Who Killed Bubba Bubbaphant? (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3)

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what do you think you're doing okay Bubba what did you want me in here what the what happened to you is that a knife someone must have stabbed Bubba I need to test this knife for fingerprints now while I wait for this machine to work its magic I better go start questioning the other smiling Critters hello dog day hi puppy what brings you here don't act like you don't know should I Bubba has been killed what who who did it that's what I'm trying to find out right now well it wasn't me ruen when was the last time you saw Bubba that's easy I was helping him look through the junkyard why were you doing that he was looking for scraps to use for his newest invention and what is his newest invention I don't know he wouldn't tell me in fact he was is more secretive about this one than anything in the past he even lashed out at me for asking too many questions about it stop talking and get to work all you need to know is we will all rest easier when I've finished it sounds like he was pretty on edge about the whole thing you can say that again I left him there after I found a knife in the pile I don't like being around those kinds of things especially with the way he was acting I wonder if that's the same knife that I found next next to his body probably he told me he was going to hang on to it just in case whatever that means bua must have known someone was out to get him little did he know someone was going to use that knife against him do you know if any of the critters would have a reason to want to hurt Bubba well Bubba and kick and chicken did have a pretty big argument recently kicking chicken huh I'll go talk to him thanks dog day kicking chicken yeah you're good with knives aren't you ah so that's what you're here about I didn't kill Bubba wait you know I'm assuming someone told you about the little fight we had but I assure you I wasn't angry enough to want to kill him I still need to know what your fight was about do you need to know or are you just nosy it could help me solve the case fine I got angry at Bubba because he made a clone of me to work as his lab assistant well that's a little strange why did he choose to make a clone of you why not make it of himself he said it was because he wanted it to be someone who was nowhere near his intelligence level I guess he thinks of me as the least intelligent Critter wow that is not very nice but I guess that would be why you killed him huh for the last time I didn't kill him what I did do was Destroy his cloning machine and pushed my clone into Mommy Long Legs den and you're sure that was the last argument you and Bubba had well it was only a few days ago so yeah your clone must have been helping him with the secret invention dog day was talking about what secret invention nothing did Bubba tell everyone about his secret invention but me again so how did you know Bubba died if you didn't do it poppy told me poppy poppy guess what Bubba's been killed I know how much you love playing detective and you do it hoppy what me no then what were you doing in Bubba's lap dropping stuff off Bubba had me collecting things for his new secret invention but when I got there I saw you died what kind of stuff were you getting for it different kinds of containers whatever I could find that wouldn't leak gas or whatever he was putting in there so even you didn't know what Bubba was making nope I have a feeling whatever this invention was is the key to all of this there's nobody who knows what it is unless unless what thanks hoppy I know just who to talk to well here goes nothing W this place is cleaner than I expected this better be important uhoh I don't very much like being disturbed I promise you I'll be in and out Mrs longlegs well what is it that you want one of my friends was killed today wohoo wow uh okay that's not very nice how am I supposed to help you with that there was a clone of kicking chicken that fell down here not too long ago I was hoping I could ask you a few questions about him why don't you ask him yourself he's alive uh no I'm not [Music] Hey ow there's more where that came from if you don't cooperate look I'll tell you whatever you want as long as you don't let the others know I'm still alive why don't you want them knowing this because I like working for Mommy Long Legs I get to cleaner old webs it's comforting Bubba would always just talk down to me well you don't have to worry about Bubba anymore he's been killed what which is why I need you to tell me the secret invention he was making while you were working for him I don't know he was really clear that I couldn't tell anyone about it you can trust me I'm not a smiling Critter remember right I don't know all the details but Bubba was creating his own version of catnaps red smoke he called it blue smoke and its purpose was to peacefully put the critters to sleep so he wanted to replace catnaps red smoke but why from what I understood Bubba thought catnap smoke was dangerous and starting to give them bad side effects that's why he was keeping it such a big secret he didn't want catnap to find find out from what I understand Bubba was starting to get scared of catnap something about him becoming unstable if you ask me bubba was getting pretty paranoid about the whole thing but what I do know I just worked for the guy I think I know who killed Bubba nice meeting you too catnap what are you doing hiding in here it's one of the few places I can get some peace and quiet or it was until now at least you killed Bubba didn't you yeah oh uh uh wow uh people usually don't make it this easy on me oh I'm not going to make it easy hey get back here you can't run forever ow I totally meant to do that fine you caught me I killed buba he brought me to his lab asking if I could help him test out a new creation of his next thing I know he shoves me into one of his giant test tubes and pushes a button he started extracting my red smoke how'd you get out he let me out eventually he didn't think I'd be smart enough to know what he was doing but I did he was trying to replace me so you took his knife and stabbed him maybe I don't really know what happened what do you mean the last thing I remember is attacking him but I guess his invention had finished the process of creating his smoke already because before I knew it I was out so you don't remember killing him no but I remember waking up but I am confused about how that knife got there since I didn't have one when I came in Bubba picked it up at the junkyard and kept it so he could protect himself from you are you sure because I don't even have a scratch on me well I doubt he even got the chance to use it on you before you took it from him I don't think I used it why not because there was no blood on it when I woke up well he was clearly stabbed so you probably wiped it off before you fell asleep I don't know I fell asleep pretty fast you already admitted to killing him stop arguing with me fine you stay here and think about what you've done I'm going to go look at the fingerprints on the knife to prove that it was you what Bubbas were the only fingerprints on the knife doesn't make any sense something weird is going on here stand back what's going on here hey crafty corn how about you tell bumpy Why You're Breaking Me Out yeah I'd love to hear it because he didn't kill Bubba I did what I went to Bubba's lab to ask if he had any spare scraps so I could make some sculptures but when I got there Bubba was about to kill catnap I was scared and panicked and I didn't know what to do do so I I stabbed him with my horn wow talk about a twist ending well I for one am grateful for you saving my life what do you think you're doing what the heck hey bumpy guess who got let out early what happened to Mommy Long Legs Mommy Long Legs what do you mean she's dead I just found her body in a closet really we had no idea it was probably miss Delight are you just saying that because she put you in detention no I'm saying that because she's been acting extra aggressive lately I guess it's possible hey didn't you want to play can't anymore I need to find out who killed Mommy longlegs there you are if you're looking for your friends I let them out already actually Mr Delight I'm looking for you you and why is that did you kill mommy long legs how dare you accuse me of such a thing it's just a simple yes or no no I didn't kill her in fact I greatly valued her role as the school security she was the security guard yes she was constantly making sure those pesky Critters didn't get up to no good I guess it does seem like she made your job a lot easier if you're looking for the real killer I suggest you go talk to catnap funny you should say that catnap was the one who told me it was you of course he would he's been trying to get me out of this school since I started I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her and is trying to frame me interesting Theory hi again bumpy what are you doing out here just waiting for the bus I see trying to make a quick Escape what are you talking about cut the axe catnap you killed Mommy Long Legs I did not then tell me when was the last time you saw her it was uh tell me it was when I made her fall asleep what do you mean she caught me throwing a smoke bomb in the hallway and she was pretty mad about it well of course she was mad what were you thinking catnap do you want me to finish my story or What She chased me into the yard room she had me against a wall and I guess I kind of panicked once she fell asleep I ran out of there as fast as I could you just put her to sleep huh are you sure you didn't accidentally kill her I'm positive that amount of smoke wouldn't be enough to kill anyone if anything what hoppy did to her in gym class would have killed her hoppy attacked mmy long legs hey don't tell on me poppy [Music] poppy wow this school really needs a janitor I'm sorry bumpy I didn't mean to kill her I just thought it slower down how did you do it hoppy it happened in gym class we were dodgeball again and you though I get really into it oh man ha gotcha cat nap I was the last one left on my team hey Mommy Long Leg saw me throw the ball and told me to stop playing so aggressive so you killed her all I did was throw a ball at her I didn't think I threw a hard enough to call her to die wait a second hoppy you think you killed Mommy long legs with a dodgeball well how else would it have happened I don't know but I don't think it was that really where did Mommy longlegs go after you hit her uh the nurse's office I think there's probably some kind of clue there that could lead me to what actually happened thanks hoppy no thank you dog day what are you doing here I'm sick does that mean you've been in here all day yep why did I miss anything fun depends on what you consider fun did you see mommy longlegs come in here at all today yeah she was in here for a bit but she was pretty scared to get near me and why is that because she was scared of getting sick how bad were her injuries not bad at all she was out of here right after getting her checkup did she say where she was off to yeah she didn't laugh to there was a loud noise and she ran I'm assuming to go catch whoever did it I'm assuming that noise would be catnap spoke bomb I bet that would have been a fun fight to watch hey dog day do you happen to know if anyone had art class scheduled for today not that I know of but crafty Court usually goes in there every day whenever she has free time in fact she is probably still in there now great thanks dog day get well soon whoa what happened here I attacked Mommy Long lakes with a paint drone you what I came in here earlier to work on some art and I saw Mommy Long L sleeping I woke her up but she seemed like she was going crazy where is he crazy H she was looking for catnap it seemed like she was planning on hurting him I was scared that she was going to do something awful so I did the only thing I could think of but I was too late where did you even get the paint drone from Bubba gave it to me it was supposed to be used to distract the teachers distract the teachers from what Bubba's experiment in the science lab crafty corn what are you talking about Bubba wanted to try some kind of experiment but knew the teachers wouldn't let him because it was dangerous of course that experiment must have been what k killed Mommy Long Legs Bubba Bubba it bumpy you haven't gone home yet can't I've been too busy solving Mommy Long Legs is murder what are you talking about quit acting I know about your little experiment ah yes that I can assure you it won't happen again it better not what were you even thinking I'll tell you what I was thinking I was thinking that this school was hiding all of its best materials from me and I knew that if I could just get my hands on them I could make something revolutionary but the staff here never allowed it so let me guess what you did about that you got together with the other Critters and supplied them with items to distract the teachers but there was still one more factor that needed to be dealt with Mommy Long Legs you knew how hoppy gets when she plays dodgeball so you got hit on purpose knowing mommy long legs would intervene and that hoppy would take her out the only problem is you thought she'd be more hurt than she was since your plan went off the rails as soon as she started chasing catnap she must have run into the science lab after waking up where you accidentally killed her with your off limit experiments you've got it all right until that last part I do mommy longlegs never came into the science room but miss Delight did since crafty corn used my paint drone against Mommy Long Legs instead of distracting teachers Miss Delight heard me break into the locker and she came in to stop me at the worst possible time you did that to Mr Delight she did it to herself she's the one always telling us to wear safety goggles I don't get it where was mommy long legs during all of this why didn't Mr light call her to stop you she was probably too busy chasing kick and chicken what do you mean he ditched school again mommy longlegs hates it when he does that because he's the only one she can never catch that means kicking chicken might be the killer I know it was you kicking chicken don't even think about running away from from me jeez you ditch one class and everyone loses their minds but you didn't just ditch a class did you you killed Mommy Long Legs I beg your pardon who do you think I am look I didn't kill anybody maybe a bear got her or something a a bear what do you mean Mommy Long Legs chase me into the forest as she always does what was that explosion but this time she gave up the chase faster than usual I guess she's getting too old to chase this chicken across the road so it really wasn't you which means I see you haven't cleaned up yet what is the meaning of this this is the teacher's lounge you killed her I already told you it was catnap you were angry at Mommy Long Legs because you think it should have been her to get hit by Bubba's explosion instead of you it should have been her if she wasn't off chasing a student outside of school grounds instead of actually doing her job I wouldn't look like this but how could you the same way I'll do it to you huh finally time to get a new teacher
Channel: Bumpy
Views: 543,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: who killed, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, dogday, bubba bubbaphant, hoppy hopscotch, bumpy, poppy playtime chapter 3
Id: sp0ZSoz0Z_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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