Slavoj Žižek: "On Your Marx": The Fate of the Commons: A Trotskyite View
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Channel: Deutsches Haus
Views: 115,221
Rating: 4.8420744 out of 5
Keywords: Slavoj Žižek, Karl Marx, Communism, Philosophy, Jacques Lacan, Hegelian, Lacanian, Deutsches Haus, NYU, Skirball Center
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 48sec (6468 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
From the Marxist standpoint, "Communism" refers to the multiple versions of our commons (the commons of nature of our bio-generic inheritance, the commons of our intellectual substance) which are all threatened by today's global capitalism. Perhaps the most important version of our commons is the world-wide digital grid which more and more controls and/or regulates our lives. How can a new emancipatory movement fight for the public control of the digital commons? In preparing and executing the October Revolution, Trotsky showed us the way when he focused on the seizure of power over the technical and material base of a state (electricity, railways, phone, ect. ect.). How can we apply this Trotskyist insight to our contemporary predicament?
He loves that shirt, holy shit