Slugterra | Episodes 11-20 | HUGE 3+ Hour Compilation | Full Episodes

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foreign what's the deal one minute we're having breakfast and the next you tear off on your mega yeah I mean I said I was sorry it wasn't my fault it was Pronto's cooking it took an iron stomach will digest that's not why I took off well not the main reason [Music] I couldn't help but when I saw it it's really real no way the enigmo slug actually exists this isn't sitting well you might want to clear out now Enigma slug never heard of it what's it do that's so special nobody knows everyone always thought the Enigma slide was just a legend this is probably the last one in existence nobody's ever seen one transformed [Music] so if you hurry we can be the first to fire it and find out even better we can be the first to get that on video foreign this place is incredible it's nice to see parts of Slugterra that are still unspoiled so much for being unspoiled so much for being the first to get here slug hunters and they're after the Enigma foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need to get down there before they destroy this entire jungle no way second you get some of that mushroom salad in your Mecca's gears it's gonna go off and I guess we're going on foot Court come on [Music] oh come on slack hunting on foot so uncivilized [Music] ah no this is how you do it yeah if you don't really care about getting the Enigma oh but we are quite eager to have it as soon as one of you finds it will be here to buy it and for a very fair prize I wouldn't exactly call that fair more like a crazy insane methload of money oh with such reaches we could do much good for Bronto oh I could finally get a New Mecca Beast with the comprehensive a less attitude he Bejeweled handbag with a con pocket no wait a new scarf snap out of it foreign that is a lot of gold I don't know if I could sell it oh I doubt you'll have the chance there's already a lot of competition but if you do manage to catch it first we'll be here waiting [Music] [Music] nope no enigma yeah yeah getting going No One's Gonna Pay two tons of gold for you hey you almost flattened us let me do the talking tricks look where we're eager to find the enigmo but maybe there's a less you know blowy upy way to do it so what this right instead of using hop rocks it'd be quicker to use flaringos and burn these trees down [Music] how about next time Eli I do the talking definitely on it [Music] oh that didn't work sorry about that you are about to go home now look I think I saw the Enigma crawl under there bro no never mind just a crummy Leaf okay that was not cool huh whoa now that's a serious trap [Music] and that is really not cool huh what kind of slug are you lots of slugs live here not just the enigmo you're turning their cave to shreds and look at this they could have killed this slug uh Eli and that's the enigmo huh and that is my trap [Music] stalker I didn't know you were here too oh we won't get in your way leave oh do the talking this time are you crazy that's Gerhold stalker The Deadliest Game Hunter in Slugterra he doesn't do talking they say if you see him it's already too late hence why he is called SPD silent but badly sorry but where I'm from silent but deadly means something else he's right behind me now huh the enigmo slug and my trap now hey I found him fair and square before he fell into your trap I didn't come here to play fair I came here for the slug with a two-ton payday I knew you should have done the talking oh yeah you want this slug okay well here it comes [Applause] [Music] I missed it when you fired the enigmo you gotta tell me what it looked like when it transformed I can't why not because I kinda couldn't see it foreign [Applause] [Music] Eli got hit by the Enigma and now his eyes aren't working right actually I can see plenty in fact I think I'm seeing twice as much as I should that come foreign I'll take that as a no [Music] huh come on I would suggest that perhaps we move alone stalker could be anywhere yeah right behind you [Music] stalker is almost as legendary as Pronto yeah but for entirely different reasons of course always known for his Undisputed magnificence and soccer is known for his traps he's probably seeded this very cave with him that is why you all must walk in the footsteps of Pronto's experts ah you see I found one this locking mechanism is way high tech but I think I see how to engineer a work around [Music] thank you what I suggest that with Eli utterly and completely useless dude I can still hear you know sorry anyway I would still suggest we leave before stalker can find us we can't leave the enigmo did this to Eli and there's no telling if it will ever wear off on its own huh we need to find the enigmo to figure out how to cure him yeah if stalker doesn't have it already oh I assure you he does not what makes you say that because it is right over there and it's playing on a tripwired I got it you okay just a slug trank darts you know how many of these it would take to bring down a cave troll yeah it's civil rights Court [Music] come on we've got to get the Enigma before they do but we can't just leave them stalker wants the Enigma not cord he will be here when we return [Music] the Enigma is close keep your eyes peeled currently the wrong guy for that job maybe a little Zoom action will help yes there it is ah is this the dumbest slug in history no wonder there's only one of them left it's gonna fall [Music] thank you [Music] Trixie I'm okay Pronto it's all on you go [Music] what's up there it is [Music] still slug hounds track only frightened prey if we stay still and show no fear they will not Menace us you see it ah no now we go for the Enigma with confidence just ignore the hounds razors or teeth they're piercing eyes they're claws that could so easily rip you to shreds what happened did you get the Enigma yes [Music] I did [Music] whoa so that's it you're just gonna walk away finish him wait I wasn't complaining I was just asking don't worry Burpee just have to show them we're not afraid of course that'd be easier if I wasn't quite so scared [Music] good thing dogs can't climb trees but apparently slug hounds can Chiller spinner I need you spinner you're us [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] guys anybody no slugs no friends [Music] give up kid you're done can't you see that ah nope I can't really see much of anything and if you leave with the Enigma you're taking the best shot I've got to fix that and find my way out and find my friends I know that slug is worth a ton of gold to you but it's worth a whole lot more than that to me so as long as I can stand I'm not giving up you talk too much what that's not what I wanted I can see maybe too much [Music] [Music] all right [Music] you may have traps hidden all over but I've got the best secret weapon in this cave [Music] whoa sure glad you made good traps there buddy now got anything you want to say to Enigma before you never see him again [Music] didn't think so come on let's get our friends and get out of here so wait the most legendary slug of Legend basically just messes your eyes up and then fixes them when it hits you again but imagine hitting the other guy with it first it would totally take him out of the fight and even though I couldn't see straight it was almost like it was letting me see more than normal like it was showing me something else ah so you're saying there's more to enigmo then meets the eye Well yeah if you want to put it in the lamest way possible sure look I believe that our meccas should be right through there [Music] ah now this is a surprise let me guess you were expecting stalker he might be a while you're welcome to wait for him but he doesn't have this well stop I'll name your prize Well considering what me and all my friends just went through I don't think I'm leaving one of them behind and as one of those friends I say you're completely think of what that money could do our card for when you change your mind thanks but you may be waiting a while for that one too what who will convince him uh Eli stop and think about the things we could buy the food massages and the neck warmers will be plated paper poppers fluffy stuffed tushy pillows you know I thought about it and blowing up wax Refinery without a plan wasn't smart now you have second thoughts nope just said it wasn't smart but I mean come on those fireworks were awesome you foreign now we just need to quietly slip out of this Cavern and we're home free one problem with that Eli how are we supposed to slip out with these everywhere [Music] acceptable even Pronto thinks this is bad Paris de bravado a genius hello that is a wanted poster hate to Russian artists at work but we need an exit which is precisely why I in my wisdom have led us here uh to a dead end no God not to a dead end you are daring Escape Route what is this place why the flumes of course the under River no no I was uh quite the nautical Mall in my day what day was that I think it was a Tuesday I've heard of this place a Waterway under Slugterra most people stopped using it when I was a kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] action swim for it I got a better idea show up I modded yours too the yellow button foreign like this oh there's a lot these babies can do yeah good I just wish they could also keep me dry dude for real you don't like water let's just say I take one bath a year and uh it's under protest all right yes and I protest you only taking one bath a year so hardly anyone uses the flumes anymore why who was wet wetty wetness when you can ride in luxury on this like Calvin Express [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] Eli uh what's their deal um if we have stopped why are we still moving I think we're about to find out go back go go [Applause] laughs [Music] [Music] no need to worry fronto's brilliant not a good sense tells him that the worst is over [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] princesses where the business belongs to Yours Truly what business is that well I look right for you an accountant a basket Weaver foreign [Music] [Music] Eli come on our Mecca's gotta be faster than a huge honking boat like that I the ship is trying to catch up to us Mr Woods he is can do don't tell me they fire [Music] we put so much distance between us we're out of range I think don't say it we're in the clear we have got to stop saying that kind of stuff [Music] ready burpee well that is exactly what I was going to do not so tough without your cannons huh can I take that back oh no [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] nothing personal princesses this can't get any worse yeah I can't feel my toes I'm pretty sure some of these Barnacles have barnacles impossible but that's because on a ship you must scrub counterclockwise now listen to me and I will tell you in excruciating detail exactly what you're doing wrong and how I know better and you said this couldn't get any worse attention duck monkeys Captain Drake on Deck yeah I thought you said this wasn't personal do it fly to yourself princess I'm a pirate making you do my chores for me it's just another day at the office it doesn't seem like you're doing a good job though that's what Proto was saying it should be done counterclockwise like now this one is wasted on Deck monkey duties is there a man who recognizes seafaring skills yeah I do and you don't got any but on the cold empty sea good distractions are hard to find uh how would you like to be my new cabin more a promotion so uh what sort of works come with the title that perk have not been tossed to the Sharks over at their plank give him the evil boys come on oh that's cold in that case I humbly accept know that the reason I graced you a lot with my presence it's time to get down to the real business of all my ill-gotten treasure this is the prize of my collection behold every toenail trip in I've had since player at school beautiful is it why would you do that because every part of me is special toenails are no exception burpee you guys okay you've got hundreds of slugs in there what do you even need them all for fun for having the most slugs that's how you play the pilot game guy with the Moose slugs wins don't stay away from my mimkey princess this little guy is more valuable than all you dick monkeys put together and don't even think about trying anything other than cataloging my collection Fang I'll be watching now get to work deck monkeys ah so just stick monkeys then not Gabba moles Oh no I got something much better for you more face anymore okay so even if we got past Fang our meccas are locked away and we're surrounded by sharks and Pirates yeah and worst of all well we're down here Pronto's up there partying this isn't Pronto's fault it's mine I got us into this by attacking that Refinery without a plan you are harboring persons wanted by Dr Black turn them over and you will not be harmed sounds like an opportunity to make an exit wait maybe we should come up with a plan first how's this it's locked we're tripped Burpee you guys all right Burpee [Music] it's one of Black Ships thank you the only way we're getting out of here is if they blast us out well guess we can go now yeah Mr pirate get it down why you're throwing this fire perfectly up there keep your cabin ball yeah and you're doing what kind of moles are good for providing a distraction your boss can put Big Daddy drink out of business with that plate of his what makes you think you can start now you losers what's mean stays mine that's not exactly true sir the prisoners are escaping and they've got our treasure well except for the toenails they painted me you don't Planet I played it that's a double pilot Blossom we have to reload before we can fire then do it now [Music] we gotta get this running and we're not going anywhere we'll cover you what do you say think he suffered enough yeah foreign [Music] [Music] cannons reloaded Sir Mr Watts you know how I always say it's a wish to sink a ship when you can capture the crew yes sir feel free to waste this one none of them are getting out of this alive [Music] hey well we got power then let's go blast them into pulp [Music] come and see the battle plan this forces pirate School degrees he's gonna slug us the pieces all right we're out gunned out manned and facing the ship twice our size don't worry this time I've got a plan he'd lose him in that fog Bank ahead hang on everyone he's headed for the breakers he'll never make it through this Fool's even more clueless than I thought put a suit on the other side and we'll clean up after I should have tried this planning thing years ago rocks [Music] Eli [Music] [Music] seems to work for him uh how's it going all right see uh you stole my treasure broke my ship but here's where I outpired at you go so she's going down if we want to live to play the Pirate game another day if my ship goes down I go with it as soon as he well Captain's off the deep end boys unless your Betsy being shark food we've got to take that other boat [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right monkey this one's all yours [Music] yeah how did you that's what a mystery does Princess perfectly mimics anything a slug can do [Music] [Music] it look there's our rides we're laying on a powerful slug like that in furnace is normally an excellent battle plan but not when you're up against my Mickey yeah well I'm kind of new at this whole planning thing let's go [Music] foreign [Music] did you honestly think I'd use Burpee again huh I guess I'm getting better at this planning thing after all hey Eli [Music] so what do you think of Drake's new boat cute your despicable Behavior brings shame to the tradition of Calvin knowling so I quit [Music] remember counterclockwise nothing personal princess [Music] [Music] you know Eli with all of Drake's captured slugs you could have yourself one heck of an Arsenal you're right I could but that's not how I play the Pirate game [Music] so how do you want to get back home I guess we could take the flumes now that those pirates are out of business oh no no way I've had enough water to last me five years with the showers you really want to smell what happens when I don't shower for 10 let's take the road yeah road the road sounds good [Music] the old stories tell of a distant Shaw unreachable by normal means a world of Strange Magic and secret knowledge and riches beyond belief a cavern a blaze with fire walls stretching into the infinite the burning World lit by the lantern at the heart of creation despite what you've been told these Tales are not Legends the world above is real and after years of searching have found the way if Fame and Fortune interest any of you I shall lead you to it we will assemble at the monarchian tomorrow nine sharp and then we make history he's talking about the surface Burpee this can't be good foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] another round you're on and where are you headed on this fine morning me oh yeah I just had an uh errant run an errand huh wouldn't have anything to do with this come on Trixie give it back New World wow garavel promises Fame and Fortune with burning World Expedition finish and blow what no come on this isn't where you're going is it maybe who cares you should for one The Burning world is just a myth a dumb kids story think about it if there was really a world above why haven't we seen any people from there I'll admit it does sound a little fishy so don't waste your time ravel's been roping clueless Slingers into these dead-end Expeditions for years the whole world above Slugterra imagineoids oh I'm imagining it and the gold oh there will be gold of course what he'll destroy fell out for exploration uh I don't know Pronto I was gonna go alone if this guy is taking advantage of people I should uh probably check him out you know for justice oh please please well if we're going on official shame gang business east riff does have the best chocolate root beer floats this side of anywhere [Music] we will all gold I I mean go great glad to have the help so much for keeping this on the down low [Applause] yeah you see the kind of people God's stories attract Eli Charming for extra large plotters please and whatever my friends want yourself more annoyed Eli that's Andre geyser who world-class Adventurer pretty famous too I wonder what a real Explorer like that is doing here thank you all for coming as many of you know the burning world has been my obsession since I was a boy and I recognize many of my previous Expeditions were seen as disappointments to those involved this however will be different he hasn't taken his hands off that book since he came out we need to get a look at it the world above offers more than Fame and Fortune take their moon for example a planetary body of vast proportions orbiting literally millions of miles above their heads oh come on people can't be taking this seriously you got a problem curly nope we're fine sorry no problems here isn't that right tricks my only problem is that you're all buying this he's taking advantage of you easy guys there's no need for trouble here only an idiot would have a bogus Expedition are you calling me an idiot no it sounds like you're calling yourself an idiot Trax stop helping what's up [Applause] you just had to say something I thought we were here on official business I these people no no stop it you're ruining everything [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are nowhere to run now more annoyed everybody stop hey furnace slug only one person has such a specimen foreign of course you are of course you are oh this is excellent just excellent oh with a shame on board this Expedition cannot fail um news flash Eli's not joining your Expedition listen guys about that yeah you can't be serious these were the guys shooting at us it's not that simple actually it is either you're with reason and common sense or you're with this guy foreign I'm with gar I'm joining the expedition [Music] I don't think I heard you right bro I said I'm staying you guys head back to base I'll be home soon try to get rid of them so you have a larger share of the riches well Toronto won't be falling for that trick I'm in sorry Pronto you're leaving too I have to insist I know you guys must think I'm crazy but I have my reasons for this you just need to trust me we do trust you Eli we just wish you'd trust us foreign had to be done Burpee they can't find out about the surface and we have to find out how gar knows what he knows they'll understand right [Music] you made the right choice my boy the very right choice the Shane brand is just what this Expedition needs to bring it some legitimacy believe it or not the promise of Fame and Fortune can sometimes attract a less than Savory element really I hadn't noticed I need to speak to God in private yeah excuse me a moment won't you Eli Shane to be the face of the Expedition remember don't worry you'll still get your payday Andre in the meantime a little class isn't going to kill us Eli let's have a chat chat I just don't get it why would Eli join God's Expedition obviously for the vast reaches that await him nah Eli's never cared about money there's something else going on here I just wish he'd confide in US Eli's Kept Secrets before but he's never let them stop us from being a team Moss extract my own concoction from my time among the null tribes of Xanadu basin I'm no fool Eli I know what others think of me right now if my name appeared in the history books it would be as a failure this is my last chance it can't fail and with you on board or uncertain it won't and uh what makes you think I can help I believe it was faith that brought you to me Eli the truth is for all my work I'm still a piece or two away from knowing how to reach the above world with a shame on board I can secure the funding I need to get that final piece easy Burpee we just need to keep them talking did you say something Eli I said um how did you learn about the above world I've been obsessed for years and I'm not alone the legend of the burning world is believed by many and even in those who don't most of us wonder what else might be out there Clues are all over if you know where to look for instance stories passed down from one generation to the next all too many include a mention of the burning world and then there is this my greatest clue you won't be able to read it I'm sure it's written in code I can read this it's our Cipher this is the Shane Code maps log entries this tells how to use the drop Uncle jimo jimo the Shane before your father but that means yes of course it's a shame Journal oh that's the missing piece the word Shane is a cipher a keystone to the whole book Eli this is amazing it changes everything I've cracked the code I can find the way upgar no what's in that book is Secret for a reason then and it's true what's true is you need to give me that diary you're coming to me was fate Eli I'm sure of that now I will not be a failure help I need help in here the Shane stop him car listen to me don't do this I owe you a debt Eli every instruction the precise method to reach the above world is all in this book along with all the glory I deserve [Music] after him all my research is in that book [Music] tell them in grab whatever equipment they need after we get that book back we leave for the burning world foreign [Music] what's going on and nothing go back to your game you're still playing that I refuse to let him beat me I gotta win at least one game that's heck of an Arsenal for nothing bro I told you I'll handle it I don't want you involved it's Shane business yeah Chain Gang I don't want you guys getting hurt all right you just stay here there's still time for me to ride out and lead them away I am not certain what you're talking about exactly yeah but perhaps it is too late to leave us out a bit God you drag us out here to chase a boy you promised us treasurable Fame I am not a man to be trifled with Andre not today listen to me all of you you want fame and fortune well that Shane boy is the key first man to bring him to me gets a triple jar I think many Auto blasters we need to get you out of here Eli my dad once told me about an escape tunnel into town if we hurry we can get through before they reach us Eli we're not leaving but you don't even know what you're fighting for it doesn't matter we're a team we don't need to know [Music] yeah you do foreign this isn't going to be easy to hear all of you are going to have questions unfortunately now is not the time to answer them so I'll just be quick remember all that stuff gar was saying about a world above Slugterra yeah you mean that made of yarn he was spinning yeah well it's not made up the world above is real and it's my number one job is a shame to keep it a secret no way I know what you're thinking but it's not a joke I'm asking you to take a lot on faith here but you needed to know the truth I don't buy it it's a lot I know Eli when I was a little girl my mom used to tell me about the burning world every night before she tucked me in you have to grow up you can't keep believing in fairy tales in this case the fairy tale is real isn't just about Slugterra if gar reaches the surface Both Worlds will pay the price say you're right how does God know all this from this it's my great uncles based on the tiny look I got every question I've ever had every puzzle about my father and what came before me the answer could be in here including how to get topside if gar got his hands back on it [Music] I'm Eli we can do this all day is what you want guard no ceasefire cease fire you might hit the book why take the diary when you can have me intriguing proposition I think I'll take both fine I'll come along one condition leave my friends out of this they aren't involved yeah yeah now you're being sensible you don't need friends at the end of the day you're all alone no I told them I didn't want them involved then again they never seem to listen to me [Music] [Music] [Music] suckers come on out guard you wanted me now you got me it's over Eli get out of here bro I can handle myself with the lava Links at Point Blank Range I don't think so let him go gar you can have the book no no give it to me [Music] why it's not fair I was so close nothing personal kid this was strictly business yeah wait it's not over this is just a setback they were right this was nothing but a sham it wasn't I'll find another way girl it's over wait wait where are you going you just need to get I have a feeling Revel won't be a problem anymore listen guys about what happened it's cool Eli we get it in Secrets right I want to show you something when I first met you I said I came from a secret Cavern far away from here well that wasn't entirely true it was far away but it wasn't a cavern then where did you grow up up there in a hole that hole is called the drop it's how I got here it leads to the place gar wanted to reach the burning world I call it the surface but yeah why I don't understand it's gonna be hard to wrap your head around this your entire universe pretty much just exploded yeah so did my brain I knew the Shane's Kept Secrets but this one wow the magic that exists here the Slugs they would be lost forever if the surface world ever found out about Slugterra and if that happens oh the evil below us would have nothing to stop it Slugterra is the first and last line of defense that's why our Two Worlds can never mix you shouldn't have told us this Eli it's too big a secret you should have kept it in the family you guys are my family and from now on no more secrets I'll tell you everything I know though as far as being a Shane is concerned that's not a whole lot and you just torched the book that might have changed all that there was nothing in that book we can't figure out for ourselves including how to get back up there that's the other thing for now at least it was a one-way trip for me so I guess we're stuck with you then pretty much yeah I'm okay with that I gotta say you guys are taking this news pretty well oh are you kidding me I get about a million questions no the sky thing does it really go on forever Dad are there mononoids in this place I think so how they respected us Superior life forms or just slightly Superior and what's up with this Moon thing what keeps it from falling down on top of us why don't I start at the beginning we live on a planet called Earth Earth planet equally Superior [Music] [Applause] [Music] Trixie go right Pronto Court you're with me [Music] wait for Pronto there's no way out hand it over [Applause] you've ruined my timing and trajectory [Music] [Music] [Music] Pronto what do you know about the place oh you will never find him or foul and wretched establishment but the soup is good also it is a dead end that's what I wanted to hear everyone wait here I'll go in and flush them out [Music] uh perhaps he is try to swoop go go go right now options Eli working on it [Music] follow me if you want to live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] this pipe has ruined my timing and trajectory [Music] that is what you get for impeding the progress of pronto [Applause] thanks who are you name's twist Eli Shane up on your left Eli oh oh two for one nice and I Know Who You Are [Applause] three for one who's counting down here where'd they go one chance drop them [Music] [Music] Black's main enforcer in this Cavern seriously bad dude we should probably run um not a bad idea yeah careful this thing has no bottom [Music] that was our only way out any ideas yep Dazzle Loki foreign [Music] yes it does have a bottom is that a thuglet slug huh I've heard of them never seen one before yeah he's my number one aren't you Loki I like that you name your slugs well hey you seems kind of casual for guys that save my bacon on a regular basis I mean this isn't my first run-in with Black's Goon Squad they're regrouping I've got a place nearby where we can chill until things cool down isn't that redundant that's funny come on let's go [Music] sorry about the mess I'm just staying here till my Mansion is painted this place is great a panoramic view High Ground Advantage I imagine you've got the place rigged with booby traps in a secret bold Hall in case things go bad wouldn't you so that dude you were chasing earlier what's up with that he's one of Black's couriers he's the last piece of Intel we need for a major operation Elia we just met this guy yeah while he was busy saving our lives and risking his own while doing it for which we're very grateful but if black gets wind of what we're I know you've gotten a reason to but you can trust me it's a layout of a ghoul Depot black has them all over Slugterra you have heard of him we figure if we can liberate all the ghouls inside my healer slug doc can cure them which would mean a lot fewer black minions armed with ghouls only problem is we can't find any of them we've got the layout but no locations yeah thought we'd get one from The Courier until that plan went sideways good thing you met me then cause I know exactly where to find one oh yeah that is definitely one of them lightly guarded too we'll be in and out of this place in time for breakfast when you say we I mean all of us what do you say up for being a pain in Dr Black's butt sounds fun Count Me In good we regroup and make our move tomorrow black won't know what hit him yeah [Music] I've gotta say your place is a lot more comfortable than mine yeah my dad left his Hideout pretty well stocked speaking of which dinner is served my dear Grand molds recipe may she rest in peace [Music] Pronto guests eat first Pronto has the right idea Trixie out on the street it's every man in Malinois for himself am I right oh so true forget about eating first you're lucky if you eat at all please I insist wow I don't think I've eaten this well in my life you do this every night my dad always said The Shane Gang had a big family meal before an important operation I figure it's about time we revisit that tradition it's certainly a first for me hey what is this you wasted delicious Calvin crawler Claw on on your slacks a happy slug is a healthy Slug and a healthy slug wins duels Loki I can see you love these little guys as much as I do I hate the way black twists them into monsters we're gonna change that speaking of twist how'd you get that name if you don't mind me asking I'll show you you're a pretty big guy but there is no way you can keep a hold of me obviously you've never heard of a cave troll Channel look try me foreign [Music] [Music] oids are well known for their evasive maneuvers you wanna go next another time perhaps laughs you have any family twist it's a long story and uh at the end of it I don't know what happened to them Loki and the other slugs are my family now we've all lost someone twist that's what makes us family You're Welcome to our table anytime and speaking of time it's zero hour troll is right on time this should be a piece of cake show time Loki [Music] [Applause] we must have got loose grab it I think we need backup don't be such a baby how do you even get this job things going nuts don't let go I told you not to let go sorry I panicked video hackers planted Loki's almost as sneaky as me now their eyes are our eyes nice nice of black to use the same layout for all his Depots makes our job even easier [Music] foreign something's wrong with this wrong how I'm not sure I can't put my finger on it but something I don't see anything wrong how about you Eli everything looks green to me but keep your eyes open people I trust korg's instincts yeah it's uh it's probably nothing Loki's in place let's move slug Runner to bun head we're in position bunhead I'm I'm supposed to be eagle eyes perimeter's clear but there's four guards inside the first door go [Music] you catch that slug ball game last night thank you [Music] I've got the key card we're in sweet I'll get the meccas ready [Music] still don't know how you managed to fit into that suit you don't want to know [Music] this is it right where the blueprint said careful watch that one on the right nice work Loki can lose the illusion now [Music] I still don't like this let's get out of here we're almost clear get ready to saddle up finally this Carson costume is so itchy and it stinks as bad as the cave trolls Pronto oh and that must be Trixie with the Mecca 's right on time oh what is it not Trixie with the meccas it hits Diablo's nacho nacho I thought you said he'd be miles from here that's what my Intel told me so much for the perfect plan we're not getting out of here without a fight are we perhaps I can find another exit you've seen the blueprint there is no other exit fight it is then I like your style wait for my move then run out slinging hard stay alive and get these cools home safe okay Trixie show time [Music] you fools foreign okay go what are you waiting for you [Music] Nice Shot twist likewise [Applause] does it seem like there's a lot more of these guys than our Intel suggested [Applause] two for one but who's counting [Music] where are you hold on foreign belt up to you banger [Music] [Music] and I think oh mother it rings [Applause] you are empty hand-to-hand work for you twist yeah let's throw this clown a beating he'll never forget funny kids you'll die laughing [Applause] go Eli [Music] what oh hey [Music] transport hit that thing's not gonna stay in one piece for long can't afford a firefight if one stray slug hits that pen we're gonna have a nasty mess of loose ghouls I know a hidden path that is what I do you see point away when R seems lost okay we'll see we are safe and the goals are [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] can thank me later there's no way we can web up all these ghouls I've got this guys Loki give me an oroboros special foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Loki okay doc time to do your stuff this could take a while [Music] well done doc get some sleep you earned it twist when Loki were amazing today slugs needed help I helped no big deal very big deal you should be one of us you proved that today you're Shane Gang your family if it means more dinners like last night Count Me In seriously though thanks it's been a long time since I felt like part of a family other than my slugs of course we're lucky to have you twist also because the shame gang is gonna need all the help it can get what do you have planned this time I've realized hitting ghoul depos isn't gonna have any lasting effect on black we need something that can put him out of the ghoul business for good we need to get at the very thing that black is using to make them in the first place what do you know about dark water twist I've heard a few things and if that's what you're going after I know exactly how to do it but I'm gonna have to talk to an old friend any friend yours is a friend of mine let's go wish you could come along Eli but he doesn't trust strangers I've got to do this solo I get it I'll see you soon then be safe [Music] I should blast you where you stand I lost a lot of pressure schools today so did I and now you come to me with a request what makes you think this will work because they trust me yes but the question is should I [Music] [Applause] who are you name's twist is that a thuglet slug yep you should be one of us you proved that today you're Shane Gang your family what makes you think this will work because they trust me you know some people say we've lost some of that rustic outer cabin flavor with the Slugterra Express and personally I'm on the same page as black I think a little civilization of just what these areas need hey wait I'll be a good boy and bring out some more of those delicious little breadsticks weren't you of course sir I'll have those right out to you not sure what annoys me more the snooty passengers are the disguise ah quit complaining this was your plan remember got the security card let's do it then can everyone read me naturally and as always in position we're good to go Eli okay then let's go steal ourselves a train [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's what we know tomorrow night Dr Black is moving a shipment of Dark Water to a secure facility this isn't your average Mark Black's not Taking Chances we're talking armed guards private train the works we hit black less than two days ago shouldn't he be regrouping twist the opposite if anything black stepping up his game you guys cut off his Supply when you took out the deadweed mine but he's still got plenty twist Intel suggests that dark water is being moved from Black's Fortress to a Depot in the outer Caverns don't blame him I wouldn't want to live on top of that stuff this is it guys we pull this off and we put Dr black out of the ghoul business for good [Applause] [Music] chord cord you listening yeah sorry what the mission briefing sorry I'm still thinking about the ghoul Depot doesn't make any sense I shut down the security grid then twist went in and Diablos appeared behind us but how'd he even know we were there Let It Go cord Eli needs you in the game yeah you're right sorry man whatever you guys need thank you foreign that was close thanks keep that throttle to the floor we were scheduled to keep you lazy cave control so affordable call me cord twist lose the extra baggage I know I'll be asking for a refund Eli even for us you brought us the Intel twist what do you think if it was me I'd never try anything this crazy but if Eli thinks we can pull it off and it means sticking it to Dr Black I'm behind him 100 then this is our Target three miles from the shipment an Express train carrying some of the richest collectors in Slugterra I don't get it how does stealing one train help us steal another same as any magic trick worth itself don't shoot [Applause] misdirection oh well yes we certainly for them nice now back to the plan [Music] [Applause] about time you boys came along can't seem to get this gold thing of moving try it now well this is a head scratcher Old Timer might have a part in the train that could help [Music] son of a gun can you believe I've been using the wrong key this whole time headed your way now about time you're supposed to get here 10 minutes ago yeah sorry about that little trouble with the train you want a repair crew to take a look no we got it it was the uh engine thing it's all good now what do you want sorry we're late some old geezer had a breakdown on the tracks where's the cargo [Music] this Train's gonna be a little late no ticket hey good to have you back with us tricks thanks but they'll have figured out we switched the engines by now we should get moving Full Throttle cord it's all up the front though now first of all I would like to say I am honored to receive the role most integral to this plan's very success great then let's go over it again buddy just so long as I'm still chemo in this plan you're pushing now pushing to the front of the pack Eskimo grab some commemorative team I told you not to contact me here the boss just wants to check in us all you've made him certain assurances I have everything under control don't call again he says he's got everything under control boss he'd better for his sake here they come just stick to the plan and we'll be fine [Music] foreign buddy you hit that emergency brake and we threw they're gaining on a sea lie keep pouring it on we just need some room to breathe [Music] almost there almost there now pronto [Music] is a success we couldn't have done this without twist me it was your plan my plan was just a piece of it everybody chipped in that's what family does stop why I mean okay it's a little sappy but it's true [Music] the brakes it's not working I thought you said we'd have enough room to stop this thing well we didn't plan on going this fast girl who will save you [Music] one buddy slow us down [Music] oh one second come on cord we should be celebrating I know it's just back at the Depot how did Diablos know where we were one second nothing then he's right there it's weird right cord buddy we just pulled off a once in a lifetime Heist you gotta learn not to sweat the small stuff I'm an engineer bro I'm all about the small stuff well there's nothing small about this I can't believe it Black's hole Supply he will soon and forever rule the name pronto oh and well yours as well but mostly prondo these will be cool here for a few days in the meantime I suggest we bail and find somewhere to lay low you mean we're not staying awana's gone in five we'll come back when we notice safe [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] set up and we fell for it survive first blame later ah come out children I promise a quick Oblivion a quick Oblivion purpose is oblivion slow and this is gradual setting Ducks out here take twists and find some Higher Ground we'll cover you we'll surprise them and make the charge up the middle together right behind you now foreign [Music] [Music] huh it's one of my dad's hideouts Eli we have to keep moving [Music] you miss him don't you there's nothing more important than family twist [Music] cord cord get your head in the game you have to get to Eli listen to me back at the cool Depot something wasn't right it low-key on the monitor Loki should have appeared as a regular slug not a ghoul its Illusions only work on living things not cameras unless he actually was a ghoul who dropped his illusion for the scams that's why a slug like Loki can cast such powerful Illusions and why he avoided Doc's touch dog can't heal without reaching velocity but he'd still recognize the ghoul and Loki right away that means Eli this is Trixie you have to get out of there it's twist Eli do you read I said twist is working for black is it true that must be a yes are you gonna tell me why I haven't decided yet new Shane's so predictable well you jumped at the chance to leave Black's dark water down here where no one would ever find it Well now that's exactly what's gonna happen to you [Music] toss the Blaster then turn around so I can see your face Loki's a ghoul I wasn't the only one playing you I gotta hand it to you twist even had the rest of your slugs fooled you know they'll never follow you now right Cry Me a River I have all the ghouls I need [Music] [Applause] we have to find a way into those tunnels perhaps if I talk to them after all Toronto is a skilled negotiator diplomacy has failed a shame without his Blaster that's a sad sight yeah well I still have my slucks oh that's one thing you should know about me by now Eli never challenge me in hand to hand Le Diablos is our number one problem take him out and we can get to Eli yes I agree what we need is a gun a crafty surprising clever Russians how could you do this twist you were like family to me family like a Shane could understand that word what are you talking about your father is the reason I'm an orphan it was only a few slugs we weren't hurting anyone [Music] he could have just left us alone he had to be the hero like you huh [Music] remember what I said earlier about misdirection [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I am all right nobody worry about brother I know how you feel twist I lost my dad too you have no idea how I feel so this is all just for Revenge you want to end up like black I'm a Survivor Eli all my life I've known the game is rigged and I like to make sure I'm on the winning team and from where I'm standing that's black plain as day it's about power Eli that's something both your dad and black understood face it you don't even know which one of us to Shield who says I have to choose [Music] stop stop Eli where is he it's okay cord I think he's gone something tells me it's not the last we'll see of them let's go home so wow does everybody feel like eating tonight oh I know nude mucus too no steamed corn beetles please yes let's just order something in dinner is served Eli you alright bro it's not like you to turn down a home-cooked meal especially a non-insect meal which I will point out are rare from pronto it's fine it just doesn't feel the same somehow Eli he did try to kill us agreed Proto does not have many rules but I throw the light and people who try to kill me it is extremely rude the point being you can't let him get to you all of us were fooled maybe but I know there was good in twist he just has to realize he's not alone here I just hope we can help him see that before it's too late so after considerable time and money you returned to me with nothing gang escaped and the son of will Shane remains at large I got them to the cavern just like I promised I am not interested in excuses boy I am interested in results and you view anything to say for yourself nope then you will fail me no more go back to where you came from [Applause] your promise we'll meet again black um and as for you good work there will be other opportunities for Revenge twist you did as I expected you to under the circumstances now I have valuable Intelligence on Eli Shane and his associates not to mention a new Apprentice [Applause] [Music] oh and twist if you saw today what happens to people who do fail me for your sake don't break a habit of it come [Music] [Applause] out the movie event of the Year attack of the 50-foot slug he turned me back to the others from this Snack Shack is more difficult than I expected luckily I am surprised to sustain me I can enjoy this without popcorn are you kidding Court this place is awesome totally giant screen killer sound snowdance Cavern rocks even with the ice ogres ice ogres what are they the guys who make the snow cones at The Snack Shack ice ogres are the carnivores who live inside that Glacier all right because that makes so much more sense relax bro it's winter they're hibernating ah yeah finally yes the journey was long and arduous but Behold The Bounty Pronto has procured [Music] alas since the journey was so long and arduous Pronto was forced to consume most of the bounty that I'm gonna be forced to consume you if I don't give me some popcorn oh no my bread you would never return from such a journey only a malinoid can navigate the treacherous maze too what gosh [Applause] the movie's starting [Music] e and you and I can't remember if I have one slug left or two oh come on you can't hold a blaster like that it ruined the trajectory you're gonna tell Max Jackson how to shoot he's only like the biggest action star ever they say it's impossible for directors to get him to do what they want I bet you got what it takes yeah well it's a long way from making videos for the slug net to working with the star like that but somehow someday a movie I shoot is gonna be on that screen hey you're blocking my view I'll park my neck of where I wanna Park and I want to park right where you are hey keep it down I'm trying to watch the hula gang the shame gang well looks like we got ourselves a standoff everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look Billy we're just here to watch a movie let's not ruin it for everyone okay then how about I just ruin it for you make sure you film all this camera girl I want everyone to see the hula gang beat The Shane Gang [Music] all right Philly Philly he can't do this here someone's gonna get hurt someone is you oh no it sounds like pronto is missing or the good parts of the movie what's your problem after the last time we met we got fired by Dr Black because of you I consider that doing you a favor watching it [Applause] [Applause] thanks hero finished Jackson you're finished [Music] no what are you doing see those cracks we'll all be buried under a mountain of ice if this thing comes tumbling down it's launching [Applause] stop we gotta take this outside Billy if that ice wall Falls it'll crush us all I told you I'm not stop until I win now if you want to surrender then fine stop okay okay fine I give up duel's over okay you win just stop shooting you see that I won I beat the shame gang didn't you hear what Eli said of course I heard him he said I give up dude we all got a chill here those cracks are totally messing with the glacier structural Integrity we're probably okay as long as is yeah you probably don't need to finish that sentence looks like hibernation's over foreign [Music] you're right we do have bigger problems [Music] hey you yeah I'm talking to you huh I guess he doesn't like Max Jackson's acting come on go ahead try me what happened to the movie the show's over and the exit is that way everybody off yeah hurry you're the best ones no refunds oh perhaps it was hoping for a refund come on where do you think you're going don't you ever give up you're the one to give up remember that's why I'm taking this little pit stop before getting out of here I'll take that hey you got proof my gangs better than The Shane Gang when I put it up on the slug net everyone will see Eli giving up a duel to protect people oh and look at him now saving that guy while you just sit around like a Flopper slug just keep that camera pointed at me I'll show you who's the man what do we do hitting it with slugs only made it bigger then we gotta get creative good news is now we know it's not just hitting it anything that makes it Angry makes it bigger this is good hop on we're all getting out of here just like The Shane Gang running from the fight no what are you doing to prove he's better than you yeah well he's definitely better at making that thing bigger most slots only anger the ogre you can't beat them without the soothing song of the siren slug slimered slug where do we get one of those oh there's a whole big nest of them deep inside the ice ogres layer yeah go we'll try to slow it down [Music] that'll slow him down let's go you filming this camera girl every single frame I want everyone to see how the hula Gang Stop this thing while Eli Shane ran like a chicken foreign oh this is too good oh man what's trapped the entrance just caved in because of you we blaming lead for I'm the only one here trying to slug this thing get to cover everyone into the Snack Shack foreign slug We're not gonna have time to find it if we don't Shore up the glacier if it falls it'll crush the whole Caverns well is there more reason we need to escape [Music] but I will need some help what you all need to do is be quiet you're thrown off my aim that's not gonna work you gotta listen yeah right like I'd ever take orders from losers like you do that [Music] who let them go maybe they can at least keep that thing busy I'll go for the slyron you guys take care of the rest singing we're gonna need to get across the hard way [Applause] [Music] so gross hey camera girl look over here you getting this stop you're leaving it right on top of us yeah well I wouldn't have to if you'd come over here and film me foreign [Music] tired suddenly [Music] oh [Applause] thanks Burpee it must be that singing [Music] [Applause] the slyrans come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey there little yeah I need your help [Music] yeah okay good now I'm up unfortunately it looks like it's just in time for breakfast [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] try coming after me now [Music] hey you know I really didn't mean it did you get that one on camera just like Max Jackson right [Music] too bad he isn't an actor at least then we could direct him to do what we want yeah if we had a movie director yeah well lucky for us we kind of do now that was totally Max Jackson s yeah I know I got admitted you're a natural the camera eats you up this is too good not to get on film except for except for what there's just something a little off it's three of you fighting against the one monster ever seen better than bad only 15 times I've seen it 16. never have anyone helping him for a chance Max Jackson always works alone exactly your friends are just stealing the spotlight I can't focus on you tell them to help dig the boring tunnel and seal up those cracks this is your big Max Jackson moment yeah I'm the star not them all right you punch listen up glasses you're with the blue turkey seal up those cracks shorty do what that mole's doing actors play to their ego and it works every time [Music] and action hey snot face you think you're pretty cool how about you take some of this snow and Flake can inflate like a snowflake cause he's an ice over I got this action hero thing down yeah except action heroes usually win so what should I do wait I got it how about I shoot it with more slugs uh no that makes it bigger how about try not shooting it if I don't shoot it what do I do foreign I don't know I can't see Max Jackson doing this are you kidding me this is Cinematic gold embrace the popcorn B the popcorn I got a better idea get me finishing him off with a ramstone slug no no we're doomed Trixie nah you're right the first time we're doomed okay we just gotta get our ogre together with those then he can shoot them all at the same time yeah right so Eli can be the hero what's in that for me uh how about getting out of this cave alive we need a new plan here I can't use the siren on all of them but half of them chasing after Billy I got belly to help us before and I can do it again hey where you going it's only a ten thousand pound flesh eating monster laughs in time now Trixie hey not face you think you're pretty cool how about you take some of this snow and Flake [Music] [Applause] you see that I'm totally a movie star s [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Nice Shot Max Jackson couldn't have done it better Pronto could have but I was occupied with the even more crucial task of securing our exit which I have done galatious all fixed too solid as a rock hey and you got one of your movies on the big screen yeah turns out we have a real movie director here after all thanks the next time I want to work with a better cast yeah well I'm totally beat and so are all my slugs I'm just glad it's all over it's not over oh come on Billy it is over we took out the ogres you didn't do anything I was the one on screen you all saw what happened I was the one who got all the ogres together so I was the one who saved the day and once everyone sees what I did no one will ever think the Shane gang's better than my gang so hand over the camera unless you want me to kick your butts again no problem Billy there's just one more shot we'd need to really sell it the hula gang Standing On Top of the defeated ogres glad there's one Shane ganger with some brains come on guys make sure you get my good side ah every weekend every side of me is wait by the way so [Applause] you know this might be your best work yet yep can't wait for everyone to see this when I posted on the slug net and that's a wrap foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] all right can I help you how'd you know I was here I disabled your alarm maybe but this place has all sorts of eyes and ears [Music] all right so you want to play with slugs huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign okay not what I was expecting what's the role about firing hop rocks in the house my bed he was a jelly-ish if they're messy but at least they won't destroy the place right here a little healthier guys [Music] you know we might be able to settle this if you just tell us what you want I want what's mine thank you I thought a little soap might help clean up this mess there's nowhere to run so now might be the time to tell us why black sent you before my friend gets Trigger Happy black I don't work with that slug turd I work alone hide it forever wait hi how are you I want my share of that treasure and I promise you I'll get it wow does anyone know who that was I'm still going with one of Black's lackeys I don't know no real reason to lie about that and she wasn't using ghoul slugs but what treasure could she be talking about obviously she was after the legendary Shane treasure well if it's so legendary how come I've never heard of it this wouldn't be the first time your dad kept something secret from you just think you could have a vast Fortune hidden somewhere you could be rich rich rich I don't know my dad talked about caches of stuff hidden around Slugterra things I'll need someday but I think it would have said something about a fortune some of it could be hidden here right under our noses [Music] [Music] more secrets huh [Music] yeah [Music] okay okay but I'm not sure how or even where hello [Music] I haven't seen one of these in ages the thing's been coated with smolton the only way we're getting this baby open is with a Ford smelter slug oh but we don't have one of those well where can we find one oh we would have to travel to the deepest regions of the magma Caverns it's way too dangerous it's basically all molten lava and don't forget the magma monsters lava bats that will swoop down and Gorge themselves on my sweltering brains sounds like my kind of place let's load up gang [Music] [Music] so Eli you don't find it at all ridiculous that your dad not only expected you to find that chest without instructions but he didn't even leave you a way to open it if you found it uh my dad always liked me to figure things out for myself and you're cool with this doesn't matter whether or not I'm cool with it just the way it is foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] how are we supposed to cross an ocean of lava magnificent shall train the Sea of Fire now goes in and out every hour on the hour like clockwork so if we are to do this ridiculous crazy thing I'd get ourselves some sweet sweet treasure we must Embark immediately the drowning in fire clock is already ticking 59 minutes foreign I thought I saw nothing I just can't stop wondering who that Thief was and how she could have known about this chest whoever she was she couldn't possibly be dumb enough to come here we own that level of Darkness [Applause] beautiful [Music] surviving the magma Caverns is slow and steady but didn't you say we had to hurry might want to keep it down too I don't want to wake any magma monsters only a fool would be afraid huh almost there come on nice shot how are we gonna get out of here now I guess we'll uh have to cross that bridge when we come to it yeah hurry before they love attack comes back in monkeys seriously it's almost like he expected you to go on this crazy Mission fire geyser you think fire geysers get a warning kiss before the blast so they shouldn't be a big problem if we go slow and steady yeah yeah we got it yeah oh [Music] go go go we've made it behold the favored Holtz Mentor chamber well let's find one quick and get out of here [Music] [Applause] you can just give me that chest since I've got the only key you think that's the only slug in this Cavern the only one you're gonna find I just Unleashed a frost crawler and scared off all the others oh it took the hours before they returned but the lava tide will be back a whole lot sooner so you're gonna give me my share of that treasure or are we all gonna boil he's got nerve I'll give her that look I don't know who you are or why you think you have dibs on anything in that chest my name's Dana poor and if that doesn't ring a bell perhaps this will you recognize that man with your dad yeah that's Tom poor he's your father isn't he my dad talked about him all the time they were like best friends until he betrayed my dad betrayed will Shane your dad obviously didn't tell you the whole story oh there's a shocker sorry dude my dad's been known to leave out a detail or two well my dad didn't he was Will Shane's Recon man and he was the best there was at getting information and all of that valuable info went to will Shane stay one step ahead of the bad guys they were a great team but my dad knew something wasn't right about will Shane he would disappear for days at a time and never have an explanation for where he went will Shane was keeping a lot of secrets so my Dad decided to start watching your father he was hiding treasure treasure he promised to share with my dad but that wasn't the worst of it will Shane was working with the Enemy my dad would never work for black not black even worse the Shadow Clan when my father confronted him about this will denied everything [Music] the treasure part so my father became angry your dad to a duel and we all know what happens when you challenge win or shame to a duel which is why you're gonna give me his cut huh Dana I can't believe my father would do that but I also can't always explain or understand his actions Ruto finds this all very moving but he would also like to remind you that the lava tide will return soon so I don't care about gold if that's all you're after I'll give you a share if you give us a slug so we can get out of here yes yes get out of here no we open it here right now and there's little time to argue so let's get to it fine [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] it's just a bunch of junk what is all this you're trying to scam me worthless trash junk told you there was no fortune though I was hoping there would be two maybe I can melt this thing down for something Dana are you okay what just happened the Shadow Clan they're coming Shadow Clan look at that they get here so fast who cares let's make him leave get out of here I'm coming [Music] [Music] foreign way to level up little guy no slow and steady this time will help welcome back these guys are unstoppable so remember what I said about Crossing that bridge when we come to it we're gonna die [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] and that my friends is why we do not ever go back to make the caverns again [Music] [Applause] stay with us and get Dana out of here I'll catch up oh foreign [Music] you want me to put this on did you see what happened to Dana please don't fry my brain yeah it belongs to us are you talking to me who are you that you can withstand the power of the Shadow talker the Shadow talker the circuit on your brow it allows communication between the wearer and the Shadow Clan no but not all can survive his mind-bending Force so Choir Oh yeah I'm Eli shade my father was Will Shane your father could not handle the shadow darker's full strength and it appears you aren't ready to wear it just yet but we will allow you to keep it for the day when you are ready now remove it before it takes your mind wait who are you people what do you want eat again wait what did my father want [Music] Eli dude how did you escape the Shadow Clan I'm still trying to figure out what happened myself they just left foreign you know it might be a lot easier if we figure it out together huh well to start with this thing allowed me to talk to them no way it did what I put it on just like Dana and wait where is Dana no clue I turned back to check on her and she was just gone for now I have a feeling we'll see her again my dad kept all these things hidden for a reason that was his treasure and I don't think Dana poor is done hunting for what she thinks is hers the old stories tell of a distant Shaw unreachable by normal means a world of Strange Magic and secret knowledge and riches beyond belief a cavern Ablaze with fire walls stretching into the infinite the burning world lit by the lantern at the heart of creation despite what you've been told these Tales are not Legends the world above is real and after years of searching have found the way if Fame and Fortune interest I shall lead you to it we will assemble at the monarchian tomorrow nine shop and then we make history he's talking about the surface Burpee this can't be good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] another round you're on and where are you headed on this fine morning me oh yeah I just had an uh errant run an errand huh wouldn't have anything to do with this come on Trixie give it back New World wow Garberville promises Fame and Fortune with burning World Expedition finish and blow what no come on this isn't where you're going is it maybe who cares you should for one The Burning world is just a myth a dumb kids story think about it if there was really a world above why haven't we seen any people from there I'll admit it does sound a little fishy so don't waste your time ravel's been roping clueless Slingers into these dead end Expeditions for years the whole world above Slugterra imagine no slots no mix no more tonight oh I'm imagining it and the gold oh there will be gold of course for exploration uh I don't know Pronto I I was gonna go alone if this guy is taking advantage of people I should uh probably check him out you know for justice oh please please well if we're going on official shame gang business east riff does have the best chocolate root beer floats this side of anywhere we will all gold I mean go great glad to have the help so much for keeping this on the down low [Applause] yeah you see the kind of people God's stories attract Eli Charming for the large plotters please and whatever my friends want yourself more annoyed Eli that's Andre geyser who world-class Adventurer pretty famous too I wonder what a real Explorer like that is doing here thank you all for coming as many of you know the burning world has been my obsession since I was a boy and I recognize many of my previous Expeditions were seen as disappointments to those involved this however will be different he hasn't taken his hands off that book since he came out we need to get a look at it the world above offers more than Fame and Fortune take their moon for example a planetary body of vast proportions orbiting literally millions of miles above their heads oh come on people can't be taken this seriously but you got a problem curly nope we're fine sorry no problems here isn't that right tricks my only problem is that you're all buying this he's taking advantage of you easy guys there's no need for trouble here August expert experty an idiot no sounds like you're calling yourself an idiot tracks stop helping what's up [Applause] just had to say something I thought we were here on official business I these people you're ruining everything [Music] [Music] no no [Applause] you don't know what to run now more annoyed everybody stop hey who am I an inferred a slug only one person has such a specimen don't you know who this is uh hi I'm Eli Shane of course you are of course you are oh this is excellent just excellent oh with a shame on board this Expedition cannot fail um news flash Eli's not joining your Expedition listen guys about that oh you can't be serious these were the guys shooting at us it's not that simple actually it is either you're with reason and common sense or you're with this guy foreign I'm with gar I'm joining the expedition [Music] I don't think I heard you right bro I said I'm staying you guys head back to base I'll be home soon try to get rid of them so you have a larger share of the riches well Pronto won't be falling for that tree I mean sorry Pronto you're leaving too I have to insist I know you guys must think I'm crazy but I have my reasons for this you just need to trust me we do trust you Eli we just wish you'd trust us foreign had to be done Burpee they can't find out about the surface and we have to find out how gar knows what he knows they'll understand right [Music] you made the right choice my boy the very right choice the Shane brand is just what this Expedition needs to bring it some legitimacy believe it or not the promise of Fame and Fortune can sometimes attract a less than Savory element really I hadn't noticed I need to speak to God in private yeah excuse me a moment won't you Eli Shane will be the face of the Expedition remember don't worry you'll still get your payday Andre in the meantime a little class isn't going to kill us Eli let's have a chat chat I just don't get it why would Eli join God's Expedition obviously for the vast reaches that await him nah Eli's never cared about money there's something else going on here I just wish she'd confide in US Eli's Kept Secrets before but he's never let them stop us from being a team Moss extract my own concoction from my time among the Knoll tribes of Xanadu basin I'm no fool Eli I know what others think of me right now if my name appeared in the history books it would be as a failure this is my last chance it can't fail and with you on board oh I'm certain it won't and uh what makes you think I can help I believe it was faith that brought you to me Eli the truth is for all my work I'm still a piece or two away from knowing how to reach the above world with a shame on board I can secure the funding I need to get that final piece easy Burpee we just need to keep on talking did you say something Eli I said um how did you learn about the above world I've been obsessed for years and I'm not alone the legend of the burning world is believed by many and even in those who don't most of us wonder what else might be out there Clues are all over if you know where to look for instance stories passed down from one generation to the next all too many include a mention of the burning world and then there is this my greatest clue you won't be able to read it I'm sure it's written in code I can read this it's our Cipher this is the Shane Code maps log entries this tells how to use the drop Uncle Jimmy The Shane before your father but that means yes of course it's a shame Journal oh that's the missing piece the word Shane is a cipher a keystone to the whole book Eli this is amazing it changes everything I've cracked the code I can find the way up gar no what's in that book is Secret for a reason then and it's true what's true is you need to give me that diary you're coming to me was fate Eli I'm sure of that now I will not be a failure help I need help in here the Shane stop him car listen to me don't do this I owe you a debt Eli every instruction the precise method to reach the above world is all in this book along with all the glory I deserve now move [Music] after him all my research is in that book yeah tell them in grab whatever equipment they need after we get that book back we leave for the burning world [Music] yeah [Music] Eli what's going on and nothing go back to your game you're still playing that I refuse to let it beat me I gotta win at least one game that's heck of an Arsenal for nothing bro I told you I'll handle it I don't want you involved it's Shane business yeah and we're weird you guys getting hurt all right you just stay here there's still time for me to ride out and lead them away I am not Turtle what you're talking about exactly yeah but perhaps it this is totally Buzz out of it God you drag us out here to chase a boy you promised us treasurable Fame I am not a man to be trifled with Andre today listen to me all of all if you want fame and fortune well that man to bring him to me gets a triple shot I think there's even more of a bit before repeat many Auto blasters we need to get you out of here Eli my dad once told me about an escape tunnel into town if we hurry we can get through before they reach us Eli we're not leaving but you don't even know what you're fighting for it doesn't matter we're a team we don't need to know [Music] yeah you do [Music] [Applause] foreign this isn't gonna be easy to hear all of you are going to have questions unfortunately now is not the time to answer them so I'll just be quick remember all that stuff gar was saying about a world above Slugterra yeah you mean that made up yarn he was spinning yeah well it's not made up the world above is real and it's my number one job is a shame to keep it a secret no way I know what you're thinking but it's not a joke I'm asking you to take a lot on faith here but you needed to know the truth I don't buy it it's a lot I know Eli when I was a little girl my mom used to tell me about the burning world every night before she tucked me in you have to grow up you can't keep believing in fairy tales in this case the fairy tale is real isn't just about Slugterra if gar reaches the surface Both Worlds will pay the price say you're right how does God know all this from this it's my great uncles based on the tiny look I got every question I've ever had every puzzle about my father and what came before me the answer could be in here including how to get topside if Garr got his hands back on it [Music] take your time Eli we can do this all day is what you want guard no ceasefire cease fire you might hit the book why take the diary when you can have me intriguing proposition I think I'll take both fine I'll come along one condition leave my friends out of this they aren't involved yeah now you're being sensible you don't need friends at the end of the day you're all alone no I told them I didn't want them involved then again they never seem to listen to me [Music] [Music] suckers come on out gar you wanted me now you got me it's over Eli get out of here bro I can handle myself with the lava Links at Point Blank Range I don't think so let him go gar you can have the book give it to me [Music] why it's not fair oh so close nothing personal kid this was strictly business yeah wait it's not over this is just a setback they were right this was nothing but a sham it wasn't I'll find another way girl it's over wait wait where are you going you just need to get I have a feeling Revel won't be a problem anymore listen guys about what happened it's cool Eli we get it in Secrets right I want to show you something when I first met you I said I came from a secret Cavern far away from here well that wasn't entirely true it was far away but it wasn't a cavern then where did you grow up up there in a hole that hole is called the drop it's how I got here it leads to the place gar wanted to reach the burning world I call it the surface but yeah why I don't understand it's gonna be hard to wrap your head around this your entire universe pretty much just exploded yeah so did my brain I knew the Shane's Kept Secrets but this one wow the magic that exists here the Slugs they would be lost forever if the surface world ever found out about Slugterra and if that happens all the evil below us would have nothing to stop it Slugterra is the first and last line of defense that's why our Two Worlds can never mix you shouldn't have told us this Eli it's too big a secret you should have kept it in the family you guys are my family and from now on no more secrets I'll tell you everything I know though as far as being a Shane is concerned that's not a whole lot and you just torched the book that might have changed all that there was nothing in that book we can't figure out for ourselves including how to get back up there that's the other thing for now at least it was a one-way trip for me so why guess we're stuck with you then pretty much yeah I'm okay with that I gotta say you guys are taking this news pretty well oh are you kidding me I got about a million questions no the sky thing does it really go on forever Dad are there mononoids in this place I think so are they respected us Superior life forms or just slightly Superior and what's up with this Moon thing what keeps it from falling down on top of us why don't I start at the beginning we live on a planet called Earth Earth planet equally Superior [Music] foreign you guys take out Dr Black's guards consider them taken I'll wrap a block and load before they can deliver that thing to Dr Black we have no idea what that thing does Eli bro we know it could be lunch somehow I doubt it [Music] foreign let's go [Music] okay spinner [Music] that's sticking it to him [Applause] [Music] happy you're up Jules you're next [Music] [Music] I buy guards yet you still have not wrapped up Lock and Load I see I was just waiting for you guys so we can bring them down together [Music] [Applause] dude you upwards looks like we're the ones headed down [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] keep it together chiller foreign [Music] [Music] get that lunchbox to Black I know Burpee we'll see you guys back at The Hideout long before us no doubt it's as if have their own secret way of getting around Slugterra away they refuse to share with pronto [Music] [Music] Eli to pull it away yeah I'm gonna have a hard time stopping them with glimmer and suds then allow me blow him away blaster [Music] foreign I'll deal with Dr Black why didn't you do that before I didn't mean to blow it up as long as Lock and Load won't be bringing it to Black I think we can call it a win though I'd like to be celebrating with the rest of my slugs don't worry Eli slugs always find their way back home yeah you're right I'm sure when we get there we'll find Burpee and the others already at the clubhouse kick him back and relaxing [Music] this is me [Applause] [Music] we've passed through this Cavern dozens of times on our way home before somehow it seems different indeed last time I was here the town was fast and happy so it was stranger until munt showed up at least Munch coming to town big as a boulder and dumb as a sack of hammers and ate us out of house and home why not just Kick the bomb out on his you know uh bum cause no one beats much do it your sludge challenging much to a duel if you leave this Cavern and never come back when I beat you then yeah I'll do ya uh Eli and not not Trixie I'm trash talking now Trixie what your slugs you're a few short remember oh problem I'll lend your bludgeon and Pronto will give you the honor the honor and his nasty stank no this is you said you and your slugs gonna do much and that's what you're gonna do that is what you agreed to Eli after much speeches like Shane much will be king of the caverns ah smart move there Eli now I got a doula guy with a bandolier of powered up bruisers while burping the others are probably back home taking a bath [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you guys really think you can get to the clubhouse and back with burpee and the other slugs in time we're already there Eli wait what would be on other slugs Mike already told you no ringers burpee's my slug he's just not here yet no not too bad because we do now time for the legendary malinoid stall you certainly have enjoyed those succulent lag Parts I believe a mouth-watering dessert with fildo's final corners of your impressive stomach yeah much get it you tried a legendary mullenized skull well it won't work much is smarter than he looks ah and that is not saying much thanks Pronto but I agreed to this duel glimmer and suds here may not pack as much Firepower as Burpee or Jewels but we can fight him off until cord and tricks get back no problem right oh [Music] hey oh uh sorry was it [Music] okay maybe it might be a little bit of a problem [Music] foreign [Music] right here that's it Eli I think you're beginning to wear him out [Music] uh yeah and you're right where I watch it you got him glimmer give them all you've got all right that's what you've got [Music] hey watch where you're going foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you mean when I tell him that you were responsible I imagine they will become ghoul child brother I believe that Dame Fortune has indeed smiled upon us because I cannot imagine anything making Dr Black happier than turning Eli Shane's best slug into a good girl I got him fair get him hey [Applause] [Music] converting them all good I need a new pair of boots just pursue those bourbon or I'll give you the boots sometimes I can't believe we're related [Music] there that purse move it move it give it up slugs wrong purse genius right purse is right boys where do you Lads think you're going anywhere we want Mall Cop whoa [Music] Lobster big brother not for long see that's a nice Mecca Beast [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if your slugs are useless eat it with something else oh and looking good yeah my slugs aren't useless I just gotta figure out the right way to use them lather it up Suds [Music] that's what you get when you mess with sun oh foreign [Music] I'm confident that Dr Black would be equally satisfied if we merely brought him the heads of the Shane Brad slugs dipped on the burning one foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] stop screaming so much can finish you guys did it we held out till the calvary arrived and just in time I don't think we could have lasted another minute where's Burpee sorry Eli but if they're not coming then foreign right brother retreat [Music] maybe we can't win with you guys ready to go down trying [Music] [Music] Burpee Jules I don't believe it you guys are here uh yeah and they're driving a Mecca can slots even do that apparently Eli's can those are your slugs uh yeah no way you lasted this one with two Flappers no way much despite these slugs who can do that don't listen to him you guys aren't floppers you did me proud I'm glad you guys are okay but where were you um they were obviously just goofing off that's what slugs always do when you're not watching lucky for you lazy slugs Toronto was here to use his mighty brains and save the day but what were you doing lazing around cool people the Slugterra Institute of Technology welcomes you sir I'm thrilled to show you what your generous donation is funding sit has a long tradition of groundbreaking research and here are two of our top scientists Tobias here is made some fascinating inroads in the field of gravitation [Music] doesn't that lift your spirits hey once I work the bugs out of my zero g machine Slugterra will own the air Catherine's ideas about Sonics are worth listening to [Music] sound is invisible but its effects can be powerful what about me Professor aren't you gonna show Mr Moneybags my invention Dr kolowski has been researching artificial slug technology sir don't pay any attention to Quentin's unfounded research let me show you more about my work thought we talked you never to come back here you and your crazy robots oh you'll never get rid of me your anti-gravity machine will never amount to anything to buy it [Applause] no I will your pathetic sound amplifier [Applause] [Laughter] now let's talk about the future my future to be specific we need help as of this moment a whole research will be directed by me Eli Shane we need you now the only science in this Cavern is my science behold my Robo slugs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] s where did they put all the people and I don't see any slugs either the slugs are all hiding I'm Catherine McGregor you're the one who called about the Rogue scientist Clinton's always been a little quirky this time he's crossed the line anyone try to stand up to this guy we're scientists not slugslingers that's why we called you yeah good point I Envision a world where the only slugs people use are my Robo slugs to that end anyone found with a live slug will be punished I don't have to listen to this madness [Music] thank you I'm not finished yet yeah actually I think you are I was hoping we could reason this out but you're kind of Beyond Reason aren't you I prefer to say that I'm beyond your understanding Eli Shane oh yes I know who you are then you know how I work I'm gonna give you one chance to do the right thing and apologize to all these people otherwise otherwise we do that's right oh this will be fun [Music] foreign I think you just insulted my bad idea [Music] species in furnace attack modes flash fire Infernus Nova claw downloading countermeasures to roboslug brain Matrix thank you are you okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were beaten before you began I've downloaded databases on every Slinger who's ever shot a slug you your friends even your father the great will change he'd have beaten you in a minute might take me too your father was a slug lover just like you he successfully used that identical arachnet move in 17 different duels your attempt however has failed and my Robo slugs will continue to triumph over your weak disgusting slugs and tired old tactics then I guess I'll have to show you some new tactics foreign [Music] [Music] slug slinging will beat mad science every time Quentin it's over over you won't believe what I'll bring when I come back um you're still here [Music] that's right you're slink away scoundrel while you're batters look for lunch [Music] we better get ready for this guy I sure don't think he's gone for good he's probably back at his secret lab get real cord you've been watching too many fiction vids not all scientists have secret labs the great Eli Shane and his wonderful slugs thinks he has all the answers well wait till he sees what mad science can do I'll show him big like he's never seen oh there must be some pool around here I bet he's got some kind of super doomsday weapon he's gonna spring on us ha let him bring his super weapon of Doom what's Pronto feels his mighty stomachs he will be the match of any foe now a more pressing problem did anyone bring a can opener and my day just got worse oh you have no idea how bad it's gonna get round two slug lovers make us now take that thing down fast stay alive hit it [Music] Frost crawler slug Fireball defense Flopper slug it's needed I had to try he's gotta have a weak spot [Music] cheap shot Trixie but I don't have any weak spots well you and your pathetic meat bag slugs are just one enormous weak spot now hate to say it but retreat that's it run slug lovers run from my Superior technology you see not even Eli Shane can protect you from me well that was humility nothing to be ashamed about Quentin's got awesome Tech but that doesn't make him better hop Rock couldn't even get near the guy hey hey why are you beating that innocent Rock there Pronto perhaps I should pit this stubborn kind against something harder like your thick troll skull glad you made it away safely but you aren't safe here with all that banging yeah I've got a place nearby where we can regroup a secret lab perhaps oh please okay I was wrong all us scientists have secret labs so what's the deal with Quentin he really hates slugs he doesn't just hate them he's terrified of them really that's good to know ever since the accident when we were kids it was during a field trip to the slug biology Department Quentin always considered a locked door as a challenge the same sense and All His science has been about finding a way to live without slugs yeah slug a phobia there's got to be an angle there exasperating recalcitrant Khan you will frustrate me with your tenacious skin perimeter okay Bronto you're a genius he is I am yes of course I am I think I figured out a way to beat Quentin but we're gonna need some high-tech help I believe we have that covered and even more importantly we need you to buy us some time I've got a few ideas in that regard this is boring what's the point of being Superior if I can't Lord it over everyone [Music] I'm ready for round three are you he's busy right now but I've got something for you [Music] ah again with the anti-graft when are you gonna learn that's nothing compared to me I don't even have to waste a robo slug on your pebble as smart as you think you are you still end up throwing rocks like a Savage pitiful run little Savage run you can't escape the superior man [Music] thank you and that's all you have to remember don't worry noodle you're gonna do great of my thoughts not such a spineless slot can be our key to Victory every slug is useful Pronto even floppers Tobias is down I'm going in remember just stall them don't try and be hero and don't get yourself hurt excellent advice what's wrong Tobias nothing clever to say I've got something to say [Music] this will be fun [Music] [Music] [Music] that must be Kate don't ever get into a shouting match with her cord you about done good to go saddle up guys time to take this big brain fully to school shame gang style just let me go Quentin your Harpy's voice was even less Pleasant at 400 decibels put her down Quentin [Music] our Mega Mecca Mech is gonna kick your mechamex Iron Butt drop her easy and raise your hands Quentin shut you down in that thing I've been perfecting this suit for years how long did you spend cobbling that wreck together five minutes 45 minutes smart guy it will take me less time than that to disassemble it oh wow particle systems intact Bailey [Music] hammering with the triple combo [Music] box attack in furnace defense downloaded been there done that [Music] retargeting [Music] foreign [Music] Trixie you know a thing about slugs is you have to find them train them take care of them why do all that when you can simply manufacture an endless supply which is exactly what I am all right oh man don't worry Trixie cork you've got another arm use it [Music] the man can I worry now just so you know this plan has an 87 probability of ending in disaster Eli stood his part we have to focus on ours the question remaining is how much longer I extend your suffering come on come on hang on [Laughter] maybe a little longer burning out this big baby's not gonna keep walking for long technically and this is called a death hop troll here complete control well that's just embarrassing I think I'll put you out of your misery try it points for tenacity or is it just delusion either way I wanna look you in the eye when I break you into you thought we were building a robot to beat yours in 45 minutes how dumb do you think we are we were just building a can opener and you were cocky enough to let me get close enough to do this all yours noodle Flopper slug on me [Music] over here smart guy Where it All Began where it ends for you anyway gonna draw blaster's empty I used all my slugs to get this far come here I want to look you in the eye when I beat you when you beat me with your non-existent blaster and your imaginary slugs just because my blaster's empty doesn't mean I'm out of slugs huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice work guys you didn't even have to transform that was sweet Eli glad this thing held together as long as [Music] it you you saved me [Music] cut it out that tickles it tickles and I don't mind I don't I I don't know what to say thank you oh that's a good start the badges straight's on his way I imagine you'll have volumes to say to him foreign there must be an easier way to open a can of beans [Music] [Music] he's all yours hey you're not my lawyer figure that out pretty quick I heard you were smart and you know Quentin I can use a few smart men [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Slugterra - WildBrain
Views: 1,874,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slugterra, Slugisode, Slugterra episode 1, Slug,, bajoterra, slug terra, slugterra know your slugs, slugterra eastern caverns, slugterra burpy, eli shane, slug cartoon, movie, slugterra game, slugterra app, slugterra toys, slugterra video, slugterra full episode, season 2, slug fu, burpy, new slugterra, know your slugs, slugs, dr blakk, slugterra emperors revenge, slugterra ascension, new slugterra 2022, New, season 5, ascension, 2022, slugtera, slugterra last episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 2sec (12962 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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