Small habits that will help you learn Korean faster

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so i know many of you are already studying korean really hard and i know that thanks to the wonderful study log posts where you tag us on instagram and on twitter and i think that's amazing so keep them coming and in fact including sharing your experiences on social media there are many small but really powerful habits that will help you learn to speak korean better even faster i'm going to introduce some of them in this video so let me know how many of these habits you already have okay and before we continue if you are new to this channel this is talk to me in korean or if you're watching our videos without subscribing please subscribe for our regularly uploaded video lessons and turn on the notifications and also come over to our website talk to me to learn korean with our systematic online essence review with quiz questions and sample dialogues we have now more than 800 000 members who are learning korean on talk to now if you've done that now let's continue with 10 habits that will help you learn korean faster habit number one use your voice recognition ai assistant like siri google assistant alexa cortana or bixby to check how to say simple things in korean or just to remind yourself to look things up later hey siri how do you say quantum physics in korean in korean there you go just like that when you're on the go or driving or working out or cooking and don't really want to have to stop what you're doing to look something up use your phone or ai speaker and if these virtual ai assistants can't really give you the exact answer you want you will need to do a little more research later on so just leave a reminder and move on hey siri remind me to look up how to say that i wish i could just wake up tomorrow morning and somehow magically speak fluent korean okay habit number two listen to a lot of songs in korean you'll be surprised how many language learners actually don't listen to songs in the language that they're learning it's super easy to listen to korean songs and also discover good songs thanks to many popular music streaming services listening to a diverse range of korean songs will help you pick up new words and expressions without even trying too hard habit number three this is related to habit number two when you listen to a korean song if you can and when you can read the lyrics listening to korean songs will be beneficial in itself but what if you're not being able to catch all the words that are being said by reading the lyrics you will see words that you didn't even know were there and the music listening session will become a slightly more active learning experience so get into the habit of picking up your phone and reading the lyrics when you listen to a korean song habit number med when you look something up in the dictionary just go one more step further click on one more related word or read one more sample sentence before you leave that page if you do this every time you will end up collecting twice as much information as you otherwise would habit number five when you watch a movie or series on netflix or other streaming platforms even if you are not watching a show that's in korean turn on the korean subtitles and if you don't see korean subtitles as an option on your netflix screen just change the preferred language in the settings on their website and you will start seeing korean subtitles on your favorite shows that are in your native language you're still watching the same show but automatically you will find words that your attention is drawn to as you are watching the fun content so you will end up learning many of them more efficiently habit number six book reading experts say that if you want to read books faster and read more books you need to stop your inner monologue or your sub-vocalization where you can hear yourself reading every single word silently pronouncing everything and i know the benefits of stopping the vocalization and i don't use sub-vocalization when i read in korean my mother tongue but when you're learning a new language reading with sub-vocalization can actually help you a lot in terms of becoming familiar with what kind of sounds certain words will make together when you actually say them in the future if you can everything you read in korean read it out loud and if you can't at the moment read along with your inner monologue voice just imagine yourself reading it out loud this will be a light but good rehearsal opportunity for saying the sentences that you're reading now in the future habit number if it's hard to find time in your daily schedule for a proper learning session that's at least 30 minutes long or an hour long try doing this just pick one random news article online you can easily do this by going to google news and changing the location to korea and read it but i know it can be challenging for beginner or intermediate learners to understand everything so what you want to do is just pick a random article it can be any article about any topic and put the text into google translate or any other machine translation service you like to use and then just read the korean text and then read the english translation this will take anywhere from three minutes to 10 minutes or 20 minutes depending on the length of the article and depending on how interested you are in the topic but you will find yourself learning a ton of new vocabulary and seeing these new words will also trigger your curiosity for related words and phrases and if this kind of lazy news article picking and google translating ends there for the day and that's all you do for your learning that's already a big plus for your korean learning but i find that it often leads to even more learning environs share what you've learned today or what you studied with like a book or a video lesson or an audio lesson on your social media the posts don't have to be detailed and you don't have to teach anyone your notes don't have to be super pretty either what you will be doing by sharing your learning experience on social media is essentially a looking cool because you are learning a new language and that's cool and b reminding yourself that learning korean is an important part of your daily life and c sending the message out there to your social circle that you're learning korean and that's going to be very powerful in helping you to want to keep learning korean habit number nine use the social media algorithm to your advantage all the social media platforms that we use including youtube try to show us more content that we like and less of the content that we are not interested in that's how we become more desirable specific advertisement targets right and it's not like we don't know that but you can actually take advantage of this by deliberately looking for and choosing content that's related to learning korean just take a few minutes to type learn korean in the search bar and click on a few korean learning images or videos you don't have to watch them for a long time right now at the moment just do a search click on a few posts or results on youtube or on instagram and after that very soon your youtube home page or your instagram explore tab will be filled with korean learning related content and that's going to help you naturally learn korean even faster and finally habit number 10 when you practice speaking or writing in korean so basically when you are making your own sentences in korean always add one more word after your last sentence just pick one of these three okay kirikou kureta or even after you've finished your sentences by adding kurigo krezho or you can actually force yourself to think a little more and add a few more words like this at the end of your sentences and you will find yourself automatically making much more sentences so these are 10 small habits that can help you learn korean faster how many of these habits do you already have which one of these habits will you try to practice for the first time today let us know in the comments and as always thank you so much for watching and subscribing and i will see you at talk to me in you
Channel: Talk To Me In Korean
Views: 204,869
Rating: 4.9948425 out of 5
Keywords: Learn korean, learning Korean, korea, Korean, korean, Korea, Korean culture, korean culture, korean vlog, Korean vlog, talking in Korean, how to study korean, learn korean language, learn korean fast, korean words, learn korean easy, Learn Korean fast, Talk To Me In Korean, TTMIK, talktomeinkorean, talktomeinkorea, talkinkorean, Learn Korean for free, Learn Korean online, Korean study material, how to learn Korean language, 한국어, 한글, 한국어공부, 한국어학습, 한국어배우기, 서울, 한국, 대한민국, 한국여행, travel to korea
Id: 6eHcqtrwbRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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