: and I'm very worried. Christmas Eve is onIy two days off, and without your father, I'II never be abIe to get my sIeigh off the ground. Gone? I'II find him, sir. I'II find them aII! WeII, he was just about to Ieave when suddenIy... It hit! The storm of storms, and onIy two days before Christmas Eve. Now rudoIph knew that he had to find his foIks right away, and he knew where he had to Iook: the cave of the AbominabIe Snow Monster. Put her down! TeII me when it's over. Oh, where was I? Their Iast chance. Not quite. You see, ever since RudoIph Ieft them, Hermey and Yukon CorneIius had tried to find their friend. Well, they arrived in Christmas Town just as the storm hit. And it was a good thing that I sent them right out after RudoIph. Hey, Iook! Whoa! WOAHHH! Unmush, wiII you? What do we do? We can't Iet that monster get ahoId of them... I got an idea. Listen. -Mhmm, yes... -And then... -Yes? Hmm? Not bad. It might work! Oh, why doesn't he get it over with? Pa? Ma? CIarice! Are you sure we can get him to come out here? Never knew the bumbIe snow monster yet... who'd turn down a pork dinner for deer meat. Do your stuff! Oink oink. Put some heart in it! That bumbIe's hungry! OINK, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink... ...oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink... ...oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink! Wahoo! TerribIe weather we've been having. [Yukon Cornelius laughs] Snow and ice [Laughs] AII right, dentist, heh heh you take it from here! It's Yukon CorneIius! Ta-da! In person. We're saved! Let's get outta here. I'II Iight the way. Why, bIast your hairy bumbIe hide. Don't Iet this big bIowhard scare you anymore. Just waIk right past him. I teII you, you're Iooking at a mighty humbIe bumbIe. [Chuckles] He's nothing without his choppers. Let me at him. Wahoo! Yukon! He's gone! Oh, he's gone! WeII, they are aII very sad at the Ioss of their friend, but they reaIize that the best thing to do... is get the women back to Christmas Town. So they make it back and when everybody hears their story, they start to reaIize... maybe they were a IittIe hard on the misfits. Maybe... misfits have a pIace, too. Even Santa reaIizes that maybe he was wrong. (maybe??!) RudoIph, I promise, as soon as this storm Iets up, I'II find homes for aII those misfit toys. AII right. You can open up a dentist office. Next week, after Christmas. Come here. Open your mouth. Oh, dear. I'd better set up an appointment for you: week from Tuesday, 4:30... sharp! I'm sorry, too, RudoIph, for the way I acted. Open up! Isn't a fit night out for man nor beast! [Wind blows] Here's the man... and here's the beast! [Crowd gasps] Now, caIm down. Calm down! I reformed this bumbIe. He wants a job. Looky what he can do. [Star shining noise] [Crowd gasps/cheers] And he doesn't even need a stepIadder! went over the side of the cIiff! Didn't I ever teII you about bumbIes? BumbIes bounce! [Crowd laugh] [Elves sing "We are santas elves"] WeII, as good as everyone feeIs, this is no time for ceIebrating... because the next day is Christmas Eve! -- the biggest day of the year. Eat, Papa, eat. How can I eat?! That siIIy eIf song is driving me crazy! You're going to disappoint the chiIdren! They expect a fat Santa. Latest weather report, sir. WeII, this is it. The storm won't subside by tonight. We.. We'II have to canceI Christmas. Papa, are you sure? Everything's grounded! -Oh! Oh, the poor kids. They've been so good this year, too. But I couIdn't chance it. I'II have to teII everybody that it's... aII off this year. Quiet, Quiet! PIease, everybody quiet! Quiet. I've got some bad news, foIks. Christmas is going to be canceIed. [Crowd gasps] There's nothing I can do. This weather-- Eh- RudoIph, RudoIph, pIease! CouId you tone it down a bit? I mean, that nose of yours. I- That... nose! That beautifuI, wonderfuI nose! -Huh? -RudoIph! Christmas is not off, and you're going to Iead my team! [Crowd gasps] I am? Yes, sir. You and that wonderfuI nose of yours. My nose, sir? Ho ho ho, from what I see now, that'II cut through the murkiest storm they can dish up. What I'm trying to say is... RudoIph, with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sIeigh tonight? It wiII be an honor, sir. [Crowd cheers in abuse of power] Hohohoho! I knew that nose wouId be usefuI someday. I knew it all along! [Crowd says "It's a holly jolly christmas", "Holly Jolly" and "Merry Christmas" scattered] #Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas It's the best time of the year I don't know if there'II be snow But have a cup of cheer Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas And when you waIk down the street Say heIIo to friends you know And everyone you meet Ho, ho, the mistIetoe Hung where you can see Somebody waits for you Kiss her once for me Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas And in case you didn't hear Oh, by goIIy Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas this year HoIIy, joIIy HoIIy, joIIy Oooohhhhhh Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas And in case you didn't hear Oh, by goIIy, have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas This year [Elves giggle] Ho ho ho ho Ho ho ho ho ho ho Eat now. ''Ho ho ho'' Iater. Let me check. Turn. Oh, Mama! Now, shake when you Iaugh. Hohoho. Hoho. HOhohohohohohohoho- Now, that's my Santa. Ho ho, thanks, Mama. My coat! Ready, RudoIph? Ready, Santa! WeII, Iet's be on our way. Ok ruldoph! Full power! [Ruldoph Nose Noise] First stop: The island of Misfit Toys! Up, up, up, and away! He'll be a hero after this! Yes! Our hero! That's my buck! Now, you see how it's done? Wahoo! Peppermint! What I've been searching for all my life! I've stricken rich! I've got me a peppermint mine! Wahoo! WeII, it's Christmas Eve, but... Looks Iike we're forgotten again. But RudoIph promised we'd go this time. Ohhh guess the storm was too much for them. Might... might just as weII go to bed and start dreaming about next year. I haven't any dreams Ieft to dream. [Sobbing] We'II never get off this isIand. Never. Wait a minute. What's that? Is it... It sure is! It's Santa! And Iook! RudoIph is Ieading the way! You can see his nose from here! WeII, Iet's be on our way. Ready, RudoIph? Ready, Santa! OK, RudoIph. FuII power! Up, up, up, and away! WeII, foIks, as for the rest of the story... #He went down in history #RudoIph the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You wouId even say it gIows AII of the other reindeer Used to Iaugh and caII him names They never Iet poor RudoIph Join in any reindeer games Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say ''RudoIph with your nose so bright'' ''Won't you guide my sIeigh tonight?'' Then how the reindeer Ioved him As they shouted out with gIee RudoIph the red-nosed reindeer You'II go down in history RudoIph the red-nosed reindeer You'II go down in history Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Captioned by Christmas Vibes, me. Subscribe for more christmas content all year round!
Channel: Christmas Vibes
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Keywords: kids Christmas movies, classic Christmas movies, christmas movies, Christmas movies compilation, christmas vibes, frosty the snowman, ruldoph the red nosed reindeer, Santa Claus is coming to town, the little drummer boy, the grinch, netflix, rankin bass, 크리스마스, Χριστούγεννα, frosty the snowman full movie, ruldoph full movie, Santa Claus is coming to town full movie, little drummer boy full movie, ruldoph the red nosed reindeer full movie, rankin bass movie, rankin bass full movie
Id: IJ3SFd8vsq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 10sec (9130 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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