Want to learn Korean? Follow these steps!

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let me ask you first why do you want to learn korean can you tell me about it in the comments so you're interested in learning korean but you don't know where to even begin well then watch this video and put into practice some of the tips that i give you my name is hanu and you're watching talk to me in korean [Music] if you're trying to pass a certain korean language test in three months from now or if you're competing with someone to see who can memorize korean words faster you will need very specific strategies for that but if you want to study korean more generally following these tips introduced in this video will definitely help first of all before anything else please think about why you want to learn korean are you learning because you want to work in korea or is it because you want to learn your fifth language do you want to be able to enjoy korean songs better everybody will have a different reason but find the main reason you want to learn korean and put it in a short and clear sentence this clearly defined reason will help you stay motivated to learn for a really long time now if you're ready to begin you need to choose one out of these two routes first the first way is to learn hangar first hangul is the writing system of the korean language or if you tried learning hunger before but it just didn't click or register in your head right away don't worry about it for now just learn some basic phrases you want to be able to say through video or audio lessons and then learn hunger later once you have some words and phrases that you already know or recognize learning hunger will become even more intuitive and easier and whether you learn hunger first or a little later we have our hangul master book and our hangul video course on our website ready to help you out and then what's next is you can go on to start learning various sentence structures and words in korean you can either just start by learning one phrase or a grammar pattern or grammar point after another or first take a look at basically how the korean language works in general and what kind of center structures are commonly used before you learn the details we also have a course for that called how korean sentences work and also have this book introducing 100 most commonly used sentence patterns right here okay 1 100 short and useful korean phrases for beginners and as you learn even more korean after that you will definitely experience many difficulties and here are the three main challenges you can expect number one korean is very different from many other languages including english in sense structure and in korean the verbs come at the very end of sentences number two there are lots of pronunciations and sounds that you're not familiar with yet so you need a lot of practice challenge number three you have literally a mountain of words and phrases to learn in the future and at first as a beginner it can feel overwhelming but if you think about it these three difficulties actually apply to learning any new language and in that regard actually i think there has never been a better time to learn korean when you learn a new language acquiring the language naturally you know acquiring through listening and watching tv shows and stuff is just as important as studying it you know studying the language with books right and now you can easily find korean music on youtube spotify or apple music and you can watch hundreds of korean dramas and movies that are really good on netflix either with subtitles or without subtitles this certainly makes it easier for you to find fun materials to study with for learning korea so now specifically what do you need to do to learn in what order right so if you're just starting out as a beginner and you've learned a few phrases here and there and you know hunger let's say first find a beginner level book or course that you think you can enjoy the most and start studying with it by the way if you think that you want to you will enjoy studying with our books we have these amazing books available on our online store at talk to korean.com we have even more so please take a look around the store you can of course just watch dramas and movies and acquire some phrases here and there but having a systematic guideline or system will make your korean learning much more effective at first you will probably start with some basic phrases and greetings and things like how to say yes and knowing korean and then you need to learn basic verb conjugations again this is very important let me repeat basic verb conjugations in the korean language the verbs come at the very end of sentences so you need to change the verb's shape to use it in a sentence and it means if you don't know verb conjugation rules although they can be a hassle to try to understand and remember you can't even form a single sentence so try to learn the basic verb conjugations like how to change the verb into the present tense form the future tense form or the past tense form it's actually much easier than most people think and once you learn these three conjugation rules you can form sentences with basically any new verb you pick up so your confidence in your korean skills will go up and once you've reached this point from then on it's actually quite simple you just need to keep doing these three things consistently and as often and as much as possible number one learn a new grammar point or a new phrase each day however small or simple or easy it is this will help increase the total number of sentences you can form on your own and the types of sentences you can produce okay keep learning little by little number two continue enjoying korean language media in other words keep watching your favorite korean dramas on netflix and keep listening to more and more korean songs and read more korean web comics and books even if these activities don't feel like study sessions or don't feel productive because they're not technically study sessions if it's enjoyable for you it will definitely help you learn korean if you find something to be boring you know you can't do it for a long time right so if it's an activity that you enjoy do it as much as possible within the time that you're given of course though if certain words keep popping up that you don't know it'll be probably a good idea to look them up in the dictionary from time to time and lastly the thing that you have to do consistently number three when you study please practice your korean pronunciation as much as possible instead of just practicing your pronunciation separately okay just make it a rule to read basically everything every korean word or sentence you see with their eyes as loud as possible and as fast as possible this will work like a rehearsal for when you actually have to have a conversation with someone in korean in the future there's usually a big gap between what you learn through solo study sessions and what you can say in actual korean conversations with a real person and if you have the habit of always pronouncing everything loud and fast you will have close to no problem when you want to put your newly acquired korean knowledge into a conversation and in fact this is almost everything you need to do learn small fragments of korean language each day keep consuming korean media that you can enjoy always be reading things out loud and fast you can actually do all of these activities with us we have all the books and online courses you need for learning korean like these and this on our website at talk to me in korean.com and we're waiting for you to join us you can make a free account and start today and in addition to your tv series and movies you can also follow our posts on twitter and instagram so you can naturally acquire some new knowledge and when you practice speaking or practice writing your own sentences please share it with your friends and with us too through twitter and instagram and before i wrap up this video let me get back to the first point i mentioned what is the main reason you want to learn korean always keep that in mind and if you do if certain activities certain books or certain apps are too boring or not your style you can make a wise decision and move on to something more useful and suitable for your needs so if you've watched this far let us know in the comments below what is your main reason for learning korean what do you want to be able to achieve or do by learning korea try keeping it short and concise if you can because leaving a clearly defined reason for learning korean in a public space like in a comment on a youtube video will help you set clear goals okay and whenever you want to learn more korean and acquire more phrases through natural listening we will always be waiting for you on our website at talk to me in korean dot com well then thanks for watching and we'll see you there kamida bye you
Channel: Talk To Me In Korean
Views: 3,290,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn korean, learning Korean, korea, Korean, korean, Korea, Korean culture, korean culture, korean vlog, Korean vlog, talking in Korean, how to study korean, learn korean language, learn korean fast, korean words, learn korean easy, Learn Korean fast, Talk To Me In Korean, TTMIK, talktomeinkorean, talktomeinkorea, talkinkorean, Learn Korean for free, Learn Korean online, Korean study material, how to learn Korean language, 한국어, 한글, 한국어공부, 한국어학습, 한국어배우기, 서울, 한국, 대한민국, 한국여행, travel to korea
Id: 0KnUyy6pH-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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