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[Music] so you really think this is a bad idea i think so man but i mean if if you want to go through with it i'll be there one of them disappeared upon siding the cabin and that's what the other two people are saying so apparently once you get close to the cabin you just don't make it there's something inside oh jesus what is that [Music] look at his eyes look at his eyes [Music] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] you're kidding right there's no way we could go back i'm not kidding this is something i think we we need to do bro we barely made it out last time i barely made it out last time remember what happened to me i know nick i know you didn't have the best time when we went we all got lost we somehow magically found a cabin and this time we need to go back let me just explain why all right so i have the map popped up here if you remember there was a certain path that we took when we left the cabin yeah the morning after we took a path and we ended up by this person's house and they ended up helping us leave and all that finding our car so i looked back on the map yeah to see where that was and i realized something that wasn't good what was it the slenderman forest is now part of a new national park a national park a national park people hiking camping you can reserve things the cabin is now open for people to visit and people are just walking around and and this forest in slender man's force is a new national park like why would they do that do they know that they don't there's an article that i want you to read the title reads 50 hikers missing the summer in new national park a new national park has recently opened only three months ago and so far 50 people have disappeared and nobody knows why dude that like why would they open this place as a national of all places but like think about it man nobody knows that slender man is like actually like there like oh slenderman's forest like but is it actually like real most people will be like no yeah i guess that soul is just so unlucky we have so much force in canada and they just landed on this lawn yeah three months ago a new national park was open to the public and since then dozens of campers and hikers have disappeared without a trace search and rescue teams have said that they've never had so many disappear in such a short period of time the chief of sar operations assures us that they have been working extra long hours every day to try and find the missing hikers but says nothing is working so they haven't found like any traces of these hikers whatsoever no footprints no signs of life like literally like no campfires nothing these people are just gone 50 individuals have disappeared and somehow none of them have left behind any trace of their whereabouts something tells me we're dealing with something different this can't all just be coincidence and that's the chief of search and rescue oh saying that absolute like so crazy this is a tragedy man just last month a father and mother of five kids woke up from a long night of camping all to find none of their kids in their tents to this day none of them have been found the local sheriff has advised anyone visiting the park to avoid staying there overnight until they can explain these disappearances we have reached out to the park officials for any response in the matter however we have not heard anything back so far for more information on these disappearances and more local news follow us on our social media and sign up for our newsletters okay no one's signing up for that but this is bad like they and nobody knows why did you did you try contacting them like we know why right we know why we know slenderman's there we've been there we've seen him and yes i've contacted them multiple times on the phone i'm trying to explain to them that there's this thing there's this tall dude just taking people away and they're just they just think i'm literally some like psycho oh there's a dude seven feet tall eight feet tall in the forest taking all these people without a trace like the only thing and why i'm saying we should go back is they said if i could find any sort of proof that these stories of slender man exist then they would consider shutting down the park so we have to go back to prove slender man exists so that people don't continue going to this park yeah okay well like i'm down obviously i feel like i have a moral obligation to like help these people but i don't know how you're gonna convince the others we can surely try all right guys we are here i have gathered everyone in my bedroom here we have it's demorgan what's up guys and we have good old shira crenshaw i've gathered everyone here today for something very special i and nick have discussed something that we want to do um that could be very very dangerous and potentially risk everything and i know i've asked you this before mike about two years ago can you remember what that would have been that you refused to do you're gonna have to jog give me a hint he's very tall oh and he lives in the woods oh yeah we've been down this road before i don't know why you would even ask me again it's uh it's a hard no for me i will say i like my life a hard no you don't think you could do it this time he's just not a guy that you want to mess with who are we talking about shower we're talking about the slender man and we're talking about going back to slenderman forest going back well i've never been so can you give me a little bit more detail on that you're saying it's dangerous like you're not really selling me on this story so in the past three months 50 people have gone missing because the forest is now a national park 50 50 people in three months five zero 50 people have gone missing three months national park they've opened it and they don't know why but we do and you want us to go in that force where five zero people have gone missing huh i've called them i've tried to explain to them the situation i told them there's a man there a tall figure white in the face no eyes no facial features he's dressing as soon as kidnapping all these people two parents went there with five of their kids all their kids went missing but you expect them to believe that i would you believe i wouldn't believe it and that's why i'm saying we need to go back because i said if we find proof that slenderman lives here which we know he does me and nick have seen it we've been there they will consider shutting down the park so you want to be a hero you want us all to be heroes right we have we literally have an obligation to go here get evidence of slender man and shut down this thing because people are are disappearing we need to stop this okay well i will say the one thing that makes me hopeful is that you guys went there you said right we've we've been there and it is not but you're here and we are here mike how many adventures have we been on like eight zero team shire this will be shira's first time experiencing such things so i understand if you say no but mike come on man i have to say that i'm probably if you do it i'm not oh gonna decline i'll do it i'm in sure you said you're coming too i'll do it if he goes but you actually have to go yeah we're going okay well i've already talked to jesse he said he was down we could go in about a couple days prepare for a nice long hike because we're trying to find slenderman's cabin [Music] now [Music] okay good morning guys it is currently 5 38 in the morning as you can see it is still dark outside we do have to leave early today because we want to get to slender man's cabin before it gets dark so we need to drive there it takes about eight hours to get there and then there's a long hike to get to the cabin so hopefully we get there on time i'm planning to leave for about six i have everything packed all we need to do is get everybody up get everyone ready and then we go to jesse's house pick him up and then we're on to the cabin so the next time you will be seeing me will be in the car so i will see you guys there [Music] [Applause] so we have arrived at the old parking lot it looks much different than you guys would probably remember it really does it's like overgrown like crazy so this is the path that we took back home so this is not the same parking lot that we got to the slender man's cabin if i remember correctly it should be behind that shed somewhere it's so unrecognizable but i mean we're here i guess hopefully we don't run into slenderman right away because i do want to get to the cabin before we do get into any of the creepy stuff how's everyone feeling exciting we've never been here right so this is like a cool first experience you know it looks like a nice yeah so cool man terrifying place to have my last days on earth yeah so cool so fun it's exciting it's exciting adventure this is shira's first adventure hopefully she doesn't run off again like normally mike does onwards and onwards there's a path somewhere does someone live in that house uh i don't know that house looks abandoned there's this abandoned shed here um it doesn't really look like anyone lives here so i hope nobody lives here honestly i was gonna say why would anyone wanna live here yeah next to jesse all those missing hikers yeah oh what if they're all here should we like knock on the door having a party d it's a hiker's party yeah do not enter my forest does anyone know the password to get fired i do hold up okay what's it gonna be how the hell do you know man see i got you bro i'm saying it right man it just ain't right i always get the password right damn this is definitely overgrown not a a normal path no i would be very scared of slender man but my biggest fears are snakes and i was just about to say around here there might be a lot of snakes there's going to be some snakes here less scary than snakes yes really all right guys we are going to be watching the snake movie at 3 a.m no i'm okay i don't want to do that please i'm choosing here oh my god it is hot it is hot i can't wait to be under the trees and the shade right there okay yeah this looks like like the entrance to the actual forest feel like we're going into a jungle right now actually though before oh i have a machete in one of the bags [Applause] oh jesse no it's my machete okay so we have a little berry here and according to nick our nature expert this isn't poisonous nope and it is a raspberry a little little raspberry eat it bottoms up so according to nick i could eat this and i won't die so if shower dies the unknown causes we'll know why oh no damn what i thought you were gonna eat it it's your first adventure come on yeah come on you have to eat we all did it right we all ate a random wild wrath yeah you did it right nick [Music] i feel bamboozled and like tricked i think it's just a raspberry how is it it's pretty good actually you should try one yeah let's go oh yeah you gotta come see this okay oh it looks like something cracked it in half and i don't see like the other half of it but if i'm not dreaming pretty sure that says keep out what the inside [Music] that is creepy is it written like the whole sign is broken look it looks like it gone all the way up but it just snapped in half it kind of looks like blood is it you know what or am i just like tripping i'm pretty sure it's fresh look at it look look at it from this angle it's literally wet touch it don't touch it is it uh no it's kind of dry it's like drying i mean yeah look look at the color right blood usually gets that way what the hell when it starts to dry and coagulate right but it's definitely not super old that's weird i don't know about you mike but you want to go yeah all right let's get out of here see you guys later okay bye see you next time all right for the adventure let's go what are those things up there yeah i was actually wondering that maybe it's like a location x marks the spot oh telling us that we're on the right path oh yeah spooky but i mean i don't remember that being here yeah i definitely don't remember anything like that either so you guys are coming it says keep out though yeah like it says keep out which is an old latin saying it means keep out before you die out nice we got our language expert here as well yeah he's also a member of the virgins it just says virgin mobile yeah second job youtube's not cutting it maybe if you post it every once in a while okay into the forest of dreams or whatever i shouldn't be saying anything though oh so like we've said before this is now a national park with trails and stuff so you'll probably see a bunch of these and according to the map all we need to do is follow the number 72. wait is that just a bird it sounds like it's like literally moving trees that was weird it's like some weird chirping yeah that was weird sounded like it's like echoing in there i think it was an ostrich maybe bro ostriches are huge i went to the zoo man those things are taller than nick yeah it's weird that's why the trees are moving is this ostrich forest well i'd be scared of an ostrich the ostrich trail ostrich trail ostrich forest new series all right so we're gonna continue down this path it's supposed to go along some water and then we should be there so fingers crossed no slenderman until then [Music] what was that i don't know it was like a howl that was really loud that was close very like that's freaking creepy right very creepy not really let's just cross sketchy bridge you see anything on the path i don't see anything dude there's something else here let's say uh okay guys so we just heard like some kind of like animal squealing or howling really really loud nick unfortunately wasn't filming so we had to turn the camera back on but should we go towards that ah i don't know about that one man what do you guys think it doesn't sound like a good idea yeah i would say i mean it can't be that bad right it's just like an animal like an animal maybe it's like there's no way we're this early on i'm gonna actually encounter him like well we don't know right i feel like it's better to be safe especially when we're this far into the middle of nowhere yeah i mean it could be like okay that okay that's creepy i don't know if we want to keep going down there dude i think we should just avoid that completely let's just check the map real quick so this path takes us to the lake okay and around so there is the option sounds like nobody wants to go jessie thinks we should go what about you nick i think we should avoid him okay let's let's do do you think that has anything to do with slenderman um i mean i think it could either be two options either is another hiker lost who might have just been attacked possibly by slenderman or it could be like a bait or something you know like whenever we're in these creepy forests we always hear these weird noises right all the time it could be them or whatever like it could be like slenderman trying to lure us in dude things got a lot more real like really fast yeah we've just been walking for 10 minutes guys cabin's still quite a ways away i just want to get to the cab and get all our stuff inside and then we could start exploring hopefully whoever that was they are okay and we make it out alive as well holy moly bro look at this this is it man so if we're looking at the map the cabin should be past that island somewhere over there so we just gotta go like around yeah right now we're walking around across the lake and then we should be there but uh let's catch up with the others okay yeah so uh what do you think about leaving i'm not uh going towards the yell man uh it's a little weird you know you hear like a person screaming and you don't like think to help them like i get it like slenderman could be around but hey man we're five people like we're here trying to protect people from him you know hopefully it wasn't uh anything like serious and yeah i have a feeling we're gonna have our fair share of uh encounters with it's also a chance that it's like echoed far deep in the forest and it's like it sounded like it's close but it could be really far away and like what are the chances we even like end up finding the person right like could have been off trails yeah true anyways um yeah i just want to see uh yeah how you're feeling about it let's catch up with the others sounds good oh it is freaking hot dude i love the shade though in case you guys are wondering i fought off a bear yeah you see that right there i want to climb a tree guys he fell please bro oh look hey what is this a campground i don't know man just stumbled across the campground yeah literally stumbled physically stumbled upon this it must be swimming or something right hello see somebody have to hello stock interesting people just like leave their stuff here nobody i mean they could be out like doing activities and stuff this is uh you don't know i got some real walking sticks now there you go dude rather not yours you don't just take someone's stuff what if they come back they ain't here they just let them they knew we were coming this is actually kind of weird though like they're tense not yeah that is a little weird their walking sticks are here so they're like the bag is a little strange because who leaves their bags behind you you know what you kind of bring it even weirder it's like they randomly is that the fire was lit at one point and usually you would set up your tent first before starting the fire but the tent is not uh not set up um well i was peeping there's a little uh the phone oh there we go we could just uh figure out who these people are um or missed calls voicemail okay an important person maybe it's the president's phone or something okay [Music] before we that performance calls from an ashley like recently four minutes ago oh that's like super recent oh there's a few photos here of the forest i think that's a creepy creepy tree there's not any trees here that's what i would have said but you said there was a voicemail it says drums yeah well that's like a bit personal don't you think like what do you mean what is this into a verse look what is this if we listen to voicemail we might be able to figure out who these people are we could return their stuff okay i was just trying to be a good person let's listen to it i'm very curious to see like who's calling this person okay hey sarah ashley um currently i think i am lost i can't find the path that we were on before and i am currently hearing these strange noises in the woods and i'm hoping that that is you but there is obviously no way to confirm so can you please give me a call back i'm getting quite worried um so hopefully i will use it okay okay yeah there's a loss in the woods hearing noises yeah that's like i mean it's broad daylight right he's lost she's lost in the woods but it's like could be worse you know i don't know that's a little worrying right was there more because i feel like she called a bunch of times so maybe two more it says okay play the rest hey sarah i know you can hear this right now but please pick up and give me a call back right now i'm still lost in the forest and i see someone or something looking at me and it won't leave me alone so if you can someone or something watching okay that's a way more weird yeah something that was literally four minutes ago was the last one so the most recent one right now i saw him oh my god [Music] dude what a man in a suit it has to be slenderman right that was real it sounded exactly like the scream we just heard right okay that was weird that was really weird so is it safe to assume that whoever's this stuff belongs to is gone too i don't know i would imagine so right like all the stuff check it out i think there were voicemails missed calls this phone wasn't touched since the yell yes so sarah her name was i think it's ashley was saying that the she was calling someone called sarah right um she probably heard the yell and probably went to look for her because that was close like that was right we were right around the corner i don't know i think maybe sarah disappeared first because why would she not have her phone with her right um maybe all of her stuff is here yeah all of the stuff is here you can assume that because the phone was with the bag that was just left here that makes sense yeah i don't know she leave her phone in her bag and everything here she didn't get to set up her tent she probably went missing first and then her friend ashley couldn't find her or was on her way here yeah and that would mean it's ashley's scream that we heard that was definitely ashley's scream yeah i think yeah cuz that so what do we do there's no way we go back what do you mean that was four minutes ago yeah that was like right so like right up there yeah i think the the scream is still ahead of us we can cut back in and actually like quick things just go and check see if anything's there because that's what i want to do earlier um sure let's go up the hill see if any of these people are there hopefully they're okay and hopefully we can offer like some sort of help oh wow look at this we got some stairs yeah i might say this is at least like ten thousand years old ten thousand yeah some old tribe used to live here uh they used to worship slenderman create these concrete actually uh with the help of a slender man technology awesome yeah it used to be super advanced something happened the fall obviously everyone knows about yeah yeah atlantis came by thought it was the great flood you know what the water know what we're talking about should probably check your facts we should probably go see if that person's okay yeah i don't know about you but i still think it's kind of weird that you took the walking stick there's only one guys i know what is that it's not like a note down when you're walking but it looks like a paper scraper it says something says [Music] sarah go to cabin oh well that's weird um oh my god what the hell dude this symbol is like popping up everywhere isn't that the same one from earlier on that sign yeah like really similar why is it on the back of this paper i do actually sign this that's a really freaking weird man i'm uh i'm a little freaked out are they talking about the same cabin we're going to i there can't be hopeful there's not many cabins out here surely right i not on the map but i'm guessing this is the same one the cabin is hiker's outpost so technically everyone goes there yeah everyone knows it's weird that like she didn't make it that past the campsite that was there so like they were like this close to each other and they didn't know where they were it's just a little weird you think she put it up do you see that let me get a better view it's literally gone what that is freaky like really really concerning i mean it doesn't really matter even if it was an animal or whatever let's just go up the top and just see what all those screams were okay yeah we need to focus on finding these people give me this let's go i'll take this with us just in case yeah that is creepy very nice hopefully we don't see any more of those hopefully so we're pulling up to where the yell should have been should we say something like call out honestly an idea they might be near give them the thing or lose ashley sarah something okay dude there's something uh buggy with the camera what do you mean every time you look here it's fine but when you go this way see this nothing's happening it was literally like just yeah that was weird you saw two yeah it was like some sort of glitch i don't know yeah it's like a weird like it's not doing it now it must have just been like the camera bro something moving somebody there ashley anyone sarah that's really weird man that is very okay well which way we going i mean what do we do this way is the cabin so i say we just keep on the path and hopefully we run into uh sarah or ashley get some answers because yeah this is getting really really weird barry knows what happened if i do parkour yeah jesse slipped and fell on a rock yeah no i didn't it was a tree and then i fell off the tree onto a rock whose blood is that on your arm [Laughter] something doesn't want us to go through here oh [ __ ] this is so cool holy what could have caused this we're going to narnia out here jurassic park oh my god we're on isla sorna island look at these ferns you know what could have broken that tree what bigfoot oh my god dude remember the broken trees all the broken trees holy snap the next title your video is going to be uh slenderman versus bigfoot the final showdown king of the force graph makes him hype my biggest collab dude you guys should film a video together that's a good idea wow all the way up knocking on your door you want to film a video like everyone's asking for it it's really shady the sun's uh starting to set michelle it's almost really slim too get it no slim shady oh oh i didn't get it either i was like what a slim shady some shady you're gonna have to like rewind in black and white to recap the joke it's really slim too oh slim and shady i get it last time i was here in the slender man's forest with michelle filming his series i was wearing this t-shirt new t-shirt and it was really like rough like the texture of it wasn't like smooth at all and we did this hike and by the end of it the friction of it was like rubbing against my nipples so much that they're all like red and stingy and for the last next three days if i ever took a shower it would like physically physically hurt so i dressed a little more appropriate you know nice smooth shirt i'm making sure no no bleeding nipples today oh well enough bleeding nipples we are back on the path oh we made it we just got a checkpoint keep pushing forwards get to this cabin it's okay if i put that in the video right no that was just between you and me oh i the camera was for show i that was you know confidentiality and stuff okay yeah but i was barely listening yeah nice mike you're doing great you're such a monkey mic we're close 400 meters 400 meters 400 meters that way yeah okay don't look like 400 meters nope i don't see anything any uh glitches on the camera again nick or are you still seeing things oh well i wasn't recording so i wouldn't know but i wasn't seeing things yeah recognize this yes i do this is uh the path that leads right to the cabin just like last time yup so right here if we're going based on our knowledge it should be on the left or the right oh i think the left right yeah yeah boom see you got it oh man okay here it is so keep in mind guys wait this is a slenderman hot spot right so stick together yeah yeah please okay it's so weird yeah i truly never thought i'd be back here again let's see what is different this time around it's been like two years something like that right a year and a half too bro i barely even remember the morning too because i remember waking up and we're like i just want to go home right having to hike all the way back so bad wow this is it we're here this is pretty nice for a random cabin in the middle of the woods yep in the middle of these woods yeah um watch your step oh wait [Music] that's creepy it just bubbled up that's that's recent very very reason that is concerning is somebody here hello i don't care we definitely have to be like super careful oh there's more look here there oh here too there's somebody inside oh my god should we be following this well ashley or sarah are supposed to be here i don't see anyone though someone was here yeah um does anyone want to move this uh no i'm good you'd like use this thing jesse the engineer hello nobody in here there's another handle hold up oh my god that's even more look at this hey if we find somebody here they're definitely injured so we need to be ready to apply like first aid and i have a med kit so you do if we do find them good get this open go oh they changed it dude this place is different dude there's no more beds there's like a huge wall here like 16 different beds [Music] [Music] what do you mean there's somebody right there right there sarah ashley was it was it a person or was it look like a person like someone like running like hello which way do they go this way yeah there's blood all along the sides that's not good that's really really not good well they literally like ran off this way there's an opening here hello this is all marshland nobody uh could have ran through this i mean who thought a place so beautiful could be so terrifying this is very very strange see anything jessie no nothing okay should we go back maybe i'm gonna just like sing but like there is blood on the wall yeah maybe somebody had to leave that right so much more yeah there's blood here and there's a few more holy somebody there hello you heard that too right i heard branches like like hitting yeah did anyone leave their stuff inside no no look what i can't can you see that nick it's like stuff oh there's a little stuffed table you can see it right there that stuff right there no one left their stuff inside no no but we left right away lots of blood what yeah where oh man i was literally one of the same thing like we haven't talked to it but this has to be like ashley's or sarah's blood like right yeah like it's not good whoever is it is all over the place oh no and there's a lot of it holy [ __ ] that can't be good anyone recognize this oh that's part of the second camp yeah the tent so ashley and sarah have been here or ashley or sarah has just the bag is there anything else like in it like oh my god what does sarah run ash and there's blood all over jesus what the hell happened here ew oh my god sh what it's the snow you're seeing this everywhere is this is this like slenderman's barking because i feel like it was at the beginning of the forest it's on the tree with the freaking face look at it the circle and it's blocking out the ice sunrise i think that's what it is dude that is creepy so then what happened to ash and sarah well it says this paper was made by ash i don't know why ashley would write this but she's telling sarah to live maybe we should run what do you think because i don't know about that let's just pack up and down i don't know man like we should like stay and like maybe like try to find them like what if i saw someone outside like what even ashley is telling sarah to run why don't you think that we why would we stay what if sarah's like hasn't come here yet and she's still out there well she probably hasn't because ash rent left the snow for her so if she came here she would have seen the noted ren right so she maybe she's still out there plus we came here to find slenderman didn't we and capture footage of him we have like an obligation to save other people who want to hike here you know i feel like we should stay and stick this through he has a point we just need the proof that's all we need right yeah we have to do anything heroic we just need to capture footage of him and then we could show it to someone and we could actually save lives all right guys so it's been about an hour-ish i figured out a plan on how we're going to get footage of the slender man and i've made a little sketch here as you can see we have the cabin uh not the best sketch in the world but this is us and i've walked around there's a path over here next to the tall grass that is to our left over there and then there's the path over here which is the one we just came in and then there's this other path over here now the plan is i only have two hunting cameras third one and fourth one have disappeared over the adventures that we've had i need to buy more i know but we only have two first one's gonna go on path one second one is gonna go on path two now things will start to get interesting with path three now we have two teams first team is me nick behind the camera and shira and then the second team will be jesse and mike and they're gonna be staying in the cabin while we are outside so when we're on path three the only way we're gonna be able to get footage of slenderman coming to the cabin will be with this camera so once we are in position once we are on path number three that's when these are going to come in we have a radio communication with the jesse and mike we're going to radio them in we're going to be like we are ready we're on the path we're ready to record slenderman and now i know you guys aren't going to like this but when we are on the path i need you guys to start the slenderman ritual no is it really necessary we've done it before we know it works and the only reason we're here is to capture footage of slender man okay but this is only as a last resort only as the last if we don't see anything but i'm saying if we don't find anything i need a radio and you guys need to do the ritual and give us time to try to find slenderman hey man look on the bright side you're going to be uh comfortable and in here and we're going to be the ones out there yeah so tell them here's the note that uh ash left yeah this will be honestly this place isn't safe how about that you have to do it it literally needs to be done we put a one hour timer we're out there for one hour if nothing happens we'll all come back here and we'll try to get the hell out of here get the hell out of here or wait for slender man to come we just need proof that slenderman is here so that nobody else could go missing we there we literally just witnessed two hikers or campers just disappear off the face of the earth who knows if they're going to come back we need to prevent this from ever happening again we do the ritual do it for an hour my gut tells me slenderman will show up and that's all we need just a little bit of evidence and then we could get out yeah okay let's grab those hunting cameras let's get started so guys as i was packing my bag to go back out i noticed something and we'll see shira notices as well what is this a stick yeah it's just a stick nothing too important why what's sewing right and what have i been using this whole time jeez [Music] [Music] yeah we got hunting cameras let's go let's head to path number one every time we go out what do i normally point out when it's night time the i should say the big bright ball in the sky uh the moon correct and how full is the moon would you say um well does that consider the full moon but she's looking pretty full no it's not it's a missing the last like tiny bit of it so this video is ten percent less creepy than it normally should be i'm sorry i'm not going to lie to them and say it's a full moon when it's not bro it's a full moon in the comments uh technically right yeah in the in the title and brackets during a full moon actually we need to come back like in a couple more days when it is full yeah tomorrow or in two days it should be full okay nice redo this one part yeah let's go home i remember this path michelle this is like so pretty did we see some yeah we saw him uh we saw him walk across or something oh yeah it was like just his like foot or something walk across the path and over there this this place has changed a lot yes it wasn't overgrown and there was a firepit you're right yeah just over there there was a fire pit with a doll blue eyes man it was weird and that's where i saw slenderman that's when i was like we need to get the hell out of here very creepy things have changed looks a little too creepy out there you're on stick duty so last time we were here we didn't have this this is a hunting camera so normally for those of you who don't know when i go on these trips i bring some of these which are night vision hunting cameras and let me just show you let me just show you so we're gonna tie this here just too many knobs man too many things to twist and turn and set up so if you want to know how this works we have basically a camera that will stay on all night i will turn it on and you'll see that go boom and so now there's a flashing red light yeah once that blinks 10 times it'll be ready and any time anything moves in front of it whether it's night time daytime anything it'll take a photo i've captured images of the rake with this i've captured images of siren head with this so hopefully this comes in handy once again and does capture some good footage of slenderman and we could send that over to the park but let's go to the second path did you hear that what i heard a big crack what are you thinking i hear that moving what is that but do you hear all those branches breaking yeah you want to go in the woods and check that out well we're looking for two missing people aren't we i'm also not trying to die while doing it let's go look see if there's like a a clearing that we can at least see where the hell we're going [Applause] yeah it opens up a tiny bit it's another note piece of paper [Applause] that's creepy it wasn't there we got here it definitely wasn't but also oh oh my god you recognize that tree huh how is that even possible that was the first thing i noticed when i look at that that tree i don't think you saw it i was looking through the images on the phone before we looked at the voicemail and the first image i saw [Music] oh that's the same tree looks like the same tree if they were all the way over there at the camp i didn't know maybe they'd been here before and this is like their personal check mark or something oh wait a minute what i feel like they were here before they went to the camp and then maybe they on their way back they got like attacks look you see this this is the first image so they took this and they went up they took a photo of this tree i don't know why here's a path and watch do you recognize that the fallen tree that we went under that's like way that's over there so they came to the cabin and they got attacked or went missing oh is that why they said go back to the cabin yeah go to cabin or whatever they knew that the cabin cabin was there oh even this we walked past a bunch of tall grass i don't know if you remember that that's crazy that's scary dude do you hear that yeah what was that you guys need to look at this [Applause] do you see what i'm saying wait what is you see that in the middle of the path what is that though dude is that slenderman tell me this doesn't look like slenderman that looks exactly like him what the hell that's terrifying yeah and that's all the way back there and it's getting dark guys and we have more more papers just like popping up yeah dude let's check out let's check this paper out okay let's see that was the last image by the way on the phone there's no more that they took they saw him or what looks like him and then nothing so [Music] says leave me alone weird right is it like did someone another note no doesn't say no signature from ash on it that's interesting all of them so far have had ash's name on it yes is there anything on the back yeah [Applause] another it's the same face that we've been seeing um this is what i'm thinking this is a paper i'm assuming ashley was the one who wrote this but she wasn't directing it to sarah because yeah why would sarah be attacking her or whatever and why would she be saying leave me alone if she was talking to sarah do you think she this is for like slenderman like she's leaving notes for him can he even like read notes and stuff leave me alone i don't know obviously there's no way slenderman could have written this he's telling us to leave him alone i mean maybe it is slenderman and you said that they reopened this as a national park maybe he's telling everyone warning to stop coming into this forest oh man and maybe that's why these like symbols yeah he's that's like his signature or something but why would those be on ashley's papers i don't know man none of this is really making any sense what would be even more creepy is if slenderman wrote that to us because we're the only ones so far that have come looking for him everybody else has just come on right because this paper yeah this paper just got here so that's weird man i think this is where the camera should go yeah for sure this tree look at it this is literally like the trees you see in his game like any time like these big massive trees there's always a piece of paper on it like this is this is literally the same thing okay let's see wild let's set up the camera here for sure on the tree or looking at the tree um i think that that would make sense because if someone was coming to grab this the camera could be here yeah and looking outwards okay that's a good idea who knows maybe if it was ashley or sarah whoever is writing these then we would be able to see like that it's them you know and know that they're okay yeah face to a name yeah all right here you go shira you do the honors and we'll meet on the other side good luck i don't think the strap is long enough um okay plan b [ __ ] what do we do uh maybe we can force the tripod anything clean it up right here try to hide it behind the tree ish grab the tripod i guess look for this for 10 minutes straight for no reason just back to the tripod is there a bug on my face ah yeah there's multiple yeah like everywhere the name of the game is gonna be speed sorry guys we need to take a little bug break you know what i wish what that they would all just go on slenderman and just get him the hell out of this forest you want them to all right now we need to position this bad boy remember shower the goal is to make sure it doesn't fall if anyone goes near you hey shire's on the case wait hold up there boom he's looking out towards the trail anybody approaches yeah now you just need to turn it on pal you guys are working me to the bone bro bloop beep all right we need to go before it takes a photo of all of us true let's get the hell out of here okay we're going to go grab the bag marines we are leaving okay last location on to the third and final path so what do you think about this it's terrible it's been like at least an hour and it's getting dark they've been they've been gone for that long like i'm getting a little weird it's kind of sus you know they're okay like they have to be they must be okay they're three of them like there's no way that they wouldn't single to us at some point that they're you know in danger let me just finish it back up jack links sponsored this video um best meat snack out there the original beef jerky top it on my merch store but you might as well get my merch while you're at it [Laughter] does anyone want the last of it yeah please here you go now wow oh that's it this stuff here you can have that back look what i got boys this is what he left me with i helped him film these videos and this is what i got okay all right it's okay all the food you get for the rest of the night like another year of me helping you film these videos i'll have enough for like the hype mike tactical nuke two hours of reasons why mike's a monster to work with just situations like canceled i have made a complete and utter lapse of my judgment that's my sorry video it's perfect oh my god i almost believed it for a second holy i'm trying not to litter but this bag is really telling me to do it so we're putting that in the pocket okay enough of this guys we are currently on the third and final path as you can see in front of us it's dark it is really dark and we are already hearing weird sounds so we're here it's dark it's gonna be a lot harder to spot him with just this light and our flashlight but we're gonna try to be the third camera um the cabin is about 10 minutes that way and the plan is going to be we're going to start the ritual we're going to try to walk 20 minutes that way 30 minutes back we'll be back by the cabin on time for the ritual to be over and hopefully at that point some of our cameras will have captured slender man or we what was that didn't no one see that no i'm just going crazy or we are going to spot them which is going to be horrifying wow that was a big moth huh there's so many okay are we ready yep so i feel like we waited a little bit and then if they don't answer in like 30 minutes or they don't come we'll just bring that go ahead and go for them maybe did it go off is it i don't know maybe those oh hello michelle is that you you're currently in position uh roger that okay i guess we're doing it it's okay okay so um i'll give you a little rundown of what we have to do for this ritual to actually work okay now you guys saw that that's where the paper was previously where the x's were kind of laid there yeah um the only way that this ritual kind of works is if there is indeed these right here the cuts and what we did is you can kind of tell we drew a circle around once again we try and see it you can kind of see it oh yeah i'll trace it with my finger so it goes all around here and yeah just a big giant circle and then there's an x here so now we're about to go do the actual ritual part and what it entails is i have to put my head against the wall i have to chant the following sentences okay we're about to do it is that fine all right over you got this you ready yeah okay slenderman slenderman all children try to run slenderman slenderman to him it's part of the fun slenderman slenderman dressed in its darkest suit and tie slenderman slenderman you most certainly will die [Music] it's done okay that's it has begun what was that was that a wolf no way i think so dude now we gotta worry about wolves now perfect timing perfect timing and it's that way too it's uh where we're supposed to go i don't know why you're laughing this is not funny at all that is creepy dude wolf spain silver jesus let's go hopefully we get what we want let me get out yeah and if you can see right now the moon is full no he's lying to you guys the moon is not full don't believe him pull it up apparently the wolf thought it was full literally what could be a werewolf who knows maybe that's why people are going missing what about the blood what about the papers dude we haven't had any footage of him all we have is a werewolf fall that's it yeah he's creepy i was literally gonna say these trees are the camera is truly not doing it justice but yeah these trees are very very creepy i wonder how often hikers actually do come here now that it's a national park i mean surely especially more like extreme hikers a new trail opens that's like the first thing you want to do is right oh my god yeah i have no idea oh next line to you guys there was no no there's a frog look he's betraying him he's lying you see him here that's okay i'm editing the video so the truth will come out in the edited projects oh flashlight's starting to see that michelle can you hear that there's something in front of us as long as we're vocal we should be fine everything's gonna be super terrified to be eating by something else and it's gonna [ __ ] off do we look in the woods here yeah i feel like i've been hearing something to our right i don't know what that is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no wolf that's good it has been officially 20 minutes on the path we have seen absolutely nothing no werewolf no bears no slender man except for a frog frog so i guess we just head back hopefully the guys are okay they haven't radioed in nothing has been really going on yeah i don't know slenderman ritual is not really doing it hopefully the cameras are catching something though and what i've noticed since the ritual has begun it's gotten like the temperature has dropped dropped yeah i don't know if you can see my breath hold up can't but i i noticed that i could see my breath as well there you go see yeah it's cold so that's like not normal it is like summertime it should not be this cold it's like yeah there's that's that's very very uh abnormal we're at the furthest point from the cabin so maybe if we like sit here and like listen where are we going right now yep damn i'm like in mid yawn [Laughter] oh i thought it was out sit and listen for a bit since we're not doing anything might as well be productive do some thumbnail faces um okay okay some behind the scenes right things they don't ever get to see what the what was that what the [ __ ] me that was a girl's street right did you guys hear that what you're what we didn't hear anything [Music] there's a loud yell in the direction of the cabin did you guys not hear that no no there's really nothing man [Applause] okay be be careful holy [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] well we have to how did they not hear that that was so loud i guess we're like decently far from the cabin i guess so dude my heart is pounding that was freaking freaky okay well we gotta go back to the cabin anyways okay we should just stay very very alert okay yeah [Applause] holy [ __ ] [Applause] dude i feel like i'm gonna watch it's uh it's very very very creepy what is that is that my phone ashley's calling ashley how's that possible answer it hello hello who is this who is this they just hung up oh my gosh dude call it back call it back right now what why because actually she we need to talk to her and get some answers sounds like she's injured or something we need to like figure out her location so we can like rescue her yeah okay it's darling what's up that's like right right there okay i'm freaking out right now i don't know what the [ __ ] to do ashley hello what are we [Applause] hello [Applause] what is that dude you see that is that where the rain is coming from it sounds like it's where the ring is coming from are you serious okay let's get this [ __ ] let's get this down for the treat oh my god dude i don't oh oh oh my god no i can't do this i don't see any there's no phone in there dude there's no phone in there are you sure there it would be like lighting up or something i can't see anything oh i just keep getting more and more on me right there it's in there there's what are we gonna do we can't just get it get it out careful careful oh i just got blood i'm so sorry i'm so sorry okay just let's just open this or something man [Music] this is disgusting maybe there's like answers on like her phone or something oh god i'm really gonna need to clean my hands when i get back this is so freaking gross i'm literally gonna have to go stick my hand in this [ __ ] i just think we need to get the phone so that maybe we could like see like okay it's undone one more knot dude we can't get that there's no phone in there bro there's nothing in there do you see that what is that what is that that is like it's like body parts or something bro there's a way to leave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lifetime last time there was a scream and the same thing happened there was a bag just like that the camera's like glitching or something there's some weird oh wait okay it's back to normal are you good yeah okay let's let's trip what the what is that [Music] [Music] uh come again you guys hear me yeah i can hear you there's something running towards the cabin i need you guys to be careful we are on our way back just keep an eye out he bro it's too dark out there but you can't even tell oh he's massive you see how tall he was he filled the whole room what are we gonna do i don't know we have to free to think of something quick [Music] [Applause] there's no door there's no drone here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude it's not even here where is he where is he what oh my god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you told us that something was on its way and then by the time we went to check like around the windows he was at the front door and he literally couldn't even fit through the doors it was ridiculous he's in there right now and we wait so you got this what on on camera i'm hoping yeah i hope so i don't know i'm pretty sure we did like for the most part i got as much as i could but he's terrifying like terrifying okay well we gotta get to the other path right no we gotta get out of here like we have to go we can't go back there he oh he's down there yeah our car is not this way our car is at the other path we got to go towards the cabin to get out there's no other way oh my god okay make it quick because we got to get the hell out of here man i'm not kidding [Applause] well it's just it's on the way right um well there's one that's like further down but if you're saying that are you sure you caught an image of him at least something instead of telling you for sure something caught on camera a hundred percent about we're gonna get on the other path and try to avoid the cabin as much as possible get to the camera grab it and then get the hell out of here let's go okay this is it you see him anywhere [Applause] were you guys sure you saw him 100 he was banging on the door and everything like he was there he's got gotten bigger since last time okay well i guess we'll not go that way yeah let's just go this way yeah so the cameras should be pretty close to here it's by the the creepy tree right oh my god this place looks so much different when it's this dark somewhere here right there's an opening uh yeah yeah right there right there big tree big tree is that the same one yeah that's the same one the paper's gone what paper the camera's not the camera i did you saw it don't even so there was a paper here and it seemed like ashley was the one that wrote it but it said leave me alone and that's it what there was no name why would there's no name wasn't it signed or anything and it's gone and it's it's just gone with uh what the put this thing up and it was pretty stable yeah before we left i don't really like this i feel like we should too get in just like get the heck out of here yeah because this is like okay wait did anything else happen to you guys um yeah a lot actually we're going down uh the path across that you guys caught us on and we heard like uh this wolf howl we're like following it and yeah it was it was really started yeah just as the rituals started afterwards we decided to come back and there was like a actually called us on the phone yeah on the phone what did she say nothing nothing there was nothing it was just like breathing and stuff it was so weird and then when we tried to uh call her back we heard rain coming from inside the forest and there was a uh a shirt filled with blood and there was like what like mutilated body parts and the phone was ringing from inside oh my god so yeah we just we had to go we decided to get out and then that's what we heard that would have happened to us if we stayed in the cabin we need to get out of here like right literally yeah dude right now i'm trying this thing so yeah then we heard the big thing uh moving through the forest and then you know we just ran here this is bad it's like really bad we have enough yeah do we even need the camera let's just go we have enough proof we've gone this far we might as well take the evidence with us well maybe i should spend more money on tracks and store things better wait you need the camera clearly need to go home so there you have it we got what we came for we found evidence of the slender man but was it enough the following day i contacted the park i told them everything that happened and i showed them all the footage that i captured i tried to ask them if it was enough for them to shut down the park but all i got was a dial tone [Music] it's almost been a week since i sent them the footage and the park is still open and people are still going missing now this isn't the weirdest part of the story a couple days later i tried to check the photos on the hunting cameras and what i found was shocking so i'm gonna leave you guys with a series of images and i want you guys to let me know what you think in the comments section but with all this being said thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if i'm not dreaming pretty sure this says keep [Applause] he's
Channel: HypeMyke
Views: 3,183,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3am, horror, scary, paranormal, ghost, overnight, creepy pasta, haunted, exploring, haunted forest, scary documentary, most haunted places, haunted overnight, sam and colby scary, top 10 haunted, cabin in the woods, hypemyke series, secret, overnight in haunted hotel, most haunted hotels, mystery, witches forest, screaming forest, hypemyke forest, siren head series, island, haunted island, cursed island, slenderman, slenderman forest, slenderman game, slender man, hypemyke slenderman
Id: E5SeKhwM3_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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