Slavoj Zizek "Thinking the Human"
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Channel: UWinnipeg
Views: 145,668
Rating: 4.8756857 out of 5
Keywords: University pf Winnipeg, CLASS, Centre for the Liberal Arts and Secular Society, Slavoj Žižek
Id: 38alQSKtVbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 49sec (6829 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Presentation on Hegel, Lacan and the wired brain given a day before the debate with Peterson. Zizek covers many topics including the Freudian insight on human sexuality, Elon Musk’s prospect of neural link, singularity, and the coming apocalypse. Christianity and Chesterton also make an appearance. Classic jokes including coffee without sweetener, Jews from Auschwitz sitting on a bench in Paradise, and 2-3 kilos-too-much are hit like clockwork. A moderated, Stalinist Q/A session ensues.
Very nice.