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we are back on hoax MC it's the server where myself jonathan jelly these two dum-dums dummies well we troll each other a bunch and today's episode is no different so if you like trolls stick around because this one is troll tastic is that a word I just made it up anyway if you want to check out the server real-time you can actually join it all you gotta do is type in this IP right here I'll also leave it down in the description below then you gotta join the server and you can type / Craner to go directly to my house anyway guys don't tell the like button but this excellent C&C behind it if you hit the like button right now you will set off the TNT and it'll explode let's troll the like button do it now gotcha stupid like button anyway let's get right into the video okay so I really got to show you guys something that I've been working on off camp it is literally the coolest thing I've ever built I actually built a working shower and it's right out here in my private bathroom hello what the heck is that please flush after poo okay yeah that's my sign I did that but I didn't do this okay sure let's get rid of that weird who the heck's bin anyway see ya look at this if I put these up right here and then do that look I can actually take a real shower in Minecraft it's legitimately the best thing I've ever made so yeah I just wanted to show you guys the progress that I've been making also I added wait what is happening here bro who's been doing construction at least I'm getting a lot of free scaffolding that's pretty nice it's the more scaffolding that one okay let's see if there's more around because that's kind of messy I know sometimes you know we like to work on things off cam but I lit chittim Italy didn't put down these scaffoldings okay okay nothing back here I think we got it all actually that's really weird it's kind of suspicious isn't it oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh no oh I should have thought about this Oh God oh you see that lava Oh God who did this to me who did this to me oh my god somebody must be so mad at me okay so we got lava coming straight for our house guys don't panic we could definitely handle this all we got to do oh yeah that's the hole in the roof oh god it's getting closer don't paddy crater you've been trained for moments like this put out dirt gets to do whatever you can oh gosh dang it okay I don't even know where it's heading I don't even know where to go it this is actually really bad and I only have things that can put on fire in my inventory that's the only thing I have okay wait let's check my chest let's check my chest we got we gotta act fast right now okay cobblestone cobblestone isn't flam flammable that's good that's very good for me okay let me pick that up food we also need to food eat I mean oh my god I'm panicking okay so where's it heading what's it gonna hit first oh god it's getting so close now this is not good okay let's just cover as much up as possible that's not even gonna help it's just gonna go above it and like our nose this who's done this to me I don't deserve this bro I'm a good boy come on Oh what can I even do about it um I guess all we can do is really just watch the impending doom as it goes down to watch us man whoever did this is an evil freakin genius and I must have done something really wrong in order to make them this angry because I don't even know what I would have thought the only thing I've been doing on the server scamming people from diamonds okay I guess there is pretty barren okay but this is a non-judgmental me do carry oh god it's not just one block Allah there wait that's like one two three four five six seven eight nine oh my god okay yep this is this is gonna get real bad soon we need to prepare water we need to get water of course okay let me go get water it's too late oh no oh wait what is this okay we don't have time to read it right now we gotta go get water oh god I should have thought about this earlier okay we got water we got water let's oh no it's hit the roof it's already hit the roof what the heck is this okay we got to read that after there's some signs there maybe that will tell us who did this oh god it's already hit my room Oh No a few moments later oh geez oh crap it's spreading really fast okay what do we even do to fix this I guess as much water as possible if water here water help me thank you gzip I'll time bro on no this is gonna get really bad isn't it stop Beach with water stop law that stop oh hey don't put me on fire lava I'll literally use water on you bro okay wait okay baby maybe we can actually fix this maybe it's not as bad as we think it is maybe it's this is pretty freakin bad water I need help I need help please oh no that's only gonna make it worse come on dude okay what do I do what I do what do I do Oh God Oh God come on water you could do this okay the water saved a lot right there now let's just try to put it where it's useful I guess I don't I don't freaking know where to put it it comes from all the way up there there's no way for me to save it dude there's nothing I can do you've gotta be actually joking me right now this is the worst thing I've ever had to endure in Minecraft this is actually terrible Oh at least the water from my shower is trying to save me - that's nice yep it's all gone guys there's absolutely nothing I can do okay you know what let's try to read these signs let's see what it's all about we at local worldwide oh my god Josh did this wait does that mean wait does that mean he knows about my secret base is that what he's mad about but that doesn't it seems a bit extreme you know we have sloka worldwide would like to say sorry for the damage thank you I guess cost you your home in this troll to show you how sorry we are we would like to clean it for free Wow yeah that's not really well bro you kind of caused this mess and now you I wanted to want to clean it I don't get it what's in it for you buddy let's keep reading okay this is confusing we only request a small donation of land next to your property for a small development marked for your convenience also that's what all of this is he wants to build something but why is he destroying my house for that we will not touch anything outside of the black and yellow line lots of love Josh at sloka worldwide please sign the document in the chest to complete this transfer parks and kisses yattawan any hugs and kisses Josh so he basically is blackmailing me because he wants to build something god knows what inside of this line right here he has to mess up my house and tell me that he will clean it up if I let him build something next to my house and obviously I'm gonna say yes cuz I don't want to clean this mess up all right I gotta sign this I guess by signing this document I relinquish any right to the land designated in black and yellow located at two sloka worldwide for any use that sloka worldwide see fit please return this document to the mailbox at sloka worldwide head offices i hate you stupid Josh is to pull title okay so I've gotta give it to him wow what a guy huh what a freakin guy we gotta find a way to get back to him but I guess I kind of oh my god it's spreading Josh you are the worst person ever okay well I want to check out if they've acts Elise huh what is that building oh my god is that slow Co headquarters Hey what is happening here Wow what danger keep out sloka worldwide okay danger keep out smoke Oh worldwide is this the mailbox that I got to deliver it to them okay well I delivered it to your mailbox Josh I do want to see though does this mean that he then he found my secret base because I really hope it doesn't it's still closed dang he's really building huh look at all this okay let me open it up and see if it's still there and my diamonds are still safe because after all that is what I care about right now let me just head down and oh my god is still safe so he legitimately just told me to get the rights to my property what I let's make sure we close it off guys in the comments let me know how you think I should get back to Josh cuz I actually don't know what's even going on right now or what he's doing but holy crap it looks like he's up to something whatever it is that he's up to it's definitely one big statement this is insane and wow this is really really really bad almost the entire house has burned down to a crisp at this point luckily we still got floppies like life guard that's alive I mean ahem floppy isn't here but still good job bro you have kept it you have kept your promise actually you haven't you haven't kept him safe at all yeah that's right you're a terrible life God all right well let's see what the heck is going on with Josh and Wow thanks Josh I just lost everything that I own oh my god keep the chest safe oh no oh god oh no oh god oh no oh no no yeah the chest I'll save holy crap whoa okay at least we got that going for us
Channel: Crainer
Views: 2,124,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Minecraft, Minecraft hoaxmc, hoaxmc, Crainer minecraft, Minecraft multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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