Sneaking a WARDEN Into My Friend's Base...

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this is White Noise design AKA Ben and this is our Minecraft server and more specifically this is Ben's base now Ben has found a new love for Minecraft and has been playing it non-stop so much so that he's taken well just a little break from twitch but today I'm gonna put Ben to the test and see how good he's really gotten can I sneak a warden into Ben's base and will he be able to fend it off now I'm not gonna put the warden in the main area of the base that would be pretty toxic and basically delete everything Ben has been working on for the past two months so I'm planning to use the area he's dug out under his base it's a massive hole with nothing in it at the moment and I think it could do with a little spicing up so the first thing we need to do is gather the resources which is very exciting for me because I get to make my first ever Minecraft Montage so without further Ado let's cue the music and do some mining please now that most the items have been collected for the build it was time to fly down to the bottom of Ben's base and begin constructing the arena where he would eventually fight the warden to start this though we needed to build up the floor roof and entrance which is good news for me because I like these montages foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] after almost giving away my whole plan with the death that I'm still not quite sure how killed me it was time to construct a grand entrance for the warden to come in using a 3X3 piston door I have found thanks to mumbo jumbo this will also allow me to open the door spring the warden on Bend and hopefully catching him completely by surprise thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the arena had been built for Ben's demise it was now time to add decoration and some evil traps with the sole purpose of driving him insane because fighting the warden isn't hard enough on its own the only problem I have is that Ben is always on the server so he could come back at any second I had to move fast time was not on my side [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] the stage was set the bait had been laid any minute now Ben would return home and face his biggest challenge ever in Minecraft everything was in place and Anvil ready to drop on his head a volcano ready to erupt a trapped chest ready to launch a splash potion of poison at him pressure plates littered the floor as well as sculpt sensors which would alert the warden to his position he had put a couple of chests with potions to help him out but most likely me and Nick would be watching Ben take his very last steps on this Minecraft server and the best part is Ben had been in the nether this entire time we were building the arena he had no idea what was to come um Jesus uh Barry is that strictly true did Ben have no idea whatsoever yes he had absolutely no clue at all yes so you definitely didn't give away that this was secret no are you sure yes now that is interesting because we've actually obtained some footage which contradicts that slightly [Laughter] there's a surprise what there's nowhere oh my God that big portal is something to do you look at me like oh all right oh I didn't put that lighter on smashed it there Luke oh I said look what my dog is on the cake anyway it was time now for Ben to fight the warden all we had to do now was to lure him down with some incredible tactics oh so you're not gonna address the clips no no one likes you now would Ben be able to beat the warden or would he meet his demise uh Ben yeah can I use your bases of mine uh because he has to uh-huh okay I know Wicked holy crap whoa holy crap Ben at the bottom of your base I have just found a massive supply of diamonds come on God I can't believe it come she come check it out it's ready what the hell I cannot believe it what um yeah I just I just strip mining down there tell you what the weirdest part about this is why does my UI say lava Pops I can't remember that I don't know oh good luck oh let's go instant heal and strength well I remember being down here it's crazy wait Nick yes that's the bastard gone back through I I don't hear a heartbeat oh for sake oh crap Ben come come check out his diamonds oh my God how many the loads I didn't even put the mine at all I think there's a random blocks as well thank God I've got fortune on it seems to be a kiss yeah yeah down here right down there oh my God what's this I can't remember this area why is why is Nick up there what the hell what the hell's going oh my God this place is crazy what's this free diamonds this way yeah just just go grab the diamonds oh my God it's it's the warden block holy this is terrifying introducing The Showdown Ben versus Warden oh my God this is terrifying oh it's not great for views oh it seems you've made it a critical error don't worry there are lots of chests around to help you in trouble show your dog he's killed me dog boy you have to stay in the arena oh this is the system okay go check out that chance oh he seems a bit angry yeah foreign emotions use your potions I've got to eat apples time to run here it goes Ben all right 360 then over the waters Barry forgot to shoot the game ten years before okay no Nick shut the gate oh [Music] oh obsidian's blocked away let me put that there yeah I'm very secure myself thank God I still have a pickaxe to make my way out like it's on the on the roof I'm worried about my ass been absolutely done it how many bits oh accidentally broke the scaffolding oh I'll probably agree with everything oh no mix yours mine to be honest as I'd like arrived here I've just lost my Elijah my pickaxe oh Ben died for this is gone all the Bamboo's gone oh Bamboo's gone I accidentally just right my cute steel oh my God no no let me rebuild let me rebuild this scaffolding you can come get your loot the court has not said 72 you've managed to prank everyone but me Barry if you get the wall the wall now this this one here this will I wonder what's gonna happen definitely nothing to do with anvils oh it hasn't killed usage so much effort into this room literally none of your pranks worked so the volcano was terrible when was that ever gonna mind that ball it's been great oh you can ah you can kill me with the penis uh have you got a bird I don't have an error oh it's on this day my traps failed battery oh is that not working best goodbye thanks for watching kill me incredible [Music]
Channel: Carry McBarry
Views: 5,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carry McBarry, CarryMcBarry, CarryMcBarry.TTV, Carry McBarry.TTV, Funny, Funny Moments, Stream, Streamer, Twitch, Compilation, Twitch highlights, Perfectly timed twitch moments, Barry twitch highlights, Carry McBarry Clips, CarryMcBarry Clips, Clips, Carry McBarry Best Moments, Best Moments, Minecraft, Fighting a Warden, Pranking friend's bases, prank, Trolling minecraft friends, How to troll friend in minecraft, SMP
Id: KbBkKSG7np0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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