Slaying D&D GODS at Level 1

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hmm hey you want to know how to kill a dragon goddess in d d at level one uh no i'm good well you're in luck follow me whoa you're insane i've gone through hundreds of magical items class abilities feats and spells the final culmination of all my hard work will finally pay off when the lord's alliance pays me for this research i'll be rich i say rich stop gloating for a second and tell me why any of this is even important so picture this tmat the multi-headed giant dragon goddess is crawling out of a portal ready to wreak havoc upon our insignificant world however the lords of the land had enough time to search for magic that could defeat her on the day of the dragon's arrival one man was given the legendary items needed to defeat tiamat however there's one small problem rather than equipping the level 20 god slayer blaine they accidentally rigged up his level 1 twin brother lame having run out of time it was up for this worthless commenter to somehow stop the dragon on his own all of this insanity is basically just seeing if a level 1 character could even realistically defeat tiamat and if so what the bare minimum is that they would need to do it but first i gotta shill for a second and ghostfire gaming has a new product on the shelves aurora is a new d5 ebook containing tons of new materials for your campaigns gritty ways to run survival sessions and extreme wilderness challenges the entire realm of aurora to explore if you're looking for a setting to base your game in filled with special creatures and character features and my personal favorite part is the new way you can use advantage in your games the 2d20 system is already amazing but new benefits will be available for players to make use of if any of that interests you check out the link down below and with that said let's get right back to the video using the wish spell yeah what do you want from me it's literally a wish it can do everything sure odds are your dm would sooner hide your corpse in the woods before letting you cheese their final boss but it's still possible so on the list it goes solution one complete and this video isn't technically clickbait anymore now we can move on to the more interesting methods you'd think it's obvious but by abusing a few overpowered magical items we can basically become invincible considering that we're fighting the new much deadlier tiamat stop block you'll need a way to protect yourself from nearly every damage type in the game a scroll of mind blank can be used to stop your brain from melting as she throws your poor soul through the nine hells and the appropriately named armor of invulnerability and mask of the dragon queen can make us immune to all the rest of tiamat's damage the armor lets us flick a switch on the back to get physical immunities while the mask can have its poorly worded description abused to give us immunity against all of her breath attacks there's only one downside our achilles heel if it were your armors and vulnerability only last for 10 minutes and afterwards she can just crush you with her thumb so we've accidentally created a super cool time sensitive battle can your level 1 character even deal enough damage at this point to defeat her before 10 minutes pass i mean she has 1074 hit points including the special ability that gives her dark souls boss fight a second even deadlier phase so whatever tool of destruction we choose needs to at least deal 11 damage every turn any less and she's surviving to capsize you with a single attack why is there a bag in this cage you mean larry yeah he was eating all my research notes so i had to lock him up why do you have a bag of devouring in the first place well if you can get close enough to tiamat and open the bag up on her scales there's 50 chance it'll consume her and another 25 chance it'll immediately destroy her if not she pops back out of the bag and you can try it again rinse and repeat until she dies you have 10 minutes and with odds this good it's only a matter of time if tms flying around then you have loads of options to get to her earthbind spell scrolls after a few casts can eventually pull her down to the ground and the second she falls you strike now eating tim out with a bag is fun and all but there's another way to obliterate her that's way cooler [Music] ah i see you found henry the turresque this world-ending monstrosity lives inside of a piece of paper until you read the words to let it out afterwards you can just sit back and watch the bootleg version of godzilla vs king kong at a comfortable mile away here's the thing though the aspect of tiamat's stat block may say it's a challenge rating 30 which basically means on average you need four level 30 characters to beat her or summon one tarasque but in reality she's more like a challenge rating 60 with her second form included no big deal all we need is a second to rest after the first one spawns in summon the other one remind though that if she gets out of reach for too long your monster children will violently tear each other to shreds now both of those methods are great for purely cheesing the boss fight but what if you wanted to go one on one weapons to claws against her well i'm proud to say that after an unhealthy amount of number crunching and item researching i found a way to do it some might say that because we have access to hundreds of magical items finding something overpowered to obliterate her with would be easy but you'd only be half right sure if we had longer than 10 minutes anything would be viable but you'd be surprised how insignificant our damage output is even with godly magic on our side compared to what's expected for this boss fight we're missing d d levels worth of experience trying to make up for that loss with other non-instant cheese magical items was a bit tricky but i think i managed on the shopping list for today's build we'll need a hex blade warlock for their hexes and curses a dragon slayer greatsword for dicing through her thick scales some oil of sharpness to make that draconic armor cut like melted butter a bottle of magic glue connecting your gauntlet to your sword just so she can't knock it out of your hands and the point by character sheet optimized for strength which can give us a plus 4 modifier at level 1 if we dip into custom lineages and a strength increasing feat i'm sure i almost lost half of you trying to explain all of that but trust me when i say that's all we need with all of these powers combined on average your damage will usually be enough to defeat tiemat all on your own all while having absolutely no class experience realizing tmat would probably just ignore you completely and fly away casting force cage with a scroll could just immediately shut her down no saving throw just large enough to fit her massive lizard body and no escape make sure you also trap yourself inside though otherwise you'll have to wait an hour for the spell to end you know you could have killed six tmats by now the big question here though is if slaying her in this way makes the encounter such a one-sided fight do you still get experience we didn't do much besides auto attack tm at a few dozen times considering we knew the odds and were never in any real danger you could compare this fight to the last time we tried farming d d cats for infinite xp they're easy to defeat aren't dangerous at all and provide xp this is basically that but with a dragon goddess if the scope of our xp farming is this large and we're no longer comparing this to a normal campaign how should this be ruled i guess the main difference here is the nuance in where the xp is coming from on one side you could assume that on average the experience gained has nothing to do with the actual plot of the campaign while on the other side fighting tiamat is on average a pretty big deal so being involved in defeating curve by any means should give a hefty reward so by looking at things that way if you're the sole reason for her demise you'll grab yourself 310 000 experience enough to level up 18 times in a row from rookie adventurer to godly hero in less than 10 minutes two things are for sure whoever owns the most magical items in your dmd campaign controls all the best sources of gaining experience and experience as a mechanic is incredibly concerning and the more i push the boundaries of this game the more i realize why barely anyone uses it anymore milestones are just so much nicer if you have any ideas for other challenge videos leave them down below these videos also take a while to make so if d interests you would hope you subscribe so more stuff like this can pop up on your homepage shout outs to pac tactics a youtuber who can talk about dnd optimizations for hours on end while keeping it interesting and d d shorts for making really condensed challenge videos like mine for the content hungry children of tick tock these two have fallen down the d d big brain rabbit hole and i definitely recommend them to anyone who likes watching stuff like that thanks for watching and i'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Blaine Simple
Views: 273,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NLkRUguQaYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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