Small World Comparison - with Tom Vasel

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[Music] [Music] and now it's time for another dice tower review with tom vassell hey everybody i'm tom vassell last week we reviewed small world of warcraft which is the redone version of small world uh small worlds of game that's been out for quite a while i really like small world i really like small world of warcraft but i want to make this video for those of you who own small world and you're wondering should i get small world of warcraft so let's take a look at what's in each of the boxes and see and let's kind of let you make your own determination so here we go quick note my small world is a little changed from the original one but not enough that we won't be able to tell the new world of warcraft box is deeper than the original box so there's that so let's take a look inside so first of all we see we have these sheets that show the game turn and show the terrain types and the map symbols and the races and over here we have the same exact thing but let's take a look at the races so here we have 5 10 14 races and here we have 6 11 16 races so there's a few more in this one for special powers we have one two three four five one two three four twenty special powers while here we have twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen also twenty so there's not much more in these but i think what you're probably wondering is are these different than these like how how many of them are crossovers good question the answer is that there's a little crossover but there's a ton of differences the most of the crossover is essentially things like this collect a bonus coin for each hill region you get for hill and over here herbalist same thing collect a bonus coin for each one and we have one for forest over here the ranger and then this one's simply just called forest so there's about four or five of those at crossovers there's even one here where uh that has uh i believe it's the one of these here controls the farms oh it's the humans i'm sorry it's actually the race here while on this one it's farmer so in fact because of that the putting these two together would be weird because you could get farmer humans not to mention the terrains are slightly different there's also a few other uh races here where the naga and in the new world of warcraft can conquer sea and lake regions while in the original one that was seafaring that could conquer uh lakes and regions also realize because the boards are slightly different there are races in the the new world of warcraft that refer to the fact that there are different islands and things that weren't in the original one you'll also notice that these have shorter things than these do i do not believe the new ones are that much more complex there's a little bit more complexity to them it's just that they more clearly define how they work and then there's even slight differences like the new one has this champion while the original one had a dragon master the champion gives you this where you can conquer one for free the champion is that token here with the dragon you can conquer a region using a single token so there's slight differences between them but that's the basic differences here i think you can easily if you want to get this it will feel like a different game or at least at least feel like an expansion to the base game there's enough differences here this is not just a we'll change everything yes some of the basic stuff here is copied over but there's a lot of things on this one like for example here conquering from a mountain cost to stuff for one of the races or the rat men who have no race benefit just the number there's no equivalent to that over here the tauren have 11 but then they have a disadvantage now i will say that there are a few things here in the world of warcraft that cross over a little bit with the expansions for small world to some degree but there still is a lot of things in here that i haven't seen anywhere else the original small world comes with two boards both of them two-sided and you're simply going to use the boards based on the number of players this is five i showed you the four at the beginning and then here's the three and the two now the artwork here is very similar to the new one which is a bunch of islands these spaces seem slightly smaller than the original spaces but you can tell the artwork is very similar and if you were going to be really specific about the things you could mix these to some degree like you could use some racism because the mountains are very it's very easy to match what goes with what however the this world of warcraft one comes with several islands and you are going to pi use a certain number of islands based on the number of players the islands are double-sided so this board definitely the boards in the world of warcraft have a lot more variety like in a two-player game of the original small world you will always play on this one when you play world of warcraft you have multiple combinations of islands because you're going to use one large and one small so i can pick this small this large or this small this large or this large and this small or this large you know there's multiple combinations so that's going to be a benefit also there are these ports this is where you come in and you go from one island to another those ports are not in small world so there's a little bit more complexity here and in fact i think conquering and invading is actually a little easier in the original small world it's a little more difficult but if you're looking for variety world of warcraft wins this one hands down now here unfortunately i can't compare the trays from the the new one to the original one because i upgrade it with board game geeks game trays here where they have very specific ones for each of the factions you just take that faction and it comes with everything involved with it and in fact you can put these factions and just have them slide down but i do want to show you a picture of the old factions from this is from the original uh small world to the new one so here we have humans and ghouls and blood elves and skeletons and honestly other than colors can you tell they're from different games and the fact the matter is you really you really can't i mean there's some graphical changes but for the most part the artwork is the same so and they're the same size the same quality but we do have if you've played only small world before the new races in world of warcraft are part of either the alliance or the horde or there's something that are neutral and this allows you to play you get an extra point when you attack a race that's the opposite group of you and or you can play a scenario that's included with the game where you have alliance versus horde both games the original small world and small world of warcraft come with a pile of counters you'll notice some similarities here the mountains are essentially the same except apparently they were once covered with snow now that's melted this is a black dye this is a white dye these fortresses are very similar but there's also different pieces included with one because some of the races have special abilities that include these different pieces that are in the game uh the small world of warcraft has their track separate for turn orders the original small world had it printed directly on the board but as you can see there's not a huge amount of changes between the two games production wise it looks like they could have been produced in the same year the games play pretty much the same what's really impressive to me is days of wonder itself small world came out in 2009 small world of warcraft came out in 2020 but like i said it feels like they could have been released one year and then the next year the production quality of days of wonder was a decade ahead of its time now many games look like this so which one to get if you have neither of them well as you can see small world warcraft has a few more things in it it also has a few new rules in it that were added in other expansions there are legendary artifacts and legendary places in small world of warcraft that was added in an expansion in small world so you have a little bit more content in here plus you have the different horde versus alliance and the extra scenario and like i said i think there's like two or three extra power so there's slightly more combinations in here what if i already own small world should i get the new one i think to treat it as if do you want a full blown big expansion that's what it feels like i'm not saying that you put them together and i in fact i would not recommend that i feel like there's a few you could do it but it's like putting a puzzle piece together that doesn't fit exactly there uh but this one has some like i said some of the same stuff in it but it won't feel the same because the races are so different for the most part and a lot of the powers are different so you're gonna find all these different combos but the gameplay will feel the same the choice is easy if you're a world of warcraft fan obviously get the new one if you hate world of warcraft obviously hunt down the old one but if you don't care about that and that's raw man it doesn't matter to me what the theme is they're both fantasy right i would probably lean towards a new one because i like the variety of boards and i like the artifacts and i enjoy that i like the extra scenario in it a lot but i do understand i don't know owning small world that i would have to fall over myself getting the new one unless again i was looking for an expansion for more stuff then yes i have two different games that i can play but they functionally are the exact same game so you can tell that you know they looked at the original one the rules are better written in the new one yeah i had 10 years to clarify different things and so that sort of stuff is there it feels like a slightly refined version of the original small world either way days of wonder still has it hopefully this video will help you determine if you want to get the new one or not if you own the old one or if you're trying to decide between the two of them which one you want i will mention one other thing the boards in the new world of warcraft are certainly more varied and stuff but there is something nice about this one where you can just flip the board out and that's it you don't have to worry about anything else there's a slight bit more set up in world of warcraft slight but just trying to be across the board as i possibly can so there you have it good news is when the dice tower events start up again in the future both copies will be in the library so you can try them out there but we'll see when that happens anyway until next time i'm tom vassell and you've been watching the dice tower see y'all later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 33,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10
Id: XNz4EvhUHxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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