SML Movie: Jeffy's YouTube Channel [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] ah i can't wait to watch tv hey wanna see me be a fish a fish yeah watch jeffy stop it breaking news okay youtube sensation hogan paul a youtuber who has 15 million subscribers and makes millions of dollars for making videos on youtube is under fire this week for recording himself hitting his dead hamster with a baseball bat we have footage to show you now but keep in mind the video footage is disturbing what's up ho gang guess what i found this morning my hamster died look at them all dead well you know what i do with dead hamsters this wow that is disturbing anyway we have an exclusive interview with hogan paul now goodman i'm here with youtube sensation hogan paul who has recently came under fire for hitting his dead hamster with a baseball bat hogan hogan huh yeah yeah where did you think it was acceptable to hit your dead hamster with a baseball bat man the hamster was already dead though and like what else you supposed to do with a dead hamster oh bury it have a funeral for most people would be sad how are you going to be sad when you're youtube famous by my merch well we thought you would have learned your lesson after you ate an entire pizza in front of a homeless family man i was hungry though hogan gotta eat well what about the time you recorded yourself doing magic tricks for the blind people man they missed a good show and they didn't even clap the deaf people did though now i got a question for you what's that one of those wow that was a shocking interview however youtube did release a statement earlier this morning stating that they do not condone the actions of hogan paul but he makes them too much money therefore he will not be punished he makes millions of dollars making youtube videos jeffy we could do that we can make videos jeffy stop it jeffy stop it what daddy i was being a fish jeffy that guy on tv makes millions of dollars making youtube videos we could do that what are we going to make videos about danny well where's your hamster at oh i gave it away what uh no nothing jeffy uh let me go get my laptop we're gonna make your youtube channel okay daddy all right jeffy what do you want your youtube username to be i pee out on my butt i know jeffy but what do you want your youtube username to be oh blow on my poop pipe 69. jeffy i'm not going to call you that you know what i'm going to call it jeffy just your username is going to be jeffy just jeffy all right jeffy now let me go get my camera so we can start making videos and get rich all right daddy all right jeffy we're going to start off with toy unboxing videos there's a lot of videos of parents making their kids open up toys on youtube and they get millions and millions of views so when i say go you're gonna open up these legos and have fun okay okay daddy all right and go hi my name is jeffy and i got me a lego set what are you gonna do with all those legos jeffy i'm gonna play with them when i get them open daddy oh those are not gonna taste really good see daddy says 5 to 12 years and i ate them all in only 10 seconds whoa what's going on here the police the youtube police you can't do that on youtube it's against the rules what's against the rules this is child endangerment you're teaching kids to eat legos hey hey do not eat legos okay it's dangerous we're not teaching kids to eat legos look kids already know not to eat legos look there's a choking hazard on the box well there's a choking hazard on my underwear too but that doesn't stop my wife she eats my underwear it's a nuisance well jeffy looks like you can't eat legos on youtube well hey hey hey you can't cuss on youtube either why not because it's not family friendly and you have to be family friendly okay well what are all the things we can't do then hold on let me get the book what the book here we go this is the big book of things you cannot do on youtube that's a huge book yeah this is just volume one there's 30 volumes of this okay well what are all the things we can do oh i got that too hang on there you go that that's a fortune cookie yeah but inside of the things you can do okay well show me okay let me just crush this up here take a look at what we got uh now let's see uh all right that's wow i didn't bring my glasses that's that's really small yeah i can't read this uh let's just say i know the things you can't do okay all right um all right jeffy let's try opening up another toilet here open this toy i don't want it you're gonna open it hey hey hey you can't do that wha what you trying to make him do something he doesn't want to do you can't do that but but they get a lot of views though no it's against the rules you cannot do that all right jeffy then i guess we won't do toy unboxing videos let's find something else to do okay all right jeffy now we're gonna try to make blender videos we're gonna put a bunch of stuff in the blender to see if it'll blend or not people love this stuff it's really cheap and it gets millions and millions of views so you're gonna blend these eggs first i drew faces on it to make it more funny so when i say go you blend up the eggs all right we're gonna blend the eggies daddy yeah go hey guys my name is jeffy and today we're gonna be blending these eggies will it blend let's find out whoa yep they got blended to a million pieces oh we're gonna get so many views jeffy so many views oh no you're not wait what you broke the rules again well what rule did we break take a look according to paragraph five subsection c article four you drew faces on those eggs which means you were pretending they were people when you killed them and that's murder well no no we didn't pretend they were people like they were just eggs well they might have just been next to you but to this chicken they were her kids i know i know honey they're monsters okay fine we'll do something else then come on jeffy okay jeffy now we're going to try to make a gaming channel i'm going to record you playing video games on your ds and it should get millions of views nothing wrong with that is there nope not yet but i'll be watching all right jeffy you ready yeah so cool daddy all right let me get the camera jeffy you broke it what was wrong with you jimmy oh my god that was hilarious you are going to get millions of views for that wait wait really oh yeah people love that kind of stuff well i wasn't recording though oh oh that sucks um do you have another ds no what are we gonna do to get views this sucks um oh you could try vlogging vlogging what's that well it's what hogan paul does he just records himself doing stuff in his everyday life and then he gets millions of dollars for it oh millions of dollars just to record your everyday life all right jeffy here here's a camera just go record your everyday life just go record yourself doing something stupid just you go vlog okay okay go become a millionaire all right i hope this works but he's not breaking the rules does he uh not yet all right how do you turn this thing on are you doing now you want to see my pencil see look at it it's on my nose diaper cam time oh double cam [Music] double cam well miami jeffy and i'm in the kitchen right now and i got me a plate of green beans i hate green beans they look like boogers and i don't like to eat boogers unless they come out of my nose you want to know why i'm doing these i'll show you daddy's gonna be mad and right here i'm a cat piano see i'll play it for you i hate green beans i like carrots pineapple carrots and my daddy is too very cute what do you think about that well i think it's time for me to s my diaper joe i'll be right back what two views i thought you said would get millions well it gets millions when hogan paul does it maybe you should be more like him more like him um look millions of views and millions of subscribers wow that was fast and all just because you changed your last name to paul who's that hold on uh hello does jeffy paul live here yeah jeffy paul lives here here's your first month's check and by check i mean bag full of cash bag full of cash how much is this all of it all of it yup oh all right keep up the good work but okay oh my god guys look at all this money from youtube we're rich youtube money baby i made all this money you sure did jeffy paul you're the greatest son ever don't assume his gender oh i'm sorry all right jeffy now that you've made millions of dollars and you have influence on millions of people what are you gonna do now i'm gonna go film a video in the forest okay oh my god it's gonna be awesome yeah i don't see how this would go wrong at all wow that that went really bad jeffy why did you think that was a good idea the views daddy what are we gonna do what's the problem well we lost all our money and our subscribers hate us well that's okay we're gonna forget about it in a week anyway wait really yeah you're not gonna even get punished really yeah unless you're making videos with puppets that's bad that's really bad we're gonna age restrict you you better not be doing that you you're lucky you even have a channel okay well we're gonna try to blend this potato yeah that'll blend and we're trying to blend these gumballs well that'll blend but it's colorful so i like it yeah and we'll also try to blend these out these gummy bears oh okay what about your phone daddy my phone hey daddy what about your phone with my phone and not my phone and today we're gonna blink mr tato yep say goodbye to mr tato will he blend we'll find out you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,126,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, jeffy, jeffy's, youtube, channel
Id: OYRErpsevTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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