SMITE - The Physical Damage Items Alignment Chart! | SMITE GUIDE

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today we become legends all right boys we finished the class alignment chat videos we've done all five classes guardians hunters mages warriors and assassins so if you haven't checked those videos out already i highly recommend it but uh we're gonna be moving on to the item alignment charts now i put out a community poll and uh by far the most common uh one that i should do first that you guys want to see is uh physical damage items that's what we're gonna do today but of course i will be doing magical damage items tank items and bruiser items in three upcoming videos so be sure to subscribe for those if you don't want to miss them for a quick refresher on how these alignment chat videos work if you've never seen one from me before because i don't think anyone else does does them in this kind of way so we have two axes here we have early to late game on the x-axis which is like more towards the left you're a more early game item more towards the right you're more late game item and then we have the y axis top to bottom more towards the top you're more auto attack based so you want to build this item on auto attackers and towards the bottom more ability base you want to build on more ability based item users and of course with these items being physical damage we're mostly looking at assassins and hunters to be using these but some warriors could use them as well and yeah in seemingly no particular order these don't seem like alphabetical or anything or are they aren't i see oh no they are okay so in alphabetical order let's get into it with aaron dietz so aaron die is a mid to late game item you know somewhat skewed late game but more of a mid-game item you build this in like your fourth or fifth slot usually and in terms of auto attacker ability it's fast majority ability based provides basically no attack speed you can't even build it on hunters which is like yeah hunters are what mainly use the basic attack items and it's just like mostly an ability based item anyway you know high power cooldown reduction the only like auto attack synergy it has is that it has like extra damage on your autos afterwards but i think that also applies to abilities and stuff so it's basically fully ability based and then like a little bit skewed towards late game we have rc so obviously a very auto attack heavy item you build it mostly on hunters especially in like transcendence builds uh it's more of an early game item for sure i see is something you get early on you know rc is almost always something you get if you're not building devils in your build like if you're not stacking devil's first item you likely get an assy at some point early and you build just for lifesteal a little bit less so recently because of bow builds being so popular but often like if you were going to go trans build or whatever you would go i see like you know second item so you could get some that lifestyle going that you miss out on your devourers gauntlets so we'll go like here and then it's basically fully auto attack that's atlanta's bow hmm it's obviously very auto attack based we'll put it like all the way up here in terms of early late game i feel like it's kind of a late game item but people build it fairly early right now because of the like triple bar builds or quadruple bow build abuse it's a matter of whether i should place it kind of where it's built now or whether i should place it where it probably should be because i think for sure it's getting built earlier than it normally would in builds right now just because it's a bow and everyone wants to build like quad and triple bar builds so for now i'll skew it slightly early game but i think you know that the fact that this item has percent pen and stuff it does make you want to build it kind of later into the game i feel like uh we have berserker shield on here i i was debating whether to put this one on here to be honest because it it's also going to be in the bruiser items video but there may be some overlap like there'll be some bruiser items that also appear in the tank item video and vice versa so i feel like it's fine to include berserker shield on here because it's definitely the most damage heavy of all the of all the shields and like bruised dragons and stuff like that uh in terms of so it's mostly auto attack but it has like you know some mobility-based energy i guess some high power and things like that but you mostly wanted like the attack speed from the berserk mechanic and then in terms of early late game you kind of build berserkers fairly early i suppose especially on like aaa warriors and stuff like erlang bologna you know amber you rush this pretty much as like your first or second item in hunter builds i've seen it occasionally in hunter bills like later on but i think generally it's more of an early game item so i'll drop it like right there uh blood forge ability-based late game you're not going to get a much more late game item than blood forge i don't think so we'll drop it like right in the corner but you know it's not fully ability based you can build this on auto attackers for sure granted the stats are like mostly ability-based you know high physical power but i guess the life steal you know good for auto attackers so we'll put it up slightly but it's definitely one of the most late game items for sure you know blood flow just something you get fifth or sixth item if you're getting a lot of kills you're kind of fragging in the game and you want that big shield that's when you get blood forged brawl's beat stick kind of the opposite end ability best early game you know you're almost always going to be getting brawler's beat stick first or second item in like the jungle or whatever if you're against a healer mid heal or soul or something like that you know usually you're not getting brawlers later on oftentimes if you get brawls later on it's because like you didn't get it earlier when you probably should have done kind of things so i'm going to leave it in the early game category and then it's yeah it's basically purely ability based it's just pen and ability damage uh deathbringer so crit by default is like auto attack based for sure so already we're kind of up in this quadrant uh because it's definitely a late game as well your most crit is going to be late game but you know there's going to be kind of a scale which is why i like these item alignment charts a lot so deathbringer is definitely one of the more late game queer items it's probably on the similar level to bloodforge in terms of when you buy it you know fifth or sixth time but it's one of the less auto attack based crit items i guess compared to stuff like windy when a poison star that require you to like create some proc effects and stuff like that so we'll drop it like that and then you know what let's do all the crit items in one go i just feel like that's going to be a lot a lot easier to follow so we'll do rage rage is obviously the earliest of the crit items because you want to buy it fairly early to get the stacks online so we'll put it like here you know it's not it's not going to be like an early game item by any means but rage is something you could buy in third or fourth slot comfortably and not feel too bad about it whereas if you're going third or fourth slot deathbringer it's a bit cringe so like what we'll put rage like there or something and then in terms of uh auto attack ability it's basically the same as death being you know it's a big by crit chance basically uh we have malice so the most ability based of the crit items and obviously refreshes your ability cooldowns and stuff like that so i'll put this one a little further down than these two in terms of early late you get it probably a little bit after rage but it's usually like one slot after rage or something like that or in the same slaughters rage uh windy man obviously probably the most auto attack based of the crit items i would say because it's uh gives you attack speed and stuff like that and then when you build it probably a similar time to malice i would say so probably something like that but maybe you build it a bit later the malice or maybe there ish and it's obviously like the most auto attack of all the crit items uh and then we have yeah shadow steel and poison style so poison star it's it's a very similar point you buy this to win even often you buy both in the same build uh they they work quite well together you know both procking like on hit effects when you create and stuff like that you often build them in the same build or you build one like usually like you build the best one of these i feel like in a lot of great builds you either build both or you just build the best one uh out of these two currently the best one i believe is wendyman but often in the past it's been poison style that you buy but yeah they're in a very similar spot and then we have shadow steel shuriken generally i'm against buying this but uh if you want to buy it i guess you would buy it fairly early because you're gonna want the anti-heal that's the problem with shadow steel sugar can really you it's a cree item so you want to buy it late but it's not in the heel item so you want to buy it early it's a bit cringe uh so i guess i'll just put it like here you know kind of like in the middle of the crayons there or something and yeah that's all the crit done so let's just move on in alphabetical order now we have developers gauntlets so obviously very early game you want to be getting these online as your first item you know almost never you want to like buy another item and then buy a stacking item like unless you're thinking like height of the ocean not gonna live thieves or something like that but a stacking item that requires minion last hits you want to be getting is like your first item so this is probably gonna be one of the most early game items for sure i think all the stacking items on these alignment charts will be like the most early game and in terms of auto attack ability i guess it's a little bit down because technically it just gives you a lot of power and like some lifesteal and stuff like that but obviously with physicals life steal only applies to your auto attack so i'll put it slightly further down uh we have dominance so pretty auto attack heavy you know obviously the passive only applies to auto attacks but you know you do you do still get some stats like some physical power and some uh percent pen just like flat not even applying to only your basics it applies to everything so we'll put it a little bit further down probably slightly further down than zerk shield but not by much and then early late game you usually buy dominance fairly late right do you buy it around the time you'd buy crit maybe slightly before you would buy but you could also go slightly after it's quite a flexible item i always hate putting like percent pen items super far forward which is why i was contemplating moving like slightly to the right is because it's just like people are building it in the quad bow builds right now which means you usually get it like second or third item or at least fourth but yeah i'm going to leave dominance here for now i really feel bad putting like percent pen items like super early game because it just makes no sense uh we have failed oh i should have placed fail not with the other crit items damn uh i for completely forgot about this one clearly just saws that i'm not a hunter player i'm like i'm covering all all of the ones but not the one that could only be built by hunters so this is like on on ultimate abilitycast you get like crit and you can also get quit to your allies and stuff like that so i guess since it's on an ultimate ability cast maybe it's slightly more ability based somewhere in between like rage and malice that kind of area and in terms of early late game i feel like this is one of the earlier items you can go you know you can go this in like third slot and not even feel too bad about it right maybe like four slides probably about on the level of rage then if we put it like maybe here and move rage back a bit that's probably pretty fair i would say uh golden blade so auto attack early uh if you're building golden blade you're building it first item let's be real it's like a stacking item you know there's no point in going to golden blade later on in your build you want to go at first item so you can like power farm with it if you're not building your first item there's no point in buying it all right it's probably more auto attack based than devils though so let's just do something like this it's in katana usually building it quite early uh if you're building case and guitar on a character it's usually because that character is reliant on hate and katana you know your back of zeros your callis that kind of stuff so usually you're building it quite early because you're relying on it probably somewhere around here and in terms of auto attacks it comes with some power and things like that and but the passive is mostly auto attacks it comes with attack speed we'll put it like a about on the level i would say heart seeker ability based late game along with blood forge these two are like the big ability based assassin kind of top off items kind of like your rod of tahuti but for assassins you know you get blood forge if you're snowballing getting a lot of kills you get heart seeker if you're not it's just like a good solid game item for your assassin build uh they're about the same i guess heartseek is slightly more ability-based right so we'll do something like that hi men very much a kind of mid-game ability-based item you know obviously you might get a little confused if you're like you're new to the game and new to builds uh this item has a passive that triggers on auto attacks so you think oh it must be like an auto attack item right but no it's actually not this items for ability-based characters that a cancel a lot so things like thor where you're casting an ability all to attacking casting ability auto attacking you get a lot of procs off of hydrogen and since it's uh based on your physical power you want high physical power so yeah actually surprisingly high drizzle meant not on auto attack item it's slightly more ability-based than you know the likes of heart seeker and stuff because you do have to auto-attack with it so we'll put it further up which is the beauty of alignment charts really but yeah it's definitely going to be in the ability-based category probably somewhere in like the middle of ability based and uh yeah middle of fairly late as well actually so we'll put it like around there or something because generally like hydro still might just like a big game item if i'm putting it in the middle here it's like either an item you can build at any point in your build and you don't really mind or it's an item that you go in like the mid game so like third or fourth slot maybe which thinking about it maybe i should move rage and fail not back a little bit because i did mention you could go them in third or fourth slot and not be too unhappy so we'll spread these crit items out a little bit there we go uh we have each of all very early game auto attack based item each of us kind of like golden blade and that like it's a very strong early game item you're buying it in your first or second slot or you're not buying it really there's no point in going in an interval like super late game less so than golden blade so we'll put it like slightly further further to the right than golden blade but it's a very similar concept and yeah it's very auto attack based you're not buying this on an ability this character uh jordan's wrath so fully ability based early game you're buying this at the same time you're buying brawler's beat stick you know you can buy jordans if you want the cooldown uh if they have a healer you're swapping out for brawls you're buying it in the exact same slot so we'll put them both here and then they're about the same in terms i guess jordan's is slightly more ability based on brawler so if move rolls up slightly we'll put like jones uh here i guess because jones is slightly more ability-based you know it comes with cooldown reduction and stuff like that which is like built-in ability-based synergy uh we have oboe salt similar to able oboe a born oboe similar to a bow answers bow oboe or this is bow is generally like a late game item for auto attackers but right now it's being built earlier than it really should be because of the quad builds you know right now it's like here where it should be is probably like here you know people are building it earlier than they should be because the auto attack builds right now which is kind of a decision i have to make you know once the ball build meta runs that runs its course which it obviously will we're not going to have bow build meta forever i think the balls are going to get nerfed most likely each of our silver branch and then the ball build's going to fall apart and we'll probably go back to stacking or whatever we were doing before so you know do i want to put this in where it should be for that but i guess to be fair i i skewed atalanta's ball one way i should do the same for robo so oh boy you're probably building about a similar place to atlanta right now maybe slightly before so we'll put it like that and then in terms of ability auto attack probably on a similar level to berserker shield you know the passive is actually decent with high physical power because it scales with physical power the like lightning procs but obviously no physical power on the item comes with 40 attack speed it's still heavily an auto attack based item uh kin size the late game top off if you're not building crit generally you can build both but it's not not a very good idea generally you're going kins or you're going crazy they're both like the late game top off item so it has to be somewhere up here uh it's probably like one of the most auto attack based uh items as well but you're just procking four percent of their max health every time you hit them you know it's just it's the most auto attack this time in the game really in a way uh serrated edge kind of an interesting one a little bit of a hybrid ability an auto attack item kind of you know obviously doesn't come with any attack speed but comes with quite high physical power and a bit of movement speed you kind of like it on ability-based assassins but then it comes with lifesteal and and stuff like that and you're what you want your abilities on cooldown it's like it's kind of ability-based but then it comes with physical lifesteal which doesn't apply to your abilities you want to be auto-attack-based for that so it's kind of like in the middle and in terms of like early late um probably more of a late game item but not like super lit this is something you build kind of like fourth office slot i would say somewhere around where you would start building your crit so maybe we'll put it like that and i think it is just in the middle of auto attacking ability it's very much kind of a hybrid item there are definitely arguments that you could lean it towards auto attack uh silver branch bow again same argument as the balls it should probably be somewhere to the right but if we're taking the current meta into account with the quad blower build it's just basically in the same place because you kind of build balls that interchangeably i guess it's a little more late game than the other two because this is generally the last ball you buy because you want to be over caps to to actually make use of the passive so you won't be buying this as late as possible in your build so it's usually the last of these four balls that you buy so we'll put it like a little bit further forward but in general it should be like quite far to the right this item because you want to be at attack speed cap when you buy this so it's generally like later in the game it's just the quad board builds right now are kind of warping the better uh we have soul eater so obviously ability base you know it gives you abilities uh like lifesteal uh you generally want it fairly early it's not super early and that like you know devils and trans where like you're stacking them kind of like right at the start of the game sorry 2 is generally something you will get either second item after like your flat pen or maybe third item after like flat pen and hydras or whatever or something like that so we'll put it like maybe a little bit after hydra's somewhere in that kind of area though i think i will build it where i build iron diets maybe slightly before so we'll put it like that and then in terms of ability based it's basically purely ability-based right we'll put it like there move iron knight and hyde just slightly so we can get a good place for it oh we have stone cutting swords so pretty heavily auto attack but does still have just very high power and like pen and stuff like that and it's generally an early game item you know you want to make use of that uh effectively flat pen that this item has you know it reduces enemy protections by seven per hits basically like 21 flat pen once you fully stack it up and generally flat pen items you want to buy earlier in the game you know stuff like your brawler's beat sticks and your crushers and your uh jordan strats and stuff like that so just generally like auto attack early game you would probably buy stone cutting around the time you were biased maybe slightly before and it's a little bit more ability based on those we'll put it like that uh the crusher basically the exact same place as these ones i'm gonna end up like stacking them on top of each other although i guess crusher is like slightly more auto attack based right so we might want to put it like a little bit further up than these two if we put it like there that's a good spot then we can see all three of them and like that makes sense i think something like that basically you could put all three of these on top of each other and it'd be fine but yeah crusher is like a little bit more um auto attack based on the other two just because it comes with a bit of attack speed you know you like you like crusher on stuff like erlang and cali and stuff like that kind of like auto attackers uh we have executioner so generally like a late game item because it's percent pen or percent prop reduction same thing i i just lump prop reduction and pen into like one category because they're basically the same thing that's like fully auto attack you know fully like you you too fair you buy executioner before you back in size maybe we should move like kins over slightly put executioner in that slot then again you buy executioner before you buy a lot of your crit thinking about it so let's move the crit over a little bit if we move all these items over and then xc probably goes around where you would buy your rage something like that uh we have titan spain so a bit very similar to xe but like for ability based cards basically so we'll put it around the same place i feel like you build titan's been slightly later than xc because xc just has good stats on it you know a lot of power a lot of attack speed and stuff like that you build titans a bit later than you would build xc and it's fully ability-based you know it's just like pen and then extra pen on your abilities and finally we have transcendence early game uh basically where we will place devourers gauntlets but for ability-based characters we'll put trans slightly up because trans can see success on slightly more auto attack reliant characters you know some hunters like ability-based hunters they do rely on auto attacks a little bit and they can make use of trans but you could also go trans on your ability-based assassins and stuff like that it's very much an ability-based item and that's the entire chart so looking at it we've obviously got a very high concentration of auto attack items and not many ability-based items this could be why assassins suck right you know what do assassins have like 10 items down here whereas hunters and like auto attack assassins and stuff like that have all these to choose from i guess like you're not ever building all six crit items in one build you're mostly choosing like two or three of the crew items so it's a little bit misleading but like auto attackers have a lot more stuff to work with man but in general i think these item alignment chats are gonna be pretty useful for you guys because you can kind of see like how you would formulate a build you know you have your early game items here so like if you're an ability-based assassin in the jungle you might go like one of these early pen items plus a transcendence you go into the mid game maybe you pick up a hydras and an aaron dyke from the mid game section you go into late game you buy like you know blood forged you buy um heart seeker maybe you buy titan spin but usually not like that but you can kind of like formulate a power curve for your build based on those which i think is quite useful also just thinking on that topic um starter items maybe i should do starter item alignment chat as its own video i think that's probably what i'm gonna do let me know in the comments if i should include starter items on on future ones um like i should have included starter items on this or if i should do them in their own video i feel like doing them in their own video will be a lot better so yeah make sure you subscribe to the channel so you can see the uh starter item alignment chat video along with the other ones you know i'll be doing magical damage items bruiser items tank items and starter items so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss those and obviously let me know your thoughts on this one as well i always like feedback on these whether i can make things more clear or like i meant some of my placements if i feel like i've severely placed anything wrong but usually that's not the case they're usually fairly good i've been playing this game for long enough that i know like the general gist of most items and things like that so i'll catch you guys in another one later on have a great day and peace out you know [Music] you
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 27,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite, Inters3ct, Intersect
Id: ijkHdXzCNYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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