SML parody: Duggie’s heist

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oh I'm so excited to turn on the TV I wonder what's going to be on it have you ever wanted to play Minecraft uh not really but have you ever wanted to play Call of Duty yes I do I really want to well if yes you're going to be excited to hear Minecraft Call of Duty this game has a top quality Minecraft graphics but it's like Call of Duty so get it now before it all sells out hello Marvin you're looking quite handsome today what have you been doing differently I can really tell the difference all right dougy what do you want and why do you sound like that oh Mario please go with the new Call of Duties right now I need it so bad so very good please oh here we go again you know what douge I'm ignoring you just get out of here I'm ignoring you not this I'm not doing this again screw off go away now oh mem Mario I don't think you understand I need need the new Call of Duties I really badly needs it it looks so very good Mario please give me the new Call of D I need it it looks so very good yo docky shut up shut up I'm not getting you the new Call of Duty come on shut up oh okay see you later did that just work huh yeah I guess it worked all right nice oh someone's at the door uh yeah hello uh yeah I have a package for you and there's another that says Mario please uh yeah just take the package uh all right thanks uh I didn't order a package though but uh see you later I guess all right there's my package oh I wonder what's inside Mario please give me the new Call of Duties run now I need it what ducky I said no but do you not understand no is no I'm not giving you the new Call of Duty I don't have any money well except for my really cool cool rock but I don't have any Mone uh did you just say really cool rock uh yeah I did say that but it's my rock and yeah it's worth a lot of money like probably $500 or you know probably a few thousand actually but I'm saving the rock cuz it should raise in value because that material is coming really really rare anyways uh you're never going to get it so uh see you later H that just gave me an idea yo Mario please tell me what The Rock looks like I need to know oh yeah sure I'll go get it here it is oo oo how much money is that worth I already said it's a few thousand but it can get more expensive I just need to wait for the perfect moment to sell it it's kind of like cryptocurrency but it's a rock well okay see you later Marvin oo I need to hide to see if he where he puts it so I can steal it oo right actually looks good that rock is going to be mine Mario I think douge is going to try to steal my rock I better hide it really well let's just put it back under the cushion and yeah it should be good anyways I'm going to go sleep right there well it's 12:50 at night I should probably get to bed all right Alexa turn off the light okay uh time to go to bed he's never going to find me wait what no I can't see oh no how do I do this there he is I need to sneak up on him tip toe tip toe tip ducky what are you doing here I'm trying to sleep oh that's weird the lights are on anyways uh I was just you know eating Froot Loops yep douge we don't even have fro Loops in this house what are you doing oh I can't think of an excuse oh oh Mario please read me a bedtime story I need to he one so I can fall asleep please no I'm not reading you a bedtime story you know what I'm sleeping with the lights on I don't even care me me me all I mean if that's how you want to play Marvin douge what are you talking about I oh nothing I'm just leaving now well he's weird well at least he didn't take my stone I need to find a team to help me break into mavin's room without him noticing how am I going to do this I need to get a really good team oh I hold auditions and see if anyone wants to join and I'm going to give them zero cut of the money anyways let's go this is douge Heist he said the title oh my God all right I need three spots for this so uh first one come up let's see what you got hey I'm scooter what's your name oh what's my name oh yeah douie that's my name wait Mr scooter why do you want to do this heist with me what would be in it for me or well yeah what do you want to do with well scooter needs money for a new scooter cuz scooter broke his old scooter and now he needs a new scooter so we need scooter money to get a new scooter my I'm scooter uh yeah you know what you're in the team I don't know what that was but yeah uh next up please two more spots left yeah scooter going to go get a new scooter I'm going to sit next to you now oh hey douggy what do oh Hey Jeffrey do you want to steal something from your daddy cuz that's what I'm doing right here if you want you can join us uh my name's Jeffy but yeah sure let's do ducky har in oh hey Scooter hey want to see my scooter I thought I thought you didn't have a scooter what I don't have a scooter that's why I'm doing this Sor Bailey what that that doesn't make any sense anyways next up come on I don't got all day oh hey uh is this the audition for The Phantom of the Opera play cuz I kind of want the lead role but yeah is it uh can I get the lead roll uh yeah but before that we have to Rob someone so you're in come on let's do this uh okay why is scooter you know what I'm not even going to ask as long as I get the lead roll I'm happy let's do this guys all right guys this is very simple we have to Rob Mario cuz he has something that I want and I needs it to get the new Call of Duties I needs it so bad yeah I don't know want to do this anymore I might leave guys I'm out of here no Cody if you leave I know your daddy so I'll tell him that you said he's fat I guess so all right let's move out again come on let's go my name all right guys there he is fast sleep me me me do you mean fast asleep uh yeah guys I have an idea oh what's your idea Gerald from time my name is Jeffy g e wait I don't think that's how you spell Jeffy my idea is that I'm going to go up to my daddy and say that I took a big ass diary in my pants so he's going to want to go and help me clean it so then when you guys will go up to my daddy's Stone thing and then take it and then we can all split the money I'm going to get fortnite vbucks wellow that's a good idea let's do it all right guys wish me luck all right Jeffrey good luck come on let's do it I don't want to watch I don't even want to be here we can go to jail stop screaming Cameron my name's Cody oh Jeffy what the heck did you just poop yourself oh my God oh my God I smell so bad Jeffy come on get out of here all right Daddy good luck guys o it's time to go come on guys scoot scoot where is it I found it I found it it's right here oh yes you actually found it now we can split the money oh about that I'm out of here we just got scammed what the wait that means I don't get a scooter stupid chff what are you guys doing here douge hired us to steal the stone we're sorry we didn't want to do it me doesn't matter but I do have a trick up my sleeve though for that stone hello good sir how much would this rock be worth oh looks like a nice rock wait a minute this rock isn't real are you trying to scam me what it's not real but that's it I'm also a cop you're under arrest for trying to scam get over here no please oh I'm getting a call on this very large phone yellow Mario please bail me out a jail that's $150,000 please I got a live sentence no no he hung up on me all right douggy time to get yourself no please no
Channel: Impy
Views: 285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hrVrueVBZ3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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