Huggy Wuggy vs Five Nights At Freddy's in Among Us

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so today and among us we have two of the scariest video game characters ever this is huggy versus freddy fazbear as huggy is trying to kill everyone freddy is trying to keep everyone safe and if he succeeds huggy's head goes pop and news do me a favor if this mod doesn't scare you hit the like button below the video if you're not lying it'll turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this everybody be quiet there is a huggy versus who's huggy wait who's freddie oh i'm freddie boyz wait hold on hold on who wants a suit who wants a suit come here whoever gets it gets it oh okay boys how this works right you see in the top left we have zero out of ten tapes as you guys do tasks tapes will drop follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me call me follow me call me follow me follow me follow me look once we get tasked drop him in this bin right once we get 10 and you can see his health bar down below if i beat the crap out of him and take his health down we can rip off his head later oh i can zoom i can do hold on hold on hold on uh here take an upgrade take an upgrade thank you there you go so you have two lives you can get hit twice okay hey come here pat where do you gotta go where's your task at pat to the right to the right to the right okay oh no oh no he's over here he's over here hold on hold on i gotta put it let's put a decoy come here come here fast blaster i can see him while he's invisible hold on he's stunned run who are you gary gary come here gary i'm gonna slash you gary i'm charging i'm charging wolf team go get a foxy look at himself every time i do damage to him his health goes down put a combo there put a trap right there oh no i missed it somebody oh you got hit that means you because you had two lives here here take it take another upgrade so whenever he throws that uh that doll head it pops up on screen and i can catch it but i missed it oh son the tape spawn go get the tape where is it i'm gonna look for the tape pivot run [Music] let me upgrade you first you might have put down a fake tape no i would never put that put it down there we go i protected you get out of here i'm putting the tip in yeah go ahead go ahead one out of ten all right love where's your next task where's your next hat uh anywhere anyway he's right there please just throw him out go down there with the boys oh no wait oh okay there he goes okay so all of my abilities counter his abilities right so i have the uh the tackle kissy i'll show you all these and also stick around for my turn to be huggy i have an idea i am going to kill everyone within three minutes hopefully that works fun taking upgrade take an upgrade take an upgrade i got the ball wait no no don't pick that up i said don't pick that up [Music] he's right there no nego oh you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine nico no get out get stunned nico you have a bad tape your tape is poisoned take this upgrade and then go put it in there and that'll protect you i haven't had an upgrade yet bill biffle i'm going to put your decoy right here there's you right hold on wait right here if he does damage to that decoy that i just put down it does damage to him his health is already 10 down let me turn off the lights on him his lights are currently down so i have a ball trap wait did you get a tape put the tapes in put the tapes in wait pat also has a tip put the tapes in put the tape in right next no he had a poison tape here pivotal take him take a thingy okay i'm gonna put down a gator trap i'm stunned i can't do anything a tape is spawned wait he was over there he's gonna kill me oh wait hold on i gotta tackle that i gotta tackle it come here don't run for me don't run for me right there tackle kissy there we go okay i'm gonna put a decoy right there put a decoy right there no no wait you just got hit with the ball i failed you get him get him get him gator i can't know who's blind i can't see anything fast blaster get out of here turn off your lights so you can't see anything ball track near a ball okay well you're about to get it look at this whenever i hit him with the gator trap he can't use any abilities and his cooldowns go to if he can't uh he goes really slow i'm in oh i'm gonna put a ball trap he's trying to set up a trap he's trying to set up a trap i'm gonna go take it zud zud follow you try to set up a trap i see everything okay take another upgrade take another upgrade thank you my run now i'm scared i got you i got you run run run i can't use my abilities when you flash me i know right now i need to find people i need to guys do me a favor hit the like button bible how do i tell them to hit the like button uh if you like hugs hit the like button oh you're a weird person you know what billy i have a joke for you before you throw me before you throw me what's your joke since you're a bear uh what is this i caught the ball a gummy bear i just get out of here just get no just get out of here no one wants to talk to you i'll put the gator trap there put the gator trap there make him so he can't see anything put a decoy right there oh zod jake come here help me hold it i got you help me i got your her i tackled her oh my god please run run go do that look at your health noob get blind oh no nico leave me alone take it upgrade take it take it take it with the upgrade take it tank it with the upgrade tank it with the upgrade it's fine it's fine it's not gonna kill you it just broke your upgrade you're fine oh no oh no no no no no oh no i got it i caught it get out get look at himself right i am destroying him okay you guys got tapes oh no can you pretend me before oh no oh wait hold on hold on oh nico i even gave you an upgrade guys i can't do anything i'm stunned i can't do anything i can't do anything i'm scared guys guys okay i wasn't able to catch it in time okay okay so just go ahead i'm gonna put a trap there put a trap there i'm gonna wall off all of this don't walk that way oh you got that 6 out of 10 points can you stop get off of the what's wrong with you you know what i'm turning the lights off for the imposter get out of here start it run boys run run ripple run okay we're six out of ten don't put that in there yet don't put that in there yet okay go ahead put it go ahead put it in put it again hey seven out of ten people throw it in okay throw it in eight out of ten boys oh no come down put that on let's here a decoy down i caught it i caught it i caught it i tackled it boys we are on a different level go go do tasks go to task zod you need an upgrade oh that's a fix that i put down i am an idiot i gotta get started [Laughter] oh his health is down okay now that his health is down once we get to ten out of ten and i have armor oh yeah here you go once we get up 10 out of 10 tapes oh run run run oh you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine i'm not fine i'm scared there we go there we go oh you have a tape wait no no don't put it don't put it in it don't open it it could kill you let me give you an upgrade first okay okay go ahead go ahead go ahead i caught it i told you now get out of here get out of here okay we need two more teams i i can't protect you guys okay wolf team send wolf team up i caught it oh i didn't catch that one son i'm sorry oh you're a monster this is what you deserve put a decoy there if you hit that decoy oh we already lost all this dude we need to give you an upgrade we need two more dead tapes boys two more oh tape is spawned sigils sizzles where is it i don't know where it is i don't know i don't know uh i'm looking i'm looking he's over there being an idiot tell me okay we gotta go tapes right there there it's not poisoned okay put that down put that there there we go stun him you're not messing with my voice there we go nine out of ten so just put that one in him stop him he can't see anything he can't see anything do you have a tape put it in there is it ten ten out of ten boys wait can i get it did i get it his health is low where is it defeat huggy gary do you have any final words here signal's taken up great thank you thank you it's not gonna work i caught it i literally caught it i hear hear gary here gary here listen listen gary listen take that take that you're taking pictures of me really take that okay that's what i'm talking about all right let's wait for my turn to be hugging [Music] don't tell me be quiet all right boys we got stuff to do and we got things to do it on you know what i'm saying alright boys i'm the imposter so check this out i am going to go on a rampage guys hit the like button if you think i could take everyone out in like four minutes here we go okay check this out check this out i'm gonna put a doll here and i'm gonna do arm pull watch this so i this doll will kill if anybody gets close an arm pull watch this pull somebody hey oh i threw it oh i accidentally threw it on accident i threw my my my head thingy on accident crap okay i'm gonna put a fake cassette let me go invisible now that i'm invisible remember the empire or kate can see me even if i'm invisible so i still got to be careful oh no they're already getting suits of armor dang it i have to hit them twice [Music] oh he can't do anything you can't do anything you can't do anything oh they're gonna block this thing gotta go gotta go speed speed time i'm gonna full sigils [Applause] i can't see i can't move oh no they only have one tape all right so that's one of the combos with the uh with the doll and then the arm pull what i'm going to do right there i got to take out look hims i gotta take out lookum's armor let's see if i can snipe him right there oh i broke it hi hi low oh do you wanna hug from huggy no no i don't want to hug you know i i just want to leave you wanna hug from the hugger i'm gonna put this on lookums get him get him oh here we gotta go there goes my health you know what i'm going to put i'm going to put a cassette right there the cassette is hidden behind there so if i pull somebody they're not going to know we're going to pull pat i'm going to pull back no no no oh no [Music] would snipe we're going to stop i need to hit somebody close range i can't see anything i would never i would never oh no oh no i'm stunned you're stunned we're all stunned you know what you know what i don't you know what what wow here here i'm sending kissy at you i'm sending kissy at you there now you're gonna get kissed really there you go now you're double stunned i'm gonna put another one there i'm going to pull there's a biffle back in there go ahead go ahead how many people are left who is the left oh it's got health though i'm gonna have to use my stun go in and double hit him because he has two lives they have two out of ten tapes though put a fake cassette pick there we go pick a set run go invisible he got the fake cassette right before he puts the fake cassette scared oh no i can't see him oh i missed oh no wait hold on there we go there we go go get him go get him go get him he will never stop chasing that will never stop chasing and then we'll put that on zod no [Laughter] hit the like button hit the subscribe button
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,172,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ybjHhQFD1FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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