SML Movie: Truth Or Dare [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] one two three four five seven oh okay joseph i got all the bowling pins set up what will we do you better not be making a mess in there i'm not making a mess all right joseph here's the bowling ball i'm so ready for this ball where is it where is the juilliard right here okay okay so what you're gonna do is we're playing extreme bowling okay okay okay assistant throw the bowling ball at the pins oh wait wait where's the bench i can't see anything right here right right there okay so just gotta throw it forward this seems like a really bad idea oh shut up four eyes you always have an input yeah cody i've never had a bad idea this is amazing idea okay okay i'm ready all right okay so don't hit chef pee pee okay okay be the ball be the ball sorry i'm going to bed dude what happened did i get a strike cody i don't i don't feel like playing this game anymore yeah we should we should play a different game let's let's go think of a different game to play okay all right guys so uh what game y'all want to play some board games yeah yeah we can do that board games are boring that's why they're called board games get it back me up joseph i mean yeah yeah yeah that's a nice joke junior yeah yeah yeah get some cody suck it yeah suck who's at the door who is that i'll be right back guys okay huh i wonder who this could be uh hello hey hello there's nobody out here kid what are you doing here uh cody ken's here come here junior did you say ken uh yeah look ken is here oh hey ken i don't know how he got here he's a doll so i don't know how he moved yeah he said he had a party to go to but i guess he got done so he came here oh okay well then bring him inside i guess yeah come on again guess who is at the door joseph who can we ken yeah apparently he got here all by himself like he's a normal person but he's a dog i don't know he took a cab your doll took a cab cody that makes no sense cody he's a dog yeah dolls aren't alive they can't take cabs like that's what he did okay then how did he knock on the door with his hands duh i was just savage just shut up guys let's get back on track let's think of some games we can play cause i'm really bored okay well um what's a good game to play hulu no no no um basketball no ultimate frisbee no jump rope no checkers no freeze tag did you say tag oh freeze tag i like regular tech tag tag you're in all right target yeah give it a tag tag it or tiger it uh tag kenzit kizzy cody just ruined it oh my god what you just have to ruin every game ken cannot tag anybody so you just ruined the game sure he can no he can't how is he going to attack somebody with his hands we've been over this oh okay cody look you just ruined the game we can't play tagging let's think of another game let's think of another game yes okay um guys i wish there was a game where you could dare people to do stuff and they had to do it but if they didn't want to dare they could have to tell the truth about themselves i wish there was a game yeah yeah they would have to choose they wouldn't have to do both of them yeah they could either do a day or a truth i wish there was a game that would be cool yeah and those dares have to be awesome right like dares and troops something crazy i wish there was a game like that cheesy poor cheesy i think it's party no no no isn't it yashi yahtzee ah truth or yeah yeah two or three gotcha truth or yeah wait wait wait wait wait say that again truth or gatsy truth or truth or you have to daring truth or dare yeah yeah we just made a game okay okay the rules to this game is i say truth or dare and and you have to choose between truth or dare right okay and uh if you choose a dare you have to do the day you can't back out yes if you choose truth you have to i say the truth or whatever the question is okay okay okay so joseph you go first all right truth or dare uh dare you know i'm gonna do it okay i dare you to uh uh wear cody's glasses for like five minutes i don't want to be a nerd but yeah you have to be a nerd for five minutes wear cody's glasses okay oh you'll be able to see who cares about you cody it's a dare joseph all right all right i'll do it okay cody take off your glasses okay oh come on josh i put on the glasses okay i got it i got it you look like such a dweeb joseph dude i don't even like these glasses i can't see out of them they look like a kaleidoscope or something really yeah their prescription what are you looking at junior nothing is just uh your your eyes are so pretty anyway yeah anyway cody it's your turn truth or dare um uh dare i guess dare damn oh okay okay joseph i didn't know he was a daredevil right what's a dare we can do to him oh we could kill ken oh that's two that's too harsh we're gonna start off simple all right cody i dare you to take off your hat oh yeah yeah we've never seen you without your head yeah yeah what's underneath that hat is it an afro is it an apple yeah is it a mohawk is that a monkey i think you're just gonna be disappointed guys oh can i take the hat off yeah go ahead and take it out okay all right joseph we're about to see we're about to see what's underneath cody's hat i bet he's like a clown or something yeah he's gonna be a clown here or something like wait there you go what what it's just another it's another hat this is what you do in your spare time pick up hats and wear them on top of a hat there's always going to be another so if i take off that another hat we could be here all day it'll just be another hat yep another hat just hats just a bunch of infinite amount of hats man it's your turn junior okay all right all right true the day to me all right um uh okay okay so what do you want me to do what's yours there oh i got this one i dare you to wear chef pee pee's underpants on top of your head yeah yeah and uh the ones he's currently wearing oh why yeah and then you have to give them to me afterwards but you have to do it because it's a dare no i mean i guess i mean it's kind of gross but so i agree how am i gonna get his underwear off of him dude you have to figure that out oh and it's going to be gross all right guys [Music] i can't sleep long there's a big mess in the kitchen hey uh chef pee pee what do you want junior no no no get out okay you made me mad earlier with a big mess in the kitchen that's cute anyway um i need to ask you a question what junior what do you wear underwear i mean yeah yeah of course just like any other human well are you wearing some right now i mean yeah i'm going to sleep i'm in the bed well like you have some on you right now oh yes i have some on me right now i don't like to sleep naked okay oh um well can i have them no what have them no you weirdo i'm not gonna let you have my underwear they've been on me all day they're sweaty stinky no no no i like my underwear okay well i need them on my head what what kind of sick fetish do you have junior no chevy look look i need you to take those underwear off and put them on my head look you need them on your head but i need them on my ass okay because i'm about to go to sleep and i'm not about to be having you run around the house with underwear on your head well look okay here here's what's going on chef pee pee me and joseph and cody invented a game called truth or dare wait first let me stop you there you didn't invent that game the the game was already invented by like a long time ago okay so so keep on okay anyway so we're playing truth or dare that we invented and uh so they dared me to put a pair of your underwear on my head that you're currently wearing wait wait wait okay okay that's weird but keep going so i need the underwear on my head to win well i hate to tell you this but you lost junior because i'm not giving you my damn underwear i need the underwear right now no no sorry sorry i'm keeping my underwear to myself okay actually chef pee pee i'm just joking i'm not even playing truth or dare i just want to see if you had your name on your underwear because you have your name on your shirt because you're a big baby and you're a loser and i want to see if that you had your name on your underwear because no no no no no i have my name on my shirt because i'm a chef and people need to know that i'm a chef okay well you have your name on your underwear because your big crybaby i don't have my name on my underwear and i'm not a crowd baby you idiot that show me you have your name on your underwear okay look look does it look like i have a name on my underwear no no no no no no no let me see this let me see this wait what the hell all right guys it wasn't easy but uh dude this stink what's with these underwear it smells like success and a winner because i'm a winner do you get those now or after well shut up cody you get them after all right joseph truth or dare uh i guess i'll go with the truth this time okay um uh are you adopted yes savage all right cody truth or dare oh uh truth are you okay okay come on guys we're having a good time we don't get it julia what are you doing with my underwear uh winning truth or dare that's why i had your underwear i don't care if you want to not give me my damn underwear all right chef peepee truth or dare i don't want to play your stupid game truth or dare chef pee pee look there okay there i don't care about your stupid dares okay chef peepee i dare you to kiss cody on the lips i mean you don't want to put anybody in spot here junior but it it is a damn chef pee pee you can't have to do it so you know uh [ __ ] it up no way in hell i'm not gonna do that junior you have to catch cody it's a dare you're not kissing cody that's weird as hell give me my underwear i need him i did not back down from a dare you have to do it it's a dare absolutely or what or if you don't do it you're gonna be the biggest loser ever yeah he's right chef pee pee you're gonna be the biggest loser ever look look i don't care about being the biggest loser ever guess what what it looks like i'm the biggest loser ever because i'm not doing it look guys chef pee pee's the biggest loser ever what a loser did you see that's a loser right yeah damn it i thought you had another one yeah i thought i thought i was gonna i was gonna find something else i don't know what you expected it's always gonna be another hat yep every single time oh all right guys it's my turn again okay guys i'm ready for the question asked me out dude i'm ready to take these glasses off they're hurting my eyes it's been longer than five minutes okay joseph you can take them off finally can of dried out anyway anyway junior truth or dare uh hmm truth or dare truther i'll do another dare how about that here's your glasses cody wait wait oh i got the perfect dare how about i dare you to put cody's glasses in the garbage disposal oh that'd be so sad right right wait wait how is that fair to me well i mean it's your glasses yeah you're kind of included yeah yeah cody it's a dare i can't turn that down but but those are michael it effect it affects me yeah so it's like a double i gotta like destroy your glasses in the in the hopes of the dare pretty lame it's not like him anyway we didn't ask we didn't ask ken through the day what what what yeah so truth or dare he's a doll though oh my god oh he said dare you dirty dirty he said ken i dare you to take your shirt off and cover yourself in chocolate syrup what cody that's weird you want him to do you know i don't want him to do it or anything like that you know it's just i mean how embarrassing is going to have sweet sweet chocolate all over his rocking abs and i'm i mean i mean how is he going to do that i'll i'll i'll help him i mean i know it's kind of against the rules but i'll help him yeah cody you're weird oh my god why would he alright i mean it is a dare so all right swear to god you ready for this syrup ken uh cody just really stupid you guys ready for this really embarrassing dare ugh i mean i wouldn't even do this it's i almost feel bad for him just pour the stupid syrup yeah [Music] uh cody i think that's enough just kind of getting weird cody yeah cody i just stopped okay it's really embarrassing he's dressed in chocolate damn it yeah yeah cody it's it looks it looks really bad this is weird who wants to dare me to take it off what cody cody just clean up ken and meet us back on the couch oh okay well that was weird joseph i know but i'm hungry though all right truth or dare joseph uh truth okay stop being a baby you're supposed to do a lot of dares but i like the truth better okay so um hmm what truther how many times has your dad beat your [Music] mom cleaned up again well and that that's that's all you got for him to wear yeah just cut off shorts well you cleaned them up pretty fast and we didn't have any paper towels so how did you clean up that though oh yeah i have ways 93 94 probably 95 yeah 95. oh cool all right so his mom has been beaten 95 times all right cody your turn truth or dare oh i i just did knight here oh well i guess it's my turn again all right someone asked me truth or dare uh well truth or dare dare i'm gonna do a dare i love the dares i think i got a good one for you okay what is it oh i dare you to go and punch your dad in the face what well i think that's a good one we know right we specified the rules we can't do that i don't see any rule books over here no i i can't do that i'm gonna get grounded it sounds like you're an illusion then no i'm not a loser yes you are i am not a loser i i stand there if you're not gonna punch him you're a loser junior are you a chicken junior you're a chicken egg chicken okay i'm not a chicken i'm not a chicken cody i'm not a chicken i am not i will do it i'll do it i'll do it guys i just didn't want to hurt my dad but i'll do it i'll do it i'd like to see that okay okay i can do this i can do this all i gotta do is punch my dad in the face and i win at truth or dare i can do this daddy come out here for a second i need you what do you want junior you're lucky it's commercial breaking i'm hungry you're you're hungry oh yeah i'm hungry uh what about d what what d who's d these nuts what the hell what are you talking about well you said you were hungry right dad yes yes i'm hungry well i uh i fixed you something to eat when did you fix me a knuckle sandwich i wha wha what was that i i should have gotten closer yeah yeah yeah you should have a knuckle sandwich wow he would do anything to win yeah hey joseph have you seen my glasses sorry cody he had to win yeah i understand i have my glasses at home well hey hey hey hey uh uh lean over a little bit i think you have a mosquito in your hat oh really yeah let me see let me see wait oh my god oh i thought you only had one hat on geez really i don't know why you're surprised yeah you you don't want to get what is that why did you touch me you're it oh my god good one ken you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 509,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, truth, or, dare
Id: iKbEdhJGSM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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