SML Parody: Jeffy's TikTok!

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huh I'm born Jeffy Jeffy what Dave are you Jeffy listen your friends been looking for you for the last two hours go find him and go talk to him he's been killing for so long and it's starting to annoy me and Bowser so just go do it okay yeah yeah well okay jr. won-joong on Dona Joey you're Mario jr. what's up oh hey Jeffy I found this really cool tick tock and I wanted to show you it our tank talk Wow dad Junior Oh tik toks this really short video it's on tic toc as a nap but basically it's just like supposed to be funny Oh supposed to be a funny video on a nap don't show me this video Junior okay jumpy what's this oh my god that tick-tock is so funny I could find some tic TOCs jr. what's his job calling again uh I said it was tick tock tick tock so these videos themselves but tic TOCs the app I need to talk right now right now I need to talk alright I just download tik tok on my phone sweet I can't wait to find some really funny tik toks and just send them to everybody oh my god I find a one that junior showed me I should show it to my guy and all my friends and I'm so fun I'm bored what what did Jeff you just send me what jaffe what is this what Jeffie what is this that you just sent me oh my god it's time so funny Jeff right what is your daddy Jeffy what did you just send me on my phone oh they're called tic TOCs they're like really short funny videos that you can watch on your phone like this one's buying I named Donald dark he's really gone Jeffy would you just sent me on my phone was all the most disturbing things I've ever watched in my entire life if you send me another one of those tactics then I am going to ground you got it stop sending me those hmm I can't believe mine dieters who want me to share them kick shocks anymore I guess I could sometime to Cody and Chuck peepee maybe dental work huh I'm so bored I can't do anything because they took Ken my parents it's okay why did that this bill whipped cream all over him but Jeffy what did you send me what is this hi this is actually pretty hot yeah I like this one huh I'm so bored I already did all the cleaning you know Shirley took care of juniors food for the night what am I supposed to do now but that what texted me wait this Jeffy you sent me a video huh well I better take a watt at this [Music] what the hell did I just watch [Music] he's walking on water this can't be real this can't be real Jupiter's alive I really hope they like those videos hmm [Music] actually I got a good idea maybe I should make some tech talks of my own Oh that'd be so fun I better make an account real quick and dawn I made my account Jeffy underscore astronaut whine TP and I can't wait to make some videos on it once I knew first oh I got an idea I got an idea oh it's peaceful Donny I need your help or something uh what do you need help with Jeffy and why do you have a camera in my face what turn it off Jeffy okay Danny so that video is on you earlier it's called a Tech Talk it's on an app called a tick-tock and basically I want to make videos on my own find me a cameraman so do you think it can help me sheffy I don't want to be in any of your stupid videos like get this out of here I don't want to be in your videos oh no no no no no Johnny I don't need you in the video I just need you I was like a camera guy or maybe a behind-the-scenes character I'll be in the videos huh fine what do I get out of this hmm how about if we get famous you get half of the profits and it could be thousands of dollars thousands dollars yeah could be thousands of dollars I mean not really it looks like on technology's a lot of famous and rich guys on there so I could be us I always wanted a famous son yeah yeah we could we can make videos let's get started right now what ideas you got hmm since Easter past earlier how about we make an Easter venue where I have to find three eggs and basically it says log or Gangnam I mean yeah I could be kind of funny I have some eggs if you can make the papers I'll be right back okay Donnie I'm gonna go make those papers we're about to be famous all righty I got all the papers done Donnie do you have the eggs oh my god yes I have all the eggs we're gonna do the papers and the eggs and I'm gonna go hide them and we'll make the video okay all right Donnie well here's a problem we have to turn this video into only 15 seconds long what what 15 seconds long what can't we make it any longer are they daddy so tick-tocks are only 15 seconds long that's what makes them special tick tock huh fine okay I'll take the eggs and I'll hide them and I'll just tell you where they are and we can make the video really fast okay I'll be back uh where's a good spot for this egg I'm right in here good okay Jeff yeah I got them all set up let's make the video okay Danny corn I got the camera here let's just go over there and get started okay okay Jeffy I think I got the setup all right let's Jordan okay let's do it three two one Jeffy I've hit three eggs around this house don't get them their prizes in them okay I will okay how is that day how is that okay come here and look okay okay Danny that was really going okay let's just do the whole next scene uncut and we'll just cut it later okay all right let's do it okay Jeffy are you ready yeah I'm ready all right three two one oh there's one there's another phone there's the last one okay Jeffy that's really good I think the next scene should be where I say for you to open them up and you put up the law you're gay on the bottom and then you say that you hate me so much are you ready to do that hmm yeah that's actual really good idea all right let's get started all right Jeff yeah I've got all the eggs set up and the camera set up are you ready yes I am all right three two one okay Jeffy it's time to open them okay and not gonna put these all together last piece yeah do you like it Tuffy I hate you so much well Jeffy I think we better hit hopefully this gets a lot of views let me know how it goes okay I'm gonna go get some sleep it's like 9 o'clock okay good night Jeffy Wow I made my own tank top well I'm just gonna get so famous huh I'll check on it tomorrow [Music] what is it Jeffy did we get a thousand likes no what do you mean no huh there was a whole night and we only got 70 likes only 70 Donny I thought this was really good only 70 likes wow you're right I thought this is genius uh what other ideas do you have we need ones that'll get thousands of likes hmm I got an idea why don't we take a water bottle and I stare at it for 10 seconds and I look up and che water Jeffy that's ridiculous who would watch that that's so stupid but that's the whole point Donny stupid evil suck shafts and when it's stupid it's funny so let's just do it come on daddy bring the phone with you look fine Jeffy will do it I don't think this will work all right Jeffy are you ready for this yeah of course I'm ready girl don't want us not ready that's fine three two one go [Music] water Chucky this is pointless no Johnny I promise you this is the best idea we've ever had look muck it's only been 40 seconds and we already have three likes yeah I know this is a good idea this better be because I'm done with tic TOCs for today see you Jeffy [Music] ah what do you want Jeffy does that say 700 followers and almost 3000 likes ya I'm Donny we hit it big on her last video everyone's saying water and the college section my idea worked that's ridiculous there's no way oh my god it has 20,000 views on Jeffy how did this happen oh my god oh my god Jeff you need to figure out how to make money on this thing fast we could cash out on this I will I will I'm gonna call my tick-tock friend maybe he'll tell me how to get my sweet I'll be right back huh hello hello hey listen dude I need your help or something yeah yeah basically my ticks left on 700 followers and I wanna know how to get pain but I can't get paid I need I need hundreds of thousands of followers are you kidding me oh my god thanks dude I'm gonna tell my dad dang I hoped if he and I become rich Danny I'm just going off the phone with my friend and he said we need at least a couple hundred thousand followers to start making money but what we need a hut like hundreds of thousands of followers took money on that up are you kidding me oh my god no I thought we were doing well we could get paid well cheer up Danny we probably can get pain wait jumpy how how are we gonna get paid if we only have 700 followers I got India everyone watching this video don't fall on Jeffy underscore s ml ygp on tik-tok and let's see how many followers we can get maybe my daddy and i can actually finally start making some money and we can make some extra videos on there for you guys or to make one to two videos per day on tik-tok for your enjoyment so make sure to follow maybe I will help Danny hmm I hope so so I guess we're gonna go make another tick-tock now huh what are we gonna do this time Oh wicked Shing famous tick tock songs I mean I heard those do really well oh yeah you're right uh yeah let's do it let's do it okay Jeffy let's go all right Danny I'll meet you over there now we can't put singing videos on YouTube because a copyright so here's your follow to tick tock and you'll be able to see my singing videos all right guys I'm gonna go make the video now I'll see you want to talk [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 508,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, 2020, kable10, tom bomb, funny
Id: Up2rzoLD62k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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