Smiling Critters Switch Colors?! (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3)

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get back here in your dreams missed me going somewhere pathetic bumpy are you okay dog day I just had the craziest dream I'm afraid that was not a dream what do you mean what's going on I'll tell you on the way come with me it all started earlier today Bubba was excited to show us his newest creation good you're all here there's something in my lab that I simply must show you follow me wow what is it my calculations are correct it's a portal to another dimension cool when are we going are you sure this is a good idea Bubba there's only one way to find out it's working little did we know turning that portal on was the biggest mistake Bubba could have made look what we have here wow they look like dog D catnap but with soft colors hello there other smiling Critters gnap w w standing by Sir uh are those guns okay everyone let's just all take a step back kill them D again uh please we come in peace we need to run don't need to tell me twice rapy cor you called after them with pleasure bumpy you're here hoppy I heard you saved everyone nice job not everyone hey now don't beat yourself up over that hoppy what happened to Bubba was not your fault what did happen to Bubba dog day hasn't told you yet I've been working on it well I'll take it from here what was the last thing you heard uh you all ran away okay so we barely made it down the hall when green crafty for sh up to us uh oh nice to meet you turn around and before we knew it we were surrounded cnap on it catnap tried making him fall asleep but they were prepared for everything having trouble breathing without catnap red smoke we had no choice but to fight you fought them how did that go oh it went amazing have you seen us they kicked our butts you'll pay for this but they didn't kill you they easily could have but then they got another idea I wonder if all the other dimmension smiling Critters of this weak there's only one way to find out sir if they made one portal they can make more I like the way you think think which one of you Critters built the portal that brought us here so Bubba sacrificed himself so that you all could live uh not exactly if you think we're just going to hand over one of our own then you truly aren't smiling Critters yeah we would never give up Bubba like that oh so in this Dimension Bubba is the smart one grab him he's coming with us that must have been right before before I saw them you saw them was Bubba okay well he was alive at least they were walking him back to the lab when I came in wa what's up with you dog day and why are you purple what they seemed pretty surprised to see me for some reason it can't be that's impossible not in this Dimension it's not hurry back to the portal now bumpy wait where are you taking him I chased them back to the lab but that's when they got me I wish I knew what I was up against I could have stopped them you did your best well I can do better I'm going through that portal and I'm getting Bubba back I'll go with you me too and me uh I'm going to stay behind and look after the others they're hurt pretty bad you can just say you're too scared to come with us you know so here's how things are going to go Bubba you're going to help kick and chicken build more of those fancy portals of yours so we can go conquer more Dimensions so kicking chicken is the smart one in this Dimension no wonder you couldn't build a portal yourselves I don't think you understand that once you've build that first portal for us dog day won't be needing you around anymore or perhaps he'll realize that he'd rather have me around than you you clearly haven't noticed the lack of elephants around here what do you mean our version of Bubba was full of compassion and kindness un fortunately for him those qualities weren't all that valued in this Dimension so when we started devoting more and more of our time to less friendly activities his attempts to stop us only made dog day annoying and nothing good comes when dog day is Anno you killed your version of Bubba he had a choice he just chose to resist now the question is what will you choose I'll help you build your portal that's what I thought but I hope you know my friends will be coming for me and this time they'll be prepared not as prepared as us huh let's just say we've left a little surprise for them on the other end of our portal ready team as ready as I'll ever be then let's do this okay everyone watch your step because there could be a crap oh sorry no that was was on all of us we're going to have to be a lot more careful here these color swapped Critters don't seem like the type to make mistakes what the what was that come on catnap you got [Music] this I've had a really long day and I promise you you do not want to fight me right now bumpy Chubs is that you how is this possible what do you you mean why is everyone from this Dimension so surprised to see me because bumpy you're supposed to be dead buy is dead here after you found out that the smiling Critters killed Bubba you devoted your life to fighting them you called yourself the guardian and managed to stop them from committing countless crimes until until what they tricked you into thinking Bubba was actually alive but it was just a trap to get rid of you after that I took up your mantle in hopes of finishing what you started calling myself the ghost I was watching that teleportation pad hoping I would catch the evil Critters once and for all well consider this your lucky day chubs the Bubba from my Dimension was captured and brought back here and I'm going to need your help saving him and I won't let you down follow me so we can prepare the critters won't be going down without a fight wa Things Are getting crazy in this one click on the Subscribe button below to make sure you don't miss a thing hurry up I told dog day we'd have this portal done by the end of the day it would be done by now if you actually helped me make it and risk turning my back to you I don't think so I'm not a fighter nobody thinks they are until they have to I think you'd even surprise yourself are you trying to convince me to fight you it would make for some good entertainment I need more batteries can you make yourself useful I can't wait until you finish this machine so I can be rid of you don't worry it'll be over before you know it grab anything you need I'm going to get the transport ready wa this stuff is all yours I mean technically it's all yours or this dimension's version of yours anyway this is going to be fun is it ready yet yes it should be fully operational oh it better be how does it work how about you show them kicking chicken with pleasure all it takes is a simple flick of this switch and what is the meaning of this he sabotaged it and you didn't stop him I I didn't see him do it I swear you should have been doing a better job at helping me enough kill him remember me catnap use your smoke but every time I try just do it retreat no going somewhere what do we do sir shoot them I can't hear anything you got it from here chubs one destroyed portal coming right up thanks buddy I know the bumpy from this Dimension would be proud of [Music] you hello is someone in there FR day is that you who is that what did you do to me come on crafty corn you got to run faster than that if you want to catch me wa what is it crafty corn this tile does doesn't have any color oh I'm sure it's nothing it probably just faded away catnap what happened to you the same thing that's going to happen to all of you everyone ouch hold your prath where do you think you're [Music] going sweet dreams what just happened it looked like catnap but his colors were missing something strange is definitely going on here we're going to need help if we want to get to the bottom of this luckily I know just who to call you're a stubborn one crafty corn but once we figure out a way to drain your color nothing will stand in our way your [Applause] [Music] turn dog day slow down I can't understand you missing colors I'm on my way that sounds like it came from the vents do you think it's catnap who else would it be get him don't attack it's me bumpy oh thank goodness why were you in the vence I assumed you locked the doors you think we had time for that don't don't mind her she's just a little shaken up I understand why I came as fast as I could so you've seen something like this before I have luckily I was able to stop it those times and I can stop it again now but what did cause it not what but who her colors still aren't draining this one must be special we must keep her away from the others or she could ruin everything that will be no problem the other Critters are weak don't let your overconfidence consume you the critters are no longer alone they'll be on our Trail in no time go out there and cause some chaos with pleasure she's gone he must have taken her it's okay hoppy we'll find her H are there any security cameras in this place not anym but I think I might know who could know where she is Crafty corn yes I know where they took her great can you take us there no why not Poppy I saw what the bad man did to catnap I don't want the same to happen to me the Badman you mean catnap I've said too much already well can you at least tell us where she is I don't think he'll like that please I'll never know it was you I promise fine she is being kept far far down in the room with the broken moving belts um any know what room she's talking about oh no oh poppy you weren't helping them were you no I wasn't I I swear poppy no let's get out of here poxy boo what's he doing up here a catnap must have brought him up there he goes hoppy and Bubba you two chase after him bumpy and I will deal with boxy boo uh we will are you sure just do it you got a plan here I was hoping you might no well at least you can do that all I can do is run did you really think you'd be able to outrun me nice try now take us to crafty corn or else or else [Music] what there's a lot more where that came from your threats don't scare me soon you'll you be helping me in dominating the world what are you talking about snap out a bit catnap I wish I could you can we can help you you can absolutely no what's happening your turn no come on after her dog day are you okay bumpy look out comeing get me you box of [Music] junk well this isn't ideal okay boxy Boo this is getting pretty tiring how about we just say you one and call it a day oh boy I wish I could say I planned that bumpy hello dog day I'm still alive down here stay there I'm going to get something to pull pull you out what a relief oh here we go bumpy so we meet again you know if you really wanted to see me you can just call instead of attacking my friends ah there's got to be something here finally so what's your plan this time I'm glad you ask I'm going to drain all of the toys colors so that when children get hold of them their colors will be draped and soon the whole world yeah yeah yeah I've heard this all before and I've stopped you every time but this time is different uh-huh and why is that because you won't be alive to stop me hey bumpy catch well I'd love to stay and talk but my ride is here no she was just here how could you let her Escape sorry Master forget it I need to go make sure crafty corn hasn't woken up keep looking for hoppy thanks for the help back there no problem now poppy hinted The Crafty corn is being kept in the basement dark bumpy and catnap will probably be on their way now to garter we should get going and what the two new visitors how exciting now which one should I eat first H stay back no need to try so hard to be brave your fear makes you tastier then you'll hate me so you're the hero here huh I don't like to brag but I guess you could say that you're funny it almost makes me want to keep you around huh uh then why don't you mostly hunger but I think I'll have the dog first no uh please eat me first if you [Music] insist how did you get out I found this while I was looking for a rope nice thinking now let's go before she gathers her bearings wao things are getting crazy in this one click on the Subscribe button below to make sure you don't miss a thing crafty corn where did she go huh how dare you k keep me here what is that that was your one chance don't think I'll let that happen again I don't know how much longer I can run for poppy puy poppy where are you I'm coming bumpy bumpy where' you go I'm right here in the darkness [Music] no crafting corn doy look out run you must be tired don't you want to sleep not until we save crafty corn and get you back to normal and I guess you'll be awake forever don't worry we can take him not so fast bumpy how about we finish things once and for all it's okay I can handle cat now something tells me that even when I win you won't hold up to your end of the bargain only one way to find [Music] out my necklace I think it's the key silence you I don't want to hurt you then this will be an easy Victory Bubba hoppy they got you too no face it bumpy you've lost not yet I haven't a please bumpy he can't help you anymore oh yes I can what no [Music]
Channel: Bumpy
Views: 309,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: who killed, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, dogday, bubba bubbaphant, hoppy hopscotch, bumpy, poppy playtime chapter 3, bobby bearhug, kickinchicken, picky piggy, craftycorn, miss delight
Id: xhqqcdBkMNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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