SML Parody: I'm Sorry Chef Pee Pee

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m m my mystery cheese and D is almost done oh man everybody's going to be having some pee PE tonight damn I'm the go to cooking I'm just like Tom pretty [ __ ] it has a few more minutes but you know you know we all good damn I'm the goat all right guys you ready to throw this ball around the house yeah dude we're going to break a lot of stuff oh we're going to break so much stuff oh yeah you guys are idiots but I'm not even going to stop you cuz it's not my house I Don't Really Care thank you Cody finally learned dude all right Joseph let's kick this ball you ready he and all right it's time to check out my mystery cheese T oh man it is looking sexy oh must spake that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait did I just get locked in the oven oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no wa dude you kicked that so far yeah I know probably kicked it to the moon wait dude what's that screaming from upstairs uh I don't know guys my Caesars are acting up I think we might have broke something we should probably go check chill out Cody we probably didn't break anything yeah dud it's probably just the squirrels yeah man we should probably check though yeah dude yeah let's go check oh God it's oh burn it bur it bur oh no no no no no not H Chef peipi Have You Seen Her ball chef peipi chef peipi chef peipi what guys where's Chef peipi Junior there is zero penis in this kitchen actually [ __ ] it there is negative penis in this kitchen what no what ship has to be in here somewhere he never leaves the kitchen you know he probably took our ball he's probably hiding it from us guys let's go look for Chef peipe all right fine we'll help you search but I'm I'm telling you Junior Chef pee's not in [Music] here [Music] dude I think I smell a dead body in here but also I think I found our ball wao how did our ball get all the way up here probably when you kicked it dude ah man I must have kicked it far not quite to the moon but almost got there almost why does it smell like sh's burn cooking in here what's that smell Joseph well I'm telling you dude that ain't burn cooking that's a dead body oh well I also burnt my toast do you want it yes dude please please I haven't eaten in weeks please go fetch guys it really does smell like a dead body in here I'm starting to get freaked out guys calm down there's no dead bodies in the house no shf peipi shf peipi talk to me shf peipi I know I know you're still here wake up chipi wake up chipi guys he's fine he's he's just sleeping guys Junior I don't know how to tell you this but I think he's dead yeah that [ __ ] dead dude oh am I going to give fre food now what no no no no he's not dead chipi wake up chipi wake up wake up you Italian [ __ ] chefi no please please Chef chefi please wake up think of all the good times we pet chefi think of all the good times okay so I guess there weren't that many good times but come on shipi please wake up please wake up Chef Junior I can't be seeing around this dead body we're going to get in so much trouble when the cops come I can't do this I'm out of here junior I'm out of here dude wait no no no no guys I need your help come come back come back wait wait guys don't leave don't leave Junior I can't be a part of this I'm sorry they left no no no Chef peipi please don't die on me Chef peipi I know there's to be some way to fix you I know there's some way I can fix you but how can I do it oh what can I do what can I do Chef Pee oh no that's my dad come here Chef peee I'm hungry chef peee chef peee where are you chef peee come out here I'm hungry why are there period stands on the floor and wait why is there soccer ball oh Chef peee you think you're so funny don't you damn shipi probably ran off the Cancun or some [ __ ] he'll be back in the morning chefi I think the go is clear let's go let's go Chef peipi why are you so heavy chef peipi wake up chefi wake up oh Chef Pei maybe they were right he's actually dead no wait I can use my toys and I can put it back together yeah yeah I'm going to go do that I'm going to go do that come here Chef peipi all right got to [Music] [Applause] [Music] build [Music] and there all right you stay right there Chef peee I'm going to go to bed but hopefully you're good in the morning oh I really hope this worked I'm so tired had a long day today I should just go to bed get some sleep and maybe chef pee PE will be okay in the morning yeah Junior let's just get some sleep [Music] okay Junior why would you do [Music] this morning everybody uh wait I got to go check on chap peipi I got to see if he's okay all right time to check on chap peipi shf peipi shipi oh no where did shipi go shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi shipi Chef peipi yeah chefi Chef Bei Chef peipi stop hiding from me come out come out wherever you are chef beepi chef beepi Julia chef peipe chef peipi chef peipi oh there you are Chef peipi where have you been Buddy tag it shipi why are you looking at me like that shipi oh oh God Be Me sh be
Channel: Jeffy's Universe
Views: 130,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, sml junior, sml marvin, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, sml rose, sml joseph, sml cody, sml braxton
Id: 5Ms5REa0yX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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