TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft Prop Hunt

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today we're playing Giant versus tiny hide and seek on three we're going to see who's it last one to say balls is it balls Alexa that was you you didn't say balls I completely heard it you're in oh no y'all are going to get taged so fast and Ohs you're going to become giant no I'm going to become tiny cuz tiny is super overpowered all right guys we have 30 seconds until we either become tiny or Giant and every few minutes we're going to randomly change all right Alexa count to 30 look at the floor you better not peek I'm staring at you I don't need to peek cuz you guys aren't that good foxy we are totally that guy right dude yeah come on let's go oh and we have jump boost so we can jump anywhere in this giant room Roxy we should hide behind the TV come on guys come on girls where are you guys going to hide babes I'm hiding wherever you hide are you serious Crystal oh my gosh uh I'm going to hide up on the TV we have to do some Parkour to get who it come on quickly before Alexa finishes counting and oh I really hope I get tidy so I can literally blend in with anything oh gosh oh jump is crazy Alexa how much time is left how much time is left oh oh made it Roxy jump jump jump L than 10 seconds jump Roxy okay I got you Crystal you coming in you coming in yes babes pick me up I got you bro cryst oh my gosh Crystal hurry up we're ready out of time okay I got you I got you all right guys we should become a part of the TV show Roxy hop inside the TV over here so you could blend in and there's three skulls put this a dude it could be like a skeleton Joe all right take that you can hide right over here Crystal you take that and Roxy slide me that one everyone put it on yeah perfect we're all Blended in are you serious Roxy that did not scare me at all okay Roxy are hiding there and we should become either tiny or giant any second now W oh my gosh Roxy just shrug dude you're so tiny and wait no you could fit inside one block bro you're basically invisible come on I want to get tiny babe I'm shrinking what you got tiny too oh my gosh wait now that means it's about to be my turn to shrink yeah are you Ser no you're like you're giant oh no ly can you see me from there ly am I huge dude you're so huge I can see you from across over here oh my gosh I have to hide somewhere I can't hide back on the TV and waa I can run so fast and wait I can jump really high there's some perks to this okay luky where are you going to hide at my boy and wait do you not even change size are you just normal size yes sski I'm already the perfect size oh my gosh okay and wait there's an upstairs over there ly I can parkour up over here and wait do you need me to help you get up here before Alexa finishes counting yep it's too high up my boy okay let me I can't I can't reach you just jump into my arms jump jump into jump into my arms wait come here and wait oh my gosh ly H bro is in my toes oh no I'm like in your pouch e I'm like a kangaroo and hold up whoa I'm barely walking okay I'm jumping in what the where are we even at right now we're upstairs with the Alexa you're never going to find us I'm super duper hidden that's what you like to think cuz I'm looking for everyone now oh no the timer's up the timers up oh gosh this scary this is scary wait Roxy are you still at the TV no I'm pulling up to you guys huh there's no way you even know where I am I'm basically invisible I'm stairs oh okay he found us instantly Alexa we're at the TV go look at the TV I see you you big butt no you have to tag me you have to tag me in yo ly we in the room with it we in the room with it okay where should we hide at girls where are you Lily hello where did you hide at we're inside the bedroom We're All Hiding we're all super small what oh no Roxy your girlfriend's somewhere in this room my boy you might want to find her H where could she be let me smell her bro smelling for her okay ly I say we hide inside the Cradle cuz this literally the only place I can hide you should hide inside the piggy wait wait hide underneath Bros booty oh no that's perfect I'm going to hide right over here quickly I need to change S game please change my size excuse me is anybody in here oh no l I'm hiding behind the pig Alexa is here Alexa is here oh no how did she get here so fast oh no it's cuz we all have jump boost she's right over there find the girls up I followed my nose and all I smell is farty butt in this direction oh no no no no I'm hiding so she can't see me if I can't see her she can't see oh she's walking towards this way Lily make a sound a s here Lily say you're next to the black thing I'm behind the black thing Alexa come find me if you can oh come on girl I'm not that silly I know you're trying to cover for ms's stinky butt no no no she's actually over there Alexa you should you should go check you should go check wait I do see a black thing I'm going to it oh thank you Lily you're the best you're the best oh my gosh Luke Lily just came a w clutch oh my gosh just go look over there Alexa and bro I need a transform I'm so big H that's not happening bro it just happened and luky I'm smaller than you and wait oh my gosh bro I'm literally the size of one block let's go he was a little cutie patootie now bro's bullying me cuz he's bigger than me but ly that means you're about to transform as well oh gosh I'm nervous no are you serious bro became smaller than me I was about to say that's silly but that's an advantage cuz wait are you able to fit underneath one block holes I fit perfectly there's actually no way I can't brought my forehead too big okay come on let's link up with Roxy cuz I think Alexa is distracted with Lily Lily thank you we're getting out of the room right now all right no problem SS I'm with Heather oh okay come on L come on we got to go Roxy where you let's go Roxy finally that was like 50 hours I to climb up the stairs place a block climb up the stair place a block oh no roxxy's struggling wait Roxy I'll carry you like the big bro I am come on luky we getting out of here before Alexis finds us go go go in yo we should hide in this plant over here I saw this earlier it's super high up and bro ly you walk so slow my boy put some pep in your step I'm trying fam oh oh M are okay okay come on let's go up over here and we could hide in this beanock rocks here okay it looks like poop are you serious but I can't get up here wait we should parkour on this side of the beant stock like that and okay Roxy I threw you up over here really bro I'm going to throw you up and then you have to take me up okay all right I'll be on Ninja Master really bro Pur small you're not too small Roxy you did that on purpose okay just don't just stay right over there crouch crouch and now I'm about to jump you ready pick me up pick me up pick me up no you're clutch did you get it oh yeah I did it nice now wait I'm the big boy really now ly come up here I got to grab you now jump up I'm trying to jump as high as I can oh got him let's go now we can take ly up the bean stock no this is the spot guys this is the spot if we just don't reveal our locations Alexa will never find us let's go Alexa I just want you to know you're never going to find me and the boys were seriously comp completely hidden in a secret area I will find you and you're going to regret saying that are you serious right now not happening wait boys we have to switch Vines we have to go up over here and we could spin the block over okay just like that then we have to jump over here and N guys n no we're in the spot bro we're in this spot ly I'm all the way on top bro uh who just fell L are you serious oh my gosh are you serious Roxy he I'm trolling him oh no wait Roxy come over did you fall wait just CL that guy just get a little closer so I can I can grab oh I got you let's go Roxy you're on top of the world my boy now ly you got to get all the way up here switch to that vine over there quickly cuz I have a feeling Alexa is about to give up on finding Lily cuz Alexa you're never finding Lily and Heather you're not that guy zip it up farty but oh my gosh I just clutched oh w l okay let me grab your booty cheeks like that yeah let's go let's go we're all in the spot we're all in this spot and we're all small nothing could go wrong right now boys let's go yes uh are you serious Roxy bro I have a feeling a giant red boy on top of the bead stock is going to reveal our location dude push me up and I'm so fast and there's nothing you can do about it little boy are you serious Roxy is trying to make fun of my size bro I'm going to stop on you Roxy stop Roxy shh wait bro be serious right now I think I see a green girl Alexa is down there oh my gosh she's the I know you're hiding back here Roxy are you serious right now Roxy dude Luke Roxy just pushed me off bro I'm down here with you dude I'm down here with you we have to be quiet you just pushed me off earlier oh gosh I'm toig Roxy chill bro I'm to Big you serious wait I see a giant red boy I see you boys oh no Bry just gave our location you can't get me because I'm just going to jump down to take you I'm too fast get over here Roxy wait wait are you serious Roxy jump off the whole railing are you serious did Roxy just leave luk Roxy just left us and now he gave what my gosh dude we can't bounce where's Alexa where's Alexa is she down over here I don't want to go down and then she instantly munches on her cheeks Alexa where are you at I know you farty butts are on this bean sprout we're not on no bean sprout oh gosh she sees us uh Alexa we're not we're not here just go somewhere else just go somewhere else okay you do this the fun way or the hard way get oh my gosh really Roxy bro just trolling he's just so big and fast I'm up there's nothing you can do about it Alexa you can't get me Luke uh roxxy's just trolling Alexa and getting her matad and revealing our location to small boys bro we got to get away from him okay okay ly we have to make a Alexa why are you just staring at us what are you doing I'm tagging y points whether you like it or not oh my gosh Luke we can't are you trying to push me off dude really are you serious Roxy bring them right to me chill Roxy I'm never going to lose oh no get here oh no Roxy is cooked bro is normal size come here Roxy you're tagged no ly Roxy and Alexa are on the hunter team now oh no we got to dip this is run oh gosh just dip just dip just don't don't get taged don't get taged ow ow go excuse me where are you let go I'm hiding Loki just be quiet I saw you I miss where is he uh Alexa I went all the way down next to Roxy okay I'm going down no don't go down no no he was literally right there look up and you'll see him oh my gosh get back here farty butt not happening Alexa look at my booty butt Yo ly luky I baited them out my boy we're all good wait let's try and link up with Lily I remember that she was somewhere in this room and I don't think Alexa found her quickly bro quick bro so tidy still bullied bullied bullied you're getting bullied right now you're sauce can fight back just cuz I'm small as me I don't pack a punch oh no bro Pack's a punch for real for real but I'm going to be your big bro forever my boy I wouldn't be too sure about that turn around little bro oh no bro just got a gross friend Roxy's here run L pick me up and run oh no oh no go go oh God what did you just say put me on the bed put me on the bed before Ro gets to me and jump on that dude what is bro talking about oh gosh ly you're actually him bro you're oh there's ly get up get up get up Roxy's on his way hi Rox don't carry me oh no do not carry him okay wait let's parkour up the clock we have to avoid Roxy at all costs oh you're lucky I'm about to go for the girls downstairs oh wait are the girls downstairs L I don't think Roxy knows Lily are you in this room somewhere Lily over here we're in the house with it ly look where Lily is at is Heather with you yes I brought my girly with me oh all right ly we have to make a mission to go down there okay follow me bro oh land in the ladder W clutch I know you peep that uh ly I don't know how you're going to W clutch like that I'll try and pick you really bro bro just stomped on me really dude really I'm just so jacked I could do whatever I want oh no come on we got to go BR you travel so much faster than me oh my dude oh my gosh this is why am I so slow pick me up please ly pick me up you go like eight times as fast as me all right Slowpoke well I am not a pick me up pick pick me up okay thank you now run all the way to the house y we made it girls are you in here what's good here yeah you made it oh nice oh my gosh Lily you are gigantic and hold up are you literally trapped inside this room yeah I changed sizes when I was inside of it oh no wait let me see if I can carry you I can't even carry you someone bigger has to carry you and Heather you my little bro for real for real what's goody HS I am not your little bro are you serious but girls seriously lock in right now we have to find crystal cuz guess who got caught I don't even think you're going to believe this Roxy got caught yeah your boyfriend he got caught mhm mhm mhm how is that even possible he's such a try hard yeah seriously I have no idea but he somehow managed to get caught it's cuz he was super big and jumping and then he shru and Alexa boomed him last second oh gosh that means we have to save Crystal she's definitely in trouble yeah seriously and wait to get you out ly come over here and try and grab Lily cuz you are a little bit bigger than are you stuck in the never mind bro was just that strong okay Lily try and get out go to this door over here that should be where L is L where oh he's right over here come on sh shove your butt in there Lily shove your butt in there I'm trying get out L can you reach your reach inside reach inside what are these sound what Heather what are these sound effects got it what what there's no what oh W ly all right Heather Mission find and save crystal is a go have you guys even seen her over here in this room I last saw her downstairs next to the TV nope she's been hiding away from everyone this whole time oh no all right L come on bro lock in and hold up hold up hold up guys I think I see a red boy right over there is that Roxy dancing where are they what am I even looking at oh no oh my gosh Roxy's so silly L you're just saying that cuz you have a crash right we have to go around so Roxy doesn't spot us sh sh everyone into the crib over here ly into the crib before he spots you I'm going to take a this nap here this is going to be good what is bro doing somehow manag to get around him go go go just dip just dip just just he doesn't see us come on come on let's go let's go let's go be lowy about it Roxy you're not that guy pal I'm coming full speed what is bro even saying I think you woke him up my boy oh no he's on the right dip my boy dip I'm dipping right now Crystal where is you at Crystal hello oh gosh bab babes babes I hear Crystal saying oh Roxy's right here okay I'm out I'm out Roxy leave me alone bro oh no ly I'm on the run with it right now bro it might be bro it's case for me dude it's case for me I might be over where where even am I look I'm likeing a toy plays set right now I'm in the king's area whoa wait I just got a full set of armor hold on hold on this is drift I'm in the Buzz Lightyear area okay I got a full set of armor on Yo okay I'm going through the maze I'm still on the chase what oh no Roxy please leave me alone just no to tag me bro we this is like a maze this is cool I just got stuck in a cobweb Roxy you should drop in the cobwebs they give you a bunch of monies how do I all right I got this way uh this is so hard H this is make my brain hurt yes oh l i Escape before Roxy can fire me he's right over there okay I'm going don't pick up the no over here oh no ly it's case for your boyy it's case for your boy ly take me set me up please please I got you my boy oh go ly oh my gosh this actually clutch it's actually clutch go go go go my head bro go to the bookshelves up over there the book the book The B the basement what the what there's a basement with it wow what interation where are we ly I just got huge bro oh no Loki looks like the tables have turned a little bro wait a minute Lily are you okay no Roxy don't do it no NOS I'm cutting for you oh no ly that means it's just me you Crystal and Heather alive Roxy Alexa and Lily are in and there's lava parkour wait ly I'm so big I could just hit one of these yo oh that was a close one dude wait are you just going around bro you're so tiny that's genius dude W you using your size to your advantage wait let me hop over here and wao this basement is crazy Crystal might be over here Crystal are you somewhere in the basement reveal your location babes it's a secret oh my gosh she doesn't want to tell us her location cuz what if we get it ly she doesn't want the tagers to know is that why Crystal yes bab that's why I'm not revealing it to anyone oh no all right luky come on we got to go in what the what and oh gosh ly oh Luke ow ow okay Luke this is not a position we want to there's mobs wait there's a chest though are you serious dude there's no weapons there's no weapons L there's no weapons what do we do oh there's creepies wait I'm going to use the creepers to blow up all the mobs ly oh my gosh ly ready for this 3 2 1 bow it's actually working it's actually strong mobs come to us bow okay ly I weaken them up come on let's fight them out they're lagging me so much bro they're lagging me so much I'm hiding wait there's a creeper over here Mr creep oh my God okay we got all these boys and dude there is so many mobs spawning we have to lock in how you doing down there HS bro there is arrows all over my booty bro I'm not even capping right now but okay we have to find a w spawn dude I think I found one we got to get all the way up over here and since I'm giant this should be easy pickings I can literally just hop over and make it jump all right did I just get slightly smaller did you see that dude oh my actually troll oh my wait let me see if I'm still big enough okay ly you in my toes right now with it and dude I make it okay now I'm about to go all the way over here with it and wait L let me grab you again cuz there's no way you can make this jump my boy what you mean bro I'm a parkour go oh no but wa nice we made it and wao there's a little sheepy boy uh Crystal are you somewhere down around here next to the sheepy boy I'll never tell and Luke why is there dispenser behind the shibi and bro's pooping out golden carrots e they're kind of tasty bro just pooped out a booger oh no and wait he could also poop out some skeleton skulls ain't no way come on LY follow me this way my boy oh Nots but there's some serious jumps don't worry lcas pus I got you yeah yeah oh yeah okay oh made it all the way here okay now we can either go on the lamp post or we could go back over here with it oh gosh ly n these jumps are actually devious chill okay we made it bro we made it oh no we're going around with it easy okay over here over here over here and okay we made it all the way down we're super duper hidden I'm in the basement guys and I have a feeling the boys are nearby oh no ly Alexa's here dude did you hear that where is she at though oh no this might get real serious oh is she next to the boxes no I don't see her Alexa are you downstairs yes I'm in the basement where are you uh oh look she next to the boxes go back oh no um Alexa we're not over here dude so you could just like go up you could go upstairs you can go upstairs why is there explosions over here what happened uh must have been uh Roxie or lily not the boys you right ly that's a good lie Alexa it was us sh L bro are you crazy I I was just fell I'm giant bro you got crazy recoil oh no bro I got to shrink please game let me shrink let me shrink come on Luke I'm going to get the luck right now I'm about to shrink totally right yeah you got this all you all dude Luke turned around I just became giant bro oh no you probably go flying if I punch you stop it l okay oh no really okay wait I actually do go flying wait do it again do it again I want to test that out come over here oh look oh my oh gosh L this is not good did I just hear a farty butt fall oh no ly oh ly I think she sees you she sees you ly I see you she's coming for you ly no you're not getting ly Alexa oh she's coming she's coming she I can't I'm coming over the side oh God what what do i l what do I do what do I do can I just walk over J wait I can literally just walk over The Lava I could literally just walk over The Lava I'm that big Alexa would you go oh gosh wait she's actually C wait she fell in the lava n boo boo Alexa you are poo poo now you stink you're not that guy you're never look she's catching up oh gosh we got the dip we got dip we got dip go go on the boxes L I'm spinning the block I'm spinning the block we can't get caught now we're doing so good I know right see you later Alexa my jump boost and size is insane yes sir Y and we made it let's go okay Lily they're going upstairs hey so Heather where you at are you in the living room anywhere we're at the couch right now I'm next to a picture frame you're never going to find me what a picture frame huh ly do you see what she's talking about she said she's next to a picture frame hm a picture frame where could I didn't notice any picture frames I just see some books a plant a big giant poster a window wait I see a flower Heather are you sure you're not next to a flower nope I'm next to a picture like I said wait do you see me I'm this big skeleton golden dude wait let me take this off cuz it makes me St out so much wait you see me okay am I hot or am I cold right now very cold very cold okay what about now am I hot or am I cold right now uh you're getting colder colder L I'm not finding her wait let me pick you up so you can zoom with me okay I got you my boy okay what about now what about now we're going this way we're getting hotter huh hotter okay what about now uh am I hot or cold what about now cold cold cold what okay what about now hot hot hot okay what about here what about here Heather are we close very hot ly is she like hidden in the side or something I see a hidden area but I don't fit wait are you up when I jump am I getting hotter or colder hotter Luke she must be upwards we got to get up to her oh okay ow okay the parkour is seriously difficult oh look I I can't make it I can't make it bro we might be washed we might be cooked my boy we might be cooked bro don't troll I'm not trolling it's just so hard to do these jumps bro okay okay I got so hea how did you get up over here because I'm the parkour Queen oh my gosh okay wait L I think I found a method maybe we could jump from over here up into this corner block up over here like that then up over here like this and waa L I'm putting you in the door area you're stuck you're stuck oh no oh no bro are you for real for real wait can you try and Escape try and Escape that without jumping I want to see you get troll by The Doors is it this way this it that way oh no okay drop it to my arms drop it to my arms all right Heather are we getting hotter or colder right now if I go this way you're getting colder okay picture I see hi Heather hello we see you next to the picture frame all right let's link up my boy I'm parkouring oh barely made it and then no this is a crazy spot Heather you're a W for finding this yep tell me about it no one's caught me so far yes sir at the big blue ohms is totally not going to reveal our location Roxy Alexa I see them they're up there in the picture frame what uh Lily where are you oh no Luke we may have a problem Lily sees us Lily sees us Lily sees us but luckily I'm super big so we can travel really fast yes sir you being big is such a clutch moment uh what well at least you guys are still small and you guys aren't medium siiz being medium sucks right yes sir oh no all right you okay well at least we still have Heather Heather you could probably pick us up and you can go super duper fast since you're so tiny right yes sir okay well we're all normal sized and I think Lily knows our location Lily um where are you right now uh you're far away oh no I see her lurking yeah stay back over there stay back over there I'm just making my way to you guys no worries oh no Luke add we got to go ether I'm carrying you on my back cuz I know you're not that guy at parkour okay fine we have to go let's go go at okay L make the beans sock jump oh no oh gosh goshka okay we're going crazy with it oh Lily you're never catching us we're super far away you guys really should get back over here we're not getting over there Lily and where is Lily even oh no she's at the PC ly wait is she able to do the park oh no oh dude she's doing it perfectly dude she's doing it perfectly this parkour is easy pickings you guys are going to be mine in no time oh no okay everyone for themselves sorry Heather I'm dipping I'm dipping I'm dipping hey you can't let me go hubby what do not call me that oh gosh we need to find a spot to hide in wait over there is our spot if we hide behind that sheep luky no one's ever going to find us there no bro that is some Next Level stuff uh did you just fall ly ohar this is not good guess what Heather it's me Lily tager oh Heather's I'm out Heather I'm out I'm sorry I'm out oh he going to be mine now no no no no Heather stay back stay back oh gosh oh gosh l ly we're actually cooked right now it's just me and you and Crystal and Crystal where are you reveal your location babes only if you come and give me a smooch okay I'll give you a smooch now but no I'm not doing that but are you in the vents over here and no you're not in the vents oh he leave me alone leave me alone no way you're going to get tagged and then you're going to lose and then you're going to be so sorry not happening and oh gosh luky Heather's on my butt right now bro Heather's on my butt are you making your way to the sheepy yes s Sky I'm running and oh gosh Heather's on my butt Heather's on my butt Heather's on my butt oh gosh I don't want her to leave straight here no I'm not and wait there's a little area I could Juke her out in whoa dude dude dude what the what is this ly I found a secret exit dude dude dude where am I going right now where am I going I'm in the vents with it Luke I'm in the vents with it get over here boy oh no but I might be toast dude oh gosh I got to zoom I got to zoom Heather just leave me leave me alone please nope I got you right where I want you dude I'm in the garage there's whip over here luky meet me in the garage right now and wait a minute Crystal are you next to a big blue thing by any chance maybe I think I finally found out where crystal is okay a parkour around a parkour around okay this is awesome oh I got to go I got to go and dude this car is sick this car is sick and Heather how are you still on my butt it's because I have to get you you think you're him I am him I am him and wait I'm about to Juke her out I'm going to crouch right over here okay okay okay Heather I'm running so fast super duper far away you're going to totally not catch me you have to go fast over here you think you could do parkour Better Than Me In Your Wildest Dream she just passed me oh my gosh let's go ly pull up to the car I think Chris's inside how are you so good at this parkour oh yeah yeah keep going Heather you got it keep going keep going bro I made it ly where you at bro where where you at oh ly dude you made it to the garage I barely juked out Heather but she kept going on that way and I have a feeling Crystal's inside the car we have to somehow make it to it you ready my boy we got to do a crazy jump yes sersi go for it my boy okay nah bro wait I think I know how we could do it we could do a Twan jump okay come to me ly let me grab your bosom now I got to throw you up ain't no way that just worked all right now grab me grab me grab me grab me grab me gra grab me you Ser I'm trying please grab you just you're trying to punch me just grab me ly grab there you go you clutch my boy okay perfect Heather you're never going to find us I I kept going that way so you have to keep going that way okay how are you so good at this parkour because we're just that guy pal we're just that oh she's right over there okay Loki uh I have no idea what to do over here maybe if I dude I can't get up there what do we do just call out for your girlfriend wait I think I see her Crystal I think I see your name tag are you inside the car babes are you in the garage uh maybe L we found her secret location and I found a way for us to get inside we could jump out the tire then jump around to the car wait wait actually no we could just skip that come over here luky I could grab you then I could yeah throw you up okay now grab me grab me grab me yes yes bada boom and then bada bing bada boom wait l h really dud really oh my gosh I could cheat I could cheat bro's hustling backwards bro's hustling backwards okay wait we can jump over here then we can jump over here and we on the top of the car and Crystal we see you what's up Babes I'm waiting for it waiting for what Crystal you're not getting anything what's goody we made it to the whip Luke pull up bro pull up this spot is crazy good and hold on hold on hold on where is Heather at Heather where are you at looking for your stinky butt oh no no no no not that direct eye contact uh what's up Heather here she made the jump okay Crystal um ra I'm sorry I may have revealed location we got to dip we got s dip we gotp we got I'll never forgive you for this oh sorry sorry sorry wait do we go down hold up ly there's a hiding spot inside the car bro pull up in here whoa for the whip with it what this is sick nasty awesome SAU and wait we have to make a little back Escape Plan cuz the only entrance is through over there and we need to make a hole over here nice thinking Crystal yes bab just in case it gets crazy yeah um Heather where you at bro where you at um we're totally still on top of the car we're not inside or anything I'm looking for you oh no I just heard someone take fall damage L quickly come down inside the car dude come down inside the car dude I'm trying to get inside of it but oh Heather's looking for you guys what oh no dude get ins oh my gosh this is nerve-wracking ly oh gosh me and Chris are at a hole right now but we're pretty safe oh look you made it w dude okay this is our hole that we made and honestly I don't think Heather's ever going to find this spot cuz it's super lowkey with it over here I found you guys what Heather you did okay Crystal that that hole is not good Crystal that hole oh gosh it's not good I did not expect that that was a plot twist look we're going through this side we're going through this side we're going through this side oh gosh oh oh what are you wait are you trying to pick me up yeah yeah yeah do that Crystal do that take me out from the top let's get out of here ow ow ow ow no okay ly uh Crystal we have to somehow save ly ly try and jump ly try and jump I got the bunnies yo oh bro oh no h ly uh oh no is Heather down there I'm St Krystal go down and save ly you have to right now you have to right now fine only because you're my bab's friend oh yes we made it all right boys get out of here see you later Heather I finally made it inside and what where did you guys go nowhere come on boys The Great Escape is happening let's get out of here and we have to jump back and ly the mission is still to get to the magical mystical Chief we shall name him sheepy boy o I love that name yes sir let's go to El sheepy boy we got to go through the vents see you later alligator and okay few I thought someone was going to be inside the events that would have been terrible let's go it's finally just you and me wait I have a special trick on my I'm taller than you and I'm faster than you and I'm going get you well Alexa am I going to go left or right am I go left or right am I going to left or right I'm trying toct you go left right and I'm going to go upow oh I'm out I'm out I'm out no no no f finesse finesse finesse finesse get over here you don't finesse me like that I feel embarrassed no it's case for you Alexa I'm out of these Waters bro and I'm going to El sheep let's do this and wait there's a way to Freedom hold up ly I just found another secret spot but first we got to meet up to El sheep don't go to the tunnel yet I'm going to try and distract Alexa okay I'm going to tag you you don't make fun of me I'm not making fun of you Alexa it's all good look did you hear the plan my boy yeah pulling up all right good good good now she's all out and Alexa I'm going to go to this cup over here okay look I'm going distract her this way you go to the sheep and then we meet up okay um Alexa over here Alexa oh gosh wait you're actually starting to catch up on me hey Alexa do you mind slowing down please do you mind slowing down yeah after I catch you butt face oh no hold up I got to stop this flow of water and fast okay block the water okay put a block over here then quickly get R another one over here Alexa just sorry about this but oh no she's right over here and Alexa for her not on my watch and oh no hey don't jump oh no no no no that's actually crazy yes yes so close leave me alone ly I'm cooked L I'm cooked it's over for you boy it's over for me oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I got to crouch oh she sees me I see you just keep running I'm trying to run right now bro are you making your way to El sheepy with Crystal yes s ski oh no bro this sacrifice better be worth it cuz Alexa is on my butt and wait wait wait I could lose her where I lost Roxy before inside the little plate area help we need to cut this boy off Okay shh got to be quiet oh no I can't did you inside uh inside where what are you talking about Alexa okay sh got to be super quiet are you hiding behind the cobwebs no ly I lost Alexa I lost Alexa dude where you at dude where you at I lost I lost her I lost her meet me at L sheepy right now my boy we could actually make it we could actually make it yes s SK I'm pulling up oh W and wait is Crystal with you yes she's right behind me all right W let's go to El shei and we have to find a way I say we got to go up the drawers over here then we can make it to the PC bro we made it finally behind you oh what's good guys all right we have to be lowkey about this cuz uh Alexa you're still on the couch right you're nowhere else yes that's what you'd like to think uh okay ly she sounds a little bit sus but all right come on let's jump on these books over here and we have to parkour around just like that like PR yes okay then up over here oh yes and then up over here then we have to make it up here okay Crystal you have to take turns first put ly up there then put me up there then you can go yourself okay yes boom thank you now my turn throw me up please there you go babes yes yo Crystal's coming in so clut Crystal you're the most important member of the team yes my turn not on my watch get over here girl Crystal L babes I I have to get you now what L just made you now everyone's Z bro oh no make it to sheepy make it tell sheepy right now what do we oh gosh we have to do the parkour ourselves jum oh my oh bro oh no it's case it's case bro it's jump around I'll grab you grab W grab okay go L go we have to make it sheep um ly I think it might be game over for us my boy how do we make that ginormous jump we have to get up really high wait a minute we can climb the sign over here follow me ly we making it bro we make it to L shei and we're winning the game you hear me you hear me no way babes yes we Luke I just did a crazy jump I jumped around okay Luke pull up over here I try no no don't care jump underneath this CL oh jump to this CL right here okay now just just make a jump just a jum got oh F nice job dude and oh sheep please right over there if we make it there dude we literally will be uncatchable okay H Luke how do we make that jump my boy look at that we just need a running head St was really going to go oh no dude are we cooked my boy are we cooked babes I see you you're all alone no gosh I think it's over I'm going to try the jump oh to El Shep we go done done no we're CED we're C oh bab L she's behind me L she's behind me L she's behind me L she's behind me what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do it's over it's over it's over it's over why we could parkour on the bookshelves hold up you're right dude okay okay oh oh gosh ow oh okay wait look these are some serious jumps my boy no these are crazy serious I'm going to have to do the throw method babes I got you Crystal no no no ly hurry up L hurry up we have to make a to sheepy come on crystal oh we give you a smooch if you don't get us yet I I'm not doing that Loki oh gosh oh what do we do Luke it's over it's literally over wait I think I found a method I found a method luk luk Luke we're breaking the block break the block break the block just cheating come here not cheating Alexa and oh no luky we're in like a crazy spot right now okay let's go over here my boy and we have to make it to aepi oh okay let's we're climbing just how we should okay and around and over up made it ly made it made it made it pull up pull up nice and then we can jump on the books over here and we're actually doing some crazy progress oh wait wait I have an idea ly I'mma place a block right up over here like that and then we go around just like this oh made a l over here dude over here pull up pull up pull up pull up I'm going to follow your parkour dude yeah it was crazy you go all the way around the bookshelf then you jump here and then you jump around no no no ly do not F this do not fold this we have to make it ain't no way bro just jump up like that drump up again ly please do not sorry are you going to eat me yeah sorry I got to look excited but ly look who's up here bro look who's up here it's l shebi boy I'm not up there yet though l ly please don't be a noob please don't be a noob see you poo I'm coming L hurry up bro Alexa sounding crazy Alexa you don't oh God she sees us L hurry up I get you I've been in for too long oh no ly come on bro come on bro come on bro you're the last one that needs to make it uh bro this is actually l l please just dude are you doing this on purpose the sword just just forward and back okay that that has to be dude there's no way dude you're doing it on purpose this is CRA which way are you serious right now luki it's not that hard oh my gosh bro Alexa is going to literally eat her butts Alexa is going to eat her butts just go brother man yes there's no way are you serious right now Chris are you just watching this bro is embarrassing I'm actually going to get him now okay L I'm to save you yo L are you serious right now dude wait wait ly come on make the jump make the make the jump one more one more go go go go she boy we go oh gosh chst com wait he just pooped out a book are you serious wait the sacred sheep b b be why is he just saying be are you serious right now oh secret passage what what do you mean oh secret passage are you Ser what is this dude who boogers look I'm stuck in the cobwebs wait let me see what this does in hey there's arrows there's arrows I got to F made it and what the what wait are we in the door area again dude dude they're going to have no idea we got here I know right everyone they're in the secret sheep come on let's go oh no even Lily knows about the secret sheep Luke if we're just lowkey about this we should be able to escape and we can get out home three and dude there's a way to beat the game you see the door over there we could go underneath it and easily Escape my boy are you being for real Z No Cap right over there dude there's a way underneath if we could just make it there undetected we should be good and everyone's distracted with the sacred sheep so let's just go lowkey with it let's go around over here then go over here pull up bro oh my gosh everyone you could Escape through the door I have to protect this you guys get them oh no Luke everyone's going to go for the secret sheep and Alexa's guarding the door are you serious right now oh noop what do we do look we just have to be lowkey about it follow me follow me let's let's go down over here un come on Roxy they're over here sh Heather and Roxy's right over there they have no idea come on trying to get us dude dude this is serious bro this is serious if Roxy even gets a smell of me we're toast let's go underneath and I see Alexa right over there all right let's go underneath the bed everyone else is at the books we just need to make a pack Alexa and we beat the game bro we beat the tiny versus Giants Y and I could be like front flip dab dab dab dab yes sir okay she's right over there but wait we're so tiny she can't even see us yes sir so we're basically invisible oh my god oh that's unlucky yeah what I am bigger than everything and oh no did Alexa see that oh NOS it's over for you come over here boy are you serious look she's coming for me what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do I'm going back in here wait I'm going distract Alexa you go to the door you go to the door okay Alexa come over here come over here over here you stinky bucka oh no okay Luke you know the plan right you know the plan sersi I'mma run as soon as she gets close to you and wait she's coming to me and I'm in the kitchen and the kitchen is all blue hold up I could hide inside the cabinets oh gosh wait where did you go stinky Bud oh my gosh hold up ly I just hid somewhere crazy bro I'm all the way in the top and O there's a cool Toy Story Banner but okay I'm super duper hidden I'm in the top corner I just need to wait to shrink and then I'm home free hold up is there a new kitchen room oh no she found it Roxy Heather Lily in this room is over here somewhere oh no this is no good my bab is over there I'm coming right away Alexa oh ly all of them are coming dude I'm toast I'm literally toast I'm literally toast oh that should give me a free Escape really dude did you just start to go or wait are they coming are they coming they're walking past me right now shh oh gosh this is not good this is not good what do I do and oh wait I just Shunk okay I just Shunk oh my gosh I just Shunk I just Shunk I just Shunk I just Shunk okay okay I'm really tiny right now all I have to do is escape where is a Alexa she's at the fridge oh no oh no oh this is bad guys I'm doing the parkour so good I'm going to catch him n Alexa do you know where I am right now you're never going to f oh gosh just just blend in with the blue blend in with the blue she doesn't see me she doesn't see me yes just cuz you're blue doesn't mean you hide well where are you you're never going to find me Alexa just just admit it so I could just run out of the room and I can beat the game and me and L are home free my boy yeah but once you pass me you're going to run into the squad yeah yeah yeah not happening I see you no you don't you don't see me oh gosh oh I made too much noise oh no no no I'm surrounded by gray I'm surrounded by gray I need to go to Blue anyway Alexa are you coming for me right now oh no I got to run I got to run I got to run oh gosh I'm jumping on all the kitchen stuff through the sing Oh gosh oh gosh oh no wait I actually might be suck Alexa I actually might be stuck I got to go back no no no stay down oh no no no no l it's over for me bro it's over for me it's over for me it's over for me come on HS out run Alexa I don't think it's possible bro the parkour here is really hard oh she's actually catching oh I'm on the toas I'm on the oven I'm on the oven wa for all the silly pranks all the silly stuff all the sticky farts I don't even far that's just how I smell normally another secret sheep and I got to make the parkour I'm clutch with it and if I could get her stuck over here I'll actually be home free Alexa over here over here and who do you think is joking I'm going inside the maze with too big I can't get through this oh and wait are you stuck in the cobwebs yes and I'm big now yes wait wait hold up dude let me out oh no I'm stuck to Alexa backup see lat alligator I'm home for y no guys he's running out the kitchen L I made it are you waiting at the door for me yesi I'm holding it open ladies first bro really do not funny at all but see you later alligator Alex has you up over there and there's nobody that can stop me yes sir bab I'm sorry about this but you're not getting past me wait what uh where are you CH oh my gosh oh no need to fight babes get back here I'm fighting cuz I'm that guy and hold up B oh P blocks P block oh I missed oh CH oh you ATT me me me Striking Distance no no no I'm not no I'm not oh gosh ly might bek for my boy are you still waiting for me tell me you're waiting for me tell me you're waiting for me please come on dude they could find me oh gosh Crystal back up I got an egg I got an egg wait let me time this perfectly Crystal I would have jum if I was you I would face LC l l i just act her I just act her I just act her I just act her I just act her she's still there oh no we're home free baby not on my watch buddy okay what are you guys like coming in like at different why are you doing this Heather and wait oh you're really big so that means you're really fast look I'm grabbing you go go go go go get over here ohy what are you going to dother oh what are you going to dother you're not going to get us what are you going to do are we here are we oh God I can't anything L go L go L go we're so close no no no we're not going to make it we're not going to make it we're not going to make it we're not going to make it oh positive words we're going to make it we're going to make it over here oh L I'm throw you time grab me L grab me quickly grab me I got you wait did we actually just make it let's go Heather sorry but me and ly did it we beat the game yeah cuz we're big dogs yes sir but wait wait actually wait time out everyone there's a really cool thing I wanted to see I'm going creative I saw when I was like hiding there was a ginormous ginormous awesome photo thingy mingy let's go check it out yes our SK it was somewhere like over here over here y there's pixel art everywhere all right this is pretty awesome Right girls yes it's actually super sweet look WAOW oh my gosh people must have been fans of this show and made it I wish people were fans of us and they could make us like custom Minecraft maps and and send it to me on like Instagram or Twitter that would be very very appreciated SS is cool on all social medias who are you talking to bro nothing nothing nothing but but I I I want to play custom maps that's made for us dude look at that that could be us bro someone can make us a map the fence better make me pretty what Alexa they're making the map based on SS not based on Alexa this is so awesome and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 661,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, maze build, noob vs pro, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, kory, omz, mia, maizen, TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft Prop Hunt
Id: pznMeMKDwQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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