Overexposure: A Short Film | Young Scot

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[ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] [camera shutter] [ping] [ping] [ping] [ping] Mum? Rosie? What's wrong? Hey, what's the matter?   I'm sorry mum I just - I made a mistake. Hey. Look, it's going to be okay. Tell me what's wrong. A boy in my school was asking for photos and I said no but he starting saying he'd tell all his friends I was frigid or whatever and he's sent them around and everyone's looking at them. Oh Rosie. My life's ruined. No, it's not. This is something we can sort out. Who's the boy? Is it that Richard that you were talking to? His name is Jake, he's a couple of years older. So what? 16? 17? 17. This is going to stop now, he's committing a crime I'm going to phone the police. Mum, don't phone the police. I don't want them involved. Well I have to if it's to get sorted. No mum. I sent them, it's my fault. I can deal with this. Rose. Listen to me. You have nothing to be ashamed of. [ping] [ping] [ping] Sorry I've just seen they've been posted to a website. Okay, thank you. All of this will blow over. The pictures will be taken down and the boy and anyone else who sent it around will be punished. Including, whoever posted them. What's going on? Rose. Sit down Freddie. Well, your sister was pressured by an older boy to sending naked pictures and now he's been sending them around. What? Who? It was an older boy from school. Jake Kain? Do you know him? She's very upset and then we found the pictures on a website. So the police are going to be around shortly to look into it and hopefully this will all be resolved. You said the police were coming round? Yeah. So what was it called? The site? Porthill boys, or Porthill pictures? Porthill Playboys? Yes. Freddie? Freddie. Mum, I'm sorry. Porthill Playboys, I helped create that site. I must have uploaded those pictures of her. I didn't know, I uploaded a few at a time. I didn't know she was in there. It's just something me and my friends would do, we'd do it for a laugh. But it was nothing more than that. I didn't- Mum, I'm sorry. I could get into serious trouble for this one. How stupid do you think you can be. What am I supposed to do now? I could get in trouble for this, help me. You held naked pictures of your underage sister and posted them for the world to see. You made your bed. Now you've got to sleep in it. [sirens]
Channel: Young Scot
Views: 2,560,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: young scot, scotland, ys thefeed, scottish, youngscot, scotcard, digiaye, online, internet, nudes, safety, young people, short film, film, north east college, production
Id: zW84ydFucJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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