SmashBurger Demo with Founder Tom Ryan

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is we have really high quality beef it's certified Angus it's fresh never Frozen and it's what I call minimally processed which means that it's very gently it's made into Burger very gently and like I said when you get here your burger is a meatball in a drawer so here's the drawer here's the grill and so this is certified Angus it's about a 5 oz Burger and here's how we smash you got this you got this is you're you're the man here now so we take butter so this is um clarified not clarified this is whole unsalted butter we painted on the grill just a little bit I love that brush d a little tough one one of those home and then it's pretty simple from there Burger on the butter paper on the burger then we take our smashing tool which is designed by size and this is an important part this is where we're going to get the sear and the flavor development we're going to go straight down metal to metal for 10 seconds there's a I can count or you can just watch this and what I'm doing guys is I'm searing this beef I'm developing a tremendous amount of beefy flavor but I'm also forming a shell on the bottom that makes our Burgers cook up through themselves instead of out and that's why our Burgers stay so juicy and flavorful after 10 seconds the burger the crust comes off the paper comes off and we throw that away and you'll start to notice that that Loosely packed meatball approach that our Burgers actually cook up through themselves they actually they percolate and cooking their own juices up instead of cook out and so I like to tell people if you make you cook at home and you make pancakes yeah much much like when when do I know when to turn a burger the same way when you turn a pancake you're shaking your head when the bubbles come up right so same idea this is our seasoning which you worked on really hard it's kosher salt black pepper a little bit of garlic and a little bit of magic to bring out the certified Angus beef flavor so it's really tailored to the beef and there's something magic about certified Angus beef fat that makes it taste really great where do you Source your magic it's all natural okay yes but it's top secret gotta okay so we season our burgers and now you can see how see the percolation so these burgers are cooking in their own juice every day we sharpen these cuz now the key is to get that seared level to come with the burger and not stay on the grill so are you right or left handed I am right-handed all right so right-handed technique is left hand like this right hand on top 45° angle between this and that seriously hey I'm enger I got it now the key is you got to push really hard and get that sear to come with the burger now see that guys so now what's going on is I turn that burger I had this great layer of flavor and now those same juices that were percolating up now they're moving toward this and when they hit that they got no place to go so you notice except for the little bit of butter I put on the grill there's nothing cooking out of this burger right it's pretty dry and it's done it so takes about 2 and 1/2 minutes and I can tell you guys how great this is but the key to really knowing how great it is to taste and you're going to notice once you cut into this all the juice is still inside so you should notice this to be extremely juicy go ahead extremely Savory extremely steaky a big big bang of beef right just comes right at you well you got to try it okay pretty good now this is after eating for 4 minutes I just think it's really interesting to taste it by itself and right off the grill oh my God cuz you get this and that's you know when you asking me outside you know what was the vision the vision was to create a burger that you could taste in every bite and we we happen to believe that cooking a burger like this really allows you to do that so that's ready okay and now you notice once we break into that burger now you can see all the juice coming out so so we have to make sure so we actually toast our buns very precisely to keep the keep that burger in that nice here this is for you well I got to have him cook a burger that's great it's a butter wheel ready are you ready I'm ready I'll go in slow motion then we can do it in real time okay no you you just do it once and then it's top and bottom and
Channel: MomsLA
Views: 145,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mom bloggers, Los Angeles, weekly wrap-up,, Los Angeles News, Parenting, Mothers, Mommies, Mommy Bloggers, Southern California, Blogging, Bloggers, Blog, Nutrition, food, burgers, smashburger
Id: jwfuURAVBwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2013
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