I HACKED Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 - ALL SECRETS!

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wait kissy Missy what what we're coming just hold on what's Happening to her come on come on no it's closing what happened here we go hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to Poppy playtime chapter 3 and yes I say back and I mean it do not watch this video If you haven't watched my playthrough first the game is amazing and I'm going to break it in this video so go watch it as it is intended to be played and then come back here and watch me destroy the game no I I mean I'm not really going to destroy the game but in my first playthrough I did miss a couple of things I'm just going to go ahead and skip this but I didn't do this in the other one uh we probably will skip all of the tapes you're going to lose out on a lot of lore if you don't watch it uh and experience it for the first time uh as a direct regular playthrough without um like you know pauses and fly hacks and things like that cuz that's what we're here for today we'll let uh actually I want to see will this uh well let let's not mess it up cuz I might actually just mess up the entire game if I do this during a cut scene but I just want to make sure that I've got everything installed properly so if I do uh nope that's not it oh yeah look okay there's there there's the camera okay now yeah game paused now once we get to a spot where we're like kind of safe uh we'll pause it make sure that I can get cuz there's one other thing I wanted to see is if I can um like add these like these Point light sources here all right well let's see control shift p oh okay yep you can uh whoa okay that worked uh let's turn the let's see if we can yeah so I can add light so that if we really want to see something close I can just go and put it there all right and then there's one more thing so I think if I go like this then I like move yeah there it is okay so I move the mouse uh like this yep okay yeah and I can actually go through walls now right so if I go like this yep okay cool so we can actually yeah we can actually go through stuff here like this yeah and explore okay so I think I've got it think I know what we got to do now uh we're going to try one more thing here and that is okay so what we're going to do is I'm gonna well so the NPCs are paused but I'm moving so I Oh I thought it did the parkour too I'm like oh yeah let's go but no we actually have to do the parkour but it's not that hard but theoretically catnap is Frozen in place and nope he's not but we're going to pause the game and we're going to go look at him let's move in right here here we go oh we're in his body now and there's his head and let's see if they actually rendered his head they did would you look at that no they didn't actually need to because we don't actually even see his head uh but they did complete him so we can go right into his mouth here and I would love to I wonder if it's possible to have the camera here but have him move so if I if I resume the NPC look we can so I'm sort of resuming him but he's it's paused so he's not actually like I can't if I well I take it back I think if we go like this okay what's he going to do when he hits this fan so we want to see what he does when he hits the fan we also want to look at him I think I can actually make it play Let's see there and he gets his head chopped off by the fan well that's not very exciting now is it so now we can pull this back and that was our first view of of what we can do with this tool oh now is this see this is another spot that I actually want to try here let's just let's go forward a little no that's not forward this this is forward okay let's just have a look at okay so there was a fan here and then through here oh this continues let's well I think it might end here so control shift p yeah so that's where it all ends right here whoa what's all that this is like outside the what what is that what I I don't have we ever seen this oh okay yeah this is the track that we go on for um for Elliott's ride again spoilers if you guys haven't watched it go watch the first one please uh what's through here oh this is where the train is and we can actually like well we're a little early but hey you know what why not see it says work area where's the like play care sign that was in chapter 2 at the end oh here we are this is inside here we go yeah I mean this is this is pretty darn close you guys I don't know what that is I guess it's part of the crash but yeah it is pretty darn close to how we crashed in Chapter 2 okay back into my hands let's drop down and do what we're supposed to do here oh man now we don't need to bother with the VHS tapes cuz we've already seen all of them uh we didn't miss any and I didn't even realize until just now this is where catnap dropped us how did I not realize that and I I just have to do this guys because I'm me and you guys know how I am about my toilets I just need to see are there any toilets in here oh yeah there no there's no there's no toilets in here I'm a little disappointed now uh right well they didn't have to finish that part of the bathroom because we technically don't see it but there you go there's an elevator here hold on Gregory I'm going to actually pause so he shuts up oh no it still just keeps ringing okay well whatever I just want to go right through here yeah there's nothing on that see that's this is the back of the elevator there's absolutely nothing here you can see my hands back there oh yeah I recognize it now now it makes sense so this is you know what yeah let's do this is hope so we got a little bit further here so this is before we go into the the sky do now his thing is going to keep running cuz the game doesn't understand that we're outside of this uh and actually I don't think that the the car is yeah so the car is stuck is only through um but what we can do is we can go up and we can actually like oh explore the cave outside the Skydome just to like see what's here I mean it's very extremely detailed uh considering it's something you only see for a second outside and it looks like is it no it's floating in the air I was going to say it looks like well from the back it's floating in the air but from this side here it is inside a cave and it is like embedded into it now if I go through the top is it going to actually load properly oh look at this yo look this is something you would never see either like inside the Sky Dome and I didn't even notice there was this GI giant fan here uh let's go a little further and this is before we arrive and before the lights come on but yeah the whole thing is fully loaded all right let's get back in let's get it removed sorry yeah see here it looks like it's embedded into the mountain which I mean for the camera's perspective it absolutely is I mean this is the kind of stuff that Disney does like where you can see like a mountain off in the distance and it looks perspectively like an actual Mountain off in the distance but behind it it's it's empty you know cuz you don't need to see that side if I yeah I'll just let that keep running now cuz we don't care uh let's see so I'm wondering too like so this it we we go to all of these places we visit all of these places during the uh during the game and like for example this right home sweet home like what is it like oh wow it re so you know when well hold on so yeah you go down these stairs right and this is where it loads right when you're playing the game it changes the loading sequence but interesting uh let's see now what okay yeah yeah yeah so that's where it loads uh because that doesn't actually exist in the house uh it teleports you to another area where a new map loads because yeah through here you're actually like underneath the ground underneath the house cuz he went under uh it could theoretically be there but I think it' probably be a lot of RAM and whatnot so they don't do it wait did we ever go into the toy shop I don't think we do we never go into the toy shop right here we go this is where the front door would be right here right we're pretty much level with the front of it yeah so let's see what was what is in the toy store if anything at all um I can't see so we're just going to put a light there's brick this is the inside of the toy store or toy shop or whatever it is for these poor orphans you guys gave them nothing it was all for show this is oh wait what's over oh this is outside no this is actually inside let's see or it would be inside no actually I think this is visitable let's see oh no that's yeah that is through the wall there so again another empty room and then I think there's one on this side then too yeah this is not visible from the outside yep it is completely empty uh much like most of these buildings uh yeah they are empty inside but at least these ones like load into something right that one exists for nothing can we could we ever get in this water I don't I didn't actually try wait let we're we're we can play now oh don't die I don't know why it dropped me from there but sure am I supposed to be up here what oh there what hold on what was I supposed to go down a oh I think I was supposed to go down that slide right uh I don't remember now but we could pretend I'm going down the slide no I don't think we do let's see where this leads anyway okay just to right maybe oh no uh-oh uh-oh I think I made a boo boo just go under the statue I'm working on it Ollie I'm a little bit busy I'm stuck bro I can give you a key down there go thank you can I have the key please give me send it to the vacuum tube bro now where does that go I feel like that doesn't go anywhere but it's worth a look you know so let's get underneath it and let's go wait uh which way is up oh no I'm disoriented hold on let's back up a little bit here we go yeah okay now we're right in the center of it and we're going to go straight up the pipe and it goes to absolutely nowhere as I expected straight out of the ground okay all right and yeah this is a huge area and uh while he talks we're going to we're going to fly around all that gas you see coming from machine is made right here in theory okay there's a door here and like I was saying with Disney you see this and then you go to the back and then it's like it's just it's just nothing right how we can get to him yeah it's pretty Hollow oh there's a room here but I think I ah okay this is that parkour room uh when we first start learning about how to use the hand oh yeah we can get in here this is all loaded this is also learning um what if we go down here does it oh no yeah because of the loading thing right obviously all right give me key give me key give me key so home sweet home is the Huggy wuggy or nightmare Huggy wuggy Chase now again I am going to ruin the Cinematic aspect of this I hope you're not looking for The Full Experience like uh like it should be now the other thing too we want I I did miss uh catnap in a vent somewhere I supposedly so we do want to watch for that and also when we do see catnap we can light him up we can um like literally with a light not like shoot him all right so now we're entering this it's the red smoke and it makes us all dreamy and weird and crazy let's get through it a little well we want to like do want to add some lights yeah let's add some lights just to like just to get a better look at it uh without the red glow just to see if there's anything interesting in here I'm not I'm not expecting a lot but it does help with the redness uh we got mommy long legs they're all just toys and Cat bees and little poppy fireplace and we can actually see oh you know what I want to see hold on I just want to jump out real quick because I want to see since we're in this yeah so we're in this level here and this is the home sweet home oh my goodness look at this so this is the entire home site home layout uh I was just seeing if any of the uh the main Sky Dome would be working but it isn't um yeah dude can we like oh what is this right here what's this like what is that yo look look yo yo what is he doing like he's in the hallway already let's put another light on him like cuz he he looks a little he he does look scary like that but let's put another like Point light here and here yo look at that that's cool so actually we can find all of his like appearances or we should be able to just based on the light right I think it's gonna like uh oh I hear something over here I've also heard that like one of the radio things is actually someone speaking back like it's it's backwards oh look here we go here we go right here uh you guys remember uh in my playthrough that I uh I spotted him right through this door here like you could see him there uh when you're when you're playing but now we can go inside and see if he's a full body or not he he is yeah tail and everything right oh and I didn't like I didn't realize how skinny he was until we saw him later on in the game you can see all the stitches uh of his costume which to me means like it's a costume and oh yeah and you see the zipper that's what I was wondering too like who's in there there's an actual like midline zipper on him that it's like a suit that someone is wearing like what's underneath can we see uh no we're in inside his body and and it's empty okay the I know the ringing is getting annoying it's getting annoying for me too the great thing about editing is well we can shut it off for you and I just have to suffer oh look he's actually moving look I didn't notice that is this the same one that I lit up yeah this is where the but look watch his face he's actually like okay now you going to made me a liar bro he was like he was move oh that's what it is he turns his head based on where you are he looks at you I don't I don't think the Huggy Chase is loaded I don't see the Huggy Chase room I don't think it's loaded here yet H oh wait what's oh yeah this is yeah so this oh here's the room here's the room so I mean I don't know can I trigger it no the player has to start the TV going okay now there he there he is look look look he ain't so scary anymore is he oh look at him go backwards oh and look at that so that's that's what blocks you from seeing him anymore this like this wall there was a a direction that I wanted to go you didn't get me this time dude that scared me so much last time oh oh pause I think this is the one we saw before that um that was wandering um that we put the point Light Source on and we didn't encounter yeah this looks like him let's see cuz if I move let's see if I move this way is he is he nah he's not following me okay that's scary actually even with that lighting um you know you got you're walking to oh man oh but he just despawns like that ah but you wouldn't see it cuz normally it would be dark but the animation prior to that is so good yeah I never wait this is the yeah this part is backwards I'm I'm I'm going to reverse it okay your presence was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up your presence was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up 8895 88 1995 supposed to be here why weren you here you were supposed to be here the event miss the meeting why weren you here you miss the the event you missed the meeting you missed the meeting miss the party you missed the you have no right to be here you have no right to be here 8 1995 I find your presence intrusive I find your presence intrusive after all this time you return after all this time you return come in here come in here murder kill and murder destroy your presence was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up your presence was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up so someone wanted him in 1985 that he shows up in 1995 881 1995 if you recall is is is the day of the hour of Joy uh if we go all the way back to when okay where where am I going I'm like uh yeah here we go when uh mob games released a few like surveillance videos on their Channel those were dated 88 1995 when kissy Missy was released uh by Huggy wuggy that is when they escaped and that is when they went after everyone so this okay so I didn't miss anything I got really upset when I was doing my playthrough that I had actually missed this and there was something in here so was it planned I mean it says you come back you're who are they talking to who is talking any theories po Post in the comments I'm sure Mt pad will pick it up I mean well or whoever is uh whoever's doing uh well by now oh I got to go look I I feel like he'll still be doing a game theory for this one which I hope uh because he's still got a little bit more time left at Game Theory oh this is kind of cool the way that it's lined up too cuz if I put a yeah if I put a light yeah it looks like his claws made or his yeah his claws made those scratch marks yeah there he is does he uh does he watch me nah and I think if I just like unpause it he's just going to like he disappear all right so what I'm going to do here is uh I'm going to try and pause NPCs and see if we can get really far ahead of Huggy no matter what he catches you you cannot Escape uh that is part of the game uh but let's see how far we can get a head start on him nope oh but they stopped the door all right we'll see if we're able to pause him cuz which one is pause NPCs it's this one right NPCs are now paused it's actually twisting my view if I go this way it actually pulls your view to the TV like I'm not doing that if I look up yeah pulling you toward that so that you see which is really smart because if you're like like looking for stuff while you're listening you're going to miss this right here baby here we go all right let's see oh wait allow you I know it's coming it's like so much anticipation here it is there it is okay so not paused okay I can pause them like that so we can like we can go have a look inside his mouth I mean he looks like huggy minus the pause that's the only part that really doesn't look like him uh so we can actually like unpause him let's get away let's see if we how much of his body we can actually see so we'll run a little bit here and then we'll pause it it didn't pause okay there I'm like what it didn't pause okay let's uh let's let's uh how do I spin with the camera there we go yes oh my goodness look at this the perfect thumbnail well actually just needs a little bit more light you got to like back it up here like this and then you do like that maybe a little bit closer up here and then like that there we go and we can put my little animoji character like right right well I can't I can't put the mouse but like right running away you know the interesting thing oh no he it is blue I was going to say he looks more like Killy Willie because of the darkness there no it's definitely Huggy yo that's bright look at look at how long these teeth are and look at I mean look at the detail the inside of the mouth it's so dark you wouldn't even be able to see it but they went all out on this because they knew this would be one of the most popular scenes in the game let's let's watch him run through us here cuz we can actually watch him run without him killing us at the camera here we go yes okay and then he gets the player and then and then this happens this is like um what is it like uh Garden of bamb Band 3 when bamb band SL Us in the head uh it's it's like that it advances the story line you cannot Escape it and yeah I'm just realizing now that I've looked in here this is the same room we start like now that I've played it twice and look like really analyzed everything like I understand where we are now people asked about this and I'm not sure I put it in the playthrough CU he doesn't do anything but like they're like did anybody did everyone Miss daddy longlegs his thing and yeah he doesn't do anything it just does static same with Mommy they both don't do anything and man you can hold this forever it's kind of cool um you know I never actually you know what I never actually died to the okay I just want to see what happens I never died to it I always flipped on the mask at the last second it doesn't really do anything special I thought maybe that we would see catnap or something uh cool but no it just puts us right back to the uh spawn point there there oh yeah oh yeah and here's kissy I didn't that's right yeah poor thing do we think that's Poppy I feel like that might be poppy and that's why she's so partial to her see look right here everything but a toilet I'm telling you they got something against toilets ah that was supposed to scare me so that does fall off I was like looking in the wrong direction it didn't scare me this time cuz I figured it was going to come but uh yeah let's [Music] go there cat up in the vent I saw it I did I saw it is he still I don't know if he's actually still there let's just go look I'm not even going to bother pausing but let's just see if he's still here what how could okay I guess he was like right there his face was huge I now I kind of am sad I missed it because I would like to see if it was his whole body or not but I definitely saw it guys that is there uh which is connected to this uh ah yeah okay okay this room okay I definitely saw it didn't before but I do I do now oh oh you can't pause it no no I can't so this is just a cut scene I didn't do anything wrong I'm actually here to help okay yeah I mean we get to explore this whole thing anyway so it's not really like you can't I'm glad that Ollie could help you get this far and see her close all right so the school now uh this one is actually interesting because oh well there's a few things one they have changed the behavior of M Delight from when I played it and from uh when uh the Early Access YouTubers played it uh they nerfed her I think rather significantly um she was tough but also okay think I can connect to you on that side of the Dome and you won't be alone okay trying to talk here yeah so there are actually six Easter eggs in this part these are the Only Collectibles in the game I missed every single one of them speaking please excuse the I'm being interrupted yeah literally being interrupted again so yeah uh they're the only collectibles in the game they further the lore I miss them all there are six we're going to find them in the first one yep it is right here yeah so it's really hard to tell like what is collectible and what isn't I mean you would think this or whatever uh but little pieces of paper like that are collectible and that is note number one and uh it has to do with the hour of joy and we can just do this just a few weeks ago now is the hour of Joy today there's only silence in this school I don't think any of us here know what to do with it the hallways without the children carry even the smallest sounds as if they were shouts the other teachers and I startle each other constantly we'll have to get used to it something about the front door this something locked the front door this morning we haven't been able to open it so right there that tells me uh in in note number one that uh the hour of Joy only the kids were killed or maybe the parents but the teachers were spared by the bigger bodies by uh by Huggy wuggy uh and all of the other uh animatronics now we want to keep looking see like that's not collectible that's not collectible uh we have to find all of these papers uh before we trigger Miss Delight oh there's another one okay now it had blood on it okay so see man I didn't even realize that it was uh that it was I I've just been hitting every piece of paper I see uh okay let's have a look at this one so this is note hopefully I get these in or oh note number two and yeah so things got a little bit turned for the worst now that there's blood on them I heard to knock at the door today the locked door I assume I heard it breathing whatever it was it wouldn't speak when called out to I spent hours after it went silent wondering if this was what locked us in here I've made a weapon of sorts pencils and rulers and tape and Twine I've taken to calling it Barb it's crude but if that door opens I need to be ready okay so now we know who the author of this is uh th it's Miss Delight writing these which sort of makes sense right like this is uh this is her Dominion um and uh she is I guess transitioning from nice teacher to uh what she ends up turning into and she's building that weapon oh pause well let's there let's get some light on her there we go and let's go have a look at Miss Delight now is she fully formed here there we go whoa that's a little bright but it works it works ew so yeah I mean her jump scare is super accurate I never really got a good look at her uh because the jump scare is quick and yes I saw her jump scare a ton of times but look at how detail it is like her eyeballs have all these scratches on it like the the hair everything on this is incredibly detailed here we go oh she just goes around the corner and despawns On Us Alive H oh that one is definitely ah how did I okay all right I mean I know how I missed it because there was just I mean I wasn't I didn't know there were things we could pick up like this uh note number three no food for days the others argued with me over what was left they started glaring judging they blocked the kitchen door with their bodies I think they've singled me out to die first oh you ain't getting away so fast lady I'm coming for you there she is uh is she carrying something no no she's just she's just uh strolling as one does on a bright summer day right yeah look at that bright summer day look at that the sun's out she's enjoying herself look at oh never mind whatever oh dude this one's so obvious now that I know what to look for come on they're all in order or maybe it just does that like it gives you what the pit in me howls for food I can't think about anything other than how hungry I am hardly have the strength now to pick myself off the floor Barb speaks to me though she gives me strength I found that if I stand still completely still everyone thinks I'm dead Barb says I need to eat and I that the other teachers would never see me coming anything to stop the howling so she's being driven by hunger to kill all the other teachers I thought that he was just showing us which vent to go in but no he was actually showing us the paper that's like they're they're that's probably where they like okay they're going to see this one and then they're going to go back and look for the other ones but no I'm just completely oblivious I'm coming in let's see what we got you there she is just all she does is walk around she she doesn't do really anything else we can just there she goes and that's right where she ler are you you're a lot like the other humans in that way I'm not really caring because screams will sound like too I don't care oh we're getting clo o I haven't found them all yet I think there's one after so we're we're missing one I might have to go back oh wait oh it's lit up okay we got it is that five yes okay oh oh oh I'm sorry I had to eat I had to survive I ate them I had to I had to I had to I had to I had to so that Mo so she went from teachers who like I don't know what happened and it's weird with all the children not being here to I am eating other teachers now hell now we get to do this now I I I know the route although I like what oh I'm what am I doing um I I remember the route I just don't know what she's like now I'd kind of like to see how she works now uh okay so you can I don't know what her hitbox size is either so this is what they've changed when you look at her she doesn't move when I first played this she never stopped moving looking at her or not she was always chasing if the lights went out then she moved and if the lights came on then she stopped but it didn't matter let's see ah yep okay so that's how she works she works I mean this is more like a this like a gold rush like a maybe is this not how weeping angels actually are I think it is but man it's so much easier like you you can just walk backwards through everything and you don't even need to know the route what happens here does she actually teleport oh she she really teleported right through okay so I mean she's easier than she used to be but as long as you keep an eye on her you're good cuz this this was so hard when I played it before like you had to basically be perfect all right yeah she's easier cuz you can just do that and you can like there was none of that there was no breathing there was not okay what do I do next let me just look at her and think about what I'm going to do next cuz I'm actually a little bit lost oh this is nothing dude all right I mean she's still kind of a challenge but not really um because you're able to stop her well she's stuck outside the fence oh is she coming in oh now I feel wait what oh this is oh okay that is one thing she's able to do still and was able to do when we played before is the teleporting even though like I did not do this very well at all like no problem and here she comes oh she teleported in she's still coming yep we go here then just like chapter two we pull the lever and Bam all right it's time we need to take a look see yep I mean she's partially in the ground which you kind of expect when a garage door hits her in the face look at her hands all twisted up and stuff but the full body is actually there uh whereas like if you remember in chapter 2 when we uh when we took out mommy long legs and and and the Prototype came for her and we'll see that when uh the Prototype comes for catnap we only saw like part of the hand right this is fully rendered now oh wait is this it oh we got it that's number six right there that's all the notes right yes we got all the notes this is all the lore on this level uh the door opened today and I heard something enter my hall together Barb and I found catnap waiting all this time all this Agony it was he who locked the door I know it I wanted to kill him but knew better than to believe I could he seemed oddly glad to see I was all that remained we made a deal we take care of each other now report what we see to the other and to him so she means to each other right like she's telling catnap catnaps telling her and they are also telling the Prototype okay time to fly yeah so this is what this is perfectly designed for here is just to like get a look I mean it's not there's actually not anything we couldn't see or experience or or explore uh than what we do yeah there's nothing I'm a little bit disappointed there oh yes okay here we go here we go all right so pause let's go this is what we this is cool so uh yeah um okay so here's something interesting cuz I thought that and he is smaller but I thought that the developer said that PJ pillar was still alive cuz we didn't actually kill him and I don't think mommy longlegs actually killed him catnap is worshiping this Shrine that he has made uh his creation of the Prototype he's sort of built his own uh we saw an image of this a screenshot of this in some of the uh pre release Ino uh when when it didn't come out uh in December and yeah you can see here we've got like some of the pals we've got um this is uh candy cat we got oh look at this there's a piece of boxy boo here that's his box and those are his feet right there uh and that's his mouth yeah just pieces of him everywhere uh bobby bear hug she's there we got a we've got a Huggy wuggy doll um kicking chicken crafty corn me they're all here and and also actually there's two so PJ pug a pillar could still be alive these are like little mini ones they aren't the bigger ones he is smaller cuz there's one here and then there's one down there as well um but I feel like uh catnap is making this Shrine as one that's accurate to the Prototype which would have PJ pillar in it and and the reason you could see he's really trying to make it the Prototype is not only is there the huggie doll um is this right here this is the hand the claw that we constantly see um we can we can watch catnap from here from the shrine's perspective and uh and and see what he does here oh does he just stand there yeah he ain't going to move I think when we move he moves uh oh nope he despawned there he goes okay now oh yeah I think I have to shoot you yeah so I was going to say oh let's see where he goes whoa we have to do this whole thing why like now that I'm doing this again like I've forgotten how long this game is this is the dog day Chase right yeah no I mean we don't really need to like have a look at him that much cuz we actually get a really good you can get right up close to him all right and okay I will good idea let's go boom okay now um a lot of people were terrified by this but it's not that scary cuz look I can pause him and then like turn around see there he is that's not so scary what is the back of him oh okay don't burp on me that's gross man oh look oh yeah so that is his body I was thinking oh they didn't put the back legs on well yeah that's true because well he doesn't have back legs he was he was just a front of his body dragging himself through the pipes here we go here he comes yes there we go go yeah see it's not scary unlike making weird sounds and stuff okay okay right here we want to pause okay just a sec I know but I want to see cuz I went down this tunnel here I want to see what happens if you go down the left tunnel and the right tunnel which uh wait is hold on can you oh here we go okay so we're going to try and go down this slide does it take you to the same place or is it different it looks the same well okay look so it looks like that right and then is there another slide here so if we go through here wait what all right let's look at so it's yeah this looks the same but let's get back out there and then and let's try shut up um let's try this one cuz I went uh I went down this one cuz I had Happy's faces and stuff what does this actually oh no it is different look at that so this is the one I came down it is different just a straight path like that this is the middle one okay Y and then the right hand do they all work though the right hand one goes this way then it goes down here like is there one that's wrong uh this one could be wrong cuz it puts you up here and then oh no I think they all they all end up yeah they all end up going to a door so we're going to choose a different one I'm going to choose this one I like this one the most this one looks the scariest uh just because like ready ready here we go and three two one go okay so we're gonna go down this one and then we got to keep going and you got to duck and you got to duck here but I don't think he's actually chasing us anymore and it takes you here where they all oh right forgot we're almost there and pause let's see how he looks he's uh he's not that close here he just crawling around okay I'm sorry I had the wrong hand on so I could die here cuz I was too busy thinking about pausing oh no I definitely screwed up I was like outside my camera and everything all right let me just uh let me let me do that again sorry about that oh no it put me through anyway some or some oh okay well uh can I can I like thank you thank you that's much better ah okay so yeah he I guess like I'd gotten he's obviously not there because of we saw he wasn't there we were there oh right right I got him I knew you were coming in bro look at him he's about to grab poor bunzo right there nah-uh bro wa let's get some light on him like he's there we go yeah look how happy he is to grab that let's back off and watch what he does here with bunzo boom and he jumps I I don't know where he jumped okay I I need to know what what this is here uh let's see let's go is there anything here not there's nothing so I heard this oh no through the wall here there's nothing like I wondered who was playing this music I need to know I don't know what that is okay right I forgot this is the dream sequence this game is unbelievably long now I can what oh oh my goodness I forgot about that part holy cow that scared me okay dream sequence right I can't believe there's this much still in the game so now right so I mean I I definitely yeah let's see what it can actually let's just let's just jump out and see what it'll let us do uh it's oh wow it does not like this this okay I'm going to I'm going to get back in cuz I I don't know what yeah you can't really explore anything here can I I no I can't move it's like a cut scene I'm not I can't move out of the camera ah I mean you can move the camera but like this is almost a static scene it's really cool [Applause] though okay pause it I can pause it can't I use the camera please tell me yes this is what I was hoping for in the dream sequence we can also do it against a catnap but as you can see and the frame rate isn't great for whatever reason we only see the arm there's nothing else you go beyond it and it's gone and we can turn back around we can look from its like yep it just ends right there wow this is crazy look at that although I I might say do we see more of the arm than we've ever seen we might be see more detail of the arm than we've ever seen I don't know whose part this is from that it's created uh there are bones here but uh yeah there we go there's the arm look at it Go all right I'll put it back yes that worked out great all right and there we go cool yes all right um so we get to see his smoke there and what's he doing he just he's just coming up to his full size there right yeah should I let it like come and kill me yeah we could oh yeah I'm over there so we can actually get a good view like this and just watch him come in and kill me oh my goodness look at him yeah so this is a different face now he's looking at me because that's like where the camera is even though like the player arms are here and he's actually walking toward that to kill but there let's get a look from let's get a look from be let's not look up there look at him all like bony and scaly he's definitely changed he's got sores on his body uh he looks very different than we've seen him uh throughout we just I never really got this really closeup look of him and look at his tongue too it's like a metallic tongue he is definitely transformed Med uh let's see let's watch him kill us well there he goes he ate us okay so let's get back into our body and uh let's get through this boss fight and there's actually a little bit more well obviously we want to see the prototype's hand again see where that comes from uh when he is uh taken out catnap oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah here come on jump up yeah time to pause time to have a look let's see how he climbs does he actually actually touch it I want to yeah they are actually ah oh hi holy freaky dude man [Music] jeez okay that is crazy look at him so this is actually we can actually play it he's still looking at us uh because I don't think I I can do anything here I don't think I need to do anything here right uhoh uhoh I I broke the sound okay all right I'm getting back in oh nooh I think I'm supposed to be up there help all right here we go here we go all right this is what I wanted actually so I want to like when he yep okay that's what I wanted to do and sort of like go look while he's up here I know I shouldn't be messing with a boss fight like this but this is too much of a cool opportunity if I die it's worth it oh my goodness yo that is that's so scary okay wait let's see if his whole body is formed or if it's just yeah look at that he looks like a spider from the back too so I actually didn't expect his whole body to be there cuz you can only see his face but they actually modeled the whole thing his tail does go out the back a little bit here but yes that is cool oh look there's like another one up here I wonder what yeah what's he what's he about okay so now I've got to like okay I got to I I hope holding down the button again I might die here ready yep I'm going to die no wait I got it back woo let's go I thought that yeah cuz it like yeah okay we're still good all right that that was cool that was worth it even if I had died there that would have been worth it in my opinion hold on we just got to check is this cuz I'm worried he's going to come toward okay there we go final slot you just got to watch cuz sometimes he turns in right there and then okay all right we got it I'm going to hold this thing shut bro nope goodbye b sometimes when you play this he doesn't he doesn't open it once and then other times once he's opened it man he loves that attack all right there we go and pause all right uh this might oh oh oh oh no we're breaking it all right let's let's let's actually get back to it cuz the sound is not synced right I guess to to what's about to happen here and like not that we could really like see anything super special anyway but this part right here is where we want to get into it all right all right here we go here we go here we go BP all right we got the Prototype let's see what it's connected to poor old catnap here is uh okay and don't worry about the sounds we should still get the animation here but what we want to see is no it's still disconnected ah so uh I was hoping we might see more of the Prototype but they're never going to let us see it until until they want us to they know that people like me are going to hack through this game and look for pieces like this and never let us find them but we could watch from his perspective here and uh and and sort of like step through it a little bit here yep okay look look look a it's so cool now does it come down further to get him or does he stand up I can't remember let's watch from this angle here like up higher I guess just so we can really see does he stand up yeah he does stand up so the the Prototype doesn't come any lower out of the vent which which it makes sense right because they don't really want us seeing much more of it right uh no matter what the perspective we he still got this on his back that's weird and we wouldn't see that from the player perspective down there all right all right and then he stands up he looks at him oh and then the figures come straight out and and this is like him sort of like praying to him or or or accepting the Prototype that it's going to save him but uh as we know oh look at that oh that's that that that goes straight now does it go through the back of him oh yeah look yeah you can you can actually see the claw right through the back of him right there we can see them yeah oh that is nuts what a split screen like a a screenshot uh and then oh yeah okay all right yep oh I didn't notice all of that now what I want to see is does the light go out in his eyes because obviously we know he's dead he goes limp here oh and then yeah I didn't even I didn't even not I mean we should have noticed with the uh the the prototypes animation uh that the hand does pull him up well through his head yikes now the Prototype is actually it's moved so that part of it I think yeah is almost going into the sidewall here uh because of the way the animation has to go for him all right let's let's see a okay now where does he take him that's what we want to know now we got to step through this okay he's lifting him through now how much oh yeah so the Prototype now do we think he's going to pull him into here I mean obviously this is going to despawn once we can't see it anymore but let's see how high up he pulls it right here oh it comes way up dude I thought it would have well I guess we have to wait until his legs disappear before it despawns so it's going to pull him pretty far up into this further than I expected yeah look at that look at that and then all the lighting dies and uh it just disappears into well actually the Prototype has gone out of the map here oh it's still here though look look look it's actually still here the mesh is still there or the model yeah we can see it yeah dragging him out uh through this vent here and then wow wow it stayed so much longer now as the player can we oh yeah we can still see his legs here but then yeah there it goes okay there it is yay we get back up and our hand is gone yeah but we actually like we get it back I Som I mean it's like in our inventory somehow but uh yeah okay so there's actually and and this is why I wanted you guys to watch it first all right so this like uh scene here with the hour of joy and Poppy's speech is uh the most cinematic part of the game the vocal performance I still can't get over of poppy I've listened to it like 10 times I absolutely love it I don't know why I'm even saying it because if you're if you're this far through the video you didn't listen to me anyway uh this why I wanted you to be sure that you watch it first because I'm going to absolutely ruin the cut scene here because good you're here so she's in the vent but and you've done it again I you can ride this to the top so we'll ride this to the top is died it goes they uh didn't put an invisible wall over this so you can actually ride this up she's going to come out right there there she is now uh yeah she's going to show us the hour of Joy but in the meantime well she does that I think yeah the staircase I made it so they block off this staircase you can't get up or down it um well I don't want to go there cuz it might actually make me uh go away but look we can explore this whole area here so that's the hour of Joy it shows on that TV uh and and it's horrifying absolutely horrifying but what is up here whoa they made this o what do we got what do we got what do we got we got anything that's empty I I don't even need to go in there to see it um oh man oh this is just a little that just goes to the other room that's it I wanted to get up here so bad before there's really like it's not great and I'm not using like any of the the hack tool that I'm using that this is literally as a player you can do this uh and again it ruins this emotional scene this reveal uh completely and entirely ah man that's a let down I wish I could get up there where poppy is but you can't get over these railings um I mean I could like I could like well I could fly over to her and hang out for her oh she she looks sleepy uh it's it's she looks sleepy it's kind of like my ant Emoji she's is actually supposed to be looking down at us yeah when I look down it makes me look sleepy anyway uh I need to get off of this can I just yeah there we go okay cool right so um as you guys can you guys know ah here we go so it's pulling us back up to her for this and a man like I I this part this gives me chills this this speech here I remember hearing every moment so God it went on so so long so agonizingly long they tried to hide to run anything to stay alive I remember their cries chills going on why is this happening what are those things senseless Slaughter that's all it really was they killed killed everyone the guilty the innocent didn't matter all that death didn't fix anything and then once it was all over they dragged those corpses down below where they never be found and they ate the bodies to stay alive okay she just pops there and I just I couldn't has to die for this for everything I couldn't like I couldn't bring myself to pause it during her speech because it's just too good I didn't like the timing everything about that speech is perfect I wish I could voice act like that all right so uh we as you know if you've watched the the video uh we go down this lift and uh because she activates the handle well once we get on it um she uh this will start to go down and we don't know what happens to her but we can actually find out what happens to her with without me using the camera I think that you can do it as a player if you're quick oh come on all right all right well hit the ground you can't do it but I'm going to do it this way I did it before okay so we hear the noise here we go what's happening what's happening kiss he missing no just hold on come on come on she's faking so yeah no matter what whether you get the camera or or or uh or if you get out as the player uh no matter what kissy Miss he does absolutely nothing she's faking no I'm kidding something is definitely happening there they just didn't uh animate it because well they don't want us to see it people like me hacking through the game would be able to see what actually happened cuz they knew I would do this so they just don't show us anything and they leave it up to our imagination and a cliffhanger for poppy playtime chapter [Music] 4
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,182,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yjA-6rV2Bdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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