SML Movie: Brooklyn Guy's Ball!

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they're always past due Karen well pointy we need to make more money well I already have like 50 jobs Karen I'm already a cop a doctor a firefighter what else do you want me to do well we can well like what sell the couch oh yeah boy we'd sell the couch we can make like 100 500 is not gonna be enough to cover these bills Karen well we could sell some of you Nick this boy and maybe you can quit drinking okay well I'm never gonna quit drinking but I guess I could sell some of my knickknacks I mean I do have something that's worth money what is it pointy let me go get it I have Tom Brady's last Super Bowl touchdown ball oh my God what do you mean Karen you don't remember when Antonio Brown came to my hotel after the Super Bowl and gave me his jersey in this ball well that was nice of him yeah well how much is the bowl worth Boyne well the ball itself is probably worth about a million dollars oh my God oh my god well it's just one little problem Karen what's that boydy this damn signature what's wrong with this Antonio Brown's signature oh unfortunately why unfortunately well you see Karen he's a super Gremlin now what's a super Gremlin well I'm not entirely sure but if he is in fact a gremlin I guess somebody fed him after midnight because he tore off his clothes and ran across the field during a football game he did that oh yeah take a look yeah see that's him right there yeah there he is he's on demon time well maybe it was hot outside yeah maybe but that still doesn't really explain why he whipped his wiener out at a public pool and stuck it in a lady's face well that's inappropriate it sure is and so is throwing patio furniture off the 14th floor of a condo endangering the people below well Bonnie I'm sure that's not gonna affect how much the bowl is worth yeah you're right I'm sure him punching a moving truck driver in the face and throwing rocks at the truck probably didn't affect the price of the ball either Boyne I'm telling you someone's gonna ball ball yeah maybe somebody will I guess I'll take it to a pawn shop and see what they'll get me for it hey welcome to the pawn shop what do you got for me well I actually have Tom Brady's last Super Bowl touchdown ball whoa damn that's got to be worth at least a million okay I'll take it in cash please wait what's this that that is uh that that's one of the other players signatures like I don't know whose that is wait is that Antonio Brown's signature no no no definitely not that's um that's number 18 yeah that's Tyler Johnson the ball's just upside down no that's definitely Antonio Brown's signature yeah I don't want this ball especially not after he bought an arena football team and didn't pay any of the players yeah he did do that and you know all of the assault charges yeah those yeah there are those but what about the ball though huh okay look if you can get Tom Brady to sign this ball then it would be worth a million dollars but Tom Brady's Never Gonna sign this ball yeah I know that's your problem okay but like what if Tom Brady didn't sign the ball how much would it be worth then you would have to pay me five dollars to take this ball okay I guess I'll try to get Tom Brady to sign it well Karen I got good news and bad news what's the good news the good news is the pawn shop will give me a million dollars for this ball sweet why is the boss still here well you see Karen that's the bad news they will only give me a million dollars if Tom Brady also signs the ball but that's your Brady oh I'm Brady but you know who doesn't love they have to love each other oh yeah you'd think especially because Antonio Brown didn't have a job before Tom Brady got him signed to the Buccaneers and let him live in Tom Brady's house and then they went on to win a Super Bowl together so you'd think they'd be really good friends yeah but see they're not because Antonio Brown mocked Tom Brady about his divorce that's horrible oh gets worse Karen he also photoshopped his head on Tom Brady's body and pictures of him and his wife together that's a little weird yeah it is and so is this kid's book cover he photoshopped that says Daddy doesn't live here anymore and shows Tom Brady leaving his house and Antonio Brown Living in his house implying that he is now the father of Tom Brady's children that's so mean yeah it is and so is this he posted a picture of him hugging Tom Brady's wife after this Super Bowl so there's no way Tom Brady signing this goddamn ball boy get being silly he's not gonna recognize that signature that could have been any of the players he put his number next to it boy you just gotta try it he won't care yeah okay maybe you're right well luckily Tom Brady does have a public signing today so I guess I'll take the ball there and try my luck all right everyone in line to meet Tom Brady remember one signature per person ma'am do you know who Tom Brady feels about signing Antonio Brown balls sir you're gonna have to wait your turn that's not what I asked oh wow I see you have an Antonio Brown signed ball too oh yeah this is actually his last Super Bowl touchdown ball oh awesome I have one of his playoff game touchdown balls do you think Tom Brady is going to sign it listen man I don't know that's what I'm wondering too next in line oh wish me luck okay I want to see how this goes because if he doesn't sign that kids ball he's not gonna sign mine all right sir this is Timmy oh hey there Timmy oh my God hi Mr Brady I'm your big to spin 15 seconds Sir okay let's hurry this up you want me to sign something oh yes will you sign my bowl sure thing champ wait what the is this Antonio Brown's signature uh yeah get the out of my face you brat you're a fan of him you're not a fan of me Sarah learn this ball and tell this kid he can never see me again on it sir wait Mr Brandy no please get the out of here I wouldn't kiss you if you asked me next all right next in line uh I I actually just want a picture okay all right sir this guy just wants a picture oh what's wrong you don't want old Tommy's autograph oh no sir Mr Brady I think a picture will be just fine say cheese sorry my smile wasn't good enough that kid in front of you pissed me off because he wanted me to sign that Antonio Brown ball oh yeah what an I would never do that uh sir did you drop this no that's not mine that's not mine you should just throw that away okay but what trash can though it was very nice meeting you Mr Brady oh man ma'am I actually want that back you said it wasn't yours I lied well how do I know you're not lying now well you were gonna throw it in the trash who cares your ball signed uh no but I did get this selfie oh that's oh that's a picture pointy but why didn't you get your ball signed I asked he cost out a child Karen what are your grown ass man you could have asked nicely well if you would cuss out a child imagine what he'd do to me Bonnie we need that million dollars I bought hula without adds money well wait what if you sold the ball he is never gonna sign this ball Karen well boy what if he removed the signature well Karen it's permanent marker it's not coming off it's permanent well we could cover it with a Band-Aid hmm let me think about how that would go sure I'll sign your ball wait what's under this Band-Aid Antonio Brown's signature you you thought you could trick me you son of a I'll kill you yeah we're not gonna do that Bonnie I could go and ask him to sign it because I'm a girl I'm hot and he's single you're not a Brazilian supermodel Karen well that's rude no I think there's only one way I can get this ball signed how I'm gonna have to kidnap Tom Brady what I'm gonna kidnap Tom Brady and force him to sign the ball in order to be let go booty you can't do that I am gonna do it I'm gonna kidnap Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr and who's gonna help I know just the guy uh hello you've been standing there for like five minutes oh sorry I was just waiting for the transition yeah I need your help kidnapping Tom Brady what kidnapping Tom well you see I had this last Super but signed by Antonio Brown which means it's pretty much worthless unless it's also signed by Tom Brady so I need to kidnap Tom Brady and force him to sign it well why do you need my help well who am I gonna paint it on if I get caught what what look I just need your help kidnapping Tom Brady well do you have any good ideas to kidnap Tom Brady while I was thinking we could set up a kissing booth and hire his son but we're just gonna make so much money because Tom Brady is going to be there all day kissing his son on the mouth which he often does frequently okay well I have a better idea what if we tie a string around a football and throw it in the yard and then maybe Tom Brady will grab it we can pull him in oh that could work Tom Brady loves football all right Marvin throw the ball in the yard okay the all right now let's go wait upstairs just going from a nightly stroll is that a football I love footballs blue 42 say it he grabbed the football Marvin Pull It in pull it wait wait what am I getting out of helping you kidnap tomorrow I'll give you 10 grand just pull it in okay whoa Bland Marvin pull it pull it oh he's a big boy he's a big boy bring him in bring him in okay we got him we're gonna tie them up what the hell why'd you guys tie me up uh Mr Brady we need you to do something for us what you need my help getting in shape tb12 method no I need you to sign my football wait I remember you you were at my sign in why didn't you just ask me then well because Mr Brady it's a football that Antonio Brown also signed what the no Mr Brown no way Jose not we'll just sign it no way not in a million years oh no account and no circumstance it's just a quick not by any means not for all the tea in China not under any circumstances not on your luck not on your Nelly Over My Dead Body when hell freezes over certainly not hell no I don't think so not For Love or Money not in any way forget it God forbid never no indeed no thanks not at all Not For a Moment not really at no time you're no Pig's Eye no negative no fear no siree nope not under any circumstances not over one's dead body hold the chili hold the cream hold the mustard what I'm good in no case in no why I don't think he wants to sign it yeah I don't think he does what if we offered you money to sign it I don't want money I want Antonio Brown to Suffer Well Mr Brady I have his Super Bowl Jersey what if I traded it for you so you could like wipe your ass with it okay I like that idea I'm gonna wipe my butt with it okay you got yourself a deal okay I'll get it okay Mr Brady I got your jersey it says Brown that's the color of the stinky I'm gonna take on it anyway I signed your ball so bye oh my God Marvin he actually signed it let me see let me see let me see burn in hell yeah but look he still signed it yeah but it says burning hell on her I don't even care you know what I don't even think I'm gonna sell this this adventure's been too much fun guys look nice [Music] his ass with Antonio Brown's Super Bowl Jersey and then auctioned it off for two million dollars wow he sold that fast you think he'd wipe his ass with my ball probably not oh well I'm gonna take it home and show my wife Karen Karen Karen he signed it really see look boy and Hell Boy why wouldn't that well it might be because we kidnapped him or he may have been talking to Antonio Brown okay but bunny how are we gonna sell this bowl for a million no well Karen I made the decision I don't want to sell the ball it means too much to me but boy oh maybe I can pick up another Karen you don't have feet but Boyne I can download stock images of feet and sell them online [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 3,696,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, tom rbady, brady, football, signed football, antonio brown, logan, lance, karen, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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