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[Music] hey what's up everybody welcome to sls unsanctioned presented by monster energy i'm andrew cannon and i'll be your host today as we watch 10 of the world's best street skaters battling it out head to head to be crowned the first ever sls unsanctioned champion let's meet the skaters desean jordan eshad ware paul rodriguez jamie foy carlos riviero manny santiago torrey pudwell felipe gustavo matt berger and kelvin hoffler all right so that right there is 10 amazing skaters now that you know who's competing let's find out exactly how it's going down and talk about the format this event is going to be like an sls contest with a little bit of a twist similar to street league each skater is going to have two runs and four best trick attempts the highest scored run and the two highest best trick scorers will account for their total score now we're only going to be doing whole scores and point fives we're talking halves so you get a seven a seven point five and eight and eight point five you could also get a solid 10 today hopefully we see it the most important thing to understand is that on any single score the highest you can get is a 30 overall because it's not going to be the average we're adding the scores up we're super excited because we have a panel of three amazing judges let's learn more about them my name is nigel houston i'm from davis california what am i looking for as a judge i'm looking for people to get buck i'm looking for people to skate the biggest stuff out there i'm looking for people to do tricks that i don't see often stand out be unique good style all the goods my name is latissa buffoni i'm from sao paulo brazil all right what i'm looking for today is first of all i'm looking for tricks style and i'm gonna cheat for my friends my name is kelly hart i'm from laguna hills california judging-wise i'm looking for obviously difficulty of tricks style is huge for me and it'd be interesting to see how you're gonna use this park to your advantage uh the run's gonna be tough to put together but at the end of the day i think it's really gonna be difficulty a trick all right speaking of judges we are here with niger houston who is not gonna be skating in the contest today instead he's gonna be judging naija thanks so much for having us here at your park we're excited have you ever had an event here uh not a not a proper one like this i've always wanted to and i've also always wanted to judge a contest so i'm hyped i'm hyped to see these guys shred they're gonna they're gonna kill it all right so what are you looking for here in the park as a judge uh as a judge i mean i i will be i will be taken into fact with the run scores that this park is pretty hard to get a good run in because it takes up a lot of like leg energy a lot of ramps are going up and down and stuff so i'm curious to see how the runs are going to go as far as the best tricks you know i want to see stuff on the big section i'm going to be scoring the smaller rail and he'll look pretty pretty harsh because there is that option to do something bigger and i know these guys i know how good all these guys are and i know whatever they can do on the small stuff if they really want to they can do it on the big stuff so you got to go for it well and that's one thing that i think people from the outside may not see they see it on instagram or whatever but that big section is really gnarly so are you coming into this with your own bias of like hey you know what can be done i know i know how gnarly it is because i mean even when i when i'm normally practicing here i'm skating the smaller stuff and if i was if i was skating a contest here then i would take whatever tricks i do on the small stuff to the big stuff but i'm not just in here on the daily like practicing like nollie heel back tails down the big hella because that thing's like it's big it's like that's like a street hub right there it's pretty decent yeah that thing is diesel so i i know what's up people people are gonna get get rewarded for the big stuff they're gonna get the fair score from you so who is your pick for the win here today prediction man if i had to pick someone um i'm going to go with my boy felipe because i was standing here with him last night and he was already killing it already switch flipping into the big hub and stuff and that's the that's the kind of stuff i want to see and also uh probably desean because i could see him putting together a solid run and like i said doing a solid run score on this park isn't going to be easy awesome well thanks so much for having us here you know we talked a lot about the course let's check out a course preview presented by monster energy yo what's good guys it's nigel houston we're here at the tf for the first ever sls unsanctioned let's check out the park see what we got we got this section right here classic pyramid not so classic big ass bump the bar everyone's always scared to skate this thing but i like it we got the small rail six stair rail in hubba this is the main stuff that i practice and skate here on the daily but you know today isn't just a practice session it's a it's an sls so i obviously want to see people skating the big stuff over over here you know we got the big hubba big rail this big rail is pretty gnarly it reminds me of like a proper like street handrail and then we got the big hubbas this is the stuff that i would be skating in the contest of the hubba's this is where the points are you got to go for it i'm hyped to see what's going to go down today i've always wanted to do a contest here at the park so much holy [ __ ] is going to go down let's go thanks for that naija and that's our course preview presented by monster energy but before we kick things off let's head down to the start deck where spanish mike is hanging out with a great friend of sls not skating today but hanging out watching the crew we got ryan sheckler so here we are we got ryan scheckler og sls skater ryan how you feeling man i'm good man just uh excited to see that the dudes are actually like holding events in their own parks man it's super cool what i was going to say was what do you think about this relaxed style format that they have going on i love it man it reminds me of like the og sls contest you know you got all the heavy hitters in here and kind of just going run and best tricks and everyone's having fun dude it's a fun event so maybe we'll see this event at your park you know i'm down 100 percent let me know when you hear sls man we might be at checklist park so thank you ryan let me know [Applause] we're kicking things off with felipe gustavo he's going to start us off in the run section again it's two 45 second runs best run counts felipe is in big frontside flip over the bump to bump oh the nollie 180 flip getting away from him coming in switch at the hubba oh switch flip back 50. that's always the tough thing about first runs and this is uh this is interesting because there haven't been a lot of contests in the last year so kind of dusting off those cobwebs coming in switch oh going for the switch flip backside nose grind and that is time for fulimo gustavo run number one wow all right scores are in naiji naija giving him a 2.5 leticia at a .5 and kelly hart at a point five harsh critics all right manny is in 45 seconds on the clock nice frontside flip on the pyramid to start it off making his way at the hip nice nollie backside flip going back at the hip oh unfortunately laser flip getting away he was practicing that one a lot oh big spin board that's kind of the manny santiago special impossible up the euro gap he's coming at that big section yes making the kickflip frontside 50-50 and that is time right there for manny santiago with quite a dismount all right there's that there's that dancing that i was hoping for earlier that was a solid a solid start if he would have made that laser flip i think we'd be seeing a big score all right it's gonna be six six six from the judges next skater in matt berger coming from canada right now scored a beat is an 18 posted by manny santiago tall crooked grind bonk really solid back lip oh making the front side flip i like the kick flip into the bank keeping things moving getting some good speed around that corner three flip on the bump to bump oh no the nollie 270 getting away he was putting together a great run oh and that is time right there for matt berger if he can put that together though that's going to be a really high score scores are in 6.5 from nija 6.5 from leticia and a seven from kelly hart next skater in carlos riviero 45 seconds on the clock i'm super excited to see what carlos brings he can skate everything switch regular no problem oh getting a little wild on that crooked grind tail slide to fakie oh catching that 360 flip all front foot kind of wrangling it back in nollie flip backside 50 50. oh the nollie 180 heel was looking so good that's going to be time for carlos rubiero all right scores are coming in 6.5 from niger 7 from leticia and a 6.5 from kelly hart all right that's got carlos and matt berger right now tied with scores of 20. our next skater in is going to be jamie foy jamie coming from florida oh love that started off with a nice back over crook down the rail he'll flip jamie's definitely more of a traditional street skater but grew up on the contest circuit ripping kickflip front 50 50. oh that was huge gap to front crook over the pyramid big frontside 360. is a great run right now gapping up hanging on to the front blunt putting together a full run man that was great that had everything that you wanted the only thing i think he was really missing was a little bit more flip tricking but see where the judges go eight eight and eight so right now jamie foy is gonna have a commanding lead over everybody else all right we are about halfway through our first round here it's been amazing so far lots more great skating to come before we do that we're gonna head down to spanish mike who's with our leader jamie foy jamie jamie jamie how you feeling boss how you feeling after that run feeling all right a lot of busts up though yeah yo what's up with the hip i feel like everyone's having trouble with the hip uh uh area uh the hip is just you kinda oh really sick uh the hip it's kind of you don't want to go too fast you want to hit the booth and everything so kind of set up in a bad spot but we're having fun good run though jamie good stuff i'll see i'll see you well here you have it jamie foy thank you spanish mike we are halfway through the runs and up next we have kelvin hoffler a past sls champion nice backside 360 to start it off this guy knows how to put together a run 360 flip over the pyramid coming in fakie at the hubba oh going for the cab front nose denali 360 up oh looked like he was going to go backside nose blunt down the rail but gets away from him back 180 nose grind just to cap it off right there not the standard kelvin run we're used to seeing kelly hart gives a three leticia with a four and niger gives a four all right next skater in one of the most gifted skateboarders on the planet ashadware ashad originally from new jersey now splitting his time between the east coast and the west coast [Applause] oh a really good nightly heal from a shot over the hip oh nollie backside flip getting away from him this is why we give them two runs though because we we definitely want to see a shod put it together that's going to be run number one for a shot where we'll look to that second run score next in we've got deshawn jordan run number one starting things off with a nice 360 flip over the bump to bump oh the laser heel flip getting away from him he's got plenty of time though desean is one of those great skaters that can skate everything here in the park making his way across coming in fakie oh unable to get it and the earphone falls out looked like he was going to maybe go cap back lip on that down the little rail sean coming all the way from arizona oh look at that effortless 360 flip 50 50 down the big hubba man if he could have put the rest of that run together right there he'd be looking really good scores are in from the judges niger five five from tca and a 4.5 from kelly hart all right next thing we've got torrey pudwell on run number one starting it off with a nice back lip right there on the a-frame hubba solid frontside flip great to see tori out here there we go nollie backside flip over the hip hanging on to it tori has so much pop it's almost explosive when he does tricks all right coming in nollie at the hubba looks like he was maybe going nollie flip crooked grind or no slide all right making his way across nice backside kick flip up the euro gap coming at the double set and a huge nollie flip right there down the double set to end it off for torrey pudwell man that was a great look i love that he's having a good time out there with a hippie jump at the end but that was a great first run so seven from niger 4.5 from leticia and a six from kelly hart and our last skater in for run number one paul rodriguez really rad to see him here at the sls on sanction starting things off with a nice back tail down the hubba an absolute legend 360 flip up the eurogap coming in switch switch back lip down the rail paul is a skater who comes in with a plan practices and makes it happen everything has been well thought out nollie backside flip oh nollie 360 flip [Applause] and that is time right there for paul rodriguez run number one look at that ending it with a switch kickflip front board down the rail i i cannot believe that after all these years of being on top paul rodriguez can still put it together like that scores are coming in wow 8.5 from naja eight from leticia and an 8.5 from kelly hart those are huge scores wow so paul rodriguez at the top of the heap with a 25 overall with our first runs in the books our top three's looking like paul rodriguez jamie foy and matt berger but we've got one more run ahead and we could see things shake up we are blazing through these first runs lots more skating to come stick around sls unsanctioned brought to you by monster energy proud sponsor of street league skateboarding since 2010. powerdot get 10 off with code vip at and guaranteed rate mortgage rates are historically low save money at today welcome back everyone to sls unsanctioned with one run behind us we've got paul rodriguez in the top spot followed by jamie foy and a tie between matt berger and carlos rubiero but run number two is about to get underway all right felipe gustavo dropping in for run number two starting things off with a nice lofty frontside flip over the pyramid there we go nollie 180 flip over the hip felipe is so smooth coming in switch at that hubba oh switch flip backside nose grind down the hubba in the middle of his run that is so incredible he'll flip all right he'll flip up the euro gap for felipe coming in switch at the double set oh the switch kickflip getting away from him right there that would really really help that score [Applause] you can have time to get one more in oh unable to make it right there and that is gonna do it for felipe gustavo on run number two but man he had some great stuff leading up to that scores are in six point five seven and a six definitely a better effort right there from felipe gustavo on that second run all right manny santiago dropping in for run number two nice front side kick flip over the pyramid to start nollie backside flip over the hip manny is looking good out here today oh laser flip over the hip he's looking really focused a little baby ollie into the quarter pipe oh front shove back 50 50 down the square bar i like that getting a little pound action there from felipe impossible slash 360 shove it right there up the euro gap making his way at the big hubba oh kick flip from 50 50. almost looked like he was getting into a 5-0 right there but that's gonna do it for manny santiago on run number two solid scores coming in for him seven seven and a seven point five from kelly hart our next skater in matt berger 45 seconds on the clock matt was in our top three as we headed into this oh that crook bonk hanging on nice front blunt back smith down the big rail can really see it all the skaters so far on runs number two are looking a lot more comfortable the first run jitters are gone pumping around that corner getting some good speed heading into the pyramid nice 360 flip yes making the nollie 360. holly and up transfer in towards the rail and hubba combo oh the kickflip front blunt getting away from him that's gonna be time for matt berger on run number two man that was looking really good up until that kickflip front blunt kelly hart giving that one a seven naija a seven and the chiser with a seven as well next skater in carlos riviero starting it off with a nice back lip down the big rail back nose blunt on the bump to rail [Music] front tail to fakie 360 flip at the euro gap setting up nollie as he comes with that hubba nollie flip back 50. man he didn't even get into the 50 road on top of the hubba kind of buckled when he got to the ground oh the nollie 180 heel that's gonna be time for carlos riviero we got a four a 4.5 and a four dropping in next we got jamie foy run number two oh backside overcrook down the big rail to kick things off love that heel flip kind of getting a little shifty in there up the euro gap jamie foy originally from florida oh the kickflip front 50 getting away from him almost looked like his board kind of locked up on the rail lots of time left coming with a lot of speed wow huge gap front crook popping out and a big frontside 360 over the hip jamie coming in again with a lot of speed nice gap up on the quarter pipe oh and a front salad down the big rail that is going to do it for jamie foy the solid second run we saw him fall on that kickflip 50 50 but the rest of that run was really solid scores in six seven and a 6.5 from kelly after five runs we are seeing paul rodriguez still in that top spot with a score of a 25. second place right now jamie foy with a 24. manny made his way up there into third with that 21.5 matt berger out does himself into a 21 and carlos rubiero is gonna keep that first score but we've got five skaters left we'll see if things shake out differently let's check out this power dot recovery science moment and let me show you some of the ways powerdoc can help you with your injuries [Music] thanks andrew so i've been asked by my skaters why does an ankle injury or a sprained ankle hurt so bad well because it fills up so much with inflammation that it causes pain and it's the furthest area away from your heart so it's really hard to pump that inflammation out of that area comes power dot you've heard rice rest ice compression and elevation now those things help but this tool is one of the best i use it every day in my office it's h wave and it pushes out swelling better than any device i can think of you put the first big square pad the brain you stick it right on that hot pocket area this is the area that usually swells up the most with inflammation and what i like to do is i put one of the round pads right above it and one right above the other round pad and that helps create a pumping sensation and pushes all the inflammation out of the ankle use that power dot help flush out the ankle and your ankle is going to rehab that much faster welcome back everyone we are halfway through our second runs let's check in with spanish mike who's down on course with manny santiago all right guys we got manny santiago here second run is finished flawless run let's see how he feels about it manny how do you feel about that ron i feel good we're having a good time everyone's killing it we just vibing off each other libra did switch phil crook down the hubba so i felt like i got to stay on my board and hold on and i did and i'm hyped and i can't wait for the singles so when you put together a run do you like know exactly trick for trick or do you kind of like wing it in the middle of the run if you feel like one trick didn't connect with the other like how do you like connect a good run i try to stick to the plan um sometimes in the moment though if i'm really feeling i'll just throw the wildcat and try harder trick than i plan for um and then see where it takes me so that i did that we got we got we got the run in we got the solid now we got to build up for the things are you looking forward to this uh best tricks section oh that's the best part this is where this was the show the show goes on in the back trick section well you heard you heard what he said he said the show goes on so hopefully we're gonna see a great show guys back to you andrew thank you spanish mike and manny we're taking our best run out of two and then we're gonna move into our best trick section where we are gonna take the top two scores so let's get back into it with our next skater kelvin hoffler now back on course starting off with the nollie 180 50 50. crooking up the hubba and into the bank that was a lofty kick flip up the euro gap wow a huge half cab crook down the rail kelvin also looking more comfortable on his second run 360 flip i think we had a little bit of a deck check right there oh man cab front nose kind of smacked his arm on the ground and that's going to be time right there all right scores in six from niger six from kelly hart and a 5.5 from legicia next in we got a shot where on run number two shot starting off nicely right there back tail big front side kick flip oh back heel getting away from him when a shot is on he is so comfortable i love that right there kick flip up just cruising across the park look like nollie heel getting away melon hill nose slide onto the top and oh my god kick flip into the quarter pipe that came out of nowhere that was the wildest trick of the day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we need to take another look at that kick flip into the quarter pipe that was one of the raddest things ever oh that one was gnarly but we're gonna leave it up to the judges to decide i love that scores are coming in six point five seven and a seven i think everyone's dumbfounded by that kick flip all right next in deshawn jordan run number two starting things off with a nice 360 flip over the pyramid oh stomping the laser heel [Applause] deshawn such a versatile skater coming in fakie making the cab back lit we saw him miss that one on run number one good to see him cleaning it up big front side 360 up the euro gap coming in at the big hubba effortless looking 360 flip 50 50. and that is a really solid run right there all right scores are in eight from niger 8.5 from leticia and nine from kelly hart really solid scoring oh and look at that desean jordan now at the top of the 25.5 pushing paul rodriguez down into second place with two skaters left paul being one of them it's going to put the pressure on but before we get to paul torrey pudwell is back on course all right nice back lip on the a-frame hubba oh my god i cannot believe he held on to that frontside flip his front foot was like dangling in the air nollie backside flip tori is one of the most wild skateboarders on the planet nollie flip back 50-50 yes backside flip up the euro gap man it is great to see tory putting it together coming at the rail oh suskey grind down the rail that was a great run from tory pudwell [Applause] yeah that was a crazy solid second run for torrey that back salad down the rail that was insane tori great work my man score is are coming in eight from nigel seven from leticia in a 7.5 from kelly hart dude that was great tori that was a great run how you feeling man i'm tired but good i wasn't expecting to get all my tricks but you know that's the purpose right so is it nerve-wracking being out here you haven't been out here in a contest for a minute in a minute no it's not nerve-racking you know it's actually it's really fun and laid-back you know especially like right nice just tf you know it's like uh it's like a natural habitat here you know what i mean absolutely well great skating man i'm really excited to see what you got for best trick oh thank you so much dude all right now paul rodriguez dropping in for run number two really nice backside tail slide look at that hustle right there from paul oh hanging on to the 360 flip up the euro gap catching that one by the toes come in switch switch back side lip slide down the rail trying to hold on to that speed nollie backside flip over the hip for paul coming in nollie oh man that was beautiful nollie 360 kick flip over the hip coming in switch switch kick flip front side board slide an incredible run from paul rodriguez i can't wait to see the scores on that one eight point five eight and an 8.5 really good scorers for paul rodriguez paul is looking good out there today wow runs number two were absolutely incredible desean jordan inching his way ahead of paul rodriguez with that 25.5 paul rodriguez now in second place and jamie foy in third but a lot can change because we still have four best trick attempts ahead let's head down to spanish mike who's hanging out with our current leader desean jordan yo we got the sean jordan right now he just finished his second run i'm gonna see how he's feeling deshawn how you feeling man uh feeling way better the first run i kind of like blew it a little bit but i was stoked to put some salt on the board okay you ready for this best trick yeah that's my favorite part just go for it just try to do what you can get there and just go all out so that's my favorite part of the contest are you gonna let us know what you're gonna try or should we just wait and see uh i don't know yet i'm gonna see what's good see what i'm feeling i gotta even try i dude i haven't even tried i practice any tricks for like that section i feel i feel it works that way i feel like sometimes you just gotta wing it yeah hell yeah you already know that's how you gotta go you can't once you get past the line part which is the hardest part for me everything else is pure fun well let's have some fun man that was desean jordan his second run was done we're gonna see him in the best trick section but we've still got four best trick attempts ahead there's no telling who's gonna take it stay tuned to find out sls unsanctioned brought to you by monster energy proud sponsor of street league skateboarding since 2010. powerdot get 10 off with code vip at and guaranteed rate mortgage rates are historically low save money at today [Music] welcome back everyone to sls unsanctioned presented by monster energy we are two runs in right now and about to crack into our four best trick attempts but before we do that let's check in with spanish mike who's on course with paul rodriguez welcome welcome welcome man we got p-rod o-g-s-l-s skater i see how it feels man paul welcome back to the contest scene i want to see uh what are your thoughts how do you like this relaxed format uh it feels good to be back i mean i haven't skated a sls event in a good four years so that feels amazing uh yeah i like my first event back being kind of more of the relaxed format on sanctions so it's pretty good having fun i haven't seen a lot of these guys in a long time so i'm just grateful to be here happy to be here thanks for asking mikey yeah well you got two solid in runs how do you feel about those runs i'm happy that i got two solid in runs they felt really solid in and i feel really happy about how solid they were paul how do you feel about your uh your two runs that you took feel good i mean i landed everything i wanted to land so you can never can never be upset with that um i felt like i was able to clean up my second run do it a little better um so i'm happy happy feels good this man killed it all right this man killed it give him his points we're going to the best drink section let's go let's go so i guess here you have it folks we're going to the best trick contest i'm excited i hope you're excited i know he's excited we're all excited all right back to you cannon i love it it's getting wild down there thank you spanish mike we are about to kick off best trick starting things off with kelvin hoffler kelvin going for that sugar cane did not make it happen that one is going to be a zero but he's still got three more attempts next skater in felipe gustavo oh going for a nollie flip crook but he gets into a nollie flip nose slide all right let's see what the judges think about that one scores in for felipe 19.5 it's gonna get him a total of 39 right now carlos riviero coming in switch look at that switch backside smith grind right there so dipped super well done from carlos we're gonna need to take another look at that look at the way he gets into it all that weight on the back foot dips it down perfectly carlos killing it out there all right let's see what the judges think about that one 21.5 for carlos riviero and our next skater in is going to be sean ware coming in nollie that was about to be a nollie flip tail slide heroes from our judges next skater in is going to be matt berger berger getting some speed through that corner gapping over to front blunt oh and then a front blunt to fakie looked like he was going to go flip out or big spin all right scores in four four and a three manny santiago coming in oh manny santiago making that right there verily he'll flip backside 5-0 we've got to take another look at that one look at the way he got onto the rail right there amazing job manny santiago all right many scores seven five eight and a seven five and next thing we got torrey pudwell in attempt number one in best trick coming at the big stairs in a big backside 360. classic toy puddle right there losing the hat here's another look super well done that double set is gigantic niger goes seven and he knows this park better than anyone on the planet 7.5 from leticia and an eight from kelly hart next in we've got jamie foy jamie coming in fakie wow that was amazing scores in 22 moves jamie foy into second place with a 46 overall paul rodriguez dropping in for attempt number one switch backside kick flip down the double set it literally could not have been any better than that the judges are feeling it scores in eight five nine and a nine we're gonna need to see another look at that one right there that was perfect look at the way he got that rotation all the way around it was textbook and the judges are rewarding him for it let's check in with spanish mike who's got a shod's reaction to paul's first trick it's amazing he's one of the reasons why i started skating and he's still beast it's amazing [Music] [Music] it is what it is you see it you saw it all right deshawn jordan best trick attempt number one 360 flip 50 50. oh my god that was the niger houston request right there we need to see that again i cannot believe he rolled away from that it almost looked like he got on their toe side wow unbelievable first try to sean jordan that was amazing and a big score from naija coming in at a nine leticia buffoni also with a nine and a 9.5 from kelly hart wow that is a great score kelvin dropping in for attempt number two at the big rail oh look at that going for the sugar cane unable to make it happen that's going to put him in a tough spot next skater in felipe gustavo nollie flip front side nose slide down the little hubba that was perfectly done scores are in we've got a 7.5 from naja a seven from leticia and a 6.5 from kelly hart next skater coming in carlos riviero coming in switch making his way to that hubba oh going for the switch backside nose blunt it's going to be zeros from the judges for carlos next skater in is going to be a shot where coming in at the double set wow he was so close to doing that he said he said he missed his pop scores in zeros from everyone but i think everybody here wants to see ashad make his next tricks all right matt berger is in for attempt number two coming at the little rail oh look like he was going for that big spin flip front blunt unable to get it judges giving him a zero manny santiago dropping in for attempt number two at the big rail oh he's going for the big heel board down there look at it nigel why'd you make it so big man cause he's because he's gnarly manny that's why he's gonna get a goose egg for that one the next skater in we got torrey pudwell on attempt number two coming in nollie oh nollie flip frontside 50 50 down the square bar that is so difficult judges like it seven seven and seven next thing we got jamie foy dropping in attempt number two gapping over front crook popping out early with the front shove oh man all right judges scores are in eight five eight and an eight five here's another look you can see him ollying over the pyramid getting into that front crook and then popping out early with the shove that is so difficult we gotta check in with spanish mike and tori who just watched foy's front crook show guys what'd you think of that boys don't play the boys don't play they're not playing today folks they're not playing what'd you think of that that was pretty incredible yo the pop in the the pinch the pop out there's a lot there's a lot of popping and popping out shoving it was it was yeah it was pinch i didn't even see him try that first try first try foy first try foy first try four he don't play games and that was a back to back right there what more you want right here i got your back dog yeah he's not playing games nah bro you got to get the homies backs and desean later the trade run like starts going off man i just told tori i said first try foy you ain't playing around first try four second though well let's just say it's first appreciate it you know you know you know what it is man we got the boys out here having fun man back to back it's just all love man back to you kenny up next we've got paul rodriguez coming in for his second attempt wow going for the switch backside big spin down the double set zeros from the judges all right desean jordan dropping in for attempt number two oh man front 270 switch front board down the rail no problem desean is looking really good out there today scores in six five seven and a six five we've got two tricks under our belt but it is definitely not over because it's all about your top two scores and with two more best tricks ahead there's no telling who's gonna take it let's head down to spanish mike who's got matt berger with him i got a question how do you like the relaxed format that they got going on i think it's refreshing for sure competition's getting a little too serious these days so it's it's nice to kind of have a reset for sure well it seems like it's prime time so i want you to get back and handle your business yo yo andrew back to you folks thanks spanish mike we are about to start off our last two attempts in best trick starting with kelvin hoffler all right it's attempt number three here for kelvin hoffler look at that cab front nose to fakie so well done we're gonna need to take another look at that one wow look at how amazingly he does that so comfortable all the way around right onto his nose turns out fakie scores are in six five six and a six felipe gustavo getting ready to drop in switch for attempt number three coming at that big hubba he got a good flick right there but unfortunately it looked like he stuck a little bit sending him all the way to flat he's gonna have one more try to make that happen pressure is on up next we got carlos riviero coming in at the hubba switch amazing i cannot believe you just did that switch backside nose blunt down the hubba so perfectly done let's have another look at that one look at the way he's over top of that so comfortable looking scores in eight eight five and an eight five on deck we got a shot where dropping in and coming at the double set oh going for a big spin instead of that big spin heel flip so that unfortunately means a shot is not going to be able to post two scores in the best trick section all right berger coming back in for attempt number three big flip front blunt down the rail to fakie all right here's another look at that right there big spin flip front blunt down the square bar making it happen he took it to fake he scores her in we got a 9 and 8.5 and an 8.5 that is a really difficult trick and the judges are showing you that in their scores next in we got manny santiago on attempt number three coming at that big rail oh golf for the varial heel board slide unable to get it that is going to be zeros from all of the judges that's going to do it for manny santiago and attempt number three torrey pudwell attempt number three dropping in nollie oh huge nollie flip backside 50-50 down the big hubba and that hubba is big score of a 24 for torrey pudwell jamie foy dropping in for attempt number three coming at the big rail oh look at that grapefruit grind that one is so difficult 180 into a switch feeble grind all the way over the top of the rail we got to see another look at that one that one is so difficult because he has to 180 over the rail locking into a switch feeble grind and look at that the way he took it to switch amazing so much control scores are in eight eight and an eight 24 overall and that means that jamie foye and desean jordan are now officially tied for first place with a 73. next in we've got paul rodriguez paul dropping in switch oh so close on the switch big spin i think the entire skate park just just got so upset together all right zeroes for the score next in we've got desean jordan deshawn coming in nollie at the little rail oh nollie inward heel front board down the rail unable to make it but desean's looking really good right now all right kelvin dropping in for his last try oh it goes for that backside sugar cane unable to get it and that is going to do it for kelvin hoffler here today at sls unsanctioned all right felipe gustavo about to drop in for his fourth and final attempt here in best trick dropping in switch coming at the big hubba switch kick flip back side nose grind down the hubba that was unreal i cannot believe he made that right there that hubba is so large we need to see a replay of that all right look at the way he flicked it right there caught it so nicely all on the nose all done switch man 9.5 five and another nine point five judges rewarding him right there for putting it all on the line next skater is gonna be carlos riviero carlos coming in switch wow trying to go for that switch flip back nose blunt so that's not going to do it for carlos riviero next skater in we got a shot where going for the switch 360 flip that's going to do it we love seeing a shot out here though always highlight of the contest i think was that kickflip in off the top rope matt berger is coming in for his last attempt oh so close going for that front blunt kick flip to fakie i think he would have gotten a big score for that but unfortunately that is gonna do it for matt berger manny santiago coming in for his last attempt he said he needs to make this burial he'll flip 50 50 down the rail there is nobody else on the planet who can pull that out and do that on a round rail with the pressure last try like that absolutely incredible here let's take another look at that the way that he flicks it gets into it on the round rail the balance the amount of control and the precision needed to make that happen is next level there is nobody who can do that in a competition like manny santiago he said he needs nines are they going to do it we got a nine from naija we got a nine from kelly and a 9.5 from leticia buffoni so score is in 72 and manny santiago now in third place pushing torrey pudwell down torrey pudwell coming in for his last attempt going for the nollie flip nose grind unable to get it right there and he takes a harsh slam that's going to do it for torrey pudwell next in jamie foy who is currently tied with desean jordan 73 he's got to put something down to get himself ahead oh so close on the fakie front crook down the rail unfortunately unable to make that one so that's going to result in a zero from our judges [Applause] we have two skaters left deshawn jordan and paul rodriguez paul dropping in currently in eighth place he needs to make this if he wants a shot oh and he doesn't make the switch back big spin the entire skatepark shedding a tear right there really wanted to see him make that happen that's going to do it for paul rodriguez but an incredible performance out here this weekend as we get into our last attempt with desean jordan can he do it it all comes down to this unable to do it oh all right we're going into sudden death and this is how it's going to go down now desean and jamie are going to go trick for trick until we get a winner the difference here though is that desean needs to get a 20.5 or better and jamie needs to get a 24.5 or better because of the way their lowest scores are all right this right here is jamie foy's first attempt in sudden death and he needs a 24.5 or better if he wants to beat deshawn oh and unable to get it right there that's going to leave the door wide open for desean deshawn in sudden death going for his first attempt he needs a 20.5 and he has to make this trick oh and he makes it the laser flip down that double set that is massive and he absolutely stomped it here's another look at that look at the way his feet were set up man he caught that before those bottom four stairs with that front foot that could not have been done better right when he needed it scores are in well naija is trying to figure it out we get an eight and eight and an eight and with a total score of a 77 that means desean jordan is your sls unsanctioned champion let's take it down to spanish mike who's with him right now how you feeling champ pretty good i'm stoked that sudden death is pretty sick baby's happening at every stop now when it's a tie between first and second just sudden death were you uh nervous at all hell yeah come on bro that's boy at any moment he could have landed [Music] well guess what you had it desean jordan congratulations this is amazing our monster energy highest scored trick goes to felipe gustavo with the 28.5 for the massive switch flip backside nose grind down for myself and everyone here at sls we'd like to thank you all for tuning in i'm your host andrew cannon make sure you guys all wear those masks stay safe out there and we'll see you next time um
Channel: SLS
Views: 612,336
Rating: 4.9253502 out of 5
Keywords: SLS, Street League, Street League Skateboarding, skateboarding, Paul rodriguez, Torey pudwill, ishod wair, jamie foy, matt berger, Manny santiago, Dashawn jordan, Felipe gustavo, kelvin hoefler, Carlos ribeiro, thrasher, berrics, red bull, monster energy, contest, skate contest, world tour, championship, olympics, california, usa, brazil, ledges, rails, stairs, best tricks, 2020, Tony hawk, pro skater, Nyjah huston, Leticia bufoni, kelly hart, unsanctioned
Id: Jl3YPiSuUT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 33sec (3333 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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