Sleeping in a Poncho that turns into a Tent • Solo Camping with One Tigris Tentsformer

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oh hello wild buns it's a chilly day in November and I'm here in the woods today wearing tonight's shelter quite wet under there hello you guys so I have tried a poncho tart before and it's okay but this here is more of a poncho tent this part here that I'm wearing is actually a 640 G Poncho which is also going to be the fly of my tent it's going to go up with my check-in pole and of course you can just use it nice and basic kind of like a top shelter but this also comes with an optional mesh tent insert that I can pop underneath the fly to turn it into a tent one tigis call this a multi-use raincoat configurable outdoor tent as you can see this is an exceptionally good look and these sleeves are going to form the vents for my tent which is kind of cool although if it were raining right now I can see that my arms would be getting wet which is not so cool it's also got a hood oh yeah I am expecting some rain so hopefully we'll get to test this out in some soggy conditions and see how practical it is and if it's raining tomorrow we'll be walking home wearing it as well so we'll see how it is to wear as a poncho right let's get it up okay so I've cleared a little space down here and apparently all I need to do is lay out this poncho on the ground Peg the corners in and then stick my trekking pole in at 125 cm so this is coming with six lovely green pegs and three guy [Music] lines so this is on 125 [Music] already huh oh that doesn't go in okay so what am I doing wrong here maybe take these front Corners out then put the pole in oh yeah yeah okay so I've pegged inoo so I've taken those two front pegs out just put the three back ones in and now the PO is in and let's guide that down here and then hopefully get these Corners in that's better so this is just the Poncho fly and I think now I've got to guy out these little arm bits here as my vents so it comes with two guidelines for that it doesn't come with the pegs for it so luckily I've got some extra pegs let's do that now all right so that is our fly all up and of course you could just use it like this put a ground sheet down and Camp nice and open but today I'm going to use this mesh tent that goes underneath I've not opened it yet so this weighs 680 G and it's going to fit under here I'm not actually sure how this fits in [Music] it so I'm guessing these little corner bits just get pegged in let's try [Music] oh no that doesn't work just got to come back a bit right this is a lot of faffing about and if it was raining right now I'd be getting totally drenched so this has got a little hoop here that looks like your tracking Bowl goes into so maybe the tracking pole is supposed to be the other way around or does this bungee just attached to something know let's try and flip the tracking pole oh it's so sad to make it go down but I'm pretty sure that it's place to go in there like that and then onto this reinforced panel here you don't want to rip the tent fabric of course yeah look that makes sense okay oh yeah that looks good doesn't it okay I don't know what these little bits of Bungee are for but I'm going to use one of these guy lines to pull it out a little bit at the back the bottom of the mesh inner tent is very close to the edge of the fly and I'm worried it's going to slip like that and water is going to come in so maybe if I pull it out here and then then tighten this Peg as well here that might sort that out because I can't really move the mesh tent any further forward cuz otherwise rain will come in this side let's try it let's go see how this Blends in I think it's quite a good color actually over by the path here and that blends pretty well yeah it's nice I really like that color little toggle there nice Headroom 125 cm because that's what you po set up but of course that's only right in the middle this is a nice little space to sleep in that's about all it is though cuz of course you've got no vestibule there's no way to store your stuff it's all got to be in here you have got a little space behind the tent mesh but there's no way to access it unless maybe you go on the back and stick your rock stck under there when you don't need it anymore that might work I might do that we've got an interior floor space in here of 260 by 85 cm and that's going to take all of our gear everything because of no vestib a I bought my little table today pretty cool huh got me little hot water bottles today as well I have never bought a hot water bottle camping before this is my gas canister Lantern and I use this to not only give me a cozy Warm Glow but it uses up these half empty can lers that I've got knocking around I've got quite a few of them right that's my ruck sack empty so I think now that I don't need this anymore I'm going to stick it in that spare bit of space around the back out the way oh that's everything I'm going to get in and get sorted and settled [Applause] now there's a little hook up here for a light right let me show you guys round in here so we've got limited space of course I've got my sleep system on this side closest to the door and over there that's my clothes my cute little medkit and my toiletries and things like that and in my little gone camping bag here I've got my waterproofs and a microfiber tow in case so I need it later but I've also bought my really light DCF top my thinking is if it rains and this starts letting water in which it might because there's just no overhang on this at all then I can use my little mini tarp to maybe attach to this guyline and attach over there as well and create like a little sheltered area but I don't know I mean I might not even need it we're going to have to wait and see how it goes so tonight's dinner is a delicious homecooked chicken Tika Masala with saffron rice So speaking of water coming in you can actually bring two of The Fly Poncho things and you can join them together so it becomes like a teepee I might get another one just to try it as T because then you'll have this little mesh bit on one side and a whole massive VES to store all your stuff and of course it will stop the rain coming in so I think that'll be really fun although I suppose if you going to go through all the effort of two ponchos and the mesh then I suppose you might as well just bring a normal temp been having this beautiful gentle rain for a few hours now and so far so good but it is only a very liary there's like a few specks of water over the mesh and that's it so far so I might not need the top this does seem pretty well made the seams are taped on the fly on the Poncho fly and on the bathtub floor of the mesh in there as well I really like it all right I'm going to bed you guys see you in the morning [Music] bye [Music] morning I had a lovely sleep I woke up when it was just starting to get light and it was raining and it just started raining again let's have a little look around and see see what's occurring in here yeah it's quite wet under there oh yeah look outside my pillows all wet is just gorgeous this this morning it's all soggy and drippy lovely I've dried off inside my little tent area it's not too bad actually stuff is damp it's not soaking wet so some waterers come through this mesh but to be honest that's what you'd expect from this set up I think of course if I do it with the two ponches joined together that would be really cool but I actually really like having it open like this so you can just see out see all the nature just realizing that I have to get out of my little Nook to go get my rock that it's just there behind me but I can't get to it that's a bit annoying so my little hot water bottle I bought in this liter of water and the water bottle itself both of which are fairly heavy and I would say it is a less effective way of warming yourself than using you know my little electronic hand warmers hand warmer they're quite heavy also but they're considerably lighter than a liter of water and a hot water bottle it just didn't stay hot for very long cuz it's so small and Dinky I guess this lasted 2 3 hours maybe not even that and I had to keep obviously boiling water so yeah technology for the wind for that one and my little Landon I had this going for 9 hours last night and it's been going about an hour this morning and I've already used this gas canister for a right on them here so it's it says three night trip and a one night trip so this has done 4 days and nights out and so far 10 hours of uh my little Lantern and it's just so cozy I know I don't need it on now cuz it's light but on a dark rainy morning it just feels gorgeous to have that going it's really really nice I kept my boots in that little bit down there there under the fly they've been nice and dry right it's time to go I suppose I didn't use my um little DCF top did I N I guess if I had put that up last night around this area it would have kept all my stuff dry but I ended up sort of sleeping through it and everything got a bit wet but that's fine it's not been really heavy rain anyway I think in heavy rain I would have needed it just to make my coffee in the morning cor yeah it's been okay so I think I'm going to pack this away and wear the Poncho to on the way out of here do let's get this Poncho down and oh okay [Music] like this is really wet inside I'm still not sure I see the point in these Poncho shelter [Music] things can't get it on from my rock side that is can't do it I'm double jointed so if I can't do it hey on I can't tell I don't know if it's on or not I think it is all right do it up we're in hey let's go oh that was joyous it's quite nice to wear this although that might just be because I've got my Posh rain coat underneath but yeah it does feel nice than shelters kind of like wearing a tent and it looks like you're wearing a tent also which is fun so my thoughts on this tents former are I guess that a tent is more practical a tent and a raincoat and Rain bottoms but this is really fun I think it'll be good with two Poncho joined but then you might as well take a tent for the weight of bit but I tell you what this poncho by itself would be great to take out hiking as like an emergency shelter on a Day hike or a little shelter that you can stop and have your lunch under so it' be really great for that I don't know where I'm going today seem we have gotten lost oh well let's just go for a nice walk yeah but I'm impressed with the quality of it really well made and I'm looking forward to trying it again with two pochos to make a big teepee tent cuz I think that'll be really fun and a really nice little night out in the woods so yeah thanks for sharing this little adventure with me guys and I'll see you again soon take care bye
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 366,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, solo camping, poncho camping, one tigris tentsformer
Id: vSic0W4Sh-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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