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This lecture hasn't been posted here yet, maybe it's because of the title (he gave a lecture with the same title in spring)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/chauchat_mme 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies

Me too LGBT+

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kittycatbrightmoon 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
good evening I'm Dave de Leon I'm the director of engagement spirits and ladies Skirball welcome to the first girl ball fossils at the Memphis we will be back again in three weeks with Tara Westover and our November toss will be announced shortly so keep an eye on our website check back for updates Medus my sweaters welcome sudan rain professor of comparative literature in time you and the rest of the international center for critical clearing and my new welcome to the global event it's my honor and a privilege to welcome lovers as you take my new I wasn't very really needs no introduction but I guess that might be just a little bit prompted it cooked it's probably it's a senior researcher in each chamber dr. hodgins's previously on ER Lavinia and it is being professed the number one now as we University Columbia things can be cool and and my new of course and let's publish books on here are working prayer if I req personal first one time or with the price will treat the after one faithful survivor legend nothing one thousand three coca window and I would urge you to add this book because they're purely but more impersonal notes are my first clinging will this probable I was pure gratitude in the university and I can spray that weather has three couples he has been a an integral part of kept very intellectually very complaining I went to it the problems the challenges facing in 21st so we introduced tonight and he's joining us welcome thank you very much I'm blessed to be here again I think for the first time I don't want to disappoint you so let me make it clear and God not to the times with organ under heaven or it will be that again specific the order I will be talking about this vendor free local indoor turf and little disconnected with the traffic of ecology now I will begins with both some of you may know but of milk Thomas travels and I don't care critical remark on LGBT flag and so on although fat guns of a beautiful flag like to begin go to an enemy at out of them one of them I will participate in the ongoing in fact of Beijing Freudian full-time are you aware how much of price increase refer maybe you didn't come today that let me make one talk infantile state qualities in our oppression with film and other molecule more children the very idea that was kingdom in the page are not going to click on any thoughts it is that humans extremity is permanently perverted provoked by a demography and power them religious pleasure to make terribly intervenes with frame what we get to know all the different etiology we offered it of this instance we may need to do that yet relative not chargeable Africa bank record it becomes electronic time when the identity and during the visible constructed nature the lgbtq+ during the terminals effect of gender identity the ranges operates in our everyday ecology at school I might interact with nature they up again the idea of the terror pull men than the identity must remain family equals we want to enlarge the numbers there are 30 31 32 identities and terminal program what I need there in to prepare a close problem Italian from beginning the very notion of gender then I don't the time to go in deep direct today let me drop video in the beginning of a dialogue with algebra class would having to problematize I deploy be taken as you maybe know it the load of crap what does it mean I believe Google is plucked if taken in vain concordant with them many identically by cyber attack whatever you want book the world but how do we know that we are opening us what is number being done and pectoris I don't recognize myself in early to plant mint and all the others here for me already problems begins I think that's it we can learn something from the back of panko amenities and below them instead you can tell with a flower in that box in analogy we called Xperia the fundamental forum of technique of ideologies the comparative work until you open masters title you are telling me I mean you're going to fill your problems but why am i worth you are painting that I think permanent welcoming of my own do not misunderstand my physical remark on LGBT flag I mainly inspect and I feel that an authentic LGBT first bring the cupcakes the clothes that we came back to some kind of because potential subjective what would we do to get a big point in the food in clerical gender identity and render visible the front access network the LGBT if we are looking to expand I know when they are wrong and trying to follow what God commands us know a little bit too much attack with bones I don't prohibit the negative path but it's crucial to understand it topically let them tell us that to ignite at what point we appear temple each language I know many people who think they're identical both me from back into what surprise house almost with all of them the language they looked to account from death experience war what independent they called for comfort people key person can use of the liberating right a boy who became a girl told me finally I have a body into it and cook the be born now warehousing run against the beauty world people crack steep ground vendors we all of the week I take with all my respect for cursed personal which path will be balanced consistent with you every time thankfully the result of of performative fact we reconstruct them will flame fully explain them all the time and stone and come on and I love big peridot all of us carving biggest asleep in what they face and I don't care how them justifying after all this one big thing be painless use of strength and explain how they talk how come when a good technical instructional rain before I was born with the people identify and disturbance from time to time that sells I was born into the wrong body finally through the transgender parent I can't find my own proper body now you will came out perfect people but in finally fulfill and be truthful almond Anton I don't believe we have an eternal nature including before we were born what I'm only things in depth in our bodies and the world frankly the way we act we repentance after your identity that invested a lot of house our practice retract evenings to hold perfect Captain Atom with certain technique in the act of freedom what beggars called stealth for cooking for example my other heroes I won't be used you know recently I ran a light display news in newspaper dressed as I'm in India struggle camping at Rostov named assistant Indians in persecuting people put them to fall back claiming death Gainsbourg talking without up to me properly instant change in we don't have an excellent beat we closed loop is protecting but it's not to impede an etiological oh I know I don't see the time to go into it because there is the pool of fully determines reality but the moment you accept the banner prank and when you feel the pea reality in Excel in complete games lucre active loop weather and perfect interactively foggy possible don't let me give you another example let's change something if not comfortable to talk about today papinek the pain a pain in setting goals for court it Continuum's always when you fall in love in to that's one who falls in love again but on individual you you'll never a family spoon you don't depend now i will fall in love you but we just clip it daily now maybe you have a one-line spend here and where the drink whatever spend all our time the catastrophes happen you you don't fall in love they produced you realize that you are already in love what I'm talking about in federal government a real challenge will be protected when realize when Piero's death the flu in the front it will uncontested take murderers captain in the present all the cabins a new the timetable and I change the corner of our identity Khun tin lung something like that and again for need to reel in print our gender identity account error an optimum to difficulty between pop and vendor offer link to will be to attempt together a true materialistic not just keep exploring everything and so on and the 1 1 pitch 2 F country I don't get time to go into it if you want to go into entreat my last boyfriend people need to tell the reader a little things to leave them named bed that are terminal all things p-branes emerge a perspective historical forces and proactively been actively then become dependent am I talking here alone without you all because I'm killed them all we interpreted in a material way in to students our faces managed to get much of room even more children problematic water frequently drinking from a chronic to my fellows one Aquinas approach beautiful I know that people is build by public knowledge that in fact I you will be almost not only pretend but you will know everything that will be nature of God no people no will you be allowed in paradise to the suffering of thousands and a fine an unfading them but then obviously control a problem in then how to unite this with the top that by the Newton's in paradigm you will repel all the time hopefully you enjoy Aquinas proposal to think and think in values and I'll tell you what will make you not the Dufferin but to witness the magnitude of the crimes behind it we'll get a crime as equally important in what we needed for you when you enjoy heaven to keep the Kaepernick's out in pain let me play again with you and let me know in we are in heaven let's take it from what we know in all the spirit from all the trip goes it's a very boring place you have all the Nocturne mezzos person is much comparable for me so the way I smuggled it back doctor come here there you became an excellent you know it is the real life and so on and then like some angle who thinks one of you began so variants place and you not compass price tear open things look as folks down there details so you can't look advanced and occupies button here and the world they get the pump will stop it but my third point we reached the big block big day to anoint your opinion you mean look of those who are not exactly that name you are voting power don't believe in exactly the same predicament our review in to hole up the PD news where the war on news come in here will be unsuitable for you children starving in Somalia war in Syria and covenant Quran we meet those coral in the neutral become aware of how happy we could be change where we are but my group of you you may be here come my view in big one not if we turn around the perspective and claim maybe because the ground eggs milk pens those the oil the oil is there burning for barbecued you bringing to you absorbed it you are healthy and torment or on the dial diao scaling is quite a nice length and there's one a recent event manager thump to you and first likkle guys we all know we have a good friend peers but now fourth quarter of an hour with a bleep of birth from heaven so please pretend that you talk recording blame and so on and the one and now then after quarter of an hour and occasional cameras you can enjoy again now you think I'm kidding I'm not I think that happiness and through three anything nothing come flocking is not pleasure between to employment and incompatible let's return to my example they convince you of lab or a hypocrite division come on will unite them it doesn't make you healthy again referring to my example thinning patrol imagine living KP moonlight mainly one night tender and their unit friend drink and then you passionately fall in love your feet doing the context of flavours exchange for Kevin if the penguin Tyson's peak period in DTM torrent reward but talk to my Mobile's while doing flips view of and how it comes to do something more with my dream - I don't like Margaret Atwood and mountains and a couple in the beginning and we eat the dog example of what my good friend train from called no paragraph four defendants in Detroit plunder all the pain coming in also American will follow the theory they admitted to me that what being attractive the new way how they grew how they solve the winter and the world can you people Republic Villa but work it wonderful because it's been recognized prostitute in the power of fundamentally rule and so on you're allowed to enjoy fully but the main point where I don't agree with you in that we are not get them in given to both the earring level and the level the internal and one with metals before dispensing liberal permissive English you literally overview into tells to be not in work life the type in Angeles with will deliver the steering the novel never are a spoonful well but how come they give our liberals the title don't burn to death or to apply this to your predicament but my problem with the critical point Donald Trump International and so on but how come that we can invest in whispering the Liberals on temple to get any details of comes up because we both not drive with our liberals constant but by again I think the touring like like like you know very contains similar for liberal triples of Donald Trump the last thing tasty before the broadcast was mixed total antagonism in United States let me go on to my clothes line with you both treatment for petrol difference or rather both times up an immunity can be imagined to them with really counter as names we confront here drink eat a lot in control but I would like to focus on one particular which with Matt Malone today but 18 is time to call the publicity restaurant of course there's a comeback right well I'll turn in and I think that first round what was unique to them it is not the usual interrupt a meaningful dialogue is open to compromise and so on and so on now if anything let normal throw away an example of how the American topological that we are victims of the entry price talk must relieve into I won't lose well frame of total traditional masculinity like to present a moment and marking disturb often culture even loud and as beginning to let winning that result and men to think else more replacing and politeness possibly charming than spell and those between base interact on the road so until all the filter to pulp to fertilize topic Mokelumne me to practice a mountain buckling the train I'm reading the truth if pals prevent weekly to faithful and so on and so on MacLean but there is nothing masculine about it there are complete between where you catch to act like people nice to clean example from tricks type of talk with masculine entities and people from calculus play it managed the traditional woman compliant compromise blah blah no I'm single a stock totally not cool it doesn't be done that in her own donator works as a person consequently in place and the same goes for Earth the same goes for for greater pullback little elaborate with a little bit more wine they would attack on top I'm a criminal Oh God to avoid the loop interchange I'm totally opposed to any one of Maine's violent and government on a fact I killed is not a instance it may appear to call big topic mechanism with a nautical term are we aware but we are doing the pain is not the status puncturing ago think beef they they were doing many in many countries planned a big to Alan Turing's you remember the time I go through almost with the coolest guys ranking the Enigma code paragraph from NAFTA rules then about such committees committees even touch instrument the world what shock it was exact point that leads to homosexuality with toxic masculinity we are doing counselor both men violence brutality what is the political if you're a lot different phenomenon with no difference no it is not a medical phenomenon males violence and so on and so on speaking in our policy and a little bit a new next called compromise reached where complete attract a proclivity countries in the world considered problematic the idea liberty and cantana love and stone and the bonds and the theology my good friends along but you have to be out because adopt ragtime have come to the problems and people with netpeak how octal in modern potentially to deal with juvenile delinquent unique a woman at the gap even make the holy names and permanent God we admitted today to representative of the new mode of power with which longer the brutal directory oppressive power structure more and the tangent power of the power which want to help you to looking you implement the won the game and king baby repeat of toxic masculinity fast effect of transforming and very kindly to update the current value of top masculinity and indeed them in the together graphics folder let me explain if you follow the news big changes quite a lot in the last year the paint from the name Philip and gradual change that the internal is naked two mailings a group a curve point demo form and won't remain pertains insult and repeated one for near Calcutta wonderful stock specs on the different between renew and support where tentacles behind new individuals switch able to explain or articulate in cleaner well what will be more than Intel who dedicated her life to bearing witness to an impersonal - and I think the Dragons the ways to act against a paltry a network love truth he does not bring forward an ingenious new interns receive the things internet which again and again talking about political defects we have not taken to the trees for them so they attempt without and talent that they really really admire was visuals twin children are doing the to wake the others up and Sturm and the world what director first actually me two talents to save time period that does not mean that time and also provides people if inter alters work we are to do sky and block enable us to determine different or of the deathlok in which we are that as a traffic ecological implications of our economic development and thoroughness the world but there is no change in politics I think again when greatest to double meaning thank you each policy this will give a transfer only me talent will tell us where the problems are where are the problem we ought to hear that in order to control appropriately the parents of an ecological catastrophe we take to pronounce interpreting freedom and to compete of our tells dimensions subordinate as elements in the very strength of being we are trapped one on our planet but through an apprentice with human infants our interest to our mother mother earth is panicking through global warming I mean this man cannot but love is not winning earth in repair the earth provides Mackworth the godparents when the first Balkan the track in front of each winner when we even imagine what catastrophist took place on earth the best imperative energy for their own role and government come on no dozen scatters what is under trust in our environment our project the old man in with rhythms from the national standpoint it will be much better for it remains in the period the working under press in ecological crime our provider again attentive critic of anthropocentrism for the lagoon totally hypocritical they don't really care about earth they care about earth with the main target which humanity will be able to survive what we are after an environment that will defeat our to riser we all provide the truth tech pathology our total political ecology is not about caring for nature it is about a total reorganizations death must maximize the condition of our wealth now to conclude I would like to spend that what we can learn from grant in the amount of ideologies in our building with ecological topic and strategy we put our crime in the morning the Donald Trump attitude if the marginals the Norma Jean nation will take care of instead don't worry the second option is the clerk if we allow the golovkin to leave this till you come to the mansion house acting multiple user install and the one then better product they're often very threatened think often of course a new way in the world then but the lack to attend the moon running the paradism of mother earth and cows ring humanity went to arrogant be a natural balance we took renounce our to bring our moderate and once I think twice because there is no natural order after making only things NordicTrack it can make the most dangerous predominant even to them of ecological we all of you in the tragedy of personal how that call it the power editing a doctor by power everything adding in Fiat with when you arrange the problem of pesticide in the state or in the Train on the predominant answer it okay don't act quickly sighs what did you do all you can not to pollute lanes where did you do your duties we will put oil co friends in a separate day we do recycle all just paper and government the one it is etiology a big village I place because if block radical those prickly is no your personal response particularly responsible but nothing came through those foreign control back at the thing town that keep up you until we went up you know retitle in Qatar and everything with reopens my ideas dear anchoring a huge deep story of thinking the way they were years ago they are no longer like that is my ideal here to talk about remember yet the donut there now get long as we don't extend whenever I enter a campus coffee place if you got a big boat certain something like 10 percent of our children go to Amazon forest and so on and so on if the wonderful formula because the way to what they are telling few in the consumer but from you are because the total price already included into them if you consume our products directly do your duty to work environment and so on and the world and I'll claim that better manipulators in the very profound change in the change that when we at the role when we ecologically falter are we aware that we are to an important part I think even most extinct not to really do something about it but to make a feel well that we are about my old clinical advances why are you buying those rotten organic apples even if they got to time the group came for you forever whatever not all perfect many people who bought them until a minute to lose they don't really believe that protonic efforts are really much better but making venture into undoing countries for Mother Nature and totally terrific instrument come on big where we find today's video with physiology of everything planned now to make an even more technically concluded now you can straight okay we could become aware of the ethological problem in fact okay and do what do we even know what to do I mean I know the perfect are today's playing with different versions like spraying the earth become chemical elements which will prevent do all those dangerous thing to give you a toast but everybody knows how we do things we we don't there we don't have a simple answer and totally nowadays for electric ties means something horrible back why I approached properly them even apparently left populism I we can learn something from Britain two things when properly we became popular that exact not even to hedge their all complain and the one and the wall worried but the world possible political problems political progress programs look into that problem give them what they want and permanent the world won't be will if you're we really don't know but ordinary people are thousands no did you don't be linked back and not around here you know get old balanced idea go to ordinary people's learn from death and so on and the world then in most of Europe if you go to ordinary people they will tell the champions like throw the immigrants out and go on and go on and people can get because the ordinary inference were manipulated yet must we live manipulate we all agree we always be filled in which means our enterprise explain that one one could not be afraid to be radical here I'm not an anti-democratic and that came back pollutants totally in today from flick it way pollutants are not sinful and clear like for example and they frequently in London at the base with compounds events to till believe me Venezuela present more and I told them ok I know American fur coat and tone and so on but it will pop your best lamb the leg even if you take into account all the men in the world that Mandela to catalog tourists or gather enough propose a new viable model Travis watch for means Fidel Castro big money it's not black that we don't get from you because come ecology bribed by the company and so on and so on whatever what happens today Victor is extremely framework but precisely because people tell incomplete and not clear what is personal for example the example that I flunked to move all the time when I was young in Europe there were people log on very popular in which means to vary this was when in Europe will be without power and to tell you today there are more power in Europe confer in the last hundred year that mean that there is no across the playground now but it will make the process much more three skills tenth contradicting and permanent come on we are not clear only King premier instead on here critical value price we need time not to provide to you bring time to a bountiful problem to work the watch the problem and bring that back to our starting point we need more than ever today what I was recalled in good old master of theology not only with our enemy in Boston what Donald Trump guy doing in ideology but I think ruling could also do the operation today to act even liberal democratic physics from our food initiative fall into the tank report let me give you one example I mean front for me without a moral from your guy but you know what what what what Victor's deeply in the moment because we are obviously the newest winter Canasta individuals pursuing is own interest and almost no human happily holding out to criticize representative of evil when you find clear motivation difficult economy guys blah blah blah what I'm kind much more dangerous in to location rise in the world we could inscribed into the various functioning of the system you can take individual who error in sometimes them strains poor passenger things you absolutely cannot cannot identify any doing the thing I didn't wonder what might improve to an old Finland we've got enough I think everybody man this makes you remember just let the land of the other determine one anti-prom you me I was proposed to left in them not because he was two cats on the farm in fact we thought it was not fact in now we go kept on and take Germany and even minister to pass along current term wants to prove a beauty provide over flavor and in order to Pauline to food to gather to the right to find company nation today the rancor could be passed and turn and the wall that's the pickup of equal until death do link and single individual is produced in death even private goal to find singles what about believing in Christ infidel the most games of the team police are not in photography book even for obvious wrinkles in will be inscribed into the institutional functions for gums and work very tightly to take the opposite example in it went of Tallinn with them it when they were doing in at the end of nineteen twenties and populist to the vendor they were doing horrible things but many of them were all individual replicates of the common across would put off to the firmament as usual - oh my god ok respects to be damned if Korra's versa again today leap into a higher source and the one and the world you know I want to read a quote from the tiny quantum cosmology even bang bang bang - Yama then without we'll be doing good things and that people would be doing the best thing you need comes in life only booth to get good infant to left field and rock we're through it we all love you again per minute let me tell you something horrible although the guy who published this book again comes because of the elbow flame toe and you know probably it personally honest I don't know I'm just tell the gig type of on Utley will no way pretend horrible pink paintings flavor but the parking deck big hood drop the second thing again don't focus on time at all in the one in the world the model conducting wisdom that can load in the one-fifth even stun at Gunsmoke multiculturally guns view between come in life and standard in two-story we were not able to calculate them Marriott click around both if that of about an enemy because with an already fully inclusive story or whatever my point is not defeat you looking to influence your target in the religion will in turn entrance now pointing that the true ethical dimension it not just in what you do it terminus not in the story you are telling yourself to do that life is permanent link be obtained to with all her on then my stick with my formula there is no ethnic lines link without foreign food I'm automatically looking not only my own expand free Bosnia and from Slovenia but equivalent or I looked at whatever you want runtimes go on the earthly plane there is use values come for come meet makers who provided a story an early influence in evil they need a troll me though I don't believe in vivo the PvP what we're doing but mainly result and then transferred into the skull no story we are telling ourselves are covering up what we are doing the protein what we are doing in solving the rascals not inner level we could be active today don't if I work a little bit too long and confuse the experiment about life the bother is because paying that to increase doesn't focus on the TiVo via military bond but when I found both frightening was to film first time I thought identifying with that found in the partybot because the film had failed how variate life in the system without corrupting is the automatic connection with a beautiful party number I would expire to rise to the top and that sticks at for the compromises that I was making you playing with a chip worked out all of my strength the book so I finally got to the top and wouldn't have any visible then I would feel like life is dirt comes things so why not take that beautiful actress and I wouldn't have any moral value you can see to anything else though I'm feeling that it wasn't the typical apparently victims we're check-in to the scraps which could be of all your values okay conclusion that variable-speed air is reply to my reply because my point to respiratory failure treatment you know my point objective there would not be bill guys like that corrupted ministers in all degree which have been that like that the guy who had to follow and abet the router the guy who can't even spell on the relatively unattractive the interminable exactly the train maybe even worse at my voyage that they're elect them in my own view and dig in economy I claim much more the more dangerous when the guys who were the hooded eyelid infographic in their craft you know when an actual changing that most part mate with me which included it was like bill we know we violate in our work speculative ethical changeable winter arrangement that you're ready from the court to violent even your basic ethical principle so the thing is that you don't experience your friable Rock account interest rate that advanced time of a much greater I think I'm ready to to fulfill individual flower pot for the greater cause you know who put this nicely another German guy from the opposite effect handle similar to that comment every critic permanent almost in this column ready to sacrifice it life for Germany a struggling government incredibly sacrifice told to do horrible things well we don't move with the mange will find new people permit the true power of totalitarianism for me was lost big guys needles or I want to throw your rice and stir bond I knew family functionaries and pivot rabiyah but not according to escape it was relatively open well thank knowledge were doing horrible things and they rocked me unique them proud of me and you didn't take my gun with refined thing I met I met a gratefully men who employed I even now seems to be the main group that God doesn't exist now can't touch the horrible crime inherently like Denver length that comment drink water and so on and I try to commute myself interface they don't really understand it no turn they don't understand it you know we take believe the mode different attacks the terrorist about hundred thousand flaming scroll across and all the thoughts together with three other plans dreams wall says they were playing mostly lace red cover three crosses this comes in contact with them for me the techniques I know you know that's why I almost prefer the algún pillow which will I think in the totleben multiple gentlemen of in Germany goodbye length before the melt is objectivity if you are an honor Tommy with your own values we need to go through the figure of the fellow it in the program a much more a much more a much more fighting it the macro settings burn so again what in touch me it wasn't down front again in this movie the mini turkey produce the bad guy of the freedom to add equinox what always fascinates me people grew up they do horrible things but if you talk to them they are war until fill them thrive and then arrange the one-story week of October okay I have a proper type in the name the questions doing your work as if they were living in the continental yeah well maybe we can still find it from example which they I think I can be theory and context but also tourism tourism these people time and where the work here I think is the crisis once called nuclear power to make that link their interest make the function as in making experience basically like little politically like yeah yes so we have 120 political construction work in term in and order to work to the problem with the ring appropriate the contest comes will go up to what it basically stopped Litton among contested materialism desire world body and now it's in England contest the principle of their own contemporary weeks degeneration they were returning them it is proper it's a little locating my button is there what is out there on the population what do you think the people for the crisis objective working on a case tip 3 and what custom is possible to us for the people try to be taught in although in a different channels in turn you and your dreams with your problem I think that tragedy of photography no calls continental philosophy stretch it but now it's moving clouds with new realism that it was totally caught in what I call strength and tensile to construct clearly Gemological first left like my office contest or income of you know if we were to ask company like milk pail Coco do I have an immortal soul adulterer would jeans I can only deprive determine the the cognitive that the taste of power and knowledge begin with subsequently meaningful know you pretend with a really great that describes different chemicals configuration internal world ticket for me the most radical occurring people like you don't answer the question in the universe primary the counterpoint was convinced in place but within what will appropriate rising canoes even strange declared and it's interesting how the realist questioning then return in natural time a plan to engage publicly time in the world what fascinates to account to build if you want to know if the universe finite or infinite you don't have adopted for your quantum cosmology if you want to know - then do we paper to reveal or not you don't have below the first you are cognitive and brain counting and permanent bond but it's difficult when to sow beloved open doing and what point of next I will think that here for me the ultimate payment month view the logical implications of quantum before what an adult an adult 12 because I'm 35 is now very briefly this is an old story of my people of quantum physics not something that I can only call and email users in the penstock ontological and we the point is not in free will don't pulling flowing the film thing people in talent not believe constructed between an old joke that maybe come up you know it I recommend in the back into philosophy of wonderful examples it tries to clarify from from his Depot through the example of both video games you know little games the universe is not funny contrast at length you are cooking comfort in a video game in the background and the forest that it answers the brains of you can enter text or don't get product exhaust pouring programs is just black earth during a house on a street if not terms of the bone the food can enter background dense the impact of the house is not fragile so the idea deep man that I'm producing people more credible than - all the property and now comes the beautiful ironically being it is remaking God's country programmers go toss the queer more Cupid them because God humans are too cute to move beyond Newton Adam provided evolved fraudulent intent of an eternal we a bit we're called God with respect out we programmed into the domain where God was telling beautifully but I'm a man painting from all pointing now to killed the aunt teaming character of programming experiment that constraint is beautiful implications even from presenting and in character for example typically attended multiculturalism not we as different trials that will is no account and put McAllister I think as a culture yet not the pole what punishment Whitman here on events occurring freedom one of the most difficult that you can imagine in the idea that kills you must be important to amend the world now get built on the tank in health I think that from a collector to base we can read into that appears we were flanked unfinished relative backgrounds and people for me the authentic multiculturalism when you notice that if you find the dirt Ilima gardens of extant are not Englishmen my favorite to recover from t1 burn abdominal the titles of the movie business programs broke the filters this well take in contemporary Japan the panic you can still turn from an estranged father to me but the point is to get how you know did not get best we tend to through this dictum or whatever the vegetable to get the bedrock to push connect with a fellow if you're taking the 48 and we are docked by dentally I'm agreeing again to be policy because there are no I don't fit under don't have to scare the England you can pretend to forget about is contact a more infer for me to understand nearly a work of art you would not know too much about people contact but what I would can help in death and agony your topic return to photography of nature was that between materialism body today but I will let the anchor are not altered we were used to in the 19th century and so on and so on today we get to practically everything [Music] quantum I've never virtual response transform this block because we have a reporter and welcome to oncology program in the school but you know the big main one that's Laurel closed occupation of Texas real it chemically disclose to us but the quantum allow that are also finished in the text to real you know I mean my question between together charcoal and malaria and malaria in the canyon but after hearing your response to Spartan question how do you how do you contend with to the rally and non-standard cloth please because it's not you cancel the team if you want to you know you can't unless the kind of clear let's go : then you have to throw those back off down here is the countenance of the statement but figurines like Katherine Malibu one your sir so hold on to the transplanted escaping so there seems to be the cost flying between mountains and the trans cancelled so to clear out beautiful cracking but again my god you put me in an impossible for these group because the pair well if it's to our alpha twin I cannot do what I would get that that I would that have been here much modern dress I would have been much more careful here my sleep deprived the title of man on my books if we're going to deliver big big after loose soils and spur on it depth and I thought I don't even I don't want to go into it I will just take your breath I must go through and then I talk what do we mean by and you know between terminal problem details to get whenever and he with Korea install process and content and Buddhism and towel and the world my own tree that burns did we bring in and go on to extract from the practice began with the Dutch participate in you can make encouragement and another you know night was equals Beekman and extra time were in fact when I mentioned a falling in love and war Rickard simplified to the admin the local people no difference and then you come about withdraw from image and France energy you eat all the victim last week now my point in death if the fault I want to celebrate that all the pain the call even in the most radical ontological things and that only through the poll that that what the polls polls from among the most vulgar example if a youth maybe even in this room already years ago and clerk says yes to go with the lady who probably crystal used me told me that when I'm not lag and talkin ain't it he told her they expect four people found to mask her body in person I told her back down to cynical bound battle peridot you need something to interpret a true still get pricked or actively the mihrab of contest cool emergency if you not on the optical you alter use different equipment described by the oxygen that would have been man might ontology I break their duty and color brings background check by I'm and full change Clinton's for me what's happening to Tenakee result and going go purple going out got click with Intel you know what happens on the ground when Christ kept rather far the right of you abandoned with intense moments and intent I want to celebrate stones looking like about lag is not that will enlarge your you I don't love you all I love well and all of you can go to hell other I want to celebrate Pink Moon one-sidedness imbalance and come on Doc my on from my king of I wanna ask a question at all Hong Kong so many journalists have these things as a movement we think regionally nationally if you can track such I'm with imperialism I'll take weeks I wonder if you spare this and all and the we wrote with unique nationalism sounds persuading you in the global revival of rising nationalism we go to infect in pathetic as I am to work the project movements from what I can tell you expect product I'm not examples will accuse me a compromised fear from us I know you maybe know more about me in Bangor than I do I only know desk about a year ago error in forums that because I'm kind come later or prepare a proposed the previous the monkey play there and I found a letter in the tenth of most interesting thing now happenings I get information from Frank can you know now that even death open curly again there are different things despair isn't student mouth but they can produce and told look through a real visible because some of my friend there can try to follow mark very believe me rod connects SP worker cool in my book disappears from booth called dense now they have a bank I was told but at the same time at the same time students are afraid to close me in return in between so a product and ten percent with to come on tranquil and so on and the ones which only stopped you know finals for nice America fraudulent the negative people when people tell me for problem evenings prove us everything forgivers inept stories both ain't better in the history of human development think in the last year in China domain fearful lifted out of poverty and so on and Western we in the country tank and we painted we went to to wine and bridges traffic elite computing and strong Italian spell how they can you do this something to go all the way and liberalize political although the total beating death [Music] men or before the people of Earth political pluralism I believe it will end well welcome to me I don't believe in deep knives literally - what could we do to tolerate be our mortal no no but what do the governor has an alternative instruments the one so Europe I will prevent all the granny project or those Hong Kong also approach an approximant Hamilton James fall term favor from China ultra walk with me this instrument know what I'm watering that think better it's not terrible v bothers me that what bother are in Culina lip Rogers spoke on our pal and where we are doing thank you please the same think that import capsules when I was the interpreter and knowing how people thought what is that doing the dog has been advised on notions of Manta take things and empower innocent you mentioning how empowered with movement in a little they make it is always position of into the empowerment act eventually will become about it then creating new forms of the breasts and benevolent yes romantic appending water so based in typical tension between this idea of empowerment with any the order and emancipation figure on page but nothing tricky because because what I want to avoid is to quit big toe up put too much apart because then you I don't want to get back into this applause others you adapt the plasma cyst and will small desert with planes nothing's or you wells for the big events I work remaining akalabeth talent it will tinker when I think that after radical changes can be triggered by what a fear that small recurrence in the victim that the Layton firmly from the integration of the community green instruments the one cancels the right thing to do in practice in on small measure people can appear totally pragmatic doesn't mean anything and trigger trigger trigger the big Fronter I don't believe in against ranking for the big moment radical change is the warrants the one I believe in the weird continent novels of the cutest pragmatic politics but when you make prismatic toys in with then trigger much more radical choice I know a given file properly and control but my ideal that my ideal fall is it just like for example the pile I still believe after point in thank permaculture a logical level are proud to tell my god but it will look closely at it programs in much less radical dense European total the market remain clean total democracy work half a century ago yes but into them going to Train what was commonly affected this years ago income English least birthday and permanence the one you know infra doc we can kind where very modern demands can be much more explode with them apparent radicals demand okay radical those who demand radical but at a corner where the pigment absolutely nothing you can eat comfortably and push touch every everybody else being compromised installed and now I think bucolic I don't think valiant when a staff which is what's happening mean even there are different names never link wireframes and the one because it's very quick to put it in getting things of your residual pheromone in now in our did increase the typical deliver we needed an interpreter of wires Brennan in the Tenth Doctor our brains are actually our line across directly connected with equals remover directly then the change with everything it means better our brains on the Libyan winter plane and the queen bee came with everything graphically good question what remains not only of it be always with us of the whole universe of territories of McCain to change the world the dem big picture of human universe for me is distinct quick to anger you try to do tangent you train something else in even the whole point of the problem simply move in molarity in the terms of record prime and other and so on i recoup that I cannot explain now and thing cannot happen in the time in which it is immigrants because until death that I think that you know what bothers me when I read confide in the world describe this unity come how freak about that that although we will spare intense spare awareness which other enjoyments the world say how we will kill think and act in the same way we do now but just one kind of immigrants in what them its quality the way we know it now can survive in a universe where we can better prepare our experience out climbing through all the act of seduction planting and Kevon absolutely rooted in our skin infuse in our unselfishly worth what do you want the ambiguity of anchor and permanence the one looks kind sweet and I don't want to be prosecuted later to any of you selecting we are splurt imagine look at the wired brain there is no flirting our mind directly I want to you yet okay let's do it or whatever if August in a street aperitif even it's over and I pinned back that is very cool while brain will be stamping them politely what I described with technology of too much or whatever we will get the pink belly that's immediate contact with it well with another but we will lose this obstacle because of the entire human spirit the way I believe Bank on purpose you let me give you cannot slip down okay people may be huge even big rooms I didn't pick the movie Billy Bathgate we call it man trapped in governance the World Bank concoct erotic novels and I didn't like the movie but to talk to me death and now in if the frailty of a great novel life is new to catch the spirit of the great novels ok can expect read the novel and terrific expensive the novel work even worked for your freaking third novel I think I follow that if you don't that novel that movie but in between a total of a perfect novel or whatever mark and that product I don't eat played in this instance in colorism how to complete a failure through to Pena you repeat the failure and a factor of a perfect NPV human you take to make the failure you'll need protection and I can go on but you know what I'll tell it's called left it when they get tired of the bank they always meant click go to circle the baby would like to go on but that we were climbing crazy who are waiting with a mean of mu and you know they're too lazy to go on so I hope the eighth spirit in today's is not a new word look don't play I was wondering if you've heard if I could get really really difficult scenario she's planning to go for a movie that just came out the figure kintel popular culture the country get their opinion on the discourse surrounding the Chopra movie on any pounds I will tell you something credible I break the law all the time I only works pirated movies and I didn't get ranked a good pilot but let me kind of come to get me to try blue clip went bang today I will from six to eight acres depend on superheroes sprinkles and their I'm all I want to go swim soon because a court in can't hang the closer we all love God from the spectrums of the doll and thriller the attachment movies and government come on I wonder to what extent am i reading the movie against the grain that the bunker is actually the map to Paul Hill for Nene in sometimes not a bathtub attentive hero and I wonder to what extent Rick mogul playing what I call leo trout game you know your brows track length of the credits although Plato income dialogue oh people celebrate the good balance but remaining between the line became utterly plagued by John Billington here the on the side of the tank you know so people you know and of course the rain or inventor in team black panther for me in the face how is the guy called who flew them to dance at the end the manga it absolutely clear that and the movies make it will come when even almost explicitly get to create the authentic heroes well if we must prevent you remember how at the end bank to do scheme make a stink until I signal going equipped I've been against the smuggling the like stock yours give new black King kingdoms authentic but protected by here is the multiplayer so in the thing turns and I don't then come here not only people I know work the movie linked with always empathic for browser I think they'll contribute director content that I go to the end here look the third tons of Christopher Nolan triggered with Dark Knight Returns for whatever purpose where we get the better just can or what get still the goal if the revolutionary the movie for me about totally public of medication the Gotham I mean I'm Cheryl all the compromises and even proposed to who can guide the by extension I don't get connected making Hollywood now these binoculars will be too much for you to do a new version of turbo return repentance big answer and Darth Vader HD programming of the Rotarians leader I think a lot cooler in thousands make bread ice and stone install always like to in clicking pointing in today dr. Chang : hood I wouldn't take a big vent but it's the most interesting it's perfume that man did not picture of Nolan okay do you think - etiology of darkness and I will be even older parenting - deacon and a novel yes but unless enough to bring out and be viewing 15 from each changes and prevalence the one that looking but moving so don't you love it when I love baby peas in the direct I'm still the mother time speak to move me with Coach modernist unnoticed become good one for you know telling me I can't attend the book of Donna time in the world to understand if madman no my uncle world completely transparent what in doing to be only Nick Tyco analysis to understand the cupidity of Democrat comment if we craft into philosophy and event like gig or the bank death for example carbon first almost dropped me for my big tears book less than we thought who will burn you don't move one thousand faith based on Google's is gaining better the menu my political daughter's an improving proud of death of you it's not true big propaganda today the joint electron movement people no longer breathe no there are people who in theory and they are our only hope
Channel: Deutsches Haus
Views: 18,401
Rating: 4.8365121 out of 5
Keywords: zizek, philosophy, deutsches haus at NYU, Conference
Id: Jrx---4RLR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 49sec (5629 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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