Easiest Smite Keybinds Tutorial! (2021)

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yo what's good youtube i'm about to make this youtube video about key bindings and just switching over to keyboard mouse in general um this is my first time doing this so sorry if it's pretty bad but i figured i'd get this video out because it's not too much content as far as um swapping over to keyboard mouse as a controller player as you can see from my level like 156 literally majority of my play time on tonight has been through xbox and playing on controller so i figured this video will help out people that have been in my situation where they've been struggling on pc and has been wanting to make the switch over to keep more amounts but yeah let's get into it alright so the first thing that you want to do is if you're looking to play on mouse and keyboard you need to switch to key lines i'm just going to reset this here this is what it would look like if it's default um i feel like it's personally uncomfortable for the most part but with changing a little bit of stuff around you can get it to feel better so for things that you'd like to change you should change the abilities to q second one e third one r and then uh the ultimate shift well i mean left shift and uh this is because like your fingers are closer to qer and left shift as opposed to one two three four i know it's manageable to do it from one two three four but for me personally as a newbie to keyboard mouse it just feels better to have it closer than uh how far the numbers are compared to the letters all right next the relics now for me personally i have a mouse that has two side buttons and um i'm taking advantage of that here and i put the relics on um the front one and the back one and then since they're on the buttons on like side months of the mouse it's easier to hit these instead of having it as another key for the keyboard so yeah if you have a mouse with buttons on it like i do then you definitely want to try and take advantage of in some way if you don't then um i guess you can just go uh for relics i mean caps lock you cap lock for relic one and then um left control for the second one because your pinky finger is going to be on left shift already for oh so if you need to panic beads or aegis or whatever relic you're carrying you can go ahead and just move your pinky finger over to whatever relic you're gonna pop and then it's just as easy as that because your fingers just right there but only issue with this is you know capstock is right there and if you're going to like type in the chat then you might be typing the caps or not so you just need to uh watch out for that if you're going to put a caps lock as really fine leave recall as b because that's just right there and i mean your brain is gonna your brain is gonna remember recall being b because like this is a base you're going back to the base leave it as b consumables i think that you should uh put it as scroll wheel up stop scroll roll up for a consumable one and then scroll wheel down for a consumable two uh i haven't seen nobody use this as their consumables but i figured since the scroll wheel is on the mouse and you can set it as a vine you might as well do it because it's just right there and then to train your abilities just want to put one two three four if you're not using these for something already your fingers are barely going to be on the numbers in the first place so i just figured you might as well just put them in some place where you're not accidentally hitting it unless you like don't remember where um the places are at on the keyboard as far as the letters are concerned and um yeah you can just move your index and uh pointer finger over to these um these numbers or you can just move your whole uh left hand to uh upgrade whatever one you're trying to go for [Music] then the rest of stuff you want to leave this uh same dgs i tried adjusting that to a different letter but it just doesn't work especially if you're trying to learn the vgs commands for keyboard mouse it's very hard to try and do it from other uh letters if you're trying to learn keyboard mouse compared to uh doing it on the d-pad for whatever controller you're using so just leave d as the starting point for uh vgs and general learner eventually i promise another thing i'd like to mention is that you should turn cast mode to either quickcast or instacast i don't use quickcast because i'm just not used to it it feels weird when i tried to use it the first time so i just do instacast i'm playing the game for a long time and um personally to me i feel like i got the hang of most abilities and i know where they're going to go and uh how to aim them so i just put it on instacast and then the faster you get at learning how to use most of the abilities on instacast then uh the easier and the more uh fun it's gonna feel trying to learn how to play keyboard mouse in my picture because you're just popping off the abilities really fast compared to quickcast that you're either holding it and then just having it let go at a certain time or a normal task where you're just clicking it to view where it's going to drop and then clicking the mouse again which is just a lot of work to do compared to instacast so yeah definitely leave uh casting mode on instacast if you can now as for some tips on how to get used to mouse and keyboard i personally like to go into arena when i first started playing master keyboard um i know people have gripes on arena and what it is and how boring it is and how stupid it is but you're just here to learn how to play on the keyboard and not just to play as like a primary game up yeah next thing you want to do though is going to jungle practice uh you just do whatever here honestly but um yeah if you're tired of arena come here what i used to do though it's the coming here let's come in here do my dgs or whatever and just uh look through the menu i try to remember dgs as uh i try to remember dgs as the stuff that's there like gank starts with g a attack like most of the stuff on this list it starts with the letter that um you're clicking and of course you got the odd ones out like ward is q like ward and with you but um yeah you just come in here like often and practice this um practice the main ones that you're gonna need for conquest so uh for me when i first started i'm like oh man i gotta go to conquest i'm tired of playing arena so i do i do missing bff that's how you call uh missing like in general and then they can click vf and then uh click enemy missing uh penguin enemy they're missing or whatever and then um if you click vf it'll say the lanes for one two three and then uh we just click f again obviously for uh mi other stuff you'll need i call my way my way evde uh i think group up is around there too yeah dvd i haven't gotten used to that yet i'm still learning obviously yeah like just come in here do vgs and just try to learn the stuff that you're gonna need that's what i recommend all right last thing you want to do is you want to go into conquest uh now i'd recommend that you play support you're probably like oh my god i don't want to play support i hate that role i don't care play support you're gonna get the movement down that's what you need to do first of all and support you can mess up in that lane and nobody's gonna blame you what the i thought i was in the queue ah but yeah if you're playing support in conquest nobody's gonna yell at you and if they do then i mean i personally don't care like we get a support we need to support but if you're messing up in other lanes like jungle solo mid adc like if you're messing up in other important roles then like i feel like it's gonna have more of an impact on the team as to if you're messing up the support just because your mindset is new for if you're a new player so i definitely recommend that you go to conquest and play support after you've done uh the previous steps or if you're feeling confident enough that you're ready to go into conquest uh start off will plan like maybe like one or two games at support and then you want to branch out to uh the other roles that you like playing and then just go from there um i personally used to be scared running games on my smurf playing against bots because i felt like a bot but then i just stopped because like that just it wasn't worth it somebody had told me that you're not gonna learn if you're playing against people that's lower than the skill level you are and i'm like yeah that's right so i just decided all in and now i'm feeling more confident playing mouse to keyboard than to controller and i've been playing smite for about like four to five years on controller so yeah that's pretty much it uh i hope this video helped i just wanted to drop this because there's no videos talking about how hard it is to switch from controller over to mouse and keyboard like all your skill is on controller and then you're swapping over to a completely different control link scheme but yeah uh hope this helps and until next time see y'all later
Channel: kombokenji
Views: 13,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite, SmiteGame, SmiteKeybinds, HowToPlaySmite, FreeToPlay, XboxOne, PS4, Playstation, Xbox, NintendoSwitch, PC, PCGaming, Thor, Agni, Bellona, Pele, Zeus, Mercury, Neith, Ymir, GuanYu, Conquest, Arena, SmiteArena, SmiteJunglePractice, SmiteMonsterCat, CastleCrashers, Norse, Greek, Hindu, Mythology, SmiteTheVideoGame, SmiteTutorial, SmiteOpinion, SmiteReview, SmiteHowToPlay, Susano, Set, Ravana, Ratatoskr, Ne Zha, Kali, Jormungandr, Sobek, Janus, Horus, Fenrir, Ah Muzen Cab, Merlin, King Arthur, Mage, Warrior, Guardian, Carry, Jungle, Helpful
Id: sR6sDiGqnU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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