SML Movie: The Halloween Heist [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] jeffy stop chewing on my head but you're my acorn daddy happy halloween it's sammy luigi rosalina you're luigi for halloween yeah mario what are you guys dressed up as well i'm gonna squall from ice age and that is my acorn and i'll do anything to get my nut yeah jeffy drives me nuts that's funny mario hey mommy i can talk like a squirrel you wanna hear it yeah squeakity squeak squeak squeaky squicker i learned it from emperor's new groove look let's just go trick or treat okay let's have a fun night come on i'ma wreck it no no no more anger pp more anger it's more like i'm wrecking oh you're getting close you're getting close hey chef pee pee do you like my elephant costume junior out of every costume you could have chosen why did you choose that elephant it was the only costume they had in my size what are you supposed to be a fat guy with tumors for hands no i'm ralph get it like wreck it ralph i'ma wreck it oh because every time you cook you wreck the food you wreck it no junior i'm exactly rough look look i'm wrecking yeah yeah because your life's a wreck and you wreck everything julian do you want me to wreck you i'm not 18 yet chef pee pee what oh that must be my friends or it's trick or treaters no that's my friend only my friends ring the doorbell like that hey guys happy halloween hey junior what's up dude oh cody what's your costume supposed to be no ken and i are thing one and thing two there's a thing three but it's currently rammed at my caboose oh cody's so shush ooh joseph what are you supposed to be uh teletubby without the mask no dude i'm from among us oh yeah i thought he was a teletubby too like he was tinky winky or something tinky winky not everything's about pee pees cody oh that's its name oh guys what am i supposed to be oh dumbo uh an elephant pooping oh you guys are both correct i'm cody's mom i knew it dude yeah i'm fat and i like nuts in my mouth yeah good one junior spot on yeah are you guys ready to go trick-or-treating oh yeah dude i'm gonna try to get all the candy this year because this is the only time of year where i get free food oh yeah awesome guys whoever gets the most candy wins oh okay okay thanks for giving us a plan junior all right guys let's go trick or trunking yeah okay okay yeah let's go oh mario let's go to this house no it's by the interstate the lights are off they obviously don't want trick-or-treaters jeffy knock on the door hey there i'm dr seuss you're dressed up like a silly goose actually i'm the squirrel from ice age well everything i say has to rhyme as long as it's halloween time well trick or treat smell my butt my daddy's head looks like a nut oh give me candy well you're pretty good at this when they don't have sprite they offered sierra mist that was a good rhyme yeah oh here here is some candy i hope it comes in handy you can go now so i'm gonna take a bow plea please leave let's go guys ciao i'm gonna wreck it yeah give me candy yeah wait wait kid why are you thinking oh i'm gayley from spongebob and he doesn't wear clothes oh my god that's so disgusting papaya you gonna give me candy i'm not popeye i'm ralph i'm a wreckage are you gonna give me spinach because i don't want spinach i want candy i don't have spinach and i'm ralph i'm a wreckage look mister i really don't care what your name is i just want some candy you know what look breakfast here's some candy are you happy thank you mister go puddle some clothes and don't go to the neighbor's house he already has a record oh my god all right guys you want some candy yeah all right i heard this house has the best candy what do you want uh trick or treat we want some candy you kids are like the 10th kids to show up at my house asking for free food do your parents not feed you well it's halloween oh is that what this is i was wondering why a bunch of people were dressed up like idiots well what's your costume costume i don't need a costume i'm me why would i need to be anyone else well can you please give us some candy oh the only candy i have is the good candy and that's for me well if you give us something we won't tell anyone i guess just don't tell anyone because i don't want a line of poor outside my house i'll be right back how are we get the good kid i'm gonna wreck it oh i got something for you to wreck big boy no not you again you do all the trick or treat and and what are you a nun oh yeah i'm a nun but i'm willing to break the rules for you what kind of candy do you want i want you to open up a big old can of spinach and save me popeye i'm not a popeye i'm ralph i'm a wreckage okay ralph the sailor man what what i'm wrong i'm not a sailor man look what kind of candy do you want well just give me a fun size snickers right here in my bucket whatever here you go oh yeah look leave okay please now thank you god not popeye all right guys who do you think got the most candy dude it has to be me i got a bunch of candy no joseph i think i got more well it's definitely not me because somehow i get less candy than either of you which doesn't make sense because we all went to the same houses well maybe they saw kin with you so they thought you all were carrying a bucket well then i should have more candy because there's two of us maybe they knew ken was a dollar you were just trying to con them out of candy well that doesn't explain why some of my candies aren't even opened and pre-chewed like this i don't know if this is a starburst or cheese i mean it smells like it could go either way and i have a fuzzy lollipop oh dude i like that can i have that fuzzy lollipop well if you give me your peanut butter oh no not the skippy i love me some skippies look cody they have some candy named after you nerds yeah good one junior i'm a wrecking oh no here comes neil armstrong all right guys you can't eat your candy until you finish your dinner okay all right neil armstrong what neil armstrong jr yeah look at his big strong arms he's neil armstrong neil armstrong didn't have big arms okay fine lance armstrong junior not everyone with the last name armstrong has big arms then how they get that last name their ancestors obviously had strong arms well my last name is nut kiss so what does that say about my ancestors i mean it's pretty self-explanatory yeah nut kiss come on cody we know how you are okay yeah you can't again so chef we can't eat any candy until dinner no no no candy until dinner okay all right guys let's eat dinner daddy i got so much mfn candy can i start eating it sure jeffy not my head jeffy eat the candy well daddy i'm still in my squirrel outfit so all i can eat is nuts well jeffy will you eat these peanut m ms pee pee nut m m's yeah eating that [Music] breaking news okay if you went trick-or-treating tonight and you have candy throw it away right now because the candy company and the rat poison company share the same factory so while creating candy this year the candy company accidentally made candy with rat poison in it if you eat the candy you may die so throw it away immediately what oh no jeffy put that candy up roll the candy back what dang don't take my candy i had to hustle hard for that jeffy it's poison we'll buy you some more mario we can't buy him more that could be poison too oh okay then you can't eat candy but i'll buy you mcdonald's or something one day can't go back to chewing on your head no look look rosalina go tell everyone in the house they can't eat their candy okay what do you want luigi you have to take away all the candy from the kids i already did no candy it's after they finish their dinner no they can't have any candy at all it's poison poison you have to throw it all away i can't throw all this candy away they'll eat it out of the trash can i'll just put it in the pantry that's a good idea donkey kong i'm not donkey kong i ralph wreck it i don't know who that is you know what i'll forget it i'll just take off this costume oh dude i'm so full you know what i'ma call an emergency meeting for dessert good thinking joseph yeah i'm full too what cody what's wrong you barely touched your food yeah i don't know guys i just wasn't really in the mood for saltine crackers and uncooked grits today what are you talking about this is chef's best meal that he cooks i know he's outdone himself but i just really wasn't in the mood all right guys who's ready for some candy oh me dude all right let's go get our candy back from chef pee pee chef pee pee we want our candy back ooh chef you changed costumes i didn't change costumes i took my costume off because no one knew who i was so you changed your borax costume you look better as bora i'm not borax say yakshimash i'm not going to say yakshimash yes why would i say why we would you sound just like borah it's a good impression it's not an impression junior hey borah can we get our candy back look junior i had to take away your candy because it was poison wow borat you want to eat all our candy so you're just making up a lie so you can eat it because you're fat no no no look the noodles told me that it was poison i promise okay the news also said to give me five dollars what i'm not giving you five dollars junior well the news said it also says giving my candy back look i'm telling you the truth junior and i'm not giving you a candy bag that's not very nice borax i hate the stupid candy okay you're not getting it back where'd you hide it at the pantry i mean i hid it somewhere you're never gonna find it i wish we knew where he hid it he hid it in the pantry how do you know that because he slipped up and said he hid it in the pantry we're gonna go check the pantry board out uh you can't check the pantry because i i locked it yep and i swallowed the key it's in my belly wow you first you eat all our candy now you're eating keys what do you eat next napkins and trash like a garbage monster oh shut up junior look you're not going to go ahead and find that candy okay how can you believe this guys that all our parents want to take our candy bar from us because they're adults and since they can't go trick-or-treating anymore they want to steal candy from kids well we have to get back at them come on guys can you believe that our parents are stealing our candy because they're too old to go trick-or-treating and get candy for themselves maybe chef phoebe was just being mean hey guys what doing what jeffy where's your candy my daddy stole it from me because you said there was poison in it see cody look that confirms that all parents are stealing their kids candies because they could get candy for themselves this is so bogus dude that's so lame but look we know where our candy's been hidden and we're gonna take it back but now we're gonna pull off a halloween heist how are we gonna do that junior okay first off we need code names i'm going to be popsicle stan oh i like that i'll be the forsaken child i'll be big winner oh i was going to be big wiener okay in that case i'll be little weaning that's too close to big wiener chew something else oh i'll be hawk and ken can be the doll ooh doll face cause he's really handsome no he's a doll he's gonna be called the doll yeah a doll face all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna go over everyone's missions big wiener yeah oh sorry yeah big wiener your job's gonna be to make chef pee throw up cause he swallowed the key so go make him throw up okay all right all right uh forsaken child yep your job is gonna be on lookout for other adults because other adults are gonna try to stop us so do you make sure that no other adult tries to stop us okay i can do that guys i gotta let you know i found a piece of candy when chef pee pee took our candy away from me so i'm gonna eat this uh and i'll catch up with you guys okay you start eating that uh nighthawk yeah okay me and you we're gonna try to break it to the pantry just in case jeffy can't get the key okay but what does ken do he's on the lookout too i don't know all right come on ken let's blow this popsicle stand no cody no okay i could just end it all right now all i have to do is just one little lick and then just end it all hey pp what do you want jeffy that's not my name my name's bigwiener now what and you got five seconds to throw up that key or else i'm gonna hit you with this rolling pin you're not gonna get the key jeffy stupid dog you make me look bad give me a key it's not even locked it's not locked i promise it's open right now you think i'm stupid all right nighthawk how do we get inside this pantry door well popsicle stand i don't really see a keyhole where he could have locked it so i think we could probably just open it no they're adults they're really smart obviously there's like a child lock on it or something well popsicle stand i'm pretty sure we could just open it with the handle do you have any c4 c4 yes we could blow the door open what no no pads are no i i actually left my c4 at home well do you have any land mines a landmine what would that do we would just put a land mine down by the door and we'd step on it and blow the door open and we would blow ourselves up too no i don't have a landmine oh nighthawk i have the perfect way to open this door okay all right nighthawk the popsicle stand what are you gonna do with that cable i'm gonna open this door with it well couldn't we just open the door with the handle no that's too dangerous hold [Music] on [Music] look i opened it so we could have just opened it with her hand no the way i did it was the safeway okay okay look cody oh my god junior that's the holy grail of candy look how high up it is we could never reach that high oh maybe you could throw me up there yeah with my elephant trunks cause i'm so strong yeah sure yeah all right i'm gonna toss you up there try to grab as much candy as you can okay junior when i said i wanted to sit on your face this isn't what i had in mind all right cody i'm gonna toss you in the air and you try to grab as much candy as you can okay okay come on cody grab the candy i'm trying junior you need to throw me higher ow come on cody just grab the candy okay you got some candy but i want all of it well junior how about i try throwing you up there this time no we need to do something different um what if i try standing on your shoulders we might be tall enough let's try it okay oh no we're this this isn't doing much yeah it's not gonna work what if i grab the string and i try whipping it with the string no junior it's not long enough say that again cody no junior it's not long enough yeah the long enough part but it's not long enough yeah i know something long that we can use all right cody we're gonna use this broom it's long enough yeah junior you're a genius all right let's get this candy [Music] [Applause] cody your friend has a concussion what a terrible thing to happen happen and concussion don't rhyme yes it does don't make a fuss or else i'll cuss and that would be bad for all of us well how long is he gonna be hurt for he has brain damage so someone make me a sandwich sandwich and damage don't rhyme i'm doing my best this isn't a test we were just trying to get candy that candy is poisonous didn't you see the new sys i haven't seen the news i'll turn it on hold on [Music] breaking news okay earlier today i reported that there was rat poison in candy and not to eat it but i'm here to tell you that i misread the teleprompter the correct story is that there is candy in rat poison so the candy is safe to eat but for the rats i hope you like starburst flavor death well would you look at that we thought that candy was poison for a rat but that poison for a rat was really candy for a brat so we could eat candy now you can eat candy and this rhyming is getting exhausting i i'm done with this i'm going home what you hear that nighthawk we can eat candy now hey popsicle stand you might want to call that doctor back because uh all papers here is dunion [Music] rings you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 350,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, halloween, heist
Id: I9hKA8xUES8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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