I Wish I Hadn't Overlooked These Board Games the First Time! - Board Game Buyer’s Guide

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looking for a new game to share with your friends we've tracked over 440 games and accessories that were released from stock this last month just like this one right here and we're going to share our top picks and suggestions Best Bets few wild cards and more in this month's board game buyer's guide [Music] hey I'm Chaz marlar with watch it played and there's a lot of interesting recent releases and restocks to cover this month so let's get started right away with several games that I'm really glad are worth a second look because I missed most of these the first time they came around for example our first stop this month is with get on board New York and London a recent release that reintroduces the Japanese game let's make a bus route from 2018 in which Transportation troubleshooters have 12 rounds in which to build the best Bus Line in town each round introduces an additional shape that must be integrated into their routes while also taking passengers where they want to go by connecting them and their destination to your bus line avoiding traffic and gaining as many victory points as possible along the way now while the original version had players drawing bus routes directly onto the main board using dry erase markers this new get on board version uses wooden components to do this instead however there there are still individual score pads on which each player will track their points and progress or they'll track their progress they'll progress through their progress by tracking it on a score pad with pencil along with several other minor revisions to the rules and map layouts but no minor revisions to the script even though reading it now it really could have benefited from it a furthering R4 into Fun festivities is framework a recent release that re-implements Nova Luna from 2019. like its predecessor framework is an abstract strategy game in which players are placing tiles in a display that they build in order to accomplish certain goals and play when a goal is achieved that player places one of their tokens onto it and whoever places all their tokens first wins the game now while framework here doesn't appear to be too much of a departure from the game that's based on Nova Luna Nova Luna is listed as having two designers while framework has a sole design credit by uve Rosenberg so it's possible that some modifications have been made to the rules in its gameplay in the new framework Edition I'm giving this next game a second look for a slightly different reason because the next game mortem time about what it's called mortem medieval detective it's true given name was originally planned to be included in last month's episode but unfortunately it had to be cut for time the game is still going strong in retail locations so I'm glad to have the chance to revisit it now mortem medieval detective is a game of deduction and Adventures that take place in medieval Europe with all of its Legends superstitions and fears at that time coming to life as a member of a secret organization agents investigate thrilling events solve Mysteries and encounter strange characters all over the course of three scenarios that make up a connected overall storyline the game's description declares that quote only you and the choices that you make will determine how the events will unfold in the end which sounds really intriguing but to be fair actually could describe any game or trip to the grocery store regardless I have been looking forward to mentioning more to Medieval detective ever since last episode and I'm really intrigued to find out more about it and if you think a month is a long time to wait to talk about a game well then check out usurp the King which I think I first saw a prototype of at the origins game fair in 2018 or 2019 it's so long ago that it actually faded from my memory but those memories came bounding back when I saw the game's retail arrival this month and usurp the king each player represents a family vying for control over different subjects but oh claiming the crown is no simple Endeavor as the game features seven Victory conditions seven different Victory conditions and the path to one of those Victory conditions May shift as information and player motives are revealed as a result each player's allegiances much like a trip to the grocery store will need to evolve and adapt as new opportunities present themselves now the rules of this game are available on the publishers website and I'll include a link to them in this video's description just in case this is a game that you remember forgetting that you remembered once as well and lastly we have blood orders in which two to four disgraced Draculas compete to build their own bloody Empires the competing counts visit locations in Disguise to gain resources perform Arcane rituals hypnotize the citizenry and transform hapless victims into freshly minted monsters however as a player's power grows so does fear of them within the city making their Quest increasingly more difficult as the days go by now our very own Rodney Smith recently recorded a tutorial for blood orders so be sure to watch his video to learn more about this game just in case it's one that you're interested in and sinking your teeth into because vampires which are classic movie monsters which brings us to movies which brings us then to the movie Dune specifically which in turn brings us seamlessly to the first game that helps make this episode possible arrakis Donna the Freeman from gale force 9 a brutal Cutthroat game in which territorial tribes strive for control of Iraqis long before the events of the novel Dune takes place as the leader of a tribe of fremin Warriors struggle to gather what scarce resources the planet provides develop the weapons and communities that you'll need in order to survive and harness the Relentless power of the sand worms for battle arrakis Donna the fremin Blends conflict and deal making elements with resource management for an experience that will require every single ounce of cunning and discipline in order to win will you Prevail or will your tribe vanish into the deserts like an unsecured grocery list that floats away on the hot sandy Breeze arakis Donna the fredman arrives this August so follow the link in this video's description to pre-order today from a local or online retailer or directly from gale force 9. but for now speaking of floating away on the hot sandy Breeze let's float on to our next segment now what about the games that found their way onto my own gaming shelves and gaming table this month well let's start looking at those with a little quirky culinary card game farmer Stein in which a Cadre of mad scientists compete conquer the world utilizing genetically modified asparagus mushrooms cucumbers and tomatoes as their militant mutated mercenaries because you have to they just hired thugs they wouldn't really be mad scientists now would they just it'd be too simple the game is designed to offer lots of opportunities for twists through player interaction but even as the scientists battle each other for world domination they must also contend with the shared threat of an invasion of zombie zucchini which threatens to disrupt everyone's plans because of course farmerstein's theme reminds me a little bit of farmageddon from 2012 and though I'm pretty sure the two will be completely different in the terms of the way they play I'm still intrigued by what farmer Stein has to offer and I forgot to bring a table over so I'm just going to send these right back to you when I'm done talking that's not as easy as I thought and speaking of games that remind me of previously published ones leads nicely to the next game settling in on the old game shelves Wise Guys which re-implements Sons of Anarchy from 2014. this is a game that I briefly mentioned a few episodes ago when I added it to my personal wish list well wish no longer sweets Chas because today guys of the wise has finally arrived this is a game designed to be a quick to learn Cutthroat area control board game in which rival gangs of rum runners in the Roaring 20s we'll deal talk and fight to control locations where they'll buy and sell bootleg booze help politicians get elected and double cross the competition the players can negotiate threaten and Ally with rival gangs when it serves their needs but will need to remain wary of the inevitable knife in the back personally speaking I think it's really nice to see the system that was introduced in Sons of Anarchy turkey seeing a return in this title right here now though I just hope that adaptations of the previous versions expansions will all eventually be published as well straight back to you magic hands as I continue on to another game getting a well-deserved update alien Frontiers which is currently available in its fifth edition right here the first edition of this excellent dice worker placement area control game was published back in 2010 after completing one of the first high-profile board game crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter if only we knew what chaos we hath Unleashed back then Simple Times regardless since that first campaign multiple different editions expansions promos and compilations have all been released of this game in short there's stuff for this game all over the place but after a bit of research I think that I have determined that if you're looking to assemble a complete set of what is currently available for alien Frontiers this is what you're looking for a the fifth edition of the base game which is right here plus the definitive edition faction pack which includes six expansions and promos however there is also a seventh mini expansion and a matter extractor promo card which are not included in that definitive pack but are available on board game geek's website link in the description there's also a set of orange components that are sold separately in case you'd like to add a fifth player to the game and interestingly certain previous editions of the game also included purple player pieces but you'll have to purchase a copy of one of those editions on the secondary Market if you want to score those out of print purple player pieces and finally yes there is one more thing there was an outer belt expansion published in 2014 which is highly praised but also highly out of print so that in a nutshell is everything that the alien Frontiers completionist will want to look for if they want to assemble all the bits and pieces that are currently available for this excellent dice placement game right here but another game an expansion that are still in print is the Cooperative Caper Professor evil in the Citadel of time and its expansion The Architects of magic in the Citadel of time a team of special agents work together to infiltrate a time traveling mad scientist's Mansion to retrieve stolen artifacts by sneaking through rooms and disarming traps I've had the base game since it came out way back in 2017 but never picked up its expansion which was released a year later the expansion adds two new agents to play as time portals to counteract and several new tiles to add into the mix Professor evil and the Citadel of time is a Cooperative game that utilizes dice rolling so it actually can be a bit too random at times for some people that I've played it with however personally speaking back when this bad boy here came out I was working for the publisher and I spent several conventions that year demoing this game over and over and over again and this is the only game that I have ever done that with that I have still wanted to play after demoing it to people all day so Professor evil and Citadel of time stays on the shelf and architects of magic long overdue for being added to the Shelf that didn't and speaking of games that it seems that I just could not stop talking about over and over and over again we have the recent game fitting that description the fourth edition of successors because I recently also included this game as one of my personal picks in our latest on the radar top 10 video and just could not get this two to five player card driven war game based on the wars triggered by the power vacuum created after the death of Alexander the Great out of mine head the successors was first published back in 1997 and over the years various revisions were made in subsequent editions of the game introducing more scenarios cards and components as well as changes to its map and rules of course as with any war game full of bits from the 1990s the original edition of successors could be said to have some rules that are a bit fiddly and opaque but each iteration of the game has further streamlined and improved upon those rules and as a result the game is highly regarded and people who enjoy playing this game really enjoy playing this game which is why I thought that the fourth edition here would be an excellent point to jump in and hey if our videos help you discover new games and how to play them well then this would be an excellent point to jump in by subscribing to the channel there are always new games waiting to be enjoyed which we'll see in our next segment where I cover games currently on my wish list one of the games that made its way onto my wish list this month is a battle through history in which time traveling storytellers journey through historical eras reliving epic battles alongside Legendary Heroes as players customize their decks of cards they'll recruit troops from various points in history and challenge each other in combat now not only does a battle through history have an interesting sounding concept it's also the official game of the Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton whose songs typically retell the tales of significant battles throughout history and now they have an official board game which yes does raise more questions than it answers but also makes me even more curious about the whole thing regardless though we must move on from one set of Epic Battles to another with Lucha Wars a dice game for two to eight professional Mexican wrestlers who roll in an effort to whittle down their opponent's stamina knock them out or pin them to the mat for the win Lucha is an updated and revised version of Luchador Mexican wrestling Dice from 2013 which I had on my shelves for years so it's going to be really interesting to see what's new and different in this Edition I do see that the game still comes with a 3D wrestling ring so that's a good sign that the game hasn't strayed too far from its original fun routes and from a reverent wrestler rolls in the ring two secret roles at Sea we have feed the Kraken a hidden roll deduction game in which a set of 5 to 11 Sailors from three different factions find themselves all aboard the same boat each wanting to travel in different directions loyal Sailors wish to dock the ship safely in the mainland while Pirates scheme to maneuver the ship into the Bermuda Triangle and disillusioned cultists just want to summon their dark lord the Kraken from the depths of the sea to save the crew oh yes the cultists feed the Kraken incorporates a board representing the sea that your Collective ship must navigate through adding an interesting tug of war element to the game which players can use to Bluff as they work to achieve their true motives this one is really high on my personal wish list and you know while you've got all of those backstabbering pirates together for a game it would also be the perfect opportunity to also try out night of the Mummy in which four to eight masquerading monsters attempt to break the curse that binds them by identifying and exposing the identities of the other attendees each turn the party guests either ask a question or dance with another collecting information as they do and once they think they know who's who and what's what they reveal their role and accuse the entire party but merely being correct may not be enough as certain characters have unique Victory conditions so speed and accuracy will both be necessary to win night of the The Mummy is a standalone expansion for the game Dracula's Feast a new blood which actually oh yep just arrived at my doorstep literally about like 10 minutes ago now the expansion introduces more characters interactions and rules variants so you don't necessarily need the base game right here of it to play Still you can combine them both together and have a lot of fun which I'm hoping to do as soon as uh Knight of the Mummy also arrives to join its predecessor right here but even with all of those famous monsters at your party you're not going to find any trolls because they're currently touring around the nation with their rock and roll band in trollfest a game in which each player manages a rock band in a fantasy Universe recruits the most talented and charismatic musicians holds concerts in the main city hires dragons as Roadies and competes to put on the best show at the annual Monster music festival I have long been on the lookout for the quintessential board game about managing a rock band it's it's a theme that I think is just ripe for the picking and and I've played several band manager themed games but to date none of them have really struck a chord with me and struck a chord no pun intended though that was a good one so I will take it anyway I'm really curious to see how trollfest takes on the theme of managing a musical mashup as they Rock their way across the map and if you enjoy mashing characters together to discover a quirky combo us then to be sure to check out the other game that helped make this episode possible Disney sorcerer's Arena epic alliances both the corset and its new turning the tide expansion recruit a Fantastical battle-ready roster of Disney and Pixar heroes and villains and summon them to battle in the sorcerer's Arena it's what Tuesdays were made for doing strategize their every move using their unique abilities in this expandable tabletop game and speaking of expansion touring the tide introduces Davey Jones Moana and Stitch each of whom bring new attacks and abilities true to their characters that will change the course of the Arena's already epic battles Forever This is the ultimate PVP tabletop game for Disney and Pixar fans and Gamers inspired by the popular mobile game follow the link in this video's description to find both the core game and its new turning the tight expansion and start brewing up some strategies with an armada of animated allies but for now let's move move on to this month's Best Bets retail releases with either a proven track record rave reviews or both if you're looking for a new hobby board game then I think that any of the following is going to be worth looking into starting with a game so new the paint's not even dry on it yet paint the roses from North Star Games a two to five player Cooperative logic deduction Game featuring an intuitive AI that automatically adapts to the player's skill level during play which is a fancy way of saying the better you do the harder it gets set in the puzzling world of Alice in Wonderland a troop of Royal gardeners must use strategy logic and teamwork to finish painting the Royal Garden while staying one step ahead of the queen who's hot on their Trail and looking to make heads roll literally success will require working together to carefully deduce the placement of new shrubs through the use of Clues tokens and cards that each player holds two different versions of paint the roses and an expansion will become available on August 1st the standard edition and the escape the castle expansion are both coming to retail stores and a deluxe edition which includes component upgrades and the escape the castle expansion all in one box will be available directly from Northstar games's website and while the base game does certainly stand on its own the discussion that I've seen on The Game's Forum suggests that the expansion adds enough additional layers to the game that it is likely one of those once you add it you'll never play without it again expand so take it all together The Cooperative logic puzzle deduction element of the game the various versions and component upgrades that are available the excellently reviewed expansion all come together to definitely make paint the Roses One of this month's Best Bets but what if your architectural aspirations is soar beyond that of just designing a mirror Garden what about designing an entire city district such as an acropolis where a group of Greek contractors build housing temples markets barracks and Gardens growing their section of the city and raising its Prestige with harmonious planning that conforms to specific rules the best kind of harmonious Planet Acropolis is a tile placement game in which players puzzle out the best layouts for their City placing different city sections over one another to achieve the best layout and highest score and while overlapping some tiles does mean missing out on a few points the scoring of certain tiles is actually affected by their height in your city so there's always a balancing act going on while selecting your best city design and after you finish constructing a sensual cityscape battle over control of it with battle lines medieval a new re-themed version of bad line the two-player strategy card game which itself is based on the game shot and ton this re-themed version of battleline features 60 new cards plus 10 full color tactics wild cards that give players extra flexibility and choices and help make each new battle wildly different than the game before the goal of the game is still to win by creating powerful formations along your side of the line of battle with Victory going to the player who wins five to nine battle Flags either non-consecutively or three adjacent flags and another game that's been heating up this month is Hibachi in which Teppanyaki chefs use their Hibachi Grill skill to please hungry customers by throwing poker chip like discs onto the board to determine which ingredients they can buy or sell and and which special actions they might be able to take correct ingredients must be collected in order to cook the required dishes and whichever Chef completes three customer orders first wins the game now to be honest I myself am not usually super keen on dexterity games but there is something about Hibachi that has sparked my interest and I am ready to Dish up an extra large helping of this game as soon as possible oh but even that does not satiate as well as this month's biggest bestest bet rear window a game of deduction and suspense based on Alfred Hitchcock's cinematic Masterpiece carefully observe strange Clues and ominous patterns and the things going on in the apartments across the way there's parties music laughing bickering knives a saw and a mysterious trunk have you detected a murder or is your mind just playing tricks on you why not both during the game one player takes on the role of the director and communicates by positioning Clues and signs for the other players without uttering a word if a murderer is out there the other players will need to deduce whom by the end of four rounds without letting the other players catch on to what they've seen and speaking of things that have been seen you have now seen the entirety of this episode but for more of this month's hottest board card and tabletop games continue on to momentum where we're counting down this month's most popular ones or check out any of the other or watch it played informative instructional videos thanks for watching we'll see over there
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 24,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, baord games, find board games, new board games, best board games, popular board games, hot board games
Id: 2qSfQu7jE_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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