God's Generals Series | A.A. Allen

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[Music] his parents were moonshiners and he was a baby they'd put alcohol in his bottle to make sure he slept how they did all their evil crimes around Arkansas he grew up and was born again in the Methodist meeting he became known as God's man as faith and power his name as a a Alan I'm Roberts Lardon and this is God's generous [Music] toward the voice of healing revival the most outstanding personality of the time was a man mother never ate a talent his story should inspire all of us no matter what you've gone through or how many tragedies you face you can still win against all the odds he was born in Arkansas and his family were moonshiners now some of you may not want a moonshiner is but it's the folks that made illegal alcohol out by the light of the Moon in the woods and that's how I was raised his parents for those kind of folks and when he was a little boy they'd put alcohol in his bottle make him go to sleep and by the age of six you expel two packs a day and could drink his liquor with everybody else of probably twice his age so he didn't grow up in a holy family or a Christian family he grew up and known in the town as the wicked little Allen boy for one night near a revival meeting a Methodist woman was preaching can you believe God sent a woman to get a Allen saved he walked in the back of the meeting and everybody in town knew who he was and she stopped her preaching and said why'd you come here did you come here to cause trouble did you come here to get saved and he said well I came to find out about all this is about and if this is real I want him so at the end of the sermon he walked down the aisle of the Methodist woman preaching and gave his life to Jesus he began to read Christian books and his two famous people he'd like to read about and he loved the most was BL moody and Charles Finney and his first sermons in life were actually their sermons pushed together he kind of mixed him up and made him his own in a way but he said he loved preaching Moody and Finney sermons hey Alan was one of those guys that by chance he kept bumping into things which I believe God was ordering his steps he made his wife in the parking lot of in Colorado a track had blown up of one of Amy's of a person's new I guess newsletters or magazines and he picked it up and tried to find out who it was and when he found out whose it was it was Alexi and it was a guy II that he began to talk to later they got married and began their ministry now he begins their ministry among the Assemblies of God he tried to Pastor and then he did it van Gogh doesn't meet him for a while and he didn't like preaching as an evangelist among the Assemblies that caused the pay was so low they all they ever dove two key to the next town or enough money to have enough food for the family so it don't even past her so he ends up going to Corpus Christi Texas to Pastor Assemblies of God Church while he was there he pastored him preached and you know did what you're supposed to do but you know it wasn't quite working for him and the church loved him but they knew that their pastor needed something special but there was a famous memory of Oral Roberts and the big gospel tent that was in Dallas and so the church people took up a little offering enough to take him to Dallas to hear all Robert's thinking that maybe he goes hero Roberts and sees the miracles that their pastor would come alive and something new what happened so he goes up there and sits under that big tent and watch the old Roberts pray for the sick and get people saving spirit-filled he sits in the dens days of all Robert's can do this I can do this it goes back to Corpus Christi and I think he shocked the members of his church and they wanted this pastor to come alive and not come back the way he came back he came back ready to buy his own gospel tip and take on all the sickness and the demons of the territory and have a revival meeting well it scared him his church members almost to death but they kind of called him because they sent me to an or Roberts meeting long story short he had to leave that church it's amazing how many times when you come on fire how many folks don't like the fire that God gives you or the message that God gives you or they know that God grants you sometimes they want you just to be a little more exciting than what you are but still controllable still be able to fit in their little shell of how to pull the strings and keep control their pastor make sure the church stays a nice little Community Church where they sing Kumbaya put their little tips in the bucket up for the offering and and it's called it nice well brother Allen came back with a bigger spirit bigger faith and said I want to take healing evangelism to the world and God's called me to do that and so we had to leave the church somebody needed a 10 he left the church but he needed a tenth was in those days tents or everything he had heard about jet Coe and Jack Cohen died and Jack Koza wife wasn't really using jet coach Tim so he found out how to find where Jack Coast hit was and who owned so he goes up to her when he talks to him and goes I want to buy Jack coast ten but I guess when you've got a 10,000 seat or a 15,000 seater according to how you you know build it or pull it out I guess you want to get rid of it so they sold Jack coast tenant to Amy Alan so he began to travel around the country going I've got the world's largest gospel tent and a reality he did is only four inches bigger than all others tent but it was bigger than orals here the largest one and brother Alan began his preaching and into this trial he would be the most flamboyant of all the tip preachers I'm going to take a little break here I want us to go to a film clip of hearing brother Alan sing and preach under the great gospel tent and then I'll come back and take him more of the miracles that he did and what God had him do for the end of his life [Music] now ladies and gentlemen it's my pleasure to present to you the man that God has anointed with a miracle ministry with a sermon designed to bring help and blessing and deliverance to you God's man of faith and power Reverend a a alum from the 8th chapter of st. John I'm waiting just one verse tonight listen carefully it's the 32nd verse you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you one well if the truth of God's Word will make you free why is that so midlands a bit of people that they are bound why do we find some linen ribbons found tied fettered controlled dominated by sickness disease sin infirmity deformity it's because they have never known the truth the miracle minister that brother Allen has came to life after he went through a deep time of fasting and prayer and God gave him 13 things that he had to do to have the miracle power in his life and after he went through that time of fasting and praying and did those 13 things they would keep for his entire life God increased the miracle power to where things begin to happen one of the great miracles I heard about was a lady who had a weight problem she weighed close to 500 pounds the the magazine reported he she came to the prayer line but Allen prayed verse she fell out on the power and lost two hundred pounds so when she stood up all of her under clothes fell off on the ground but what I want to do you for a moment another great gospel that you'll notice I have these crutches and these stretchers and things here in the great tip meetings of those times and Allen's and COEs and branham's as they begin to pray for people they would start putting the stuff that they used to walk with or they got healed from and they would leave it at the tent they leave the canes they'd put it up here on the pulpit as a sign and a wanderer or a trophy wall and then down in front of it they have this rope down there and they had put the canes and the crutches and the stretchers and when they got full they would take their canes and make a big pile of them on the side of the Tim and at the end of the meeting they had set all the crutches and all the other stuff on fire as a trophy fire to God now that's called a healing service one of the guys in the history named in Raymond T Ritchey at the end of his mini Houston Texas he had six different piles of 15 feet high of crutches and stretchers that's it on fire the end of his revival meetings brother Allen was no different that way he had great miracles great power he loved to break canes and throw things so I want us to go now to God's men of faith and power Amy Allan here we go he's been talking to their doctor says he was probably there they can't help him do you mean that my Jesus wants this man does time for their do you believe it's God's will for him to stop or my lord is sure stop the party the Word of Life the Word of God that people might live spiritually God has provided bread that he can live physically I'm going to play tonight and Jesus is going to heal you you believe it I sure do you breathe Jesus Tony your purpose man along way different from genna's a service very California here services how many bottles of that hold it's about two to four things that master long ways to go to church he's come with his shoes on to press them all up in the end I did your previous tour to get up with him here we go his food because he said I'll bring my suit because when I come back I'm going to wear my suit back home [Music] a suit he still got his robe on though well getting suit ready I want to see what it looks like in it that's alright that's alright we're gonna pee how many we like to see the power of God fall on this man hey do you believe it bring me a supper right now same in here you believe it [Music] too bad we don't have my chicken but this is all they have up at the concession stand ham salad sandwich made for Monday this is Sunday you're getting it the day early son Hamid agree we can eat it cold and speech the best in Southern California a devil of a liar did you bring him a straw is he gonna drink you've got the straw everything's all right first everbody Kovach Devils Alya do you be me tonight I said here's this man stinger the six week he hasn't been able to eat anything this is cancer of his stomach the food it's that Ford comes like that Cup he wouldn't tell you do the game turn around and tell your friend five teeth they went oh the island race for that man he's going to get up they're going to put his suit on him he's gonna walk home he's going to be able to swallow that food tell somebody right now here in your home do you believe it he'll believe type of me Kimmy gobbler here you to Jesus Amir hey man this is your moment yet you're so glad is this your minute is it that all God that the spirit and the power of God come on this man these four legs my God my God the game of Jesus I Christmas pouch answer that curse this pencil in the name of Jesus I command it tensed I command this cancer die that's from the stomach you'd ever let this man eat you cannot stop him to death i cream life for this man a curse this cancer that the beam of Jesus Lord let these LED walk again let this bodies be supported again let this stomach receive food if this man stink tonight that's the power of doctor for him please them from the stiffest minute Lord in the name of Jesus amen brother in the name of Jesus I command you kiddo [Applause] j-man piracy now father imma let you free the blessing on his dinner break off dressing on his dinner in the name of Jesus now then here's the dinner I command it to go down I command it to go down I command it go down get this door clear down half of it maybe there is not metal bit [Applause] he's doing it the flower to school I think all the milk is all I can say right now yeah I forgot this here's that here's the sandwich out of that no taste tastes wonderful yeah never so excited here we've got done something 14 how many breathe the Lord and stuff for it [Applause] I'm an agency that's gonna be a big job and that's gonna be a big job this is good my dog performs miracles Marlowe is short on the other with ever since she's been out of the army one these real Dylan this needs me down here this knees ripping - that's a tiny remain are you ready for a miracle you ready - ready Henry you know I can't [Music] [Music] [Music] a little bit George did you see what happened there [Music] hands up this week he's a great dog father you able to take these tumors off of this man's spine you can move these tumors that press this final chord this nerves in the name sort of rolling over here so I can put my hands on his back in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus sure should be the tumors on the spine should be the cancer of this fire in the name of Jesus I tried to demand that it timele in the name of Jesus my God he's neither the power of God take the pain from these limbs Lord take the pain from these legs in the name of Jesus my god for your glory take the pain from these limbs touchable your divine power let him run like the profitable [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of [Applause] brother Alan's life story continues the big gospel Tim the great miracles he got on TV and radio yep pioneer Christian television in America Look magazine put him in one of their big articles about the man of faith and power and the miracles that were there but there was also some controversies around him when you do that kind of miracles and you have those kind of things that happen through you the devil's gonna fight you number one he also allowed blacks of white to sit together in his tin so the Klu Klux Klan and the civil rights and all that always was crazy around him but he said everybody comes under the tent is equal there is no separation of any gender or ethnic background that was great so the second thing that happened with Alan's life that was controversial was when the stress of ministry and the persecution got very intense on him there was accusations against him that he started drinking now I don't think his drinking probably started until the toward the end of his ministry after all those years of walking and talking and jumping and bouncing like he saw him on those clips I just showed you a few moments ago he began to have knee problems and in the latter part of his life he had his knees turn to have his neighbors replaced one knee was replaced and the other knee was going to have its replacement in about three or four months after this one had healed so the doctors replaced it they gave him high-powered pain pills it fogged him up where he couldn't work or function and so what he'd learned to do he thought what I can drink alcohol and numb the pain and still stay functional cuz remember he's an old drunk from way back his parents put it in his bottle and he grew up as a child drinking and smoking so he was an old drunk so you got a hold its liquor so brother Alan begin to drink for medicinal reasons and that kicked in that alcoholism that God delivered him from earlier in his life so some people when you hear the name a Alan now like all he's a drunk to stop I want to discuss that just for a moment brother Allen was not disagreeing when I'm there sort of drinking just to drink he began drinking at the end of his life because of his knee problems and his knee replacements for medicinal purposes and back then they didn't understand how alcoholism work if they didn't own I'm sure didn't different thing than what they did but he began to drink to solve the the pain problem between the two surgeries in the healing process and it kicked in that alcoholism so brother Allen died and the latter part of his life with an alcohol problem he died of acute alcoholism in Oakland California while waiting to go to surgery the next morning on his name and so his assistant came to his hotel room knocked on the door he didn't answer so after a while they came and got the hotel manager they unlocked the door and brother Allen was found dead in his hotel room with some of the bottles that he'd been drinking from there in the room so I don't tell you that to be critical of him or to discredit him at all I love Allen I think we should learn from him but we should also learn from the mistake that was made from the challenge that happened if there's something in your life that you were drawn out of or delivered from if you're not careful it can come back on you there are some of you they've been delivered from drugs alcohol different types of addictions in your life and you're not careful when you're stressed out when you're under pressure and if you're not careful I'll keep you the Lord not careful it'll come back on you and get a part of your heart and get back on the throne of the governments of your life and take you over so we need to make sure that when God delivers us we know how to stay delivered and if we start having a problem go seek help from those around us that we can trust now I know sometimes for ministers that's hard to find people to trust but there are people you can trust they can help you get through the emotional problem or the addiction pull that's in your life God will deliver you and your ministers not over there's a new day ahead of you I hope this little time that we're here together talking about brother Allen please begin to believe God for great miracles do big things don't let your mistakes of the past stop you I'll learn how to avoid them in your future I hope you'll take the time to evaluate your life and go forward hope you've been enjoying the the talk today about brother a and I want you to call the number on your screen or go to my website and order my book called God's generals where I tell you more about his life and other men and women to that we can learn from their successes and their failures God wants you to be powerful he wants you to be strong he wants you to succeed all the days your life and when you leave this world you leave it with a great example of what it is to trust God and the best humanity so please go to the number right now and call and go on the website and order the book there'll be a great blessing to you buy one for your friend and get ahold of it so we can have some new good ministers in the earth that'll go all the way to the end these men and women that God chose we're just like you they come from places like you come from sounds like you face and I want to pray for you just for a moment that God would move into your life and help you overcome every challenge that you face whether it's the fear of man whether it's an addiction or a pull to the world that God's anointing will break that bondage and break that pull and give you a greater hunger for the things of the eternal to live while you're here in this natural world I pray for youth for God to give you the right friends in your life and the wrong people to get out so the right people can help you assist you and be a blessing to your life I look forward to hearing from you something good is going to happen to you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Roberts Liardon
Views: 45,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SAAz4OLd3fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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