CARD CONTROL | Classic Pass Tutorial!

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what's going on guys car mechanic here and today I'm going to be teaching you how to perform the pass let's do it now for those of you who don't know the pass is pretty much used to swap two halves of the deck while the deck is in your hands without the spectator noticing so I learned the past about ten years ago while I was watching Paul Wilson were a little card magic so uh actually I haven't really changed my pass a whole lot since then but let me get into a bit of details about the pass and then I'll get into how it's done how I do it and all that kind of good stuff that you're actually here for okay so for the most part the pass looks like this so we have a card here let's say three of spades we'll leave it right here and then doing the past Beachbody's control it to the top of the deck and the top and bottom halves are swapped now you might be saying well I clearly saw it happen you know your swap sucks but the thing is the way that Paul Wilson taught it in the world war two card magic is he said the main thing you should focus on is not the speed on which you do the pass but you should focus on shifting the spectators attention so they're not constantly just staring down at the deck and finding the right opportunity to perform the past so I never really you know went through and practiced you know the pass with a lot of speed but out of let's say 1000 times at least that I did it I've been caught three times and that was because they were just glaring right at the deck no matter what I was doing so of course you're gonna have those kinds of people but you know aside from those special exceptions the pass should work great if you do it at you know the speed I'm showing you right now or if you're doing it out of like superhuman speed okay so starting off with the pass let's just say we're controlling this car to the top of the and for this purposes I'll leave the car face-up so now when you're squaring the deck back together you want to pretty much grab a pinkie break when the deck is squared right so before example you show us back for this card you close this up and you grab a pinkie break and it's like a really deep pinkie break your pinkies all the way inside versus like this pinkie break if this has another name sorry if I don't know it well I don't know what I'm sorry I don't know it so you're gonna push your pinkie really deep in there and you're pretty much gonna grab this top packet with your pinkie on the bottom and your ring finger on top okay in this corner right here is gonna be between you're even gonna be between your middle finger and your pointer finger so in slow motion what's gonna happen is we're gonna grab these cards right here like this we're gonna grab the bottom packet using our ring and middle finger of a right hand thumb and thumb over right hand we're gonna grab the bottom packet okay like this and like this and we're going to shift this packet here we're just gonna grab it like I talked about before and we're going to pull it out like this okay so we're here for example over here sorry the beginning we're here to close this up get into the grip really grip down with these fingers and start pulling like this okay now while you're pulling like this when you start when you clear this deck right here you're gonna straighten this out and you're just gonna curl these cards back in and that's pretty much all there is to it okay so one more time in case I missed something right we're controlling the cart to the top so let's just say ten of diamonds we close this up get the break get it to the right position get the right grip pull these cards out pull this up roll these back okay now in this action that you're doing here these fingers are actually very very critical and especially this pointer finger you might think it's not doing anything but without the pointer finger to come a really hard pointer finger is pretty much being used to guide these cards and going from here and it's really helping just support this so if this finger wasn't here not anything I can do it if this finger wasn't here it's not gonna you know work that well so I'll get it to this grip right just take a look at the section here right we're just pulling these cards off make sure it's tightly bound between your pinky finger and your ring finger and of course there's gonna be a bit of pressure going this way against your pointer finger so that's why you may need it there also okay so all there is to it is just doing this okay now of course you don't want to do it in this kind of speed because that is very slow so I recommend starting off doing get out of comfortable slow pace and once you get better at it you want to not know you want to not go super fast I mean you can't eventually go super fast if you want to but the speed I go at is about this okay I really don't think there's any need for you to go any faster because you want to really talk to the spectator while you're doing the trick and when I teach the trick using the pass I'll go more into detail on how you know I'm talking the spectator how I'm striking them from seeing the actual motion of the past okay so that is pretty much it for the past she'll card spectator put it back from the pass and that's it and that is the pass control now I have no idea why I didn't teach the pass earlier but point is that it's on here now so yeah always please feel free to just watch this over and over again that'd be great but that being said hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching make sure to check out my social media links down in the description below for all my status updates and whatnot and I will see you in my next video welcome to the N screen if you liked the video make sure to hit that like button leave a comment down below and subscribe because subscribing is good thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CardMechanic
Views: 93,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic trick tutorial, card trick tutorial, card tricks, magic tricks, magic card tricks tutorial, magic card tricks, how to do magic tricks, how to do magic, card tricks for beginners, card tricks revealed, easy card tricks, magic tricks revealed, magic tricks with cards, david blaine, 52Kards, chris ramsay, mismag822, CardMechanic, pass, classic pass, how to, classic, pass control, tutorial, card pass, paul wilson, royal road, card magic, disturb reality, card control
Id: 3ywIlcXPorw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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