Chicago's Best Hamburger - Red Hot Ranch (3055 N. Ashland)
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Channel: Moshe Tamssot
Views: 389,259
Rating: 4.4365993 out of 5
Id: bi0weyUt8k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2017
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I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Owen & Engine as best burger, but I'll check this out too. Thanks for the tip.
Coming from someone who has yet to try Au Cheval or Owen & Engine, I'm throwing Little Bad Wolf (Andersonville) in the ring as an amazing burger. The standard burger is a double patty with cheese, pickles, and mayo. It's really fucking good. Fries are on point as well. I never mess with their tacos or bao.
Oops! This is the Red Hot Ranch at 3055 N. Ashland in Lakeview.
That's where you want to go.
The grill is more seasoned.
Sorry for the error Reddit, and Carlos! :)
Didn't the cook say right at the beginning he's at the Ashland & Berry location? So why's this labeled Western?
Compressed patties. American cheese (it looks like), and a wonderbread bun.
I'm gonna have to vote "no" on the 'Best Burger' thing, but say that it's probably fucking fantastic if you're drunk or hungover.
A vastly underrated spot, thanks for posting!
No gloves, touches raw meat paper, then touches fry baskets and everything else. Food safety inspector could have a field day with this video.
No love for the Choppak?
ITT we should all sit back and appreciate how many choices Chicago gives us to shorten our lives.