A college student seeks out shooting lessons with an ex-militia member. | Small Arms

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[Music] it's called stovepiping your limp bursting hold it firm got any other questions for me yeah do you know anyone who offers like shooting license or something I'll let you know if something comes to mind you can get on my truck now [Music] your student right pcs you how do you know that I like to know what I'm selling to what do you want to learn how to shoot so bad you're not a psycho school shooter type are you no I'm I bought the gun for self-defense someone on my campus is harassing me that keep vandalizing my car they slash your tires or something no they're making threats I don't even know who's doing it be sure that just messing around I don't know I just want to be ready in case they're serious you know I need some work done around my house if you're willing to get your hands dirty I can show you a thing or two yeah sure no problem come alone no GPS no cell phones I value my privacy my place is up near st. Croix if I find out that you're lying to me about anything we're gonna have a real [ __ ] problem okay why'd you decide to go to college all the way up here in Port Caroline I was like going up north as a kid plus pcs you gave me a pretty decent scholarship so I tried college I believe in self education you know I'm thinking about dropping out to be honest thought about joining the military or something yeah yeah my grandpa was a sniper in Vietnam when he was my age shootings new blood I don't even know how to change my own oil you know it's not your fault men aren't taught to be men anymore yeah yeah I think about that sometimes it's like every generation gets a little bit softer you know I'm tired of feeling soft I'm gonna give it a try all right all right it's too far back find that front sight all right relax slow smooth that all right time to work I'm going into town pick up a few things and you're done with this I want you to burn it why because I said so so you must have been like a marine or something right I was in the copper would volunteer militia for a few years trying to marksmanship I'm gonna get along happen me and the team leader had a dispute over the direction I'm not sure I should go he assaulted me so I defended myself there were we yeah but you you learned a lot more than all right I did for what why all the training what are they gonna do do you know that there's a company in Lansing is building police Strong's so that they can spy on American citizens like you and me wider than any police drones in Michigan they can incarcerate us they can kill us with impunity and we chin sorry we don't have to talk politics no I agree you have a lot of stuff happening right now scares the [ __ ] out of me yeah you're comfortable with your firearm you got what you came for I want to get better I know for me why would I be you can come back here just don't [ __ ] me right [Music] I got something special first today put it on come on get up you're alright come on you want to know how I did that funny keep your finger off the trigger all right now when someone has a rifle point at you pull off with the forearm grab the muzzle push it away close the distance and here counter twist push down kick in the stomach you got it yeah all right then you try block with the forearm that's powder cool I need you to school but out of the buckets important in the canisters it's for the house got it yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] that's just looking for some more lids we do huh it's more on the garage you check there yeah I'm dead I couldn't find anything don't go in the house without my permission you got it I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what what stuffing you said it's not fair in physic that company in Lansing that makes the Jones you can involve their warehouse you don't have to lie to me I want to help you let's take a walk can't believe how stupid I was they come up here pick up the wood pick it up I'm sorry why did you read my notebook no no I just found it him sorry I shouldn't let you live you know that right David keep touching pick up the wood pick up the [ __ ] wood [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 5,414,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small arms
Id: QpFRwdVh8Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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