SML Parody: Chef Pee Pee's Revenge!

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oh man I can't wait to cook my chef Phoebe mashpot surprise all right [Music] yes yes let's take this yes um look like this Cheetos I'm gonna take this [Music] it why not um let's take this man I don't know what the that is what's Bowser I'm trying to cook my Chef PeePee mashbot surprise well Chef PeePee I actually have a bonus for you oh you do where is it right here 27 Cent Chef BB this is your bonus because you've been working so hard you know there's a minimum wage in the USA right we're not in Russia or North Korea well I don't care listen to me you bastard all right if you don't get me my food ready in the next five minutes whatever the hell this is I am going to beat your ass and lock you in the oven for the third time this week so I'm gonna need my food right now jeez I hate the oven my wine God my life sucks God I gotta get back to cooking this fast so it's my ass [Music] is this a bad time yes oh well I was wondering if you could babysit Jeffy tonight hell no well I'll pay you 50 bucks so yeah I'll do that once I'm done cooking I gotta cook first or I'm going to go in the oven okay I'm not even gonna ask God I gotta cook God I gotta cook God I gotta cook hey chef Junior I found this turd in the yard I'm gonna put in your food I don't know I'm a little oh is this your money yes yes oh I'm Gonna Take It hey oh don't worry Chef Pee Pee is my food ready I mean it's edible all right let's see what we got here we got uh Cheetos eggs Jello uh Philly cheese steak it's not a kiwi Chef peeping I don't know what the that is Junior put it in you know I'm allergic to kiwis why are you sure they poisoned me I never knew that about dude I was already never told me you know what shut up I'm sick of your you know what you're going in the oven that's the element I'll do anything well there's one thing you can do but I think you'd rather go in the oven I don't think you want to know what it is ah come on let's go to the oven Chef PeePee I hate my line yeah all right Chef PeePee this is gonna be your home for the next hour I'm gonna lock you in here there's no way you're getting out all right no my ex-wife used to do this to me and this is why I left her I don't know what you're into but come here oh sucker I hate it in here I hate it in here I hate it in here I feel like a damn doll play basketball what a basketball Joseph this is gay dude it's the best board ever it's even on my shirt and I love playing it it's literally your entire personality well I bet you 10 bucks you can't get a swish oh I bet I can get it all right we'll do it then do it then dude I told you I could get a switch that's not fair Joseph you cheated no I didn't cheat man it's just my skill I told you well I bet I can get a better switch from uh from all the way back there I got a three-pointer let me get the ball yeah right all right Joseph I'll make it from all the way over here watch this it's on his house oh it's hot in here Daddy well great going dude you lots of basketball well it's not my fault I'm just the Michael Phelps of basketball I'm just better than you Joseph you're just jealous dude that doesn't even make any sense whatever you're just stupid Joseph you know what I'm just gonna get a new one from the garage all right [Music] I'm tired of a big training like a slave [Applause] foreign friends it's my favorite show ever oh a dandelion I wish I wasn't lonely oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm bored so I'll just commit arson don't try this at home kids don't blame me for what I do if you see Wildfire on the news it wasn't me it was your mother oh Charlie you can't commit Artisan you silly Billy wait what the hell's happened to my Charlie look Charlie where are you going Charlie Charlie where'd you go it's not working what happened Charlie oh Charlie Charlie can you please come back Charlie I need to hear you Charlie but that means nothing without you you're not Charlie I'm not well I'm about to take revenge wait shut angle should be aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen in your oven you're about to be putting your own grave that I'll make turn your dick for you switch that's the 69th I made in a row dude you're cheating Joseph you're stupid you know what I'm just gonna go get inside and get some juice boxes all right dude freak you what a loser dude I'm just gonna keep playing basketball [Music] swish all right time to get some juice boxes Chef baby chef BB I need some juice boxes why is this cooking still here well I thought I think he made dinner like an hour ago what I'm just gonna check the fridge for some juice boxes let's see oh my God damn bro why does this Diet Pepsi in here there's no juice boxes what what the hell is that noise it's coming from my dad's room I'm gonna check it out got the fucker's head there's rats you can run but you can't hide okay okay I think it should be safe here okay okay I think I'm safe here I'm gonna call the cops I'm gonna call the cops hey doing this is necessary all the years of you playing with your toys yelling in my ear and now it all comes down to this sugary moment Chef baby please don't oh I will Junior all right oh I just got back from Las Vegas wait what the happened in my kitchen wait no not my kitchen oh wait a second I forgot something in the car I should probably go get that I don't know what's happening right now I don't know what's happening right now I guess I'm just gonna cope and eat my cat food [Applause] all right so I got my spatula wait Junior what are you doing please don't kill me I'm gonna kill you you were just going around trying to kill everyone oh you might have met my son what yeah have a son let me explain come on okay Junior this is gonna be a long story so let me be honest with you all right a couple months ago I went to Ohio which is my very first mistake on this and I was feeling really sick from the Ohio Natural radiation which I still am now and my stomach was feeling really weird at that time I left Ohio as soon as I could when I got home an egg came out of my ass and they really hurt a lot weeks later it hashed into its own little piece but it looked weird from the radiation so I put the makeup on it to make it look more like me which it did because you could well you got fooled by it until it got burned right and then and I realize I'd have to pay child support and I didn't want to kill him because he was just too sexy so I've been storing him next to the crawl space by your room and yeah so that's what that noise is at night exactly so anyways a week ago when Hell's Kitchen additions are going on I couldn't leave because Bowser your dad would beat my ass to be precise so I had to replace myself with My Doppelganger and I know he doesn't do it so well because he said he tried to kill anyone but how is he out now like what do you do well he killed my dad come on here's my dad yes yes yes it is the best day ever so Phoebe how are you not saying my dad how am I not sad you saw my payment earlier he was so cool he was the best dad ever how are you happy I'm happy man I finally free I'm a free person I'm a free Hill Man by the way uh I know you're sad but how's my duplicating I'm doing he died he sneezed and then he croaked he's trying to kill me no about my baby no I guess babies from Ohio radiation don't last long I guess not Chef PeePee [Music] I'm gonna try to put you back together okay others it's not the same I'm gonna take you back to the couch and fix you all right I got some tape let me see if I can put you back together dad I got you Dad don't worry let me get the tape all right put that there put that there that up and okay uh I think that's looking pretty good who am I kidding it's not the same I just want you back Dad I might did you call the cops oh my God what happened sir you yeah I did what what the hell I was trying to put him back together oh well sorry about that mate what the hell happened there anyway what the is this don't tell me you did one of those Tick Tock trends no I didn't do any Tick Tock Trends it's kind of a long story but I'll sum it up for you basically my personal Chef's son kind of went on a rampage and uh yeah this happened I tried to fix him but it's not looking too good well why is the guy that killed him mate we need to punish him swimming style I don't know where he went he just poofed away yeah mate these Hooligans always get away like Pablo Escobar he got away and to be honest we're just too lazy to chase him right Brookie oh well that's cool but can you at least like fix my dad uh no this version of Bowser is dead but don't get too sad because he'll probably come back with the same personality and everything in the next video it'll just be a puppet instead of a plushie that sounds about right mate yeah ah okay I mean I guess that's better than him being dead yeah you could say that anyway someone's wanna go play putt-putt oh hell yeah mate let's go I'm gonna take this bugger with me what the hell just happened [Music]
Channel: Jeffy's Universe
Views: 85,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, chef pps revenge, chef pee pees revenge, chef pp revenge
Id: ec0mO6hb7z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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