Slime Storytime Roblox | My boyfriend abandoned me when he found out I can't speak

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[Music] wor oh my God I hope I get lots of words wait what no no no no no no no no I'm going to tell the group chat and then hey guys hey hi Hannah oh my God Hannah you're so annoying you just interrupted Julie oh I'm sorry Julie don't worry Hannah oh my my God guys look Hannah has only five words I only have five more words I need to stop talking I can give you some of my words Hannah of course not Julie ah sorry Hannah um Hannah I think we should break up huh I'm sorry finally Jackie buo bye I can't believe him how could he and W I can't with Kim she's just a pck me God damn would you like to complete tasks for Words a what's that is this real I guess I'll do it yes task stop someone on the hood for 2 million words I don't know how to play dah Hood but it's 2 million words so why not into Hood you're so funny Jackie buo I didn't say anything but [Music] okay Hannah has joined the game oh my God not these two I guess I'll Stomp him what the heck what is wrong with you Hannah shut up huh haha done task completed oh my God what this thing actually worked I can finally talk I'm going to tell the group chat because why not H I hate Hannah so much what are you doing here none of your business Julie what happened to all your words oh I gave them to now what how could you Kim she's my bestie that's what beasties do then why don't you give her words and you jack how could you let this happen is my girlfriend I have to be by her side wait what I'm sorry Hannah I wanted to tell you but now told me to block you but why what did I do to you too you had no words we didn't want to be with someone with no words I'm sure you understand exactly well why does that matter I mean it doesn't now since you have lots of words now maybe we can be besties but now I thought we were beasties well we were but now you have no words so you're completely useless to me oh so what do you think Hannah no I don't want to be be your besti used Julia and took almost all her words you're such a bad person and a really selfish one hey don't talk to her like that I'm going to talk to her however I want she deserves it just ignore her baby baby can I have 1 million words anything for you princess he transfers thanks baby I got to go now see you bye I love oh well see Jack you're next she's going to take all of your robu don't come back to me looking for forgiveness after she takes all of your words and leaves you she's not going to leave me you're just jealous because she's better than you and because you're not going to find someone better than me I got a lot of guys on my DMs so I don't know what you're talking about and also I would never be jealous of someone so heartless and selfish yeah okay I really thought you loved me I can't believe you chose some dumb words over our relationship I Let's Go Hannah he doesn't deserve you you're right wait Hannah it's not like I need her anyways what should we do now Hannah I don't know what would you like to do let's play ragd doll okay I'll join you okay Hannah has joined the game Julie you just used over 1,000 words oh yeah I didn't notice haha I'll give you some of my words no no Hannah you don't have to too late oh thank you no problem why did you give me your words because you're my friend and I don't want you to be mute forever and also because I felt bad for you Kim shouldn't have take your words hey girls would you like to join my group chat you have so many words what do you think Julie by sure why not sure then okay he added them hey everyone hey guys hey why can't we see your words we put them private we should do that to Hannah we should let's introduce ourselves okay okay I'll go first my name is Julie and I'm 14 now me my name is Sam and I'm 15 my name is Hannah and I'm also 15 my name is Justin and I'm 16 Kim go Kim I think she's away from keyboard hey hotties uh Kim introduce yourself wait oh my God why did you guys add some ugly girls to our group chat I wanted to be the only girl just introduce yourself Kim okay Sammy boo boo pick me but wait is that Hannah and Julie I have to make something up Kim are you going no but why because they know me so well they're the girls that stole almost all of my words huh that's not true is it true Julie no it isn't she was the one that tricked me and took almost all of my words no I didn't why don't you tell them that you're using Jack for Words wait what who's Jack Jack is my ex and her be best friend my male best friend BR Kim are you lying of course not Bae I trust Kim I know she wouldn't lie yeah she can be a Pik me but we can't trust these two we just met them ah y LL are so stupid she's going to take everything from you guys just go I know you both are trying to ruin our friendship okay fine to you will regret it hey Kim would you like to be my girlfriend of course hoty can I have 10 million words baby oh uh maybe later [Music] you okay bye bye I'm starting to believe those girls what why you're supposed to be by my side bro aren't you happy for me yeah I guess go to go I need to find Hannah and Julie he finds hey girls what do you want Sam and Kim are now dating I have the feeling she's going to use him she asked him for 1 million words see I told you this would happen I know and I'm sorry can you girls help me I don't want my friend to lose all of his words sure but we don't know how to I have an idea Justin make a new account it'll give you some robu so you can make an avatar then add Kim and make her fall for you then ask her for a good amount of words how will that make Sam realize he's being used though you can prove him that he's being used by showing him the messages ask her why she has so much words too oh it makes sense now be right back then final task give someone all your words for words what is that my tasks I do them then they give me words wait did you just give me all of your words completed plus infinity words oh my God I have infinite words wo that's so cool Hannah I'm so happy for you here have some what 2 billion thank you Hannah done whoa I'mma go text Kim now okay Henry has added Kim who are you hey baby girl oh hey what's your name uh Henry my name is Henry I'm Kim you look so hot thanks how many words do you have like 100 million oh my God how did you get that much well I trick people to give me their words mostly guys oh you're so smart I would never do that to you though you're too hot for that I can give you a chance wait really you don't find a hot girl every day so we data now absolutely I was wondering if you could let me borrow some of your words for what I met a guy he said he would give me Infinity words only if I get 100 million words if you let me borrow yours I can give you more words than what you could imagine really yeah okay I believe you baby here thanks now what what do you mean go get our words baby what words please tell me you're joking can I tell you something okay are you kidding me I cannot hear anything ha I already said it what the heck well I got to go what what about the words oh I lied I tricked you he what I thought you loved me n bro I met met you like 2 minutes ago give me my words back nope what did I do to you well not to me but to me Sam and all the other guys you tricked wait what who Are You Justin I thought you liked me LOL I never did you've always been a pck me you're selfish and mean you did all this just so you can have more words I'm sure you never thought about all those people having no words left thanks to you shut up uh I mean I'm sorry don't say sorry to me say it to all of them but you don't deserve their forgiveness what you did was very wrong well can I at least have my words back you don't understand anything after what I said you took them from people they're not your words and neither are mine I'm going to give them to the system so they can give them back to the people you stole them from please no no I'm also going to report you no wait oh my God please I'm so scared now I don't want to get banned you're so amazing Julie hey Justin how did it go I took almost all of her words look damn you ate did you tell Sam yet no I'll do it right now okay see you bye Justin bye girls hey bro Who Are You Justin oh hey where have you been I'mma just show you you better believe me Sam send screenshots what bro how could you flirt with my girl wait what I only did it to show you that she's no good I don't care she's still my girl you betrayed me I bet you forced her to say all this she loves me and she would never do that bro believe what you want and goodbye don't ever contact me again we're no longer friends what hey girls Sam and I are not friends anymore oh no I'm so sorry Justine no no don't be it wasn't your fault also I gave the words I got from Kim to the system oh so that's why I got some words here take them thank you so much Julie Kim only has less than 1,000 words left she will soon be mute great she deserved it yeah also Julie I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend oh my God yes I didn't know you were fruity yay ship the next day into Hood look there Hannah huh that's Jack right oh it's him oh hi Jack how's it going I'm all right are you sure oh look he has only 13 words oh wait Jack I knew Kim took all your words so I want to give you some of my words what you would do that for me of course you need them right now she gave I don't know what to say thanks a lot but why would you do this for me after everything that happened because you deserve to have your voice heard what's what's wrong I don't know how to thank you I feel like I don't deserve this kindness I'm sorry for everything truly Yak it's all in the past now I forgive you and now I and Julie are together oh congrats you two I think it's time for me to go now thank you Jack take care of yourself okay I will and thank thank you again for everything bye Jack has left the game love love please get online babe what the do you want oh sorry if I made you I'm mad just shut up I'm playing with somebody I don't have time oh well could I meet them then yeah sure if you promis to shut up and not be a brat but stop being aitch and let me invite you I'm okay be right back I swear to God this toxic AZ relationship is getting on my nerves what theum was invited by a l be matching username oh hell no bro who is this Lucas I swear to God I hate everyone these bches that's my ugly girlfriend you guys there I am H yeah I don't do you have eyes yeah me too let's do face reveals what's your name egg Daisy private message me now I'm okay stay away from Lucas he's mine if I have to ruin your relationship I will you're just a I don't care if you're his girlfriend he does even love you he hates you when right when did I ask Kingdom pick me shut up you literally have witchy on your AZ keep your mouth stitched I don't even want to hear you talk Lucas protect me honey bear bu sugar shut up oh my God you're hella goofy plus it's a toxic relationship so of course I'll break up with with him so your dumbz can date another dumbz also not the manipulation well period J I just break a Pik me what the how am I a Pik me when you're ay literally has matching you with him hella annoying wed you up your AZ says Lucas protect me and you says the Emojis like keep dressing you hella goofy as what cor now shut the mouth up and let's go back to group chat so I can break up with that dickas and so I can never see your wedor pick me as again you little that belongs in the trash and dumpsters you can't even be talking shut th mouth up with your goofy attitude I nobody gives a shot what did you guys talk about tell me now Lucas but we talk shut th mouth up you little shot don't speak to her like that I love her so you love a Pik me who has a wedgie up Herz a stupid who won't mind her own business OB jit that think she can pull Men by saying boo a piece of shot trash garbage also not to mention that she's a h who manipulates and is hella Goofy and wants you to herself yes you were always annoying and I never liked you good because I was always thinking of breaking up you're hella ugly too to be honest when I saw your face I wanted to throw up and I actually love someone else have fun # isolate EXC F May left the group what should I do now I think I will just take a nap I think I will just talk to my two best friends what's up hey girl hey guys huh what's wrong yeah you know we don't like seeing you down well H I broke up with Lucas I guess what I guess you can date me shut up wow I'm going to go change my avatar be right back why are you always flirting with her you know that I like her I just like seeing you mad to be honest she's not really my type well you should stop you could play with her feelings sorry okay I'm back you guys welcome back nice Avatar yeah thanks do you guys want to be in a group chat yes yeah IL cats 19 invited look and mass show hey there's another person in the group chat just wait for them okay hey who are these people I'm Mason I'm Daisy I'm r and I'm Stella cool do you guys want to do faces reveals they all say sure okay this is me pretty cute cool I'm pretty thank you guys it's Mason's turn okay this is me wow you're a pot handsome good looking cool I guess I'm next this is me nice hot no regrets pretty I like your style this is me all says pretty and good style I'm next this is me I'll say super pretty and pretty out kit thank you and also Daisy can you private message me for a second why but sure just do it so what do you need well um I think I like Mason could you help me yeah sure I'll help you thank you but what if he rejects me don't worry he won't when you did your face reveal I saw him blushing oh should we go back to the group chat so I can tell him yeah sure good luck both were back what took you guys so long sorry also Mason can we private message real quick okay so um I've been meaning to tell you h i I like you like in like like I if you don't like me back it's fine no I do what I like you back I've always had a feeling for you yes no regrets you're mine babe let's go tell them we are a thing now we're dating I knew it would work congrats no you're not going to be anymore I'm so lonely now what let's date I'm bought talking no for answer well I'm sure we can dating you could have just asked me earlier you you're so Adora so are we a thing now yes what do you think congratulations now I'm the only one here lonely yeah congratulations babe you're so adoral and yeah congrats Su so um what now guys I don't know why wait I'll be right back someone's messaging me I wonder who it is check's phone Lucas I'll just reply I guess what the bro how was I even dating him I was so stupid back then plus I have a girlfriend I'm going to block him blocks I'm going to go back oh you're finally back yeah also can me and Ruby private message you for a second sure so what do you need we need to tell you something we both do okay so what is it we were wondering if you wanted to start a Polly relationship hum well hum sure it's fine I guess but this isn't your way of cheating on me okay just a poly relationship both don't worry okay also when I had to go Lucas messaged me saying he wanted me back I never liked Lucas I always knew something was off L do you guys want to play Roblox and leave the two love birds alone both say yeah I'll find a game found one want to do stomp Wars in DEH modded yes okay join me spawns alone I'm going to kill the to goes to Gun Shop gets shotgun smog andu 47 it's about to go down ha bad as kid get better so trash stop new as is your trash 1 V one me you're so bad imagine you're so bad son speaking dahian language let's go check on the love birds they say okay in the chat help don't throw me babe no jel put me down oh hey guys uh you saw nothing and then I was like oh hey um hey what are you guys doing well um we're talking okay and also hey Stella do you want to play yeah sure sorry Daisy I'm going to play with Ruby oh it's fine sorry yeah I'm sorry I guess they leave they speaked over me and didn't even ask for me to join them maybe I'm just overthinking LOL it's all fine well I hope wait I have idea I'm going to go on my alt account and join them let's see what they're playing real quick they're both playing unicorn Obby wow okay then they both have joined off I'll just wait until they're back and then make I excuse that I'm going to play unicorn Obby with my best friends Mason and Daisy I might be overreacting but who cares I'll just do it I'll take a nap and [Music] wait that was so fun yeah where's Daisy I don't know we should have included her in how come you only asked me to play unicorn Obby with you but not Daisy you also interrupted her well I save it I am going to check up on Herby right back wakes up from nap I I'm tired I should ask Arya and Mason if they want to play step on a unicorn's fart by Tycoon hey do you guys want to play step on a unicorn's fart by Tycoon what the they both say sure okay join me step Tycoon hey Daisy are you okay I'm sorry about oh I'll just leave I think made her sad oh they finished playing that was so fun hey guys hey I'm hi yo is it okay if I borrow Daisy for a second yeah sure I'm I'm sorry if I made you sad or mad I didn't mean to and I didn't realize we were leaving you out it's I'm fine just what's up never acted like that I don't even know hey Stella oh and doom well d I guess what's up with that you are Eve Stella do you want to leave I'm bored let's talk no what but you always saw when I allowed the poly exual relationship I thought that you guys wouldn't leave me out and love me which I know Stella loves me I don't know about you thought seems like you just want Stella but no buts you can seeu though before your a interrupt me talking again the fbck I'm going to go now oh maybe I'm overthinking but what if I'm not they both probably hate me now I should have never said yes to Palam moris relationship I'll just get my mind off I am going to go to Mason and Arya and talk to them in private message and then I was like Hey guys oh wait sorry did I interrupt your conversation you did but it's fine and what's wrong you seem down did anything happen you know I always love you you yeah and plus we're your best friend so we know anything can you tell us what's wrong if you're comfortable well H I kind of got left out oh my polyamorous relationship I feel sad now so I went to you guys because you guys always cheer me up oh thank you and I'm so sorry I saw them playing unicorn a by earlier we were going to ask you to play an Obby with us but you already told us too I'm so sorry are you guys ignoring each just Ruby but maybe you should sort things out okay thank you I wonder if things will go okay between them same both playing day Hood hey guys I wanted to apologize for oh their joins are off wow they didn't even ask me to play with them I don't know what to even do now bro this sucks at least Mason and Arya cheered me up I'm going to go take a nap hey Daisy what I'm very sorry about yesterday I didn't realize we're leaving you out oh no it's totally fine thank you I am sorry I promise not to do it again I was having a bad day yesterday so I might have sounded rude sorry oh no no it's fine thanks for apologizing are we good now yes we are I'm sorry too thank you so what now I don't know what do you want to do H I don't know either well I'm going to go bye I should be more nicer I don't really like our Polly relationship I want those two together I'll say that I don't want to be in it but still be friends I'm just going to wait though after 2 hours hey guys I have something to say what is it well I don't really want to be in our polyamorous relationship I don't want to leave anyone out and I don't really like this I think it's better if it's to people than more I am sorry can we still be friends though yes sure I respect your opinion same here thank you I didn't want anyone to be mad we aren't going to be mad I understand you guys are the best but I'd rather not be in a relationship plus I don't even think I'm ready I have to go though thank you and bye finally I'm out of the relationship I don't want to leave anyone out so I'd rather just do that at least that you understand it I guess this day is so bad I'm just going to play ragal engine she joins ragd doll I should find someone to make friends with hey do you need a friend I noticed you were feeling down yeah thank you what's your name if you don't mind me asking my name is Oliver cool name the end oh my God guys come online what do you need Andrew Alex is online what didn't he d1e 3 years ago yeah he did go check for your oh my God you're actually correct aanna aanna aanna oh my God what do you want Alex he online wait what go check for yourself oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my baby is alive he's playing a game wait what if it's his sister we don't know until we check right yeah Hannah let's go uh whatever I'll join oh my God my love you're alive yeah a lot happened someone tried 2K one me I had to go to the hospital and go to therapy oh I hope you're okay yeah I am you guys want to do a face reval um I don't think I'm comfortable why are you 6969 no I just want time with Alex I mean it has be 3 years I'm I'm okay okay this is is awkward for real girls let just play a game I'm not a girl I'm not talking to you what you're doing Alex why can't Andrew play I just don't what do you mean I just don't for real there has to be a reason I just don't okay let's just all play a game together like we used to do Alex private chat girl what you doing don't worry okay whatever Andrew and Hannah left the chat Alex I know your secret wait what what secret what happened when you and Andrew do you want me to explain go ahead 3 years ago whilst you said you'll be right back because someone was at your door don't you remember I'm your neighbor I saw every I I saw a strange man grab you a and he punch you making you faint put you I I in a van saying free candy starts to tear up and he drove off I I I saw Blood on the floor stop that's enough just shut up I'm sorry did you know that that man was Andrew W what you don't know everything just shut up and don't talk to me Alex went offline hey what took you guys so long shut up Andrew leave me alone what happened and where's Alex don't worry let's do a face Revel oh yeah and a age Revel um no thank you what are you 69y years old and are you that insecure yeah are you 6969 you better do it or we will kick you out I saw the person's face Andrew might be him I have to see his face what fine who's first I'm going last for sure why are you going to find a pick on Google wait what now why you so pissed you want to know huh well no private chat me they go to the private chat oh my God why do I keep getting left out it's what he vies I'm just going offline Andrew goes offline okay so you know how Alex went missing suddenly and when I private chat him he told me everything what did he tell you he said that the man who almost K1 led him is is spit it out already is Andrew what the hell tell me you're joking I wish I was but I'm not so I have been hanging around a murder for 5 years I wanted to do a face Revel because I saw the man's face and I want to see if the man is really Andrew oh all I wanted to say that let's wait for Alex do you want to go back is that even a question of course no okay okay let's just play Murder Mystery 2 they go play Murder Mystery 2 hey guys hello this tweet is offline but the girls are playing murder mystery too let me join them Andrew joined murder mystery too where are they oh found them hi girls what do you want Andrew oh my God ever since Alex was found alive we had Grown Apart I want to know what I did wrong oh Andrew you know what you did are they talking about what I did to Andrew how do they know Andrew he told them I will K1 LM this time I will make sure he's D3 a he has destroyed my life once I want her allow him to destroy again hello Andrew sorry my mom asked me to wash my plate yes and I honestly don't have any idea of what you're talking about I don't trust you I would Alex make all this up exactly we knew him since we started Roblox which is 8 years ago we just met you 5 years ago I didn't do anything to him he lying why would I um I mean what could he he do to piss Andrew off okay but I don't know who to believe private chat me what the hell I'm not being ignore no you're not Andrew was kicked from the chat I believe Alex why wouldn't Andrew want ours to private chat maybe because we left him out in everything hello Hannah soie Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah you're actual freaking out of me Hannah Hannah are you there Hannah this isn't funny Hannah Hannah hell Hannah Hannah are you there what the hell Andrew Andrew was added to the chat Andrew what the hell did you do to Hannah LOL I maybe K1 led her Andrew do not mess with me this is actually serious what did you sew with Hannah you better give me Hannah back or what I'll call the police on you I know where you live because of your snap Dum you better give me Hannah back or I'll give then your address and you'll get arrested oh sh I'll just tell her okay I'll tell you under one condition what's the condition you'll believe me and we will stay friends what if I don't believe you deal's off fine so back then when Alex didn't disappear remember Alex asked me to private chat yeah what did you guys take about let me say it hey Andrew can we private chat sure bye bu okay me and Hannah will go by babe remember we was dating back then but I had to break up with you because my mom said I can't online date okay go back to the story he told me hey Andre promised me that you won't leave me no matter what um uh okay but I don't know if I can promise you that I like Olivia he liked you my ex-girlfriend I was in shock and soon I was filled with anger it's because I really like you at the time and I still do um continue I was in shock for a moment he knew how much I loved you but he said that completely made me lose my temper you need to break up with her who do you think you are if you don't you will see her again at that time I was already driving to his house because me and him shared locations when I was at his door I literally kicked down it I wasn't going to knock in real life what the hell are you doing in my house how old are you you look 12 I'm 13 no I mean 17 you're 13 and you want to date my girlfriend which she's 17 you're weird go date someone your age weird a kid then after I left his house but I didn't do anything to him he just went offline for 3 years I don't know why probably he was too embarrassed but I didn't do anything to him and he leaves me out because he hates me because I know he's a but I saw a man grabing 16e boy I don't know who he is but Alex's account 16 now wished we are 20 now you see why Alex hates me I do wow I'm sorry for not believing you earlier it's okay should we just leave Alex behind and make new friends as a new start yeah okay join me aade Big Brother Big Brother what's wrong Desi yeah I'm just very bored can I join your group chat of course diai we'd love to have you join thanks a bunch Big Brother Philip 77 added Cappy duck five care to the chat Phillip who is this or maybe he finally got a girlfriend gross guys this is my little sister Destiny oh hey there Destiny nice to meet you my name is Logan Oh I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kim I'm Virginia and you know I'm Philip l oh I'm Destiny Desi for short how old I'm 99 we are going to the best friend's Desi I Pinky Promise Oh yay can we do face reveals sis I don't know if they're comfor sure sure okay I'll go first then here's me wow you're just like I imagined bz bro so cool ha thanks guys I'll go next this is me nice gorgeous girl wow Kim I'm going to dye my hair just like you haha thanks guys but Desi don't do it you just nine she's right oh me next awesome dude handsome you are kind of cute or whatever haha Virginia likes you what no I don't he's just attractive huh thanks Virginia ooh Virginia's got a crush Virginia and Logan sitting in the tree k i s s i n g first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in the baby carriage BR Kimberly shut up stop it guys it's your turn DIY here's me guys you are so pretty like a model ah how cute you are very pretty Destiny I bet all the guys in your class think so too oh thanks so much that made me happy here's me wow Virginia you are gorgeous you are really stunning Coolio so pretty you and Logan will look to good together Destiny no oh anyways let's play a game too join me okay they play game in 3 hours hey guys where is Desi fell up Kim please help me someone help you guys look so ugly you scared me haha she even looks like a goofy just like your brother how rude leave me alone my brother is almost here he will punch you very strongly W I'm so scared you know you is getting bullied because of your brother rat please leave me alone oh here he comes now what's going on here why are you bothering my sister brother they bullied me Marissa oh long time noi my love stay away from my sister oh oh my God I'm sorry I didn't know she was your sister liar she knew shut up rat um how dare you treat my sister like this I didn't expect that you care so much about your sister philli it's very different from your usual of course I care about her she's my sister and I won't tolerate anyone treating her poorly we didn't mean any harm it was all just a joke haha yeah our bad all right then guys let's go see you I was too late it's fine sorry I won't let them hurt you Destiny are you okay I'm okay I don't understand why they would do that to me I feel like they're doing it on purpose that mean girl over there said it's all Phillip's fault huh is that true Phillip uh Phillip I think you should tell me what's going on now all right that's Marissa she's been trying to pursue me for years but I've always rejected her Marissa Marissa has been becoming more and more obsessive and she's been doing some crazy things I don't know how to get her out of my life that sounds serious Phillip have you tried blocking them many times they make new accounts or something oh everything okay over here yeah everything's okay I'm kind of tired Phillip I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight good night guys good night night should we play mm2 to get our minds off whatever happened yeah like our original plan they play mm2 for 3 hours all right guy I think I'm going to get off it's already 11:00 p.m. for me thanks for being nice to Desai for me of course I love her no problem problem the next [Music] day huh mommy Mayo do we look like your mommy kid marica's going to love this haha no Phillip save me at home oh my God Destiny they kidnapped her oh no Mom and Dad are going to ke me I don't know what to do maybe if I talk to my friends they can help me think straight philli gets back on Roblox he sees a text message from a username he's not friends with it says if you want Destiny back you have to gift juel Marissa 1 million Robux by March 27th this BJT ches just wants my money you've got to be kidding me he joins group chat are Destiny and philli sleeping guys hey Destiny has been kill kidnapped by Marissa and her friends what we need to act fast I don't know what they're planning to do with her I thought you were getting off yeah I was going to handle Marissa but now she kidnapped my little sister from her bedroom oh no oh no that's crazy yeah tell me about it and they want 1 million Robux for her back where am I going to get 1 million Robux wait I have an idea you'll call out and tell her we've prepared the 1 million Robux then we'll quietly tip off the police to catch her and her gang that could work I'll handle the call I'll make the call to the police and I'll keep an eye out to make sure everything goes smoothly sounds like a plan oh no they don't answer try texting okay I've got the 1 million Robux ready can we meet to exchange for Destiny all right let's wait oh check it what guys they won't meet us in person they're demanding The robu Upfront before they release Destiny they also said not to call the police if we do they'll harm Destiny even more BR damn but how do we know they'll keep their end of the deal he doesn't have a choice if you want to see Destiny again what should I do now I'm so worried perhaps we're going to collect the Roo we can't take any chances that could be it thanks so much guys let's split up and start getting money remember be fast into the point don't let them know that you're really just there for the money we have a lot to earn they split up and went to collect Robux they're determined to get Destiny back I think she might try to find a boyfriend in dahood and then use him to get the Robux she joins de Hood hey my name is Virginia hi Virginia my name is Gary what's up um want to be no huh um want to be my boyfriend what lol girl we just met are you serious yeah I'm not going to lie my friends have me doing some crazy stuff right now oh what do you mean my friend's little sister got kidnapped by this chick named Marissa and we have to earn 1 million Robux and send in a certain accounting order for them to give her back it's weird Marissa like Jo Marissa oh I have no idea he didn't tell me the user he just said how much they wanted I dated a Marissa she was sick the head like this one sounds she would threaten me family if I said I wanted a break or stalk me when I wanted to just play with my friends H let's say this Marissa is this ex you are talking about do you know where I can find her yeah probably she has a boy ban he has never left their side it's gross seeing how down bad he is for her she's not good to him at all I have his user if you join him he's probably with her like he always is car for you is the user thanks so much I am going to get going wait well I actually have 120,000 robu and I'd be willing to give it all to you oh really that's so generous of you Gary but I couldn't accept that are you sure I want to help you and your friend sure all right Virginia before you leave we should hang out sometime in the future you know I think it like that of course cool see you see you later then where is this stupid rat [Music] Mari what um I just wanted to tell you that Alan lost the kid what do you mean Alan lost the kid does he want a dismembered well no but shut up where did she go I don't know I mean when I get to the room Alan was unconscious on the floor I don't think we're the only ones after her Marissa to hell with anyone else if that's after her you know need this we need her to make it possible get that girl back here or you're all my crocodiles next dinner go okay okay I got to tell the others join the group chat guys guys guys yes what I have INF your sister bud sorry I'm just stressed out yeah well you're going to be even more stressed out when I tell you they lost her what how do you know look I'll answer that later please do something we can't let Marissa find Destiny before we do we need to act fast I agree guys there's a chance Destiny might try to find her way back home Phillip where exactly does your live I'll go there in the Greenfield apartments on Elm Street got it I'll head there with you to check it out I'll be waiting for you bet girls will go with them to cover more ground in the area all right let's move quickly every second counts hold on what about the 1 million Robo no reason to get the if they lost her we would have find her first in order to not pay up yeah at Philip's house if they lost her then doesn't that mean she got away so she's safe right huh Logan wouldn't be here this fast H Marissa what do you want oh my God I heard about Destiny are you doing okay don't play stupid with me I know you're the one who kidnapped her oh Phillip come on why would you accuse me like that I just want to take care of you you know how much I like you shut up stop pretending Marissa it disgusting oh guess who finally decided to show up who hey sorry I'm late there was a traffic jam it's okay Logan you are here now and that all that matters Logan what the heck you're with Marissa that's why it seems like she always knows our plans beforehand sorry bro she approached me a while ago and offered me a deal I couldn't resist I can't believe this how could you betray us like that haha what a fool I told you philli I warned you you you'll regret turning me down what makes you so sure that you can what do you mean Kim and Virginia found Destiny they got her out safely what how is that possible H Alan and Care are so useless we need to go Marissa now but what about the robo forget about the robu you're not getting anything from us no I can't be defeated like this you must pay for this fill up oh no we need to call for help shut up you idiot are you crazy we need to get out of here now uh sorry Phillip freeze both of you put your hands in the air damn where is my brother Logan officer please let me go I'm their friend just arrest Marissa instead she's the one you need to catch what don't listen to him he's the one who conspired with me huh Logan is that true both of you will need to come with us for further investigation no way oh no Philip may have been in danger I need to go check on him quickly Destiny Virginia come inside quickly we need to call for help Philip is bleeding [Music] [Music] badly philli was taken to the hospital promptly and he survived and Logan Marissa and her gang went to jail since then they lived happily together 6 months later I'm so relieved to see you're doing better Phillip you had us all worried sick thanks guys brother Kim took such good care of you that's why you recovered so quickly Kim I don't even know how to begin to thank you for everything you've done for me oh philli you don't need to thank me I just did what anyone would do for a friend in need Kim are you sure you're not just trying to keep philli as a friend um yeah Kim we all know you secretly have a crush on him oops really Kim there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now I I like you oh Phillip I feel the same way so we're together of course yay congrats congrats so what about you Gary didn't you confess your love love to Virginia don't teasing him Desi oh okay then Gary and Virginia also became a couple hey Beast oh LOL you can go first I got a girlfriend oh uh is there something wrong beasti no nothing's wrong good anyway can I add her sure Beastie he don't steal my cookie was added hi I'm Mia hi Mia I'm Emily and I'm David want to play Tower of Hell sure they play Tower of hell hey guys yes want to do face and age reveal not really ooh sounds fun what why David G fine um okay I'll go first hi I'm Mia and I'm 16 and this is me wow so pretty beautiful okay my turn my name is Emily I'm 15 and this is me girl you're so gorgeous nice your turn David okay uh give me a second back yo I'm David and this is me I'm 17 I saw that on show us your real face no show us or we kick you out the group chat 1 m30 cool 358 was kicked out the group chat I can't believe I was dating that idiot I know right well now what I know let's find more people for our group chat good idea ABC for a group CH a group chat abcc oh someone's wearing pink what's wrong with pink you you you you gagag G gag I'm going to throw up girl stop overreacting it's just pink W Jason she's bullying me I'm sorry Sophia but I agree with them light pink is just a color pink is not a color it's my worst enemy but your bag is pink what bag you dumb fum suum Dum rum Crum num P bag falls out seag girly wow didn't expect that from you Sophia guys I can explain there's no need to explain why do you have a pink bag if you don't like pink girl stop stop what meanie pooy hey with Riz hot otter man banned for saying inappropriate words hey you banned my friend we did and Roblox did J you will pay for what you did I'd much rather spend my money on Robux not not your broke but LOL I'm telling my mom sure go ahead you know what I'm out of here um what the hell was that I don't know should I tell her um Emily you there oh sorry uh I have something to tell you sure what is it I I like you not as a real end I and not as a best friend I wait let me get some food yum now the cookie left ah ah yet um so do you like me back yes wait really hello Mia you there I was daydreaming wait want to meet each other in real life oh my God that's a good idea how about we meet at Sandy Park sure at the park where is Mia let me check if she's online on Roblox Mia she's here go away who was that no one I want to break up W I mean can I have some Roo uh sure I guess thank you by oh uh B oh I guess I'll walk back home what was the point of this Inna played the hood I just joined oh my God sorry that was my friend it's okay I guess is anything wrong it's just she tells her about how Mia was acting weird after they started dating and how she didn't go to the park even though they were going to meet there that is horrible look girl if you need to talk about anything you have me you can tell anything to my name's Emma thank you so much Emma EMA what's taking you so long I'm comforting the person you shot sorry for crying because I shot you all that stuff blah blah blah blah stop Jack stop it's fine let's do a face and age reveal Emma we only just met this girl I don't even know her name Jackie you have seen my face I want to see yours and I'm sure Emily you're okay with showing your face yes I'm okay with showing it okay my name's Emma I'm 18 and this is me oh my God you're so pretty yeah yeah I've seen it okay my name is Emily I'm 15 and this me oh cute mid what then show your face y are going to be so surprised okay okay let us see now I'm Jack 89 I mean six I mean 19 and this is me Ro David is that you H Emily your voice changed wait I'm so confused w w w it is you David that's your avatar what is happening right now Emma can't explain at this moment but I'll tell you after I have a word with Jack or should I say David uh okay I'll go play adopt me uh Emily I can explain David why did you not show me and me a face uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh I'm ugly David you're my bestie I don't care if you're ugly uh okay Emily I'll show you my real face just give me a sec so I can take a pick back so this is me in real life David please don't lie about your face I saw that on Pinter set as well I just want you to not lie please just show me fine but don't judge me this is real real me just give me a sec so I can take a pick for real this time yo bro can I have a pick of her face only if you give 10,000 robu G fine okay now here I know I know I'm so hot oh so this is me you're so hot why didn't you show your face then ah never mind that let's meet in real life maybe uh sure how about at Sandy Park okay hm hello Emily G Grandpa how did you rise form the d3a dad no Emily it's me David wait what what uh how the heck have I not d one Ed yet I'll just pretend i d one Ed haha yes haha I'm hungry finally he's gone Emma go on my phone few I at least have Mia h i could have swore I heard something yes Emily by the way I like H as a friend so yeah and wait D I supposed to wear my avatar I guess okay after that David was arrested the end
Channel: Ella Roblox
Views: 16,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, slime, roblox story, text to speech, tiktok stories, roblox stories, roblox storytimes, tiktok storytime, roblox storytime, text to speech roblox, stories, roblox story time, roblox tiktok compilation, tower of hell, roblox tiktoks, adopt me, roblox tiktok storytimes, roblox tower of hell, roblox tiktok edits, roblox obby storytime, roblox tik tok, Slime Satisfying, tiktok, storytimes, gaming, obby, My boyfriend abandoned me when he found out I can't speak
Id: apOxi5iQtxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 35sec (3695 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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