SML Movie: Toad's Stupid Idea [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] second album chips and chicken strips ah all right oh oh two i'm pulling all your hoes got your girlfriend she knocking at my door yo toys the cheeseburger hey cheesy what's up not much you feel me just chilling but uh we got a small problem though what's the rule right cheesy well we gotta get three dollars and fifty cents for this uh album so we can put it online and stuff so our fans can buy it and we make them millions like how we train now you feel me so um we gotta collect a couple of funds you know do some fundraisers and push this out my day you feel so we gotta make 3.50 cents well that's not a lot of money we can do it well the economy kind of messed up right now so if you can find three dollars and fifty cents you know i'll push your way out of my door on the internet and everything for all our fans can see okay cool i'll get three dollars and fifty cents by the end of the day okay just call me at the end of the day when you get the money all right um oh some quick advice you can sell some stuff we don't use like this tv it's too big anyway um whatever this is you can stop something i mean like come on made some money though all right you don't sell something okay everybody say i'll highlight you at the end of the day all right homie just just hit me up all right what can i sell for three dollars and fifty cents well i can sell my computer no it's not worth three dollars oh like it's on my watch no it's not worth 3.50 cents either oh my gosh on the tv no that's cheap look at myself oh i can sell this call of duty blackouts too i'm pretty sure nobody's using it it's just laying here by itself oh yeah i'm selling i know exactly who i can sell this to i'm gay stop i'm going right now come on pick up pick up thank you for calling gamestop this is james how may i help you yes um i have a call of duty black ops 2 and i was wondering how much i could get for it black ops 2 yeah hold on one second i'll check for you okay um for the playstation 3 that'll be a dollar fifty cents a dollar fifty i need three dollars and fifty cents i'm sorry sir that's all i can offer i have a great day now game stuff won't offer me enough oh now i gotta go find reaches and ask for some help i gotta think of some legs um all right sitting on the potty dreaming of bugattis might shoot your homie with a shotty oh this [ __ ] was dope yo on what rhymes with toilet paper yo what's up harry jesus oh i need to know something that's call of duty you know anybody that wants to buy it yeah uh yeah i know somebody uh i think his name is uh william lou garrett all right uh go to the address two two five one two five and he'll be there i'm pretty sure he will he ain't got nothing else to do all right i'm bringing money back tonight oh okay i gotta go to the actress two two five one two five i think yeah okay i gotta draw to this address let me use mario's car he want mine okay okay i don't have my license but um how does this thing work um i think yeah oh maybe he'll turn it okay yeah this one oh oh now you put it in right first i think oh this thing's tough oh oh man all right we're on the road home home on the road all right we gotta slowly drive oh drive slow okay um i think it was uh two two five one two five something like that oh i think we're getting close two two five one two one one two two oh i'm pretty bird oh geez another headdress but i don't see anyone oh um there's a car it might be him he's flashing his lights yeah i'm gonna drive down that way it might be him oh oh man this guy better be cool people i don't want to get in any trouble i already have a criminal record stealing freaking cookies whoa he looks serious whoa there the one at least is not black where's the game um hi mr gentleman guy um i have a call of duty you might want to be interested in buying oh call of duty oh yeah yeah get out of the car oh what get that get out of the car come on come on you know how to get out of the car get out come on come on what you trying to sell me today it's the call of duty black house 2. call of duty black ops 2. yeah it's it's high quality is it's awesome i know cause my friend plays it a lot what does he say about the game home he'll be like oh folk i love this game folk it is awesome folk only it's usually what he says whatever big tony said the only thing he can do for this is 2.99 you take it early come on man i need like 350. i need it man come on you gotta negotiate do something man you see my car over there he is being in big drug deal oh that's that sucks so how about i give you 350 okay yeah and car car for car 350. oh it is mario's car should i do it big tony says i give you the gold coin and you do is worth five dollar easy street so gold coin and you get game and car dale let's do it where the keys at home is already in ignition bro watch out tell cheesy he owes me what does he owe you i guess you don't want to tell me it's okay yeah it it's a pretty nice ride yeah it is it's roommate oh man i see you i want you to be on the pizza well that's weird but okay wait he didn't give me the keys to his car oh foe had a long hard day of hustling on the block time to relax and play some call of duty where's where's my call of duty at call of duty oh folk that's right i remember i told mario that he could play it he could play that one time so i bet i bet he had it hey mario hey mario hello yeah i'd like to report a stolen car mario hey man what's up black yoshi hey oh you seen my call of duty uh hold on black yoshi uh yeah it's a red camaro it went missing about like 30 minutes what you doing uh reporting my stolen car someone stole it oh hey hey let me know about my call of duty too uh it's a car company uh all right you're gonna find it all right thank you i'm sure they got insurance on call of duty theft uh no someone stole my car like 30 minutes ago i don't know who did it did you steal it oh no i didn't do it this time you can't you can't be pinning that on me this time well someone stole my car and somebody stole my call of duty well i don't have your call of duty like hey man but i thought i'd let you i thought i'd let you use it one time because remember that time i shot you in a leg well i did something i can't remember but i promised you i'd let you play it i never played it and that was like a year ago oh believe me vote where is it i do not have i know you gotta save i do not have your what would i do with your call of duty play i i don't i don't need to play it whatever folk but i think you played it i think i [ __ ] okay one two three good play i'm not i do not have your call of duty black yoshi it could have been someone else that could have been okay i i named someone else it could be shrek it could be what hey i'm gonna take a trip he probably ain't damn thing i'm gonna follow my call of duty i'm gonna get it back i swear on everything right now shrek we rat shrek she's probably in the kitchen [Music] good cheesecake oh i don't think i can eat another bite of my delicious juice kick [Music] trick where is my call of duty right now you need to tell me where it's at can you tell where it's at stop eating and tell me where's head [Music] i don't play call of duty i play call of eat the whole damn cheesecake okay that's all i do i don't know i don't know where your your call of duty is well uh shrek uh mario already threw you under the bus and said that you uh took my my call of duty and you probably ate it so if you did i need to know right now so i can like uh cut you open and get it out black donkey mario is clearly [ __ ] because we're talking about the guy who gave my son a hammer so [Music] black donkey put two and two together obviously i did not take your your goal of duty oh i've only eaten my cheesecake so leave me alone and let me sunbathe in my cheesecake while you go shoo away at regular donkey okay all right folks for some odd reason i i kind of sort of believe you but if if for some little reason i find out that you lied to me oh i'm gonna tie you up i'm gonna eat all your cheesecake then i'm gonna kill you i'll make you watch why caress and love your cheesecake okay oh what are you saying white pumpkin i can't believe that guy didn't give me the key at least i got the money i needed oh man i'm tired man who could have my call of duty just got bit from making that bank what's the call of duty oh it's a game i play all the time oh i don't remember because i got home from work today and it wasn't on the pillow so i think somebody stole it it was your fault what if somebody did steal it i would find out who was that i killed um what did they that person sold it i would kill them what if they sold it to a mob guy for 3.50 cents to to promote their album on itunes did you do that fool yes that's not an excuse to sell you i'll get you don't need any time at all because you shouldn't have sold the call of duty folks stop crying no stop stop crying folks i'm giving you 24 hours to get my call of duty back or else i promise you i'm gonna come with more than just a golf club i'm gonna get my glock vote pump your little mushroom head full of boys if you ain't got my call of duty back okay 24 hours so stop whining okay get going folks i gotta find a way to make some money okay i know i'm good at back massages i'm gonna charge people enough money to buy another call of duty oh okay i can do that okay we'll go outside and see if i have any customers okay world who needs some back massages black massages the best in town only 60 dollars anybody anybody anybody at all come on does anybody want a back massage oh my god this guy might want one [Music] hey man i could take a bat massage this is yo man i'm ready for that massage okay i'll give you the back massage with the 60 hours though oh i give you 120 if you do it with your shirt off oh okay i can do my shirt off all right how are we going to do this uh you going to be on top or am i going to be on top um i have to be on top cause i'm the one giving the massage oh so you like to be on top okay turn on your stomach so i can give you the massage whoa whoa whoa i'm not turning on my stomach i don't like to recede i'm a giver oh so you want to give me a massage for 60 dollars you can put it that way all right so do i just lay on my stomach anyway you want it oh [ __ ] that's the cops damn it i can't go back what do you mean you can't go back i just broke out of jail and i stole this car from a mobster oh damn it okay go it's okay just act cool and they won't know where you are man i i guess 2-4 i got the car uh red camaro got the license plate ran it it's the stone car man what's up officer uh i'm gonna need you to step out of the car please for what nick step out of the car i mean do that man come on now stop all the car stop all the car please call of duty oh oh look at himself oh my god if you look at this guy in the world oh black you're trying to be so i miss my call of duty too much man man i hate a little big plan man what the hell's that man i need my call dude baby where's toad toad where's your head i got you going daddy don't vote you got it back yeah i got it oh thank you so much folk now i don't have to kill you oh i'm so glad but if you win assault in the first place we're gonna have to deal with this i know i'm sorry man sorry folks just go away let me play my call of duty at least you got your black ops 2 back and my album is on itunes now so buy it anybody here my album's on itunes all right yeah try gonna open it up where's my call dirty phone i didn't get it i'm gonna kill you [Music] do you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 160,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, toad, toad's, stupid, idea
Id: qFzunxHFlVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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