Small Electric Reel For Slow Pitch Jigging: Essential Guide & Pro Tips #slowpitchjigging

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microelectric reels chances are you're going to spend 1,000 bucks on the wrong thing don't want to waste your money watch this [Music] [Music] video [Music] well guys welcome to the Johnny jigs Warehouse let's crack this box open I'm going to show you guys what's inside of it give you a few specs on it and show you how to program it and spool it come on guys all right guys we're going to unbox this daa seaborg g300 J and so whenever you receive it in the mail or wherever you buy it it's going to look like this and it does have some information on the back as well as on the side about how much line you could fit onto the spool gear ratio and things of that nature so let's pop this baby open and see what's inside first thing you're going to notice is some paperwork one of these is safety instructions and some handling instructions but I'm going to give you just a little little piece of important information that is on this instruction manual and that's cleaning the Reel so what it suggest is that you don't spray water into the Reel water and electronics don't mix well they ask that you just Spritz The Reel lightly or you can use a damp cloth and wipe it down and then oil the mechanical parts do not oil the electronic parts it's not a good idea as we dig a little deeper into this just a little soft bag that you could stick The Reel in for traveling and carry it around with you and then on the other side is something important it's this little tiny metal rod and I'm going to show you the importance of that as we spool this reel digging further into the box it does come with a power cord so you don't have to worry about buying a power cord but I can tell you from years of experience on the water with these reels it's not a bad idea to have a backup one this seems to be the first thing that goes bad on the water very simple it just screws into the bottom of the Reel these two clips right here clip right onto your battery some guys will cut these off and put different connectors on them to connect them to different batteries but for the batteries that we sell here at the shop this is a perfect connection the one that goes across your chest hangs on your side you clip it right on and you're good to go so that's the alligator clips so let's dig in a little bit deeper until we find what we came for the electric reel so comes in a nice soft bag daa packs this up very nicely it's not a cheap piece of equipment so you know they definitely dll it up a bit and let you know that you should uh take care of this thing and there it is guys that's the g300 J seaborg out of the box and I'm going to dig into a lot of the features later on in this video but for now we're going to spoil this baby up come on in taking the line and sticking it through here and trying to get it into that little tiny hole that's in there is almost impossible so that's what this little wire guy does so what I like to do is come in through the back of the Reel and I'm I'm it's hard for me to show you guys but you can see I just kind of feed that through the hole and then on the end of this is a little Loop so if as long as you pull enough of the line off you could hook that Loop right through the metal part and then just pull it back towards you very simple to get this through and out the other side so now that's a critical part because if you do not go through that loop it's going to pack the line all to one side of the Reel and you are going to find yourself in a big big mess out on the water and I have seen Anglers do that before so I know you're probably thinking to yourself that's crazy who does that well let me tell you seen it done before so I'm just going to do pretty basic Uni Knot here so the cool thing about a lot of the Dio reels is it has this little knob that is on the spool and you can do a uni knot hold the line right over that knot so it grabs it and then you just CCH it down you don't have to tie around the spool per se and that's it it's done so I'm going to remove that tag in we're going to start spooling so using like an old Rod it makes it easier to control the Reel while you're spooling it so we've got this old Temple Reef Rod that one of our customers broke so we just Salvage it keep it right here and it just helps me to stay stable as we're winding because it starts to want to bump on you and and move back and forth so now I'm just going to plug in the Reel and on the plug there is a little nodule so this only goes in one way it's only going to work one way for you and then the Reel automatically powers on this reel is new so I'm going to have to go into the power mode you can see that everything on there is in Japanese right now so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to scroll down using the speed control until I see something that looks familiar to me like make the word language and there it is and press okay I'm going to go down to English there's a bunch of languages here press okay and I'm going to go into this one more time and I'm going to scroll all the way down you can see everything is in English and I'm going to go through these settings with you in a little bit but I want to fix one thing while I'm here at the spooling table and that is because here in the states we use feet instead of meters we're using the American Standard system um not the metric so I'm going to press okay on that make sure that my Explorer is set at zero and now I'm going to go back into the menu one more time and the first thing that's in the menu is line data input that's where you want to be at so I'm going to press okay I'm going to get into line data input it's asking me to start I'm going to say yes I want to start when line is known so the length is known so I know how long my line is here because I have a counter that is on this spooling machine you may not have that at home I would highly recommend going to your local tackle shop or stopping by Johnny jigs tackle shop in Pomo Beach and let the boys spool it up for you you may have to coach your local tackle shop through spooling this reel just because they may have never done this reel in particular before but after watching this video you're going to know how to do it so line length is known I'm going to select that and I'm going to press okay so now you'll see this gauge pops up right and there's a minus there's a plus and then there's a little sweet spot right in the middle where this little arrow needs to stay as you're spooling and what that is it's gauging the tension of the the line as it goes into the Reel and I'm fortunate that having this line spooler I have a tensioner right here so I can actually just hold on to this reel keep the tension going and make sure that we spooled this properly generally the more line you put onto the Reel it's you start to loosen it up a little bit so let's give this a go guys you can hear how this thing [Music] sounds [Music] [Music] all right guys so I have 600 y of line on the Reel and now I'm going to show you guys what you do next so you want to press the okay button right here and then it's going to bring bring you into line length unfortunately this is still in meters so I have 600 Y and I need to tell the Reel how much line I put on this spool so you can scroll up and it gets you into the next number and you can scroll down so you want to get it up to that number so I don't know what 600 yards is in meters so I do what everybody else would do oh Google what is 600 yards in meters 600 Y is equivalent to 54864 M 548 so I'm going to go up to 550 which is going to be the closest deal that we can get to right there and I'm going to press okay right at 550 press okay and essentially at this point your reel is spooled all you need is a Top Shot Put it on a rod and get on the water and start fishing check it out guys I'm going to run you through the 300 the 400 the 500 size daa seaborg the uses a lot of the functions that these reels have built inside of them and what I would recommend for you in different circumstances first up guys you're going to notice that these reels have a 300 J or they have g300 J or 400 or 500 plug the number in there as you want and the g is a better motor that's the only difference between the regular J and the g so what I mean by a better motor is that it's a little bit stronger more durable it's going to be a Superior Motor from one to the other and maybe it's better magnets maybe it's got a little more copper inside I can't tell you the exact details of it all I know is Di has put out that the motor is better therefore that's why it costs more money chances are it's going to last you longer and that's the idea of it so I'm going to run you through what do all the buttons do mechanically on this reel and first thing that you'll notice is that it's a star drag so you can just tighten it up very easily right here or loosen it same way very simple star drag everybody knows a star drag there's nothing unfamiliar about that to release the bail it's this button right here so now I'm in free spool you'll notice that as soon as I push that button this other button popped up because that gives you a quick and easy way to engage so free spool engaged there's another way to engage so if I go into free spool you also have the auto engage you could just turn the handle and boom you're in action so as soon as you tap bottom you can you can get that quick pop off the bottom by either pushing that button there or turning the handle one or the other next thing is that's your motor control so it just rolls it rolls up it rolls down so as soon as you go all the way down you've completely turned off the motor and disengage the motor rolling it up it does have a variable speed so as you hook into a fish you want to ease into this motor a lot of times I start out by just reeling the handle so I can get a feel for if the fish is pulling drag what's going on and then I ease into the motor that way I'm not pulling hooks the next thing you'll notice is this little knob on the side so as you're in freeze poool this essentially is like a drag while you're in freeze pool so you can Slow Down The Descent of your Lure by tightening it or loosening it so here's a little nugget from Johnny jigs team to you guys that's a power handle so I have replaced the knob that comes with the traditional g300 J and I put a power handle on it it just fits better in the hand and if you order one of these from us at Johnny and you order the knob with it if you leave a little note and say hey guys can you put the Power handle on we'll do it for free so this is a gox's power handle this just adds a level of comfort when you're on the water and it's something that I enjoy having is it necessary absolutely not but having it on there it just feels like a real spj reel and it's what I like to use so the sizes you have the 300 the 400 the 500 it even goes up to 1200 but talking about the smaller electrics we usually stick to the three 4 or 500 and I'm going to show you the size difference between the three of these being in my hand and what I think the uses are for so we can KCK it off with this 300j it's actually a g300 j and what you can notice is that this fits very nicely in the palm of my hand it's very light I'm able to use this all day long without getting tired it's a very convenient reel it's not cumbersome by any means as you can see in this clip here I have caught monster fish on this reel holy crap I need a gap so you guys see what we just got baby oh my word that is the biggest damn goer I've ever caught in my life holy cow dude W bro dude I can't even get him over the side do you want me to put the camera down no way dude keep that camera rolling have you guys seen anything like that before yeah baby wooo Mystic grouper boys that is the biggest damn grouper I've ever caught in my life holy smok so what's the uses of the electric reels right I know some of you are can possibly be sitting at home and say hey why don't you just stay home and play video games I've heard all of the comments about electric reels in reality and just to kind of give you an understanding of why we use these reels at times number one for somebody who's disabled this is very convenient because not only can they go into free spool but they can engage with one hand it's something that could be very helpful for someone who has some sort of disability that henders them from being able to reel up a fish with both hands the next thing is there's a lot of guys who like to fish that are getting older they don't want to be out of the game they love it they're passionate about it just like I am but they cannot keep up with the younger guys and being able to deep drop and therefore they get into deep Waters and they're sitting down and doing nothing this keeps them in the game and fishing in addition to that for the guys who like to go out grocery shopping the meat Hall when you're going out to put food in the fridge for your family this keeps you in the water longer and also cuts out from you being fatigued you could fish all day long and reel up from 800 to 1,000 ft and not have an issue so for this 300 size 20 lb test Berkeley X9 is what we put on it usually Yuri has a new 20 lb that's colored that goes well with this reel but we're using 20 lb because we want it super thin so we can get down into deep water I would even suggest bumping it up to 30 if you plan on using this reel in 500 or less feet it's not a problem but as far as a 20 lb test go you can fit about 600 y on this reel which means that you'll be able to fish this 300 out in about 1,000 ft I'm not saying you're going to have a ton of line left once you tap bottom on 1,000 but it will operate for you in 1,000 ft with 20 lb test so let's switch out this 300 for the 400 I'm going to pop this guy off and slide on the 400 this one's kind of cool because it's not much of a difference in size comparison these two side by side you can barely notice the difference in size so with the 300 you could fit 600 y of 20 lb test on the 400 due to the wider spool and the depth of the spool you can actually fit 700 y of 20 lb test it's getting you out there a little bit deeper what's the benefit of this aside from going deeper you could lose half your spool and still be all with to to bottom at 800 ft you're going to be sitting in a good position so function wise it's basically the same as the 300 it's just a little bit wider but in reality this guy still fits very nicely ly in your hand you can see here this is the knob that they actually come with instead of the upgraded knob that I have on my personal 300 the buttons look exactly the same the function's exactly the same there's no difference in this reel except for you're getting a little more line capacity so when you go from the 400 to the 500 that's when things change a little bit let's take this guy off let's put this one on for me personally by the time I get to this size here I'm getting a little bit out of my comfort zone of how big of a reel I would like to have in my hand while jigging once again you go up to the 500 size you're going to add 100 yd of line and you're going to add a lot of size and a couple more functions first one being this button right here I wonder if anybody could guess what that button does it's basically a second gear it's a power gear so you flick that switch it's going to slow the motor down and it's going to turn to a different gear to hoist up larger fish the next thing is instead of just having the little rolling knob there you actually have a paddle right here that you can move up and down other than that the functions and the buttons work the same it's the three buttons which I'm going to dig into for you and it's the same drag same knob different color a little bit bigger it's a little bit out of my comfort zone for jigging but it will work so let's take a look at all three of these reels next to each other just so you can have an idea of which one you would want to pick out there's a big difference between this guy and this guy but these two are pretty minimal I wouldn't mind fishing either of these I've been fishing this one for years I don't think that there's anybody in the US who has put more time on the w water than the Johnny jigs team on these reels here we know them pretty well so guys as far as matching a rod up these guys will sit in any re seat that's on a slow pitch Rod you could pick any Rod but what we use them for primarily and what my experience is with these reels is for deep dropping when I say deep dropping I'm talking about 500 ft plus granted these things are multi-purpose you can use them for bait you can put them on your bait rod and drop them down but what we use them for primarily is deep water so for deep water the rods that we're using and the one that's in my hand and actually the one that I caught that huge Mystic grouper on this is our new lineup of pro rods and this one is actually a power six this guy is coming out this summer and we have a whole lineup of these that this reel will match to the other ones for deep drop jigging that we love matching them up with is the elementus Deep by ocean Legacy that Rod has some high ratings from 500 700 1,000 and it will work all of those size gam jigs so really whenever you're picking out a slow pitch Rod you're looking at the gram rating on it and you're matching that to what depth you're fishing and what size jig they you're going to be using so can you fish a th000 g jig with one of these 300 size reels absolutely I've done it I'm generally in between 500 and 800 G with this and I fish them constantly and it's not a problem some of the things that you don't want to do with these reels mistakes that people have made is that while you're trying to engage with the auto engage a lot of people will keep their thumb accidentally on this spool disengage button here and you start getting that clicking sound and you're messing up your reel the next thing is daa suggests that you don't cast with these things we don't cast per se like this but we do pitch The Lure out you need to be careful if you are pitching a jig out because what can happen is you can accidentally press this button and The Jig comes back at you or you can accidentally turn the handle and engage it and The Jig comes back at you so if you are pitching The Jig not casting pitching The Jig then you want to be careful that you don't engage it the next big mistake that guys make let's say you get cut off and you lose about 300 yd off of your spool you've lost half your spool right you could still fish with it you could still get back down but a mistake that guys make is that they forget to thread it through the little Loop right there if you don't you're going to end up packing your line all to one side of the Reel it's going to be a big mess and you're not going to want to deal with it here's a big one listen up closely a lot of guys will lose a couple 100 yards go ahead and tie their new leader on and drop back down without pressing the reset button right there so you need to reset it to zero once you have lost line otherwise guess what happens you're going to reel that jig right through the tip of your reel it's going to look like one of the cartoon cigars that explode in people's faces it's not going to be a pretty sight it's something that you definitely don't want to forget to do is reset that button don't make that mistake I've seen it done too many times it's terrible all right guys this is a section where we're going to get in close to the Reel I'm going to show you some of the cool functions that this reel can [Music] do first thing guys is this reset button right here this is the one you're going to want to push if you lose line and make sure that you reset it otherwise you're going to reel your jig into the Rod so let's get into the features of these seaborg reels you're going to want to know that you press the pickup button and the memo button at the same time and it's going to give you a little beep and then you know that you're in the menu first thing on the menu is the line data input that's where we went in order to spool The Reel up that is the only thing that that menu item does is helps you spool The Reel up next one down is the sub counter this is kind of interesting CU you could tap bottom and know that you're at a certain depth and then you reel up and as you're reeling up it will tell you how far off of the bottom you have reeled and let you know how far back down you need to go so if you're trying to stay within 10 ft from the bottom The Reel is going to let you know that you're 10 ft from the bottom and you'll know exactly when to drop back down the next thing is the auto stop this is an important feature that's on the reel and what this does is you can program it to give you the depth at which the lure or the bait or whatever you're fishing will stop and then you reel the rest of the way manually up so in other words you drop to the bottom you're reeling back up to check your bait or just retrieve your jig and what it's going to do it's either going to stop at that six seven or 8 foot that you have it programmed that I think you could even go up to 15 I'm not sure the highest number but I like to keep it kind of tight with the jigs I don't want to reel as much whenever I'm just retrieving a heavy jig next feature on this thing is probably the coolest one and that is the jigging mode there's a couple modes on there and you could set it to do a uniform movement to where it's just reeling up a certain amount and then bouncing back down reeling up bouncing back down it's a very interesting it does not release the bail but it does actually put a flex on the Rod stops reeling and then the rod does the work of flicking The Jig and you can also mix it up to where it's either reeling in a different amount of line each time and it can mix up the Cadence within it so the jigging mode is something interesting to play with I haven't messed with it much but it is an interesting feature that will work and catch fish short winding mode I'm going to skip past that it's not a feature that I use I'm not familiar with it so I don't want to give you guys any bad information but I can't tell you the next one down drag sound so I like the drag sound it puts you in a little bit of ESPN mode to where it's making a beeping noise as the drag goes out and it also lets you know that you could back off of the motor a bit while the drag is going out and then increase the motor again even though this reel does have a clutch disengaged so as a fish is pulling line out the motor's still going to be running but it disengages from actually trying to spin the spool but you're going to burn batteries so it's better to back down on the knob there to where you disengage the motor while the drag is going out you'll get that beeping noise and then you'll be able to go ahead and ease back onto the fish as he stops pulling drag the depth alarm will let you know whenever you have hit a certain depth and then reeled up and then gone back down to that depth I think this feature is nice for the auto jigging because if you're just trying to work the top 300t of the water column and you've got this guy sitting in a rod holder you'll be able to release the bail let it fall out freely while you're doing whatever it is and then when the depth alarm goes off Engage The Reel and put it into the auto jigging mode so the fixed speed you're going to be able to set how fast this reel will retrieve the line so you're not anxious and hitting it too hard and pulling hooks you could actually slow down the speed or set the speed to a certain amount that you want in order to be able to catch a fish Chum timer this one's interesting so if you're fishing bait on these reels which you absolutely can do the chum timer will actually set a stopwatch so once you have dropped the bait to the bottom engaged The Reel all of a sudden a timer is going to start and let you know how long your bait has been sitting on the bottom so once you get to that 10 to 15 minutes of soing at bait you're going to know it every time and be able to retrieve it and go ahead and switch that bait out I'm uncertain of the fucus mode or the depth revision the history I would imagine it's going to give you some sort of memory inside of the Reel of history of adjustments and what you have done probably the first thing you're going to do whenever you get this real is that you're going to go into the menu go down to the language selection and go ahead and put it in the language that you're most comfortable with and then the last thing is the units so you can switch it from meters to feet and that basically sums up the functions of this reel there is so much technology in this little thing it's unbelievable but it will definitely help and assist you in having a good time on the water
Channel: JohnnyJigsTV
Views: 23,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slow pitch jigging, vertical jigging, how to slow pitch jig, how to vertical jig, electric reels for deep drop fishing, electric reels for bottom fishing, electric reels fishing, electric fishing reels saltwater, electronic reel, small electric fishing reel, slow pitch jigging with electric reel, electric reel auto jigging, best electric reel for deep drop fishing, daiwa, seaborg 300j, seaborg 500mj, seaborg 400j, seaborg g300j, seaborg g400j, daiwa seaborg g300j, spj
Id: rwiyVUz8YlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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